план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
в презентации использован национально-региональный компонент: затронута экологическая проблема нашей республики.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Конспект урока
Ι .The beginning of the lesson-начало урока
Teacher: Good morning, dear friends! I am glad to see you all here. How are you today?! Let's begin our lesson and first the phonetic drill:
II. Phonetic drill (пословица): The appetite comes with eating.)
T: 1) Boys and girls, read this famous proverb, listen and repeat after me. (Отрабатывается произношение).
T:3) Try to learn the proverb.Read loudly (дети хором читают пословицу, с каждым новым повторением учитель стирает по одному слову, пока пословица не исчезнет).
T: 2) now I want you to give me Russian equivalent of this proverb.-Аппетит приходит во время еды-How do you understand it? (Слова из упражнения 43 стр.135 на слайде)
T: 4) Have you learnt the proverb by heart? I would like you to say it yourself. (несколько учеников воспроизводят пословицу)
T: Thank you very much.
III. Introducing into the topic-Введение темы
Teacher: Today we are going to speak about FOOD. We'll have a lesson according to our topic and we shall speak about tasty, healthy and useful food.
Now I will read you a poem. But it is unusual. The beginning is in Russian and you finish it in English. Do you understand? (Стихи-договорки)
Вкуснотища – Very good! Пищу называют Food
Это вовсе не каприз, сыр мы называем Cheese
Мясо жарится, шкварчит, мясо по-английски Meat
Рыбу ловишь- не шумишь,
Рыба по- английски…. fish
Масло нужно всем ребятам.
Масло по-английски …butter.
Всегда ты сладкий ждешь сюрприз.
Конфетки по-английски - …sweets.
Молоко я пить привык
Молоко иначе - milk.
Ведро воды вы принесете?
Вода, водичка будет - … water.
Виноград мы съели весь,
Виноград иначе … grapes.
Слива тут и слива – там.
Слива по-английски – plum.
Арбуз предпочитаю сливам,
арбуз иначе – water-melon.
T: Thank you my dear friends. Well done!
Look at this funny ball.(мячик, который похож на арбуз) What does it look like? It looks like a water-melon. Now let's play a ballgame .I call words in English and you please catch a ball and translate them in to Russian.
(Проверка слов с помощью игры в мяч, учитель называет слово по-английски, а дети переводят на русский.
1) ice-cream-мороженое
2) butter-масло
3) cheese-сыр
4) salt-соль
5) pepper-перец
6) sausage-колбаса
7) onion-лук
8) egg-яйцо
9) bread-хлеб
10) omelette-омлет
Teacher: Fine, thanks!
Dear friends you have workbooks on your desks .Please open them and let's do the first task in writing. You should write the words correctly. Begin please. And don’t forget to write the date.
Carrot, apple, bread, milk, meat, juice |
Я:Let's do the second exercise. Please complete the sentences.
When I am hungry I want to…
When I am thirsty I want to…
People cannot live without…
There are a lot of … in vegetables and fruit.
Plants cannot live without …
English people drink tea with …
In summer everybody likes to eat …
… is the biggest meal of the day.
T: Dear pupils, you have learnt about English food from your text-book. You know that English people have sweet tooth. What is sweet tooth in Russian? Why do we call them so?
Pupil: English people like to eat sweets, candies, cakes and pies.
Teacher: You are absolutely right. The English also like to eat fish and chips, porridge.
But what do they like to drink best of all?
Pupils: English people like to drink tea. In the UK there is a tradition
to have 5 o`clock tea. It is the whole ceremony of tea drinking.
Teacher: But do you know my friends that Kalmyk people also have the ceremony of tea and prefer to drink it instead of other drinks. It is very useful. Let’s listen to the tape and then discus this text.
(Kalmyk tea-Калмыцкий чай) -аудирование
The Kalmyk have many customs and traditions. Kalmyk people are very hospitable. The most popular proverb in Kalmykia is "The best food for your guest, the best dress for yourself". The Kalmyk offer their guests tea with bortzoks. Milk tea with salt and butter is called Dzhomba in native language. Before drinking tea the Kalmyk say their best wishes to all people. They wish health, wealth and happiness. Dzhomba is very tasty drink.
В рабочей тетради написана калмыцкая пословица:
«The best food for your guest- the best dress for yourself»- «Самую лучшую пищу отдай гостю, а самую красивую одежду оставь себе»
Новые слова и выражения:
Native language-родной язык
Best wishes-благопожелания
Wealth –богатство
Teacher: We have just listened about our Kalmyk tea. Please complete the sentences correctly:
Kalmyk people are very …………… Hospitable
Milk tea with salt and butter is called…… Dzhomba
The Kalmyk say their best …… wishes.
Dzhomba is very tasty……… drink.
Я:Thank you friends! The Kalmyk are very hospitable. Our people like to sing and to dance. Now I see you are tired. Look at the screen. These are penguins, they will dance and you please join.
«The best food for your guest, the best dress for yourself»-«Самую лучшую пищу отдай гостю.а самую лучшую одежду оставь себе»
How can we explain this proverb? How do you understand?
Physical pause- Физминутка с калмыцкой музыкой
Take your sits please. Boys and girls, look at the blackboard, please. There is a tasty crossword on it. If you do it right, you'll know where you are going today. Please, take a pen and write down correct answers in your cards. Who wants to come here and fill in the gaps?
1. It's green and you have it in salad (cucumber).
2. Monkeys like this fruit (banana).
3. Apples, bananas, plums are ... (fruit).
4. It's a drink. In Russia people usually drink it hot, but in some countries people drink it cold (tea).
(Написав правильно слова по горизонтали, по вертикали появляется слово café).
Well, children. It's the place where we are going today.
(слайд с изображение летнего кафе).
We will visit a summer café.
Т: But before going to the cafe we must remember some words on the topic "Food". Imagine yourself that you are in the cafe and you can order something for eating and drinking. But at first we must repeat some phrases to be able to do it.
Фразы, которые мы сейчас повторим , используются в английском языке в повседневной речи, например в кафе, в магазинах, в тех общественных местах, где вы хотите что-либо приобрести и при этом сделать это вежливо.
Look at the blackboard:
Would like - [wud]
I would like. – Дайте, пожалуйста.(Я бы хотел..)
What would you like? – Что пожелаете?
Here you are. – Вот, пожалуйста (когда вам подают что-либо).
Фразы фонетически отрабатываются.
Т: Children, you have menus on your tables. They help you to do your orders.
В ходе работы с диалогом учитель обращает внимание на новые фразы.
Role – play (Ролевая игра)
Учитель, быстро надевая фартук, превращается в официантку.
T: And let's play. I am a waiter. You are friends. You want to order something to eat and to drink. Now discuss it in your groups and then I take your orders.
T (as a waiter) I am glad to meet you, dear friends. You can discuss what you want.
Среди детей идет обсуждение на англ.
Would like - [wud]
I would like. – Дайте, пожалуйста.(Я бы хотел..)
What would you like? – Что пожелаете?
Here you are. – Вот, пожалуйста (когда вам подают что-либо)
Учитель подходит к детям и с помощью фразы What would you like принимает заказы и отдает их учащимся.
Я: Oh, kids, your orders .
I hoped you liked our summer café.
Did notice that we had only healthy food in our café? Nowadays some people prefer to eat fast food. It is very unhealthy. People have many problems with their health: headache, toothache, stomachache. Let’s read the text about fast food.
This is the fast food restaurant. It isn’t like an ordinary restaurant. There aren’t any waiters. You order your food at the counter and pay for it at the same time. You get your food in a bag or a box. There are no plates. There aren’t any knives, forks and spoons. You eat with your fingers. Drinks are all in paper or plastic cups. There are no saucers. You eat meal. Then you throw all the boxes and cups away. It’s easy; it’s cheap; it’s fast.
Я:Fast food is cheap, easy and fast. But it is very harmful. You have a list of words in your workbooks. Find please and underline unhealthy food.
And I want somebody to go to the black-board and underline the words here. Who wants to do it (У каждого ученика список продуктов, нужно подчеркнуть вредную пищу)? Thank you very much.
Т: My dear friends, as know in cafes visitors usually give a tip. Now everyone can leave a tip for me. But today a tip isn't money; it's an apple you have on your tables. You give me a red apple or a green apple or a yellow one,( яблоки разных цветов лежат на парте у каждой группы, задание 8). Put an apple on the plate (на магнитной доске изображена тарелка, учащиеся выходят и кладут свое яблоко).
Т: Now we can see the result of our lesson. We have so many red apples, that's why I can say we have spent our time usefully. Thank you for your work. Good bye my friends, the lesson is over.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
To lay the table nicely with a new tablecloth and tasty food To sit down at the table together to enjoy the food to cook nice food
rartoc eplpa dreba tmae uijec Iikm Write the words correctly:
Complete the sentences: 1. When I am hungry I want to ___________ 2. When I am thirsty I want to ____________ 3. People cannot live without ____________ 4. There are a lot of ___________ in vegetables and fruit. 5. Plants cannot live without ____________ 6. Kalmyk people drink tea with _________ 7. In summer everybody likes to eat ____ 8.Bears like ______________________________ water food honey vitamins eat drink salt dinner ice-cream
Tea ceremony
Complete the sentences: Kalmyk people are very ……….. ……… Milk tea with salt and butter is called. . .. The Kalmyk say their best …… ……. Dzhomba is very tasty……… ……….. hospitable dzhomba wishes drink
Let’s have a rest !
Would like - [wud] I would like. - Дайте, пожалуйста.(Я бы хотел..) What would you like? - Что пожелаете? Here you are. - Вот, пожалуйста (когда вам подают что-либо). Words and combinations :
1. http://kenglish.ru/dogovorki-po-teme-food-eda/ Источники: 2. http://yandex.ru/images/ 3. vk.com «делай ноги»
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