Конспект урока по теме "Мир Хобби", 6 класс (на английском языке)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс)
Lesson Plan
by M.S.Sirotenko, Salekhard
20.10. 2015
Lesson Focus:
- Topic: «The World of Hobbies».
- Skills: Listening, Reading and Speaking.
- Target Language: grammar (Verb + ing: like/hate/love); vocabulary (Hobbies).
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Lesson Plan
by M.S.Sirotenko, Salekhard
20.10. 2015
Lesson Focus:
- Topic: «The World of Hobbies».
- Skills: Listening, Reading and Speaking.
- Target Language: grammar (Verb + ing: like/hate/love); vocabulary (Hobbies).
- Age: junior secondary school (11-12 years).
- Level: intermediate.
- Grade: 6.
- Assumed knowledge: the vocabulary on the topic: «Hobbies».
Audio-visual Materials:
- English textbook «Forward» for the 6th grade by M. V. Verbitskaya, Ventana-Graf, 2015;
- TV, recorder;
- Tapes 033, 035 on the topic «Hobbies»;
- Handouts 1: Evaluation table;
- Handouts 2: text 1 «Collecting», text 2 «Reading», text 3 «Doing sports»;
- Handouts 3: table with questions for the 1st text, table with questions for the 2nd text, table with questions for the 3rd text;
- Handouts 4: Mingle activity «Who???»;
- Video with the song «What Do You Like To Do?».
Aim of the lesson: the development of listening, reading and speaking skills on the topic «The World of Hobbies».
- Educational:
1. to update and enrich pupils’ vocabulary knowledge on the topic «Hobbies»;
2. to teach students how to talk about things they like/ love or hate (Verb + ing: like/hate/love);
2. to form text working skills.
- Developing:
1. to develop pupils abilities in listening, reading and speaking through pair and group work, communicative competence;
2. to develop their critical thinking creative through different kinds of activities.
- Bringing-up:
1. to teach tolerance;
2. to broaden pupils’ minds;
3. to build skills to work in a team;
4. to develop respect for classmates’ opinions and points of view.
Time | Stage, Aims | Procedure | Interaction |
2 3 10 2 5 10 6 2 | I. Organization moment (greeting). II. Lead-in: -to support predictive skills of learners in the topic. III. Orientation: - to orient students to the discussed topic and texts; - to update and enrich pupils’ vocabulary knowledge on the topic; - to teach students how to talk about things they like/ love or hate; - to develop pupils abilities in listening and speaking. IV. Reading for Gist + FB: -to develop pupils abilities in reading for the main idea of the text. VI. Reading for Specific Info + FB: -to develop pupils abilities in reading for specific info. VII. Reading for Detail + FB: - to develop pupils abilities in reading for detail; - to understand the full content of the text. VIII. Follow-up: - to show attitude to the texts; - to reflect new info, to make conclusions. IX. Homework. | T: Good morning, boys and girls! S: Good morning, teacher! T: I’ m glad to see you! S: We are glad to see you, too! T: How are you today? S: We are fine, thank you. T: Sit down, please. Let’s start our lesson. Today you will get unusual marks for some tasks and at the end of the lesson you will evaluate your work yourself (appendix 1: evaluation table). The teacher gives instructions on filling in the evaluation table. T: Look at the TV screen please, listen to the song and guess what we are going to talk about (appendix 2: the song “What Do You Like to Do?”). S: Watch the video and guess the topic. ------------------------------------------------------------- T: Right you are. We are going to talk about hobbies. We’ll discuss what people like doing in their spare time. T: You know different people have different hobbies. It depends on their interests. What kinds of hobbies have you seen in our video? S: Say the kinds of hobbies they have seen and heard in the song. ------------------------------------------------------------- T: Now open your books on page 40-41 ex.18, ex.22, match the pictures with the activities. (appendix 3: exercises from the textbook «Forward» for the 6th grade by M.V. Verbitskaya). S1: Do ex.18, p.22 S2: Do ex.22, p.41 T: Change your copybooks with your partner, listen to the tape and check your partner’s results. S1: Check S2’ answers (ex.22, p.41) S2: Check S1’ answers (ex.18 p.22) ------------------------------------------------------------- T: Work in pairs. Using ex.18, 22, p.40-41, talk to your friend about things you like and don’t like doing in your spare time. Don’t forget about the structure: Verb + ing: like/hate/love. S: Work in pairs, talk to each other about things they like and don’t like doing in their spare time. T: Observe students’ work. ------------------------------------------------------------- T: The next activity is called «Who?»: find someone in your class who… (distribute students handouts with a mingle activity «Who???», Appendix 4). S: Go from one classmate to another and ask questions: Do you like/love Ving…? Do you hate Ving…?, fill in their questionnaire. T: Our activity «Who???» shows us that some students in our class has the same hobbies, other have different ones. It depends on the person and his/her interests. Let’s divide in three groups. Every group gets its own text they should read during 2 minutes and answer the question «What is the narrator of the text fond of?» (appendix 5: handouts with the text 1 «Collecting», the text 2 «Reading», the text 3 «Doing sports»). S: Divide in three groups, read the texts and answer the question «What is the narrator of the text fond of?» Group 1: Read the text «Collecting» (card 1) Group 2: Read the text «Reading» (card 2) Group 3: Read the text «Doing sports» (card 3) T: Observe students’ work. T: Find in the text the name of the narrator and answer the question «Why are they interested in such hobbies: collecting, reading, doing sports?» S: Look for specific info in the texts and answer the questions. T: Read the texts again and fill in the table (appendix 6: table with questions for the 1st text, table with questions for the 2nd text, table with questions for the 3rd text). Then you will meet your partners from other groups. Your task is to share information about your text. Let’s start our work in groups. S: Read the texts again, discuss the questions and fill in the table in their copybooks. T: If you are ready you should exchange information with the classmates from other groups. T: The results of your work are excellent/ very good/ quite good. Are you interested in hobbies you have read in the texts about? Are they useful/useless/boring/interesting for you? What hobby would you like to try? S: Show their attitude to the texts, reflect new info, express their opinions, make conclusions on the read content. T: Our lesson today is the talk about «The World of Hobbies». What have we done at the lesson? What task was easy/ difficult/boring/interesting for you? What mark do you give yourself for your work in the lesson? S: Give themselves marks for their work in the lesson, fill in the Evaluation table (appendix 1: evaluation table) and share their expressions with the teacher and classmates. T: Prepare a project (a presentation) on the topic «Hobbies»: tell about things you like doing in your spare time. | OC OC OC S-S S-S (work in pairs) S-S (a mingle activity «Who???») S-S (group work) S-S T-SSS S-S (group work) OC OC |
Appendix 1:
Evaluation | |||
Name: | |||
Listening | Mingle activity «Who?» | Reading tasks | Group work |
Mark: |
Appendix 2:
The song (video) “What Do You Like to Do? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYNap8gVNK4)
Appendix 3:
Exercises from the textbook «Forward» for the 6th grade by M.V.Verbitskaya, ex.18, p.22, ex.22, p.41.
Appendix 4:
Find someone who…
________likes reading comics.__________
________loves playing video games.__________
________hates dancing._______________
________likes going cycling._______________
________hates going skateboarding.___________
(and so on…)
Appendix 5:
Hi! I am Tom! I am fourteen. Hobby is a favorite occupation of a person in his free time. I have many friends. They are very different and they have different kinds of hobbies.
One of my girl-friends, for example, likes to knit very much. Another girl-friend of mine spends all her free time sewing things: skirts, blouses, dresses. She makes it nicely and she always looks fine.
Many people are very fond of collecting. Some collect old coins, others collect post-cards. As for me, my hobby is collecting stamps. Now I have 5 albums full of stamps. I like to sit at the table in the evening and arrange new stamps in the albums or just look through the stamps. Each stamp has a story to tell about distant countries and new people. I see pictures of people, birds and animals which I have never seen. Kings and presidents pass before my eyes and I can follow the history of whole nations. My hobby is not only wonderful but is also very useful.
Text 2: «READING»
Hello! My name is Martin! I am twelve! I enjoy reading books. I am lucky we've got a big library at home. I like to read about sports and sportsmen. I am reading an interesting story about hockey now. I also like to read about football. I have got a lot of books about that game. I am fond of animals. I like reading about them. I have got books with funny stories and fables about animals. Yesterday my parents gave me a present: a very big and interesting book about animals at the zoo. There are a lot of funny stories in it. This hobby helps people to relax, to receive new information and develop their imagination.
Hi! I am Tom! I am fifteen! Different people like different things, different people have different hobbies. I go in for sports, I like to play tennis. I go to play tennis every day. Sport is very important part of our life.
Many people go in for sports, they jogging, walking, swimming, skating, skiing, train themselves in clubs and different sections. Physical training is an important subject at school. Pupils play volleyball, football, basketball.
I have been playing tennis for 5 years. Tennis became very popular now. I take part in different competitions. To be in a good shape I'm jogging every morning and do my morning exercises. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy and choose the sport he is interested in. I do not understand people who say that they like sport, but they only watch sport on TV. If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, sleeps much better. My favorite proverb says: "A sound mind in sound body".
Appendix 6:
Tables with the same questions for the 1st text, for the 2nd text, for the 3rd text.
What is the narrator’s name? | How old is he/she? | What is he/she fond of? | What does he/she tell about his/her hobby? | Why is his/her hobby useful for him/her? |
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