Конспект урока What is an ideal Welfare State? (УМК «Английский язык», В. П. Кузовлев, 11класс)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Тема урока – “What is an ideal Welfare State?” - Что является идеальным государством социального благосостояния?
Тип урока – урок – обобщение усвоенных знаний в новой ситуации общения.
Педагогическая технология – проектная технология
Дидактическая цель – развитие речевой компетенции учащихся, создание условий для развития у учащихся умений овладения информацией, её оценки, осмысления и применения.
Структура материала: 1. Конспект урока 2. Презентация к уроку.
Содержание презентции: 1. Brainstorm (вопросы по теме) 2. Задание на понятия (категории льготников) 3. Лексическое задание 4.Задание на словообразование 5. Задание на чтение 6. Debating points 7. Summary (homework)
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Предварительный просмотр:
Е. М. Третьякова,
Учитель английского языка первой категории
МОУ «СОШ № 49», г. Печора, Республика Коми
Конспект урока
What is an ideal Welfare State?
(УМК «Английский язык», В. П. Кузовлев, 11класс)
Тема урока – “What is an ideal Welfare State?” - Что является идеальным государством социального благосостояния?
Тип урока – урок – обобщение усвоенных знаний в новой ситуации общения.
Педагогическая технология – проектная технология
Дидактическая цель – развитие речевой компетенции учащихся, создание условий для развития у учащихся умений овладения информацией, её оценки, осмысления и применения.
Оборудование – ноутбук, проектор, экран, презентация Power Point, УМК «Английский язык», 11 класс
Задачи урока
Личностные: формирование потребности в получении новых знаний, готовности и мотивации их получать; формирование потребности транслировать усвоенный опыт.
• умение выполнять УУД во внутренней и внешней речи;
• умение выбирать успешные стратегии в достижении целей;
• умение критически оценивать информацию;
• умение корректно пользоваться приёмами обсуждения информации.
• умение овладения информацией, её оценки, осмысления и применения;
• умение анализировать представленные факты в свете представленной темы урока;
• умение делать обоснованные выводы, осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
Ход урока
- Warming-up. “Brainstorm” (Слайд 3)
Good morning, dear friends!
I’m glad to see you. You know that we have studied the System of Social Welfare in Russia and English-speaking countries. I’d like you to answer the following questions you can see on the screen.
- What is a welfare state?
- Who does the welfare state help?
- Where should people get help from?
- Do all people who are entitled to benefits receive them?
- What is one of the most important disadvantages of the welfare state?
- Introduction
A Welfare State is a country with the policy which is intended to enable vulnerable groups in the community to live as independently as possible in their own homes for as long as they are able and wish to do so. But although local government authorities and voluntary organizations provide help and advice for needy people, the problems facing them are actual up to now. Is it possible to solve them? You`ll tell us about it later. Let`s remember what categories of people are entitled to benefits.
- Body
1. What categories of people are provided with benefits? (Слайд 4)
- People whose activities are limited.
- People whose income is very low.
- Women who live the work to have a baby.
- People who don`t work because of the age.
- People who are provided with scholarship.
- People who lose their spouses.
- People who have no accommodation.
- Those who are ill.
2. What payments are they entitled to? ( Pupils should use the following words and word combinations: to be available to, to claim, to be provided with, to be entitled to; to receive) (Слайд 5)
1. The disabled a. salary
2. The jobless b. child benefit
3. Children c. compensation
4. People who live in dangerous conditions d. unemployment
5. Employees benefit
6 The poor e. subsidy
f. invalidity pension
_ I think there are two categories of the needy that deserve much attention. They are the disabled and children.
- Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. (Слайд 6)
The people we are talking about now are usually (1) _ (reference) to as disabled. You should use it for describing somebody who has a permanent condition, (2) _ (special) a physical one. The word (3) _ (disable) means a condition in which someone is not able to (4) _ (useful) a part of their body or brain (5) _ (proper), because of injury, for example.
It is absolutely (6) _ (admit) to look at them with (7) _ (bewilder) and even more with contempt. We all should do the most we can make them (8) _ (feeling) like ordinary people.
- Choose from the parts of the text (A – F) the one which fits each gap (1 – 6). There is one extra part. (Слайд 7)
Care of Children
The law has recently been changed ____1____ to protect children. Local authorities in consultation and in partnership with families must provide services _____2____. In addition, statutory authorities and voluntary organizations are involved.
Local authorities must provide _____3____ in their area who have no parent or guardian, have been abandoned or whose parents are unable to provide for them.
Parents of children in care retain their parental responsibilities but act as far as possible as partners with the authority. Local authorities are required _____4___ with an independent element to cover children in their care, and must prepare children for leaving care and continue advising them up to the age of 21. The effective operation of the social services depends on ____5____.
- to have a complaints procedure
- accommodation for children in need
- to strengthen the powers of the courts
- professionally qualified social workers
- to make donations
- to support families with children in need
- Presentation (Приложение 1)
Now, it’s time for your classmates who have prepared projects on the topic to introduce them. Listen to them very carefully, make necessary notices. Вe ready to discuss them according to the plan. (Ученики представляют презентации и обсуждают их). (Слайд 8)
- Conclusion
Everybody has tried hard. Thank for your work. Your projects were informative, and they will be useful in the future, I hope. (Выставление оценок)
- Homework
Now write down your homework. You should write a summary to the presentation you liked best of all. Use the following plan. (Слайд 9)
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Дидактическая цель – развитие речевой компетенции учащихся, создание условий для развития у учащихся умений овладения информацией, её оценки, осмысления и применения. Задачи урока Личностные: • формирование потребности в получении новых знаний, готовности и мотивации их получать; формирование потребности транслировать усвоенный опыт. Метапредметные : • умение выполнять УУД во внутренней и внешней речи; • умение выбирать успешные стратегии в достижении целей; • умение критически оценивать информацию; • умение корректно пользоваться приёмами обсуждения информации. Предметные: • умение овладения информацией, её оценки, осмысления и применения; • умение анализировать представленные факты в свете представленной темы урока; • умение делать обоснованные выводы, осуществлять продуктивные речевые действия.
“Brainstorm” What is a welfare state? Who does the welfare state help? Where should people get help from? Do all people who are entitled to benefits receive them? What is one of the most important disadvantages of the welfare state?
What categories of people are provided with benefits? People whose activities are limited. People whose income is very low. Women who live the work to have a baby. People who don`t work because of the age. People who are provided with scholarship. People who lose their spouses. People who have no accommodation. Those who are ill.
What payments are they entitled to? (Use the following words and word combinations: to be available to, to claim, to be provided with, to be entitled to; to receive) 1. The disabled 2. The jobless 3. Children 4. People who live in dangerous conditions 5. Employees 6 The poor a. salary b. child benefit c. compensation d. unemployment benefit e. subsidy f. invalidity pension
Use the word in brackets to form a word that fits in the space. The people we are talking about now are usually (1) _ (reference) to as disabled. You should use it for describing somebody who has a permanent condition, (2) _ (special) a physical one. The word (3) _ (disable) means a condition in which someone is not able to (4) _ (useful) a part of their body or brain (5) _ (proper) , because of injury, for example. It is absolutely (6) _ (admit) to look at them with (7) _ (bewilder) and even more with contempt. We all should do the most we can make them (8) _ (feeling) like ordinary people.
Choose from the parts of the text (A – F) the one which fits each gap (1 – 6). There is one extra part. Care of Children The law has recently been changed ____1____ to protect children. Local authorities in consultation and in partnership with families must provide services _____2____. In addition, statutory authorities and voluntary organizations are involved. Local authorities must provide _____3____ in their area who have no parent or guardian, have been abandoned or whose parents are unable to provide for them. Parents of children in care retain their parental responsibilities but act as far as possible as partners with the authority. Local authorities are required _____4___ with an independent element to cover children in their care, and must prepare children for leaving care and continue advising them up to the age of 21. The effective operation of the social services depends on ____5____. to have a complaints procedure accommodation for children in need to strengthen the powers of the courts professionally qualified social workers to make donations to support families with children in need
Debating Points I find the presentation … (informative, rich in (information, facts, illustrations), (un)convincing…) First, …. Second, ….Third, …. Besides, …. More than that…. 2. In general, the speaker (hasn’t) told about (mentioned, introduced…)…. 3. (But) he/she should have told about ….
Summary I. The presentation is entitled…( озаглавлена ) It is devoted to ( посвящена ) the problem of … II. The presentation can be (is) divided ( делится ) into … parts. The first (second ...) part of the presentation speaks about (reports on, covers ( освящает ) …. In conclusion the author underlines ( подчёркивает ) that …. III. I consider ( считаю ) the presentation…. The most interesting fact for me I`ve found in it is ….
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