"warmers" для уроков английского языка
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
warmers-игры для уроков английского языка
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Предварительный просмотр:
The Rizla game
Level: Pre-intermediate +
Ages: all ages
Time 5 – 10 minutes
Materials: some post-it notes
Purpose: practice in question forms and general revision
Step one – The teacher prepares a series of labels on post-it notes, as many labels as there are
people in the class. Each label has the name of a well-known person. The labels are stuck onto
the students where they can’t read them – e.g., on their foreheads or backs.
Step two – The teacher drills and rehearses with the class the kind of questions they will need.
Step three – The class then mingles and each person tries to find out “who they are” by asking
Anticipated problems: gaps in general knowledge
My aunt’s cat …
Level: Pre-intermediate +
Ages: all ages
Time 5 – 10 minutes
Materials: none
Purpose: A bit of fun and activation of a random set of vocabulary, revision of the sequence of
the alphabet, conditioned choice between "a" & "an"
Step one – The teacher presents the sentence – "My Aunt's cat is an active cat", generates
practice in the pronunciation of the sentence and then writes it up as a marker sentence on the
board. It's worth highlighting and drilling the connected speech phenomena in this sentence.
Step two – The class then take it in turns to repeat the sentence, replacing the adjective with
another starting with the next letter in the alphabet – i.e. bellicose, crafty etc.
Anticipated problems:
Some letters present problems for most classes – for example, xenophobic and xylophoneplaying
may be a bit far-fetched as descriptions of cats for most classes.
The Yes/No Interlude
Level: Pre-intermediate +
Ages: all ages
Time 5 – 10 minutes
Materials: a watch with a second hand
Purpose: fluency practice
Step one – the teacher selects one “victim” at a time to sit at the front of the class.
Step two – the teacher appoints a time-keeper and makes sure they have a watch or a mobile
phone with a facility for counting a minute.
Step three – the teacher explains the purpose of the activity. The “victim” is to answer all the
questions they are asked without using the words “yes” or “no”. They must try to survive the
ordeal for 60 seconds (few people manage it). At this stage, a demonstration is a good idea.
Step three – as each person fails or succeeds another takes their place.
Step four – if the teacher feels students can do it, they should take over the role of question
Classroom bingo
Level: Pre-intermediate +
Ages: all ages
Time 5 – 10 minutes
Materials: none really, though a generous teacher might like to give each student a sheet of A4
Purpose: familiar vocabulary practice
Step one – The teacher instructs the class to each make a blank “bingo card” with say eight squares –
like this:
Step two – the teacher instructs the class, working individually, to look around the room and write the
names of eight objects they can see – one in each box. As they are doing this, the teacher similarly
makes as long a list as possible of visible objects for use when s/he becomes the “bingo caller”.
Step three – The teacher calls out the objects and the first student to cross out all the words on their
card shouts out “bingo” and is the winner.
Hotel receptionist
Level: Intermediate +
Ages: all ages
Time 10 – 15 minutes
Materials: slips of paper with prompts on them
Purpose: fluency practice
Step one – the teacher prepares slips of paper with problems written on them – one for each
member of the class (there are some samples here but some may not be suitable for your
Step two – the teacher forms the class into groups of six and distributes the slips. Students
must not show each other the slips.
Step three – the teacher explains the scenario. They are all guests at a hotel where there has
been a sudden outbreak of laryngitis. They have all lost their voices except the receptionists,
who live outside the hotel and have not been affected.
Step three –in each group of six, two people are to be the receptionists.
Step four – students take it in turns to mime their problem to the receptionists – the
receptionists can, of course, speak and prompt the guest, check their guesses etc.
Step five – as each “guest” gets their message across, they replace one of the receptionists.
Anticipated problems: despite being a mime activity, this can get quite noisy!
Prompts for hotel receptionist activity:
1. You went on your balcony this morning. Unfortunately you sneezed and your false teeth
flew out and landed in the deep end of the swimming pool six floors below. You can’t
2. You woke up this morning and found a complete stranger in the bed next to you. It’s a
man. He’s very fat and smells strongly of alcohol. He’s still there now … snoring!
3. Your wedding ring has fallen down the drain of your shower.
4. The remote control of your television doesn’t work and you can’t switch the television off.
5. A large bird has flown into your room. It has eaten your breakfast and is refusing to leave.
6. It’s a very hot today but the air-conditioning in your room is blowing out hot air. None of
the windows will open.
My bonnie
Level: All levels
Ages: all ages
Time 5 – 10 minutes
Materials: none
Purpose: a bit of fun
Step one – the teacher divides the class down the middle of the room into two groups.
Step two – the teacher tells the class they are going to sing a song – “My Bonnie”
Step three – if the song is unfamiliar to the students they should rehearse it once with the
Step four – the teacher instructs the group on the right to stand up and the group on the left to
be ready to stand up.
Step five – the teacher explains that every time they reach a “b” in the song, anyone who is
standing must sit down and anyone who is sitting down must stand up.
Step six – sing the song together and enjoy the chaos!
The words of My Bonnie
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
My Bonnie lies over the sea
My Bonnie lies over the ocean
Oh! Bring back my Bonnie to me.
Bring back,
Bring back
Oh! Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.
Bring back,
Bring back
Oh! Bring back my Bonnie to me.
(My Bonnie probably means my darling)
Anticipated problems: Not an activity for the inhibited or the faint-hearted but second to none
as a warmer.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
Warmers на уроках английского языка.
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