Конспектурока "По интересным местам Лондона"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Конспект урока для повторения материала. Конспект для 6 класса, занимающиеся по учебнику Кауфман "Happy English.ru"
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Предварительный просмотр:
Игра-соревнование «По интересным местам Лондона»
- Повторение изученного лексического и грамматического материала; практически использовать изученный материал (ответы на вопросы)
- Развивать навыки монологической речи у учащихся; формировать умения в диалогической речи;
- Развивать память, внимание, устную речь у учащихся.
- Формировать и развивать навыки работы в группе.
- Формировать социокультурную компетентность; воспитывать интерес к изучению английского языка.
Оборудование: учебник Кауфман К «Happy English.ru», словарь, иллюстрации по теме, раздаточный материал (индивидуальные карточки для игры
Ход урока:
- Good morning dear children. I am happy to see you. Today we will have an unusual lesson. Look at the blackboard and try to guess the theme of our lesson (картинки с изображением лондонских достопримечательностей и пейзажей). Yes, today we are going to talk about London, but now we have to divide into two teams. I offer you to ask my questions.
- Разделение на команды. Отвечают на вопросы. Ответившие становятся капитанами команд и сами набирают членов своей команды по очереди. Вопросы для участников.
- What is in the middle of Trafalgar Square?
- What is the most famous serious newspaper in Great Britain?
- Let’s start our competition. Your aim is to get cards with letters. Final task will make words with these letters. The team, that makes a lot of words, will be winner.
- Task 1. Quiz.
- What do you associate London with?
- What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
- What river does London stand on?
- Who is William Shakespeare?
- What is the official residence of royal family?
- Who is Christopher Wren?
- What is the most famous clock tower in the centre of London?
- When do the English celebrate Christmas?
- The most famous bus of London called…
- When was the great Fire of London?
I think you cope with this task. Now it’s time for the second task.
- Task 2.Find mistakes and correct the sentences.(работа на карточках для каждой команды)
- Nobody don’t know the history of London.
- The Great Plague is the most famous street of London.
- Guy Fawkes was executed, isn’t he?
- Do you visit London next year?
- Big Ban is the most famous clock of London.
- Somebody like to do shopping, but somebody don’t it.
- The Great Fire of London is the most famous station of London.
- William Shakespeare was English writer, isn’t he?
- Will you go to London last year?
- Traditional Christmas fuod is turkey.
Excellent! You cope with task again. Get your cards. Let’s go on our interesting competition.
- I think you are tired. So I prefer you to have a rest. So let’s play situations. (Разыграть ситуации)
- Вы приехали в Лондон с группой туристов. На экскурсии вы отстали от своей группы и заблудились. Но знаете, что ваша группа должна быть на Трафальгарской площади. Вам нужно узнать, где находится Трафальгарская площадь и как добраться до нее у прохожих.
- Вы приехали в Сочи на олимпиаду. Вокруг одни иностранцы, говорящие на английском языке. К вам обратились англичане с просьбой подсказать дорогу к вокзалу. Подскажите, где находится вокзал и как добраться до нее
- Good of you! Now it’s time for our last task.
Match the names with their descriptions.
- They say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of it a monument to Admiral Nelson is situated. The monument includes four bronze lions. There are two fountains in it.
- It is a wonderful building. The Queen Victoria Memorial is in front of it. It takes you ten minutes to get from this building to Trafalgar Square, the centre of London. The Queen of Great Britain lives there.
- It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. You can a lot of interesting things in the halls of this building. William the Conqueror built it in the eleventh century. Twelve black ravens live in it. People believe that London will be rich while the ravens live there.
- It is one of the greatest English churches. It is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a fine building with many columns and towers. In one of the towers there is one of the largest bells in the world.
- It is more than nine hundred years old. There are many monuments and statues there, many English kings and queens are buried there. It is famous for the Poet’s Corner. It is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. This church has two tall towers.
- They are long grey buildings with towers. The large clock in one of the towers is “Big Ben”. You can hear the sound of “Big Ben” every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. The members of the British work in these buildings.
- Now it’s time for final task. You should make words from letters of your cards.
- Let’s sum up. Did you like today’s lesson? What was difficult for you?
What was easy for you? Thank you for lesson. Good buy!
Приложение 1.
- Nobody don’t know the history of London.
- The Great Plague is the most famous street of London.
- Guy Fawkes was executed, isn’t he?
- Do you visit London next year?
- Big Ban is the most famous clock of London.
- Somebody like to do shopping.
- The Great Fire of London is the most famous station of London.
- William Shakespeare was English writer, isn’t he?
- Will you go to London last year?
- Traditional Christmas fuod is turkey
Приложение 2
Вы приехали в Лондон с группой туристов. На экскурсии вы отстали от своей группы и заблудились. Но знаете, что ваша группа должна быть на Трафальгарской площади. Вам нужно узнать, где находится Трафальгарская площадь и как добраться до нее у прохожих.
Вы приехали в Сочи на олимпиаду. Вокруг одни иностранцы, говорящие на английском языке. К вам обратились англичане с просьбой подсказать дорогу к вокзалу. Подскажите, где находится вокзал и как добраться до нее
Приложение 3
- They say it is the most beautiful place in London. In the middle of it a monument to Admiral Nelson is situated. The monument includes four bronze lions. There are two fountains in it.
- It is a wonderful building. The Queen Victoria Memorial is in front of it. It takes you ten minutes to get from this building to Trafalgar Square, the centre of London. The Queen of Great Britain lives there.
- It was a fortress, a palace, a prison and the King’s Zoo. Now it is a museum. You can a lot of interesting things in the halls of this building. William the Conqueror built it in the eleventh century. Twelve black ravens live in it. People believe that London will be rich while the ravens live there.
- It is one of the greatest English churches. It is not far from the Tower of London. The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren built it in the 17th century after the Great Fire. It is a fine building with many columns and towers. In one of the towers there is one of the largest bells in the world.
- It is more than nine hundred years old. There are many monuments and statues there, many English kings and queens are buried there. It is famous for the Poet’s Corner. It is one of the most famous and beautiful churches in London. This church has two tall towers.
- They are long grey buildings with towers. The large clock in one of the towers is “Big Ben”. You can hear the sound of “Big Ben” every hour in London. The clock and the bell got their names after Sir Benjamin Hall. The members of the British work in these buildings.
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