Урок английского языка в 10 классе
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
What makes a family happy?
I. Самоопределение к деятельности.
Warm-up activities (разминка)
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls. My name is Asya Magomedovna. I’m an English teacher and I will teach you English today. First of all let us meet:
What is your name? Where are you from? How old are you? What class are you in? Are you a happy person? Is your family happy? What is happiness? (Pupilsexpresstheiropinions).
happiness – это …..family
II. Организация деятельности по «выходу» на тему, цель урока.
What are we going to talk about today? Yes, family.
- Какую семью можно считать счастливой?
- Как вы думаете, есть ли счастье в этой семье? (видео)
-Почему вы так считаете? What problems do they have? Why has she closed the door? Can we open the door and what should we do for it? What can help us to open the door?
Цель: So, family… Is each family happy? Today we should decide what makes a family happy and what can we do to make it happy.
III. Фонетическая зарядка (подготовка к составлению речевых фраз по теме)
Постановка проблемы
Работа в группах:
IV. Развитие навыков монологического высказывания учащихся.
Task№ 1
In every family we have some problems and it is difficult to find and ideal one.
Look at the list and say which are the most popular topics of arguing in your families:
The most popular topic of arguing in my family is…..
Coming home late
Getting up in the morning
Going out at night
Politeness and good manners
Развитие умения аудирования с целью понимания основного содержания:
Now we will listen to our English friends from Millais School in England speaking about their relationships in families. Tick the activities and feelings the teenagers mention about. видео
The most popular topic of arguing in their families are…..
TV and TV channels
Stay up too late
Get annoyed
Get along
Go to bed too late
Leave stuff around the house
Как избежать конфликтов? Каксделатьсемьюсчастливой?
Task№ 3
Each group will have some cards with the words.You have to choose words to help Ann to open the door: ( keeping family traditions family break-up, avoiding conflicts,to get along ,spending time with, respect, understanding, leaving dirty things on the floor, harmony, having conversations, having picnics together, having family parties, entertainments, helping sisters and brothers, getting on nerves, care, love, watching TV together, travelling, eating out, trust, support, fighting.
Thank you. You’ve done it.
Task 4
VI. Reading. Введение и закрепление грамматического материала.
Here’sa discussion on a youth forum where an English teenagerJessica tells about her problems. Read it and say what she worries about.
I love everyone in my family and they are very nice to me. However, there’s something that troubles me a lot. I’m not used to discussing my problems with my parents. We are good at avoiding conflicts. We hate fighting or getting on each other’s nerves, but we don’t do anything together. Mum prefers cooking or talking on the phone, dad likes watching TV or repairing his car, my younger brother enjoys playing computer games. As for me I prefer going out when I don’t feel like doing it. I just feel bored and lonely. What could we do together to feel that we are together?
The 1st group underline the positive moments in Jess’s family
The 2nd group underline the negative moments in Jess’s family
The 3d group -what is the main problem of the family? Find out
Look at the underlined words. What are they? Prepositions (to, at) and verbs (hate, prefers, likes, enjoys).
So, we see that after prepositions and verbs: like, hate, prefer, enjoy we have to use a verb with –ing form to express general preferences.
The V-ing forms are used:
after prepositions: at, of, to, for, from…
I’m very good at avoiding conflicts
after love, like, enjoy, hate, prefer to express general preferences
I prefer avoiding conflicts
VIII. Формирование навыков письменной речи
Cоставление буклетов. Объединение в 2 группы.
1.Rules for parents (свод правил для родителей) usingV-ingforms.
2.Rules for children using V-ing forms (свод правил для детей)
Презентация буклетов. Написать лозунг (девиз) Let’s … to make our family happy!
Thank you, my dear friends. I think your advice will be useful. Welldone.
Фрагмент фильма.
IX. Рефлексия деятельности (итог урока)
Что помогло семье обрести счастье?
Thank you for your work. You’ve done it well.
Write an essay “How do you cope with a difficult situation in a family?”
Thank you for the lesson. Goodbye.
Task 1 The most important topic of arguing in my family is… Clothes Coming home late Friends Getting up in the morning Going out at night Homework Money Music Politeness and good manners TV and video | Task2 The students are talking about … TV and TV channels Shopping Telephone Stay up too late Get annoyed Get along Go to bed too late Leave stuff around the house Computer games |
I love everyone in my family and they are very nice to me. However, there’s something that troubles me a lot. I’m not used to discussing my problems with my parents. We are good at avoiding conflicts. We hate fighting or getting on each other’s nerves, but we don’t do anything together. Mum prefers cooking or talking on the phone, dad likes watching TV or repairing his car, my younger brother enjoys playing computer games. As for me I prefer going out when I don’t feel like doing it. I just feel bored and lonely. What could we do together to feel that we are together?
keeping family traditions
having family break-up
avoiding conflicts
spending time with a family
showing respect to each other
fighting with each other
leaving dirty things on the floor
having harmony and supporting each other
having conversation with each other
having picnics together
having family parties
helping sisters and brothers
getting on nerves
taking care of each other
loving and trusting to each other
watching TV together
travelling and eating out
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