Презентация "Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде"
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Доминанты англоязычного и русскоязычного поведения выражение: примеры англоязычное общение русскоязычное общение побуждения предложение, приглашение, приказ, просьба, совет и др. неоднозначность прямолинейность позитивной оценки комплимент, похвала, благодарность и др. преувеличение преуменьшение негативной оценки критика, жалоба, упрек, обвинение и др. смягчение, преуменьшение категоричность, преувеличение
Макростратегии стратегии стратегии маневрирования реагирования дистанцирования уклонения намека поддержки собеседника поддержания контакта
Стратегия дистанцирования Стратегия Дистанцирование тактики смещение временного плана использование модальных глаголов техники смещение в прошлое или будущее использование модальных глаголов в устойчивых конструкциях использование продолженного времени использование модальных глаголов с условным наклонением
Техника смещения в прошлое или будущее Indefinite Tenses: the Future and the Past Functions Indirect Direct order formulae I ’ ll have to ask you to sign it./You ’ ll need to sign it. (You must) Sign it. order/instruction Will you open the books and start reading? Open the books and start reading. suggestion/offer Shall we go out for a meal somewhere downtown? Let’s go out for a meal… offering/accepting — That will be $10. — That’ll be OK. (In a shop) - It is $10. - That’s OK. polite enquiry How many guests did you intend to invite over? How many...do you intend to… request formulae I thought you could /would like to… I think you could... suggestion I thought it might be nice to visit an old friend. I think it’s nice to visit a friend. request/offer I wondered if you were free at ten o’clock? I wonder if you are free at ten?
Техника использования продолженного времени Continuous Tenses Functions Indirect Direct polite enquiry What meetings are you planning to arrange? Let us know your plans. stating intentions I’m sorry, I must be going , or I’ll be late for dinner. Sorry, I must go, or I’ll be late. request formulae I’m hoping you can give me a hand in packing. I hope you can give me... parting formulae I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. I look forward to hearing... polite enquiry Will you be staying with us at Christmas? Are you staying with us...? suggestion I was thinking — what about having a picnic? I thought — what about... request formulae I was wonder ing if you had a bag to spare? I wondered if you had...
Техника использования модальных глаголов в устойчивых конструкциях Set Question Formulae and Verbal Structures Functions Indirect Direct request formulae Could/would you lend me your printer? Will you lend me your printer? invitation Would you care to follow me upstairs? Do you care to follow me upstairs? opinion Might it be alright to do it this way? Is it alright to do it this way? inquiry You wouldn’t go to Hull by any chance? You’re not going to Hull by any chance? inquiry When would that have taken place? When did it take place? offer/suggestion Suppose we might give them a lift? Let’s give them a lift. criticism/advice You could/might warn them in advance. You should/must warn them in advance. opinion/offer I ’d think we might spend a night here. I think we’ll spend a night here. opinion I ’d have thought he wasn’t good at chess. He won? I thought he wasn’t good at chess. opinion/criticism I ’d say this is not the best way to treat cats. I say, this is not the best way to treat cats.
Техника использования конструкций условного наклонения Conditional Expressions Functions Indirect Direct enquiry/offer I wonder if you might be interested in...? I wonder if you are interested in...? advice formulae If I were you I'd join up with this firm. You should join up with this firm. suggestion/ advice It would be better if he went there alone. Let him/He should go there alone. order/ instruction If you would stand over there? Will you stand over there? order/refusing I' d rather you didn’t refer to those data Don’t refer to those data. permission I wish you wouldn’t disclose those facts. You mustn’t /shouldn’t do that...
Стратегия намека стратегия намек ( Understatement) тактики регуляция значимости отрицание как намек техники минимизация значимости использование прямого отрицания снижение определенности скрытое и двойное отрицание
Техника минимизации Minimizing Adverbs Functions Understatement Statement criticising The room is a little / a bit overcrowded. The room is overcrowded. request Could I make a very brief announcement? Can I make an announcement? excuse Just a minute . I’ll be back in a moment. Wait a little. I’ll be back soon. apology It was just a slip of the tongue. It was a slip of the tongue. attitude The news somewhat shocked me. The news shocked me.
Техника снижения определенности Fillers and Verbs of Intentions Functions Understatement Statement apology I’ve got a kind of an apology to make. I want to apologise . giving explanations There’s a sort of misunderstanding. There is a misunderstanding. It was more or less out of place. It was out of place. expressing We tend to overlook the importance of tests. We often overlook it. (negative) I am inclined to feel that it is important. I feel that it is important. opinions I sort of think it could be better if you quit. It could be better if you...
Техника прямого отрицания Explicit Negation Functions Understatement Statement attitude I’m not pleased with his manners. (= I’m definitely disgusted.) greeting How are you? — Not so well, thank you. I’m not well. (= I am ill.) dislike I’m not particularly keen on TV. I’m not keen on TV. (= I hate TV.) disagreeing It is not quite that easy; you see... It is not easy. (= It is very difficult.) disagreeing I don’t think I could quite agree with it. I think I can’t fully agree. (= I disagree.) offer I don’t suppose you’ll accept my offer. I suppose you’ll not accept it. (I hope you will.) statement He didn’t tell me anything about it. He told me nothing about it.
Техника скрытого и двойного отрицания Implicit and Double Negation Functions Understatement Statement statement He’s got little idea how engines work. He’s got no idea how engines work. statement I hardly ever speak in public. I never speak in public. criticising He lacks courage to give it up. He doesn’t have courage to give it up. criticising His plan is not devoid of drawbacks. His plan is full of drawbacks. statement It is not im possible. It is possible. opinion He’s not with out pretensions. He has (many) pretensions.
Стратегия уклонения (смягчения) стратегия уклонение (смягчение) тактики уклонение от ответственности смягчение посредством вопросов техники представление суждения как личного мнения смягчение прямых побудительных высказываний представление суждения как обобщения смягчение вопросительных высказываний
Техника представления суждения как личного мнения “ Personalising ” Opinion Functions Indirect Direct opinion In my opinion it would be better to postpone the meeting. It is ... ( without opening phrases) attitude As far as I know to find the right decision is not that simple. remembering If I’m not mistaken , the matter was highlighted in Issues #2 . explaining I’d like to mention that it has been discussed time and again. opinion I reckon/guess she’s the last person to ask for compassion. opinion Personally, I (don’t) feel you’re making the best choice.
Техника представления суждения как обобщения Generalising and Probability Phrases Functions Indirect Direct advice It is well known that language learning takes time. I know it well. prohibition This car is parked on a double yellow line. You parked illegally. order English is spoken here. Don’t speak Russian. attitude They say it’s not a proper way to treat animals. It’s not a proper way to treat animals. complaint It appears that our lunch is likely to be delayed. Our lunch is delayed. criticism You happen to be mistaken, he seems to have won. You are mistaken, he has won. prohibition You are not supposed to walk your dog here. You shouldn’t walk your dog here. hesitation One can’t know for sure, it depends on many things. I don’t know for sure.
Техника смягчения прямых побудительных высказываний Questions Softening Statements Functions Question (indirect) Statement (direct) advice Why don 't you speak to him directly? You should speak to him directly. invitation Why don 't you come up and have lunch with us? Come up and have lunch with us. pressing offer Why couldn't we prolong our visit? Let us prolong our visit. suggestion Won 't it be better(for us)to leave at once? We’d better leave at once. opinion Would it be less expensive to go by car? It’d be less expensive to go by car. order Would you like to go on reading? Go on reading. invitation Would you care to stay with us tonight? Stay with us tonight.
Техника смягчения побуждений, представленных в форме вопроса Questions Softening Questions Functions Indirect Direct request/offer I don 't suppose you’ll find time for it now? Will you find time for it now? enquiry I suppose you’re very busy now? Are you (very) busy now? request You haven 't seen my cat here, have you ? Have you seen my cat here? asking for information You don 't know where Bells is, do you ? Do you know where Bells is? enquiry You are the new teacher, aren‘t you ? Are you the new teacher? asking for agreement You do take milk in coffee, don't you ? Do you take milk in coffee? order Carry this bag for me, will you ? Will you carry this bag for me?
Стратегия коммуникативной поддержки собеседника (overstatement) стратегия поддержка собеседника тактики усиление значимости подчеркнутое преувеличение техники интенсификация гиперболизация значимости «развернутая» оценка и повтор двойное преувеличение
Техника интенсификации Emphasising Formulae of Overstatement Statement gratitude Thank you (ever) so much /very much indeed! You’re too kind! Thank you. gratitude I’m so much obliged to you! How can I ever thank you! Thank you. gratitude I’m so grateful!/ I can’t tell you how grateful I am! Thank you. sympathy I’m so sorry! / I can’t tell you how sorry I am! I am sorry. apology I’m extremely / awfully / (ever) so sorry (but...) Sorry (but...) refusal I’m very much afraid, I can’t join you. Sorry (but...)
Техника дополнительного воздействия («развернутая» оценка и повтор) Evaluating Function Overstatement Statement compliment You were always so good at cooking but this tea party was truly a masterpiece! Those cakes were simply unforgettable. I really loved them. I must have a copy of your wonderful recipe. You’re really a good cook. Thank you. interruption I suppose you’re very busy now but it’s too urgent to wait. I do hope it won’t take too much of your precious time. Sorry (to interrupt)
Техника гиперболизации Exaggerating Functions Overstatement Statement greeting formulae How are you? — I’m fine, thank you. I’m well, thank you request formulae I wonder if it is at all possible for me to...? Is it possible...? accepting Would you like a cup of coffee? Yes, I’m dying for it. Yes, please. attitude I’m delighted to know that you’re flourishing. I’m glad you’re well. attitude I’ll go nuts if you hum that tune one more time! I’ll be very upset... enquiry How silly of me to (ask you /about/ such things) Could you tell me…?
Техника двойного преувеличения Functions Overstatement Statement apologizing I really hate to bother you at this early hour but... Excuse me... praising I just love our new car. I really enjoyed your present. I like your present. complimenting You’re so brilliant at organising things! You’re good at/kind. attitude I simply cannot live without my са r/I ’d just die without him! I need/ miss attitude I was absolutely mortified when they found my diary. I was very ashamed...
Стратегия поддержания коммуникативного контакта стратегия поддержание коммуникативного контакта тактики развертывание односложных ответных реплик заполнение пауз техники усиление согласия вопросы как «знаки внимания» смягчение отказа использование заполнителей пауз
Техника усиления согласия и отказа Expanding Through Emphasising and Softening Functions Indirect Direct agreeing It’s all very amusing, isn’t it? — Yes, very. / It certainly is. Yes. accepting Will you join us at the party? — Yes, most willingly. (Thank you.) Yes. opinion Do you think it’s going to rain? — (No.) I don’t believe so./ I hope not.. No. refusing Are you going to the meeting? — (No.) I’m afraid, not. I’m likely to be busy. No. apologising So you’re going to be late again? — Yes, I’m afraid so = I’m sorry , but... Yes. disagreeing Do you agree with our proposal? — Yes, up to a point, but (you see)... No.
Техника использования вопросов как «знаков внимания» Reply Questions Functions Polite Reactions s attention “It was great.” — “Oh, yes?” — “I really enjoyed the play.” i interest “There was an excellent performance last night.” — “Oh, was there?” 1 emphatic agreement “It was a lovely party.” — “Yes, wasn’t it?" e pity So you’re getting a divorce, are you ? How sad! n concern Oh, it was his funeral yesterday, was it? с surprise “...I opened the fridge and saw...a mouse!” — “A mouse?! In the fridge?” e
Техника использования заполнителей пауз Exclamations, Interjections and Fillers Functions Polite Reactions praising/ attention / pity Oh, how very exciting ! /(How) interesting!/How very sad! s interest/ surprise/ sympathy What a beautiful sight./What a surprise./What a pity! i delight/ concern/ disbelief (That ’s)great!/(That ’s)awful!/(That’s) impossible! 1 surprise/concern/ disbelief You can ’t be serious!/It can ’t be!/You must be very upset/ joking! e sympathy/ surprise Oh dear/ ту God! Oh no./Gosh./Wow! Phew!/Oh, come on! No! n hesitation /attention um/ er ...; a— ууу / the— eee / to- ooo //yes/uh-huh / mh - hmm с hesitation/attention Well, now, that is to say/ I see what you mean. Quite. Right. OK. e gaining time / explaining Well, you see... Oh, let me think for a moment. The point is...
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В англоязычной коммуникативной культуре имеются группы стратегий, позволяющие обеспечить комфортную атмосферу беседы. Для успешного общения необходимым является достижение такого уровня владения языко...
Выступление на РМО об основных идеях курса "Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде".
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Выступление на РМО по теме: "Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде"
В статье рассматриваются такие вопросы как:1) Основные источники трудностей возникающих при общении россиян с их англоговорящими собеседниками.2) Говорится о наиболее характерных особенностях русскояз...

Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде
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Стратегии речевого поведения в англоязычной среде
Наибольшие расхождения англоязычного поведения по сравнению с русскоязычным наблюдается при решении речевых задач, ориентированных на выражение побуждения, позитивной и негативной оценки. Для эф...