Методическая разработка урока по теме "Traveling and Tourism"10 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Итоговый урок по теме"Traveling and Tourism"10 класс УМК М.З.Биболетовой Enjoy English
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I. Орг. момент
Т: The topic of our lesson is "Traveling and Tourism". The main questions of our lesson are: Why do people travel? Where do they prefer to go? We shall revise and practice vocabulary related to travel and tourism. You' II practice the following skills, such as
- Reading for information
- Listening texts
- Speaking about different things
- The grammar of this lesson includes:
- The definite article
- Prepositions
II Travel and Tourism
Т.: Before reading and speaking we are going to work with words related to this topic.
1. Let's have phonetic drills (повторение слов по теме)
2 What do the words travel, journey, voyage, or trip suggest? Choose the
correct definition.
1. Travelling by ship, especially to a distant place, or into space
2.Travelling a long distance and with a certain degree of difficulty, using by land
3. Travelling somewhere for a short period, usually quite easily and for a specific purpose
4.The general idea or activity of travelling
3 Now we are going to have some group work.
Group 1 - Read the text and choose the right sentences.
Travel and tourism provide services of all types for both inbound and outbound travellers, and have become one of the world's fastest growing industries. International travel and tourism are the world's largest export earner and an important factor in the balance of payments of most nations. The market is increasingly diverse, covering not only traditional sunshine tourism and business
trips but also many new types of travel that have developed in recent years. Tourism has become one of the world's most important sources of employment. It covers a wide range of jobs, including all branches of the travel industry, hospitality in hotels and restaurants, entertainment and recreation, as well as the tourist attractions in a particular region. Areas of work include Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Tourist Boards and Tourist Information Centres, Transport Companies, Tour Guides, Tourist Attractions.
l.a) For many countries tourism is an important source of income.
в) Tourism is not an important factor in the economy of most countries.
c) The travel and tourism industry is no longer growing.
2.a) Travel and tourism means sunshine tourism and business trips.
в) Travel and tourism means more than sunshine tourism and business trips.
c) No new types of tourism have developed in recent years.
3.a) The travel and tourism industry provides services only for incoming travellers.
в) The travel and tourism industry provides services only for travellers who want to go abroad.
c) Travel and tourism provide services for both of the above types of people.
4.a) There are not many jobs in travel and tourism.
в) There are a lot of jobs in travel and tourism but they are always of the same kind.
c) There are a lot of jobs in travel and tourism and of many types.
Group 2 - Fill in prepositions where necessary
1. A lot of people bought tickets the first voyage across the
Atlantic Ocean Europe America.
- I prefer traveling train to traveling , air.
- It's already very late. If you don't leave immediately, there won't be any buses and you will have to go foot.
- You can keep hand luggage you.
- Be careful not to miss the announcement your flight.
- How long can it take to get to Sydney sea.
- Next summer they are going to take a tour the world.
- Travelling the ocean can be both dangerous and pleasant.
- In Paris we had a boat excursion on the Seine its charming
Group 3 Insert the definite articles the where necessary
1. One of the natural attractions in Canada is lake Superior
Millions of tourists come to see it.
2. Everyone knows the story of Titanic, one of largest ships that
crashed into a huge iceberg.
- Is she going to Paris or London next year?
- The Titanic sank in Atlantic Ocean.
- Levingston returned to England to publish his book about Zambezi
6. Get to airport at least two hours before takeoff.
7. Travel Agencies are link between travelers and companies
selling holidays, transport and accommodation.
8. Many tourist attractions such as museums, galleries, parks like
Disneyland and visitor parks employ guides.
4. Are there different types of traveling? What types of traveling do you know? How would you define the following types of traveling?
Heritage Language Rural Sport
- Jeff and his wife spent a week at a farmhouse in France and rode bicycles round the countryside. tourism.
- We're interested in history and art so for our last holiday we went to Rome.-— tourism.
- More and more young people spend a month in Canada to practice their English. tourism.
- Jack and Jill went skiing in Austria last winter tourism.
- Last summer we went rafting and rock-climbing in Arisona
- Robert is ill and he needs to lose some weight, so he's going to a spa for a month. tourism.
- Elena and her husband went on a trip to the Danube Delta to look at the flora and fauna. tourism.
5. There are different means of travelling: travelling by plane, by ship, by train and by air.
a) And how you prefer to travel? Do you like to travel by bus? Are you fonr of travelling by car? What means of travelling do you prefer? Have you ever travelled by air?
b) Try to guess what means of travelling it is.
1) Pros.1 Very fast
- Convenient as you can reach a faraway place during quite a short time
- Comfortable
4 Safe
- Cons. l Very expensive
2 Not mobile as there must be an airport nearby
2) Pros: 1 Fast
2 Convenient if the trip is short
3 Comfortable
- Rather chip
- Mobile as you can use it in any place you like Cons: 1 Not good for ecology and health
- Not very convenient if the trip is long
- Not safe as there are a lot of cars and crashes
3) Pros: 1 Rather fast
- Very comfortable
- Safe
- Very pleasant if you are not a sea-sick person Cons: 1 Not very cheap
2 Not mobile
c) Complete the dialogues using your own travel experience ( work in pairs)
1 — Have you ever travelled by air?
.... ( a positive answer, give the name of the place you travelled from and the place you travelled to)It was all right, but I was a bit airsick.
2 —Have you travelled by ship?
— ... ( a positive or a negative answer)
-— Would you like to go on a long sea voyage one day?
5 T: And now, boys and girls, some amazing facts about travelling.
- There are no railways in England before 1825
- Two hundred years ago passengers from Edinburgh to London were two weeks on the road if the weather was good
- Today the "Flying Scotsman" can take you from London to the capital of Scotland in about eight hours
- Passengers buy 26,000 cups of tea and 6,500 sandwiches at Heathrow every day
- One of the most exciting new types of trains is the Mag lev train. It doesn't have any wheel. It can travel very fast - 500 km an hour
- T: I want to give you some prospects. Where would you like to go? Why? We are going to have some group work. Persuade that your choice the best is.
- Т.: Boys and girls! We are at a tourist centre. Let's listen to the dialogue. The Smiths are going to visit a foreign country.
PI :Can I help you?
P3 We like to travel.
PI Spain, Turkey, Italy...
P2: No , no. We are going to visit Australia next summer and we'd like to get some information about it.
PI: Wait a minute. Miss Helen . Will you help us. A few words about Australia.
P3. With pleasure. I would like to present Australia to you.(ученица использует презентацию).... This complete my presentation. If you have some questions, I'll be glad to answer them now.
P2: No questions. It's great!
P3: Wonderful!
PI: When were you thinking of going ?
P2: We were thinking of going in July.
P3: We were thinking of going for two weeks.
PI: That can be fairy expensive.
P2: Yes, we know.
PI: Where were you thinking of going in Australia.
P3: Well, we'd like to visit Canberra.
P2: And Sydney...
P3: And Melbourne...
P2: What is the price of two tickets?
PI: More than five thousand dollars.
P2: For both of us?
PI: No, for each of you.
P3: We'll think about it. Good bye!
PI: You are welcome.
Т.: Would you like to visit Australia? And you?
If you have a chance would you like to visit Australia?
Do you like the price of the tickets? Is it expensive for you?
8. Teacher : You are in the 10in form. Some of you have already chosen your future profession. You want to be computer programmers, managers, bankers engineers. But may be some of you are going to work in the sphere of tourism.
What personal qualities do you think are needed for a career in travel and tourism. For each of the statements choose True or False.
> Have a friendly and helpful manner
У Enjoy dealing with people
- Have a sense of initiative "
- Be well organised and well informed
- Be patient and understanding
- Have a sense of responsibility
- Have good communication skills, with a clear speaking voice
- Have a good telephone manner
- Have a knowledge of one or more foreign languages for many of the jobs T: Check up yourselves. Can you characterize this person.
9..Teacher: Well, boys and girls. We travelled much last years. We visited
many interesting cities and towns. I think that our trips were
interesting and useful. And at home you have prepared some stories
about one of the most interesting and exciting trips.( Учащиеся
выступают с сообщениями и им задают вопросы)
- .Т: I'd like to tell you that Alyona has prepared some resurch work. The topic of her work is " Travel Within Russia and Abroad. Which is More Attractive"(Учащаяся делает сообщение по проведенной ей исследовательской работе)
- Т: When in Rome Do As The Roman Do
T; One wise man said that no man should travel until he has learned the language of the country he visits .True, isn't it? However, we sometimes realize, to our great astonishment, that the knowledge of the language is not enough. Every country has its customs. Different nations can behave differently in the same situations. Let's be polite travelers. Let's respect the customs of the country we are in. Let's not forget the proverb " When in Rome do as the Roman do". Let's have a quiz.
If you are a guest in Japan, and you cannot finish the food, it would be
> To leave the food on your plate
> To wrap the food in the paper and take it home
> То take the food and give it to the hosts' children
> То take the food and give it to the hosts ' cat or dog
In Arab countries, a guest must be careful not to admire his host's
possessions, because
- The host will offer them to him as a present
- The host will offer to buy them
- It is considered to be impolite
- It is considered to be for bad luck
□ shouldn't be taken to a festive party in Poland. They are brought
at funerals
- a) Carnations
- b) Roses
- c) Violets
- d) Chrysanthemums
□ The rules of politeness in Brazil say that hosts will expect their guests to
□ a) Right on time
- b) Ten minutes before the stated time
- c) Half an hour after the stated time
- d) Half an hour before the stated time
T: Рефлексия. Запись домашнего задания
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