Культурные особенности России и Америки.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
План урока и презентация по теме: Культурные особенности России и Америки.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Преподаватель (руководитель ОД иностранный язык)
О. Корытова
«14» ноября 2013 г.
Ход урока
№ п/п | Наименование этапа | Время | Действия суворовцев |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. | Организационный этап. Good morning! At our lesson today we’ll do a lot of activities. We’ll discuss some video films and problem questions, make up dialogues and organize a discussion. I hope you’ll try to do your best to cope with our various activities. Этап подготовки к активной учебно-познавательной и мыслительной деятельности. Речевое упражнение: what’s your opinion activity. Группе предлагаются на обсуждение некоторые видеофрагменты и вопросы, которые направят к постановке темы, цели урока и ее реализации. Let’s see short video fragments and answer the questions:
Yes! Well done! The theme of our lesson is “Cultural Peculiarities of Russia and America?” Can you guess what the task of our lesson is? What are we going to talk about? What do you think? We are going to learn more facts and compare such powerful countries as Russia and America. Of course, you are right. The task is to discuss some differences, similarities and peculiarities of Russia and America. Этап первичного усвоения новых знаний. Аудирование. Listening comprehension activity. You’ll see two short films and then get ready to answer the questions and make up short stories. Be careful! At first, welcome to Russia! These words will help to understand the film better
Answer the questions and make up a short story
And now welcome to Washington! These words will help you to understand the film and make up a short story about Washington
Answer the questions and make up a short story about Washington
Relaxation. Are you tired? Let’s have a rest a little bit. So enjoy the song by Frank Sinatra. Did you like it? What can you tell us about New York? Would you like to live there? Этап закрепления новых знаний. Competition activity: Who knows America best of all? Do the task in writing, and then you’ll exchange your papers with your neighbor and check each other.
Этап творческого применения знаний. Speaking activity. Речевое упражнение. 1.Warming up before the role play Answer my questions which make you think and analyze:
2. The role play Oh, we have a surprise! Alex has just come from America to see us. Are you happy? Ask him some questions about America. Этап творческого применения знаний. Речевое упражнение. Работа в парах. Составление и представление диалогов по теме. Mutual understanding activity. Make up dialogues in pairs about Russia and America. Этап творческого применения знаний Речевое упражнение. Работа в группах. Группам предлагаются на обсуждение следующие вопросы: Cultural peculiarities of Russia Cultural peculiarities of America Discuss the problem in your group, express your point of view and then share opinions with the other group. Этап подведения итогов.
Russia is a great and incredibly beautiful country with rich history full of different unforgettable events. It is famous for outstanding talented people and folk craft all over the world. The Russians think and act big, that’s why they create such colossal things. We must be proud of our country. America is a young country with its cultural peculiarities. We should coexist peacefully.
Комментарий к заданию на самоподготовку. 15 sentences “Why should we be proud of our country?” . | 2 мин. 4 мин. 14 мин. . . 2 мин. 5 мин. 3 мин. 6 мин. 7 мин. 2 мин. | Суворовцы слушают. Суворовцы смотрят короткие видеофрагменты, отвечают на вопросы преподавателя и определяют тему и цель урока.
Суворовцы смотрят фильмы, отвечают на вопросы и составляют короткие монологические высказывания.
. . Суворовцы смотрят музыкальный видео фрагмент и отвечают на вопросы преподавателя. Суворовцы выполняют задание письменно, обмениваются рабочими листами и осуществляют взаимоконтроль. Суворовцы высказывают и отстаивают свою точку зрения. Суворовцы задают вопросы представителю Америки. Суворовцы составляют и разыгрывают диалоги в папах. Суворовцы обмениваются мнениями и готовят монологическое высказывание по проблеме в группах Суворовцы подводят итог, говоря о величии России и Америки. Суворовцы слушают и записывают задание на самоподготовку. |
Преподаватель Давыдова Л.Ю.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
What is Russia associated with?
What is America associated with?
Welcome to Russia These words will help to understand the film better Endless, amazing Diverse (various, different) To discover smth a new To coexist peacefully Ancient history Incredibly beautiful landscapes To attract more and more tourists Megalopolis Folk craft Unexplored land To set foot To offer serious possibilities Unique Russian character
What is Russia like? What history does it have? How many nationalities coexist peacefully in Russia? How does an Englishman call Russia? Why is Russia attractive for tourists? What is Moscow like? Have folk craft and traditional way of life been preserved in small towns? Are there any unexplored territories where no man have ever set a foot? What has had an influence on unique Russian character? What does an Italian man say about Russia? Answer the questions and make up a story about Russia
These words will help you to understand the film and make up a short story about Washington The reflection of an entire country Achievements and inspirations The official residence The symbol of American nation To memorize(remember) the leadership To preserve the memory To declare the emancipation of slaves To unify (unite) the states To enshrine (keep) forever Welcome to Washington
What is the capital of the USA? What is Washington like? What attractions (sights) can you see there? What is the White House? What is the symbol of the United States? What does the Washington monument memorize? What is the Lincoln Memorial like? What is Lincoln famous for? Answer the questions
Enjoy the song about New York by Frank Sinatra and describe the city
When was the USA officially formed? What is the territory of the USA? What countries does it border? What is the largest state? What is the smallest state? How is the flag called? What is the capital of the USA? What is the largest city? What is the symbol of New York? Who designed the statue? What is the date on the tablet and why? How many spikes does it have and why? How did it serve as? Who knows America best of all 1776 9372000 Canada,Mexico Alaska Rhode Island Stars and Strips Washington New York Statue of Liberty Gustavo Eiffel July 4 th 1776 Seven Lighthouse
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