Аудирование 7 класс УМК М.З. Биболетовой Н.Н. Трубаневой
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Задания для проверки навыков аудирования УМК М.З. Биболетовой Н.Н. Трубаневой 7 класс
Предварительный просмотр:
Unit 1
Listening Comprehension Test
- Listen to the text and decide if the statements are true or false.
- Ann is happily married with a child.
- Her husband Timothy works for a car company.
- He is an athletic dark-hared man with a sense of humour.
- Ann is sociable and energetic.
- She is learning French and goes to classes once a week.
- They live in a detached house not far from Manchester.
- They are a typical Russian family.
- Robert has got black hair and green eyes.
- He looks younger than he is.
- He is a student at the University.
- He lives in a small house.
- Robert lives alone.
- On Sundays he works in a café.
- After his classes he listens to music and meets friends.
- Correct the wrong sentences.
- Describe how you see yourself in ten years time.
Unit 2
Listening Test
I. Listen to the tape.
II. Choose the correct variant.
1. This country is a country and (an island, a continent, a group of islands).
2. Our summer is from (December and February, June and August, November and January).
3. The symbols of the country are (mountains, lakes, native animals)
4. The (1999, 2000, 2004) summer Olympic Games were held in this country.
5. This country is situated in (North America, South America, Africa).
6. This country is (small, long, large) and famous.
7. The capital of the country is (New York, Chicago, Washington).
8. This country is an island state in (Western, Eastern, Central ) Europe.
9. It is washed by (the Black, the Irish, the Baltic) Sea in the west.
10. The head of the country is (the President, the Prime Minister, the Queen).
Unit 2
Listening Comprehension “Why study English?”
- Fill in the blanks with the suitable words.
1. Michael is from …
2. He started to learn English when he was only …
3. His elder … taught him some funny English songs and poems.
4. His sister married an …
5. Hans is from …
6. He learns English at … in Berlin.
7. Janis is from …
8. Thousands of people come there for …
II. Listen and decide if they are good at English. What are their reasons for learning English?
A- I have some problems with listening and speaking English.
B- I often visit Britain that`s why my English is fluent.
C- I can speak English quite well but I`m lazy and don`t like to study.
D- I have some problems with my grammar.
E- I`m going to become a pilot. Every pilot should speak English very well.
F- English helps me to overcome communication problems.
G- I want to know the latest musical news and understand famous songs.
H- I like to read British youth magazines.
I- I use English to chat with people from different countries on the Net.
J- I`m going to study at a Summer School in London.
K- I want to make new friends with people who come to my country.
L- English helps me to find necessary information on the Net because 80%
of all the information in the world`s computers is in English.
Michael | Hans | Janis |
F |
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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