Итоговый урок-проект по теме "Добро пожаловать в Ненецкий Автономный округ"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
В уроке происходит знакомство с географическими реалиями Ненецкого Автономного округа на английском языке
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Предварительный просмотр:
Окружной конкурс
«Современные образовательные технологии в работе учителя иностранного языка»
Итоговый урок-проект по теме
«Добро пожаловать в Ненецкий автономный округ»
(урок в 10 классе)
Номинация «Лучшая методическая разработка»
Бубнова Людмила Ивановна,
учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ №1»,
конт. телефон 89115868365;
Муниципальное бюджетное учреждение «Средняя общеобразовательная школа №1
города Нарьян-Мара»
Итоговый урок – проект по теме «Добро пожаловать в Ненецкий Автономный округ».
Цель урока:
1) познавательный аспект – увеличение объема знаний об особенностях культуры родного края.
2) развивающий аспект – развитие творческих способностей учащихся, способности к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний, способности логически излагать.
3) воспитательный аспект – осознание понятия «Родина», более глубокое осознание своей культуры.
4) учебный аспект – развитие речевых умений.
Задачи урока:
- совершенствование речевых умений по теме
- обобщение и систематизация полученных знаний
Оборудование: Стенд «Добро пожаловать в НАО», видеокассета «Нарьян-Мар», таблицы для письменной работы, проекты учащихся.
Ход урока.
- Приветствие. Постановка цели.
Good morning, dear children and guests. We are glad to see you at our lesson “Welcome to the Nenets Autonomous District”! Every year a lot of people visit our country. Russia is fantastic! Our guests are from different foreign countries. Try them to persuade to visit our native place – the Nenets Autonomous Area.
II. Речевая подготовка. ( проводится в режиме Т>P1 ,P2,P3 и т.д.)
There are many different reasons for traveling to our Area. Try to name them.
Учащиеся заполняют “Word Web”.
Why travel to our district |
Teacher: What is the best way to see our area? This question as well as many others you would probably keep in mind if you decided to visit it. Advise your foreign friends some ways of traveling to our area.
Pupil 1,2,…: I’d like to recommend traveling by…(ship, plane…) because it is …
Учащиеся предлагают свои способы путешествия и комментируют.
III. Презентация проектов.
Примеры индивидуальных проектов учащихся (проекты демонстрируются):
- Project “Traveling to the Nenets Autonomous Area”
Millions of people all over the world spend their holidays traveling. They travel to see other countries, modem cities and ancient towns. It is always interesting to discover new things, meet different people and try exotic food. People travel by plane, train, car, ship. Tourism in our area has started to pick up. The territory of the area is unique. If you want to see it the best and the quickest way to come to the Nenets area is traveling by plane.
Aviation is the main kind of transport in the district. Narian-Mar is connected to Moscow, Saint-Petersburg and Archangelsk by airlines. In the airport of Narian-Mar there are “An-2” planes and “Mi-8” helicopters, which transport passengers and cargo around the district.
There are practically no paved roads in the Nenets Autonomous Area. For freight traffic there are winter roads. One of them is a road from Narian-Mar to Usinsk which continues to the regions of Central Russia.
The Nenets Autonomous Area has two sea-ports ( in Narian-Mar and Amderma ). You can go to Narian-Mar by sea, but it is the longest way of traveling.
Snowmobile is popular among the native inhabitants. Snowmobile are the most common means of transport in winter. Almost every hunter and fisherman has a “Buran” or a “Taiga” with sledges. In winter, where rivers freeze up, they allow to get to many places which were unreachable in summer.
A journey by deer-drawn sledges is no less interesting. They can be used all year round.
Welcome to our area and enjoy traveling.
The last few years several tourist companies and organizations have appeared, they offer various programmes for tourists.
2) Project “The Nenets Autonomous Area”
Welcome to the Nenets Autonomous Area. The Nenets Autonomous Area was formed on the 15th of the July in 1929. It is situated in the north-east of the European part of Russia. The territory of the Area is washed by seas of the Arctic Ocean: the White, the Barents and the Cara Sea. The district includes 2 large island, Kolguev and Vaigach and a group of the smaller islands. The Nenets Area lies above the Polar Circle. The territory is 176 thousand square kilometers.
The territory is covered with tundra. There are a lot of small rivers and lakes full of fish. The longest river is the Pechora. The Population is nearly 44 thousand people. People of different nationalities live in the Nenets Autonomous Area: Russians, Komi, Ukrainians, Belorussians and others. The Nenets are the native people. The Capital of the Area is Narian-Mar. It is the only town in the area. There are a lot of villages and settlements.
On the territory of the Area various mineral resources were discovered. The most valuable of them are oil, gas.
There are a lot of places of interest on the territory of the Nenets Autonomous Area.
The State Refuge “More-Yu”, the Natural Feature “Big Gate Canyon”, the Natural Feature “Pym-Va-Shor” and the historical and natural Museum Complex of Pustozersk are worth seeing.
3) Project “Climate”
The Nenets Autonomous Area is situated in the north-east of the European part of the Russian Federation. Almost all the territory of the area lies above the Polar Circle. The area belongs to the tundra zone. So the climate is sub-arctic.
The climate is harsh: long, cold winter is following by short and cool summer. Winter lasts up to 6 months. There is a lot of snow and cold winds blow, there are frequent snowstorms with winds up to 40 m./sec. Foggy days are common. December is the darkest month when the sun does not appear. We have long polar nights. Polar Lights are the most beautiful sight in the North. The year average of the air temperature is from -2C to -6-7C. The absolute temperature minimum –
-48 was registrated in Naryan –Mar in December 1978, the absolute maximum +34 was in July 1990.
Summer is short but beautiful. The countryside looks like a carpet of many colours.
The days in summer are long, the sun does not set. There are a lot of sunny nights, it is an unusual sight. It is not easy to live and work in such difficult conditions.
4) Project “Native people”
The local people of our area are the Nenets. “Nenets” means a “real man”. Before the 20th century the Nenets were called “Samoyeds”. The Nenets speak the Nenets language. The written language was created in 1932. It is based on the Russian letters. Most Nenets lead a nomadic way of life. They live in the tundra. Their home is called “chum”. The carcass of a chum is formed by poles and covered with reindeers skins. Summer covering is made of canvas. In the centre of the chum there is a fireplace, a metal stove. To move across the tundra the Nenets use deer drawn sledges. The main occupation of the Nenets ia reindeer-breeding. Is spring they drive their herds to northern tundra; is autumn the people and reindeer come back to tundra forest and northern taiga. In the forest area the herds are protected from cold winds. Besides reindeer-herding the Nenets hunt polar foxes, wolves foxes. Fishing is summer activity.
The Nenets wear their traditional clothes made of reindeer skins: malitsa, panitsa fur stockings, pims.
The main food of the Nenets is meat and fish. In spring the meat of reindeer is replaced by geese. Geese’s eggs are picked up. Tundra is rich of berries: cloudberries, blueberries, cowberries are popular among the inhabitants.
In 1989 Association of the Nenets people “Yasavey was founded” in the area. The aims of this social organization are the solve social and economical problems, to preserve the national culture and traditional way of life of the Nenets people.
5) Project “Pustozersk”
Pustozersk the first Russian town beyond the Polar Circle was founded by Moscow princes Pyotr Ushaty and Semyon Kurbsky. Pustozersk was located 80 verst from the mouth of the Pechora. It was used as the fortress and occupied a strategic position. It was surrounded by water from the three directions.
Pustozersk used to be a market place were Russian population exchanged their goods for furs and other northern commercial products. In 1667 Protopope Avvakum Petrov was deported to Pustozersk. He was the leader of the Old Believers. He wrote his famous “Life” in Pustozersk.
According to the tsars ordert Avvacum was committed to the flame. In 1686 Old Believers of Mezen put up a wooden worship cross at the place of Avvacum’s execution. The life in Pustozersk came to a final end after the 1940s. The last inhabitants left the town in 1960s.
In 1964 the monument to Pustozersk was put up. Since 1987 archeological research has been done or on its territory.
6) Project “ Native meals”
The main food of the Nenets is meat and fish. The meat of freshly-killed reindeer is considered the most delicious meal. Eating the steaming raw meat is a festival of its kind. Each person cuts off a slice of meat, dips it in warm blood and eats it at once. The Nenets do not bite off pieces of meat, but cut them off by knife right at the mouth with an upward movement. Besides eating the meat raw it is also boiled.
When there is a lot of meat it is preserved. Some of it is dug into the frozen soil, some is sun-dried, smoked or salted.
In spring the meat of reindeer is replaced by fowl – geese, ember-geese (гагары),
jaegers ( поморники), and polar owls (полярные совы). Geese’s eggs are picked up from the nests.
The Nenets mostly eat raw and boiled fish. In winter they eat “stroganina” (sliced frozen raw meat or fish).
The Nenets bake unleavened bread (пресный хлеб) and a kind of bread of reindeer blood with some flour added.
Most of the vegetable is constituted by berries- cloudberries (морошка), blueberries (голубика), cowberries (брусника).
In the past the Nenets did not eat mushrooms, they considered them “reindeer’s food”.
Tea is a favorite drink. It is usually brewed (заваривают) right in the kettle.
The Nenets never milked reindeer; cow’s milk products were only known to the Nenets who lived together with Russian families.
7) Project “Refuse More-Yu”
Государственный природный заказник регионального значения “Море-Ю”
The State Refuse “More-Yu” was founded in 1999. It is situated in Bolshezemelskaya Tundra in the middle reaches of the More-Yu river. The special feature of the refuge is a relict fir forest. The length of the “Wooden Island” is 12 km. from the East to the West, its width is 2.5 km. The refuge is administrated by the State Committee of Ecology of the Nenets Autonomous Area. The “Wooden Island” is interesting for studying the process of the flora formation on the territory situated far away from taiga zone. Nowadays more than 246 species of plants have been found, more than 30 species of them are rare, they are protected and included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation. The territory of the refuge is populated by rare species of birds; some of the birds (gerfalcon, peregrine, erne, war eagle, Bewicks swan, lesser white-fronted goose – сапсан, кречет, беркут, орлан, малый лебедь, гусь-пискулька) are included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation
IV. Просмотр фрагмента видеофильма “Нарьян-Мар” с целью извлечения необходимой информации.
Teacher: Narian-Mar is the capital of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.
Narian-Mar is a nice town. It has some places of interest. Let’s watch a part of the video film. Which views of the town this film suggests you and your friends to see?
Ответы начинаются: this film suggests seeing…; recommends/ advises us to see…
V. Чтение текста с целью детального понимания.
Let’s read the text about our native town Narian-Mar. Try to get as much information as possible. You have 3 minutes.
We begin our tour around the town of Naryan-Mar. It is neither small nor big. It stands on the Pechora river. Naryan-Mar is not an old town, it was founded in 1935.On March 10, 1935 the worked settlement Naryan-Mar was upgraded (переименован) to a town “…in view of the considerable growth of population and the development of cultural and industrial facilities there…’’
If you reserve an excursion around the town in the local history museum, its staff will help you to see it. Besides the museum, the national culture of peoples inhabiting the Nenets region – the Nenets, Komi and Russians – is presented in the district exhibit hall, town exposition centre and ethno-cultural centre. There you can buy various souvenirs and national fur items. In the cultural centre there are some amateur studios, including a youth ensemble of Nenets song and dance called “Khayar” and an amateur theatre “Ilebts”.
In spring, in late March-early April, one of the citizen’s favourite holidays takes place in Naryan-Mar – a sport festival “Polar Lights”. It includes races of snowmobiles, deer-and dog-drawn sledges. People come to the festival to try their luck from all over the region. This gives a visitor a chance to get acquainted with national culture, to see national garments. Snowmobile races have some stages. Naryan-Mar has radio and telephone communications with all the villages in the Okrug and cities and towns all over Russia. A large building was completed to accommodate a telecommunications centre which has modern satellite communications equipment. The Okrug has a radio station of its own, broadcasting and a local television company “Zapolyariye”. The Okrug publishes a daily “Naryana Vynder”, which runs a page in the Nenets language.
Life goes on, and Naryan-Mar is developing and growing more beautiful with every day.
Примерные вопросы для понимания прочитанного.
- What information have you got about the history of Naryan- Mar?
- What sport event is our town famous for?
- Prove that Naryan-Mar is a cultural centre of the region.
VI. Заполнение таблицы.
Учащимся предлагается заполнить таблицу, сравнивая культуру Великобритании и НАО (России).
Now you know many interesting facts about the UK and our foreign friends
have got some useful information about our country. What do you know about the travel habits of people in Great Britain and your country? Complete the
Link List.
the NAO | the UK | |
Reasons for travelling | ||
The most popular places for visiting |
VII. Заключительный этап урока. Подведение итогов.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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