Урок английского языка в 4 классе по теме «Нome, sweet home»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме

Богуш Ольга Андревна
Открытый урок английского языка в 4 классе
по теме «Нome, sweet home»
Тема  «Home, sweet home»,  «Дом, милый дом»
Дидактическая цель: создать условия для комплексного применения знаний по теме урока  через использование ИКТ.
Образовательная: отработка лексики   и грамматики по теме через различные виды речевой деятельности
Развивающая: развитие навыков аудирования, монологической, умения работать в группе
Воспитательная: повышение познавательной мотивации учащихся средствами ИКТ; воспитании чувства любви и уважения к собственному дому.
Тип урока: Урок комплексного применения знаний.
Ход урока
- Good morning!
- Date, month …
- Look at the screen! Read the English proverb, translate. How do you understand it? (I like my home)
- Do you like your home? Everybody likes! Guess what is the theme of our lesson?
Yes, you are quite right. Our Theme is «Home».
Доске грустная Белоснежкa
- Now look at the picture, Is the girl happy or sad? Why? Can we help her? How? Let’s create a house for the girl. This is the aim of our lesson.
- But what should we do during the lesson? Read the words and make up word-combinations.
Repeat the words
Train the structure
Listen to the text
Use the preposition
Create the rooms
Describe the house.
- These are our tasks.
Игра лексика
1 First of all we should repeat the words. Look at the screen. There are 3 categories and 9 questions. Read and translate the categories.
- Now choose the category and the number of the question.
2 These words will help you.
- Now open your notebooks, find the blue sing, put your number 1,2,3 read the task and do the test.
-How many mistakes? Quite good, let’s check your answers
(предложения, Грамматика) 
Look at the screen, read and translate the sentences
- The next task is: look at the screen, read it.
- So listen to the text. Prove it
- You are right. Now let’s check were you attentive or not?
- These are sentences from the Simon’s speech. Read the task, translate
- Ok well done
- Stand up let’s have a little rest
- Thank you sit down.
- So it’s time to create the house, choose a shit of paper, open the envelope and glue the suitable things in your rooms. Create the room, I will give you 2 minutes.
- Are you ready? Now demonstrate the room, go to the blackboard name the room and describe it.
Поменять Белоснежку
- Thank you it is the house for the girl. Look at her! She is smiling! Is she happy? Why?
 Now she can say “ Home sweet home”.
- Let’s finish our lesson withcinquain  Name the main word of our lesson HOME
Name 2 adjectives, 2 verbs and make a sentence, name the noun.
Well done!
Good buy!








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Предварительный просмотр:

Открытый урок по теме «Нome, sweet home»

Тема  «Home, sweet home»,  «Дом, милый дом»

Дидактическая цель: создать условия для комплексного применения знаний по теме урока  через использование ИКТ.

Образовательная: отработка лексики   и грамматики по теме через различные виды речевой деятельности

Развивающая: развитие навыков аудирования, монологической, умения работать в группе

Воспитательная: повышение познавательной мотивации учащихся средствами ИКТ; воспитании чувства любви и уважения к собственному дому.

Тип урока: Урок комплексного применения знаний.

Ход урока

- Good morning!

- Date, month …

Слайд 1- Look at the screen! Read the English proverb, translate. How do you understand it? (I like my home)

- Do you like your home? Everybody likes! Guess what is the theme of our lesson?

Yes, you are quite right. Our Theme is «Home».

Доске грустная Белоснежкa

- Now look at the picture, Is the girl happy or sad? Why? Can we help her? How? Let’s create a house for the girl. This is the aim of our lesson.

- But what should we do during the lesson? Read the words and make up word-combinations.

Repeat the words

Train the structure

Listen to the text

Use the preposition

Create the rooms

Describe the house.

- These are our tasks.

Слайд 2 (Игра лексика)

1 First of all we should repeat the words. Look at the screen. There are 3 categories and 9 questions. Read and translate the categories.

- Now choose the category and the number of the question.

2 These words will help you.

- Now open your notebooks, find the blue sing, put your number 1,2,3 read the task and do the test.

-How many mistakes? Quite good, let’s check your answers

Слайд 3 (предложения, Грамматика)  

Look at the screen, read and translate the sentences

Слайд 4 (Аудирование)

- The next task is: look at the screen, read it.

- So listen to the text. Prove it

- You are right. Now let’s check were you attentive or not?

Слайд 5 (предложенияПредлоги)

- These are sentences from the Simon’s speech. Read the task, translate

- Ok well done


- Stand up let’s have a little rest

- Thank you sit down.

- So it’s time to create the house, choose a shit of paper, open the envelope and glue the suitable things in your rooms. Create the room, I will give you 2 minutes.

- Are you ready? Now demonstrate the room, go to the blackboard name the room and describe it.

Поменять Белоснежку

- Thank you it is the house for the girl. Look at her! She is smiling! Is she happy? Why?

Слайд 1

 Now she can say “ Home sweet home”.

- Let’s finish our lesson withcinquain  Name the main word of our lesson HOME

Name 2 adjectives, 2 verbs and make a sentence, name the noun.

Well done!

Good buy!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2


Слайд 12

There is There are

Слайд 13

Right answers: 1 There is a vase on the table. 2 There are curtains on the window. 3 There are chairs in the kitchen. 4 There is a sofa in the living room. 5 There are shelves on the wall.

Слайд 15

Choose the correct preposition: 1 There are no pictures on / in / next to the wall. 2 There is a table and TV under / at / in the room. 3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Слайд 16

Choose the right preposition: 1 There are no pictures on the wall. 2 There is a table and TV under / at / in the room. 3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Слайд 17

Choose the right preposition: 1 There are no pictures on the wall. 2 There is a table and TV in the room. 3 There is a blue carpet behind / on / between the floor.

Слайд 18

Choose the right preposition: 1 There are no pictures on the wall. 2 There is a table and TV in the room. 3 There is a blue carpet on the floor.

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