Итоговый урок-проект по теме«Добро пожаловать в Россию»
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Итоговый урок-проект по теме «Добро пожаловать в Россию» 7 класс (по программе О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой)
Цели: закрепление знаний, умений и навыков с элементами компьютернo- ориентированного урока.
Образовательные задачи: расширять кругозор уч-ся, вовлекать их в диалог культур в ситуациях, которые моделируются на уроке.
Учить уч-ся работать с программным обеспечением.
Развивающие задачи: развивать творческие способности уч-ся ,способность к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний,способности логически излагать.
Воспитательные задачи:воспитывать осознание понятия « Родина», более глубокое осознание своей культуры.
Оборудование: стенд “Пятигорск”, “Россия”,DVD-диск, экран, компьютеры, текст для чтения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Итоговый урок-проект по теме
«Добро пожаловать в Россию»
Учителя английского языка высшей квалификационной категории
Линёвой Ольги Петровны
г. Пятигорска
Итоговый урок-проект по теме «Добро пожаловать в Россию» 7 класс (по программе О.В. Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой)
Цели: закрепление знаний, умений и навыков с элементами компьютерно- ориентированного урока.
Образовательные задачи: расширять кругозор уч-ся, вовлекать их в диалог культур в ситуациях, которые моделируются на уроке.
Учить уч-ся работать с программным обеспечением.
Развивающие задачи: развивать творческие способности уч-ся ,способность к сравнению и сопоставлению полученных знаний,способности логически излагать.
Воспитательные задачи:воспитывать осознание понятия « Родина», более глубокое осознание своей культуры.
Оборудование: стенд “Пятигорск”, “Россия”,DVD-диск, экран, компьютеры, текст для чтения.
Ход урока:
I.Начало урока: Приветствие. Постановка цели.
Good morning, dear guests and friends. We are glad to see you at our lesson “Welcome to Russiа. So today we are going to make a very enjoyable trip to a wonderful country. We’ll speak about its position and history, rivers and mountains, interesting events and unusual things. We’ll have an exciting excursion about its beautiful capital, see its wonderful places of interest.
Учитель: Добрый день. Мы рады приветствовать вас на интегрированном уроке английского языка и информатики « Добро пожаловать в Россию».В конце изучения темы « Россия – моя Родина» на уроках английского языка ребятам было предложено пригласить иностранных гостей в Россию и организовать для них путешествие». Свой проект мы назвали « Добро пожаловать в Россию».При подготовке проекта ребят были нацелены на поиск материалов краеведческого характера, что в значительной степени усилило воспитательный потенциал обоих предметов.
II.Речевая подготовка: (проводится в режиме T-P1, T-P2 …)
Let’s imagine that our guests are from different countries. Try to persuade them to visit our native land- Russia
At our previous lessons we spoke about different reasons for travelling to Russia. On your monitors and on the screen you can see some of them. Now, listen to me and repeat them after me.
Why travel to Russia
- to meet people
- to practice speaking Russian
- to see the beautiful Russian country side
- to learn about the history of Russia
- to take part in a celebration
- to visit new places
- to buy souvenirs
Now your task: you should choose only one reason, which in your opinion is more attractive for foreigners and underline it.
From the very ancient times people wanted to explore other countries. They used primitive transport, they spent much time to get somewhere, and they tried and tried and tried.
To whatever part of the world you went
By wheel or sail, or wing or track,
You’ll have exciting things to tell
Now that you are safely back.
Teacher:-What is the best way to see a country? We offer you a project “Travelling in Russia” done by Nastya Sinegubova
-What is the best way to see a country? This question as well as many others you would probably keep in mind if you deсided to visit Russia.
There are many ways of traveling in our country. First of all, if you want to walk, to see the beautiful countryside, to meet people, you may have long walks in the country. Such walks are called hikes. Take your rucksacks, don’t think about tickets, don’t hurry and walk a lot. During such hikes you see a lot of interesting places, sometimes you meet interesting people.
You may travel by car. It is interesting too, because you can see many things in a short time. When you go by car, you don’t take tickets too, you put all the things you need in a car.
It’s comfortable to travel by train and by plane. When you travel by plane, you don’t spend a lotof time going from one place to another.
If you want to go to the seaside, you may travel by ship.
It is warm, you can swim, enjoy watching white ships.
I think that travelling is a very useful thing and you enjoy all kinds of traveling very much.
Teacher:Russia is one of the biggest countries in the world. It has its own national symbols, emblems.It is a country of very old traditions.I think that before traveling to Russia foreign friends would probably like to get as much information as possible.
done by Ksenya Babenkova
Russia is one of the biggest countries in the world. It is situated in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 mln square kilometres. The population of Russia is about 150 million people.
Russia has a double-headed eagle as a symbol. It was introduced in Russia in 1497 by Tsar Ivan III.
The national flag of Russia is made up of three stripes: white, blue and red. The white stripe symbolizes nobility and revelation. The blue stripe symbolizes courage, generosity and
love and the red stripe symbolizes loyalty and honesty. Besides, there are other national symbols, such as St. Andrews’s flag and St. George the Victorious.
According to old traditions, a guest should always be welcomed with the symbol of lifegiving food- bread and salt.
The beauty of the ancient towns, their historical and architectural monuments, the gilded domes of the cathedrals, and the autumnal gold of the forests attract tourists from all over the world.
The singing of chastushkas used to be an important part of Russian rural holidays and parties. In many places they are still popular.
Teacher: People who plan to travel should decide what things to take. That’s why they should know about the weather conditions in different seasons in our country.
done by Valya Gilavyan
Winter, spring, summer and autumn are the seasons of the year.
December, January and February are winter months. The weather is cold, usually it snows. The days are short and the nights are long. You can see snow everywhere.
March, April and May are spring months. The weather is fine, it is warm. Sometimes it rains but as usual the sun shines brightly.
June, july and August are summer months. It is hot or warm. June is the first month of summer. We have the longest day and the shortest night of the year on the 21-st and 22-nd of June. August is the last summer month. Sometimes it is cool in August.
September, October and November are autumn months. The weather is changeable. It often rains.
Teacher:Tastes differ, says one popular proverb. Every country has its own traditional dishes. What about meals in Russia?
4.Project ”Russian Meals” done by Vlad Ryazanov
The usual meals in Russia are breakfast, dinner and supper.
As a rule people have breakfast at 7 or 8 o’clock in the morning. Children and grown-ups are fond of pancakes. Then you have a cup of tea with milk or lemon or coffee and a ham and cheese sandwich. At about 1 or 2 p. m. we have dinner. It often consists of three courses .For the first course we eat chicken soup, cabbage soup (shchi), borshch, mushroom soup, or fish soup. For the second course Russians eat different kinds of salad ( meat salad, fish salad, vegetable salad), fried, boiled or stewed meat or fish. For the third course we have a glass of juice, a piece of cake or a pie.
In the evening we have supper. Some people prefer mashed potatoes with pickled or fresh vegetables.
Далее проводится обсуждение традиционных русских блюд, которые уч-ся хотели бы предложить иностранным гостям. ( Работа проводится в режиме T-P1, P2, P3 и т. д. )
T: What Russian dishes would you advise your friends? Why?
P1: I’d advise blini. They are tasty.
P2: I’d recommend okroshka. It’s fantastic! Etc.
T: Traditions. They make a nation special. To my mind many foreigners come to Russia to learn about our traditions and to take part in a celebration. So our next project is about Russian holidays and festivals.
5.Project “Holidays in Russia” done by Natasha Zlobinskaya
There are some special dates and events in the life of our country.
These dates are: Victory Day, May Day , Constitution Day, Independence Day. These are national holidays. The most memorable date is Victory Day. It is celebrated on the 9 th of May. On this day we celebrate the anniversary of the victory over fascism in the Great Patriotic War.
May Day is celebrated as the day of solidarity of the workers of the world.
Women’s Day, is celebrated on the 8 th of March, is like Mother’s Day in Great Britain.
Some holidays are of religious origin. They are Christmas and Easter. In Russia Christmas is celebrated on the 7 th of January. At Christmas people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Easter symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
T: There are many places to see in our country. What cities would you advise your friends to visit in Russia?
The next project is about our capital Russia.
6.Project “Moscow’’ done by Angelina Poteryakhina
Moscow is the capital of Russia. It’s one of the biggest and most beautiful cities in the world. The population of the city is about 9 mln. people.
Moscow is a political center, where the government of our country works.
Moscow was founded in 1147 by Yury Dolgoruky. Moscow is an industrial center, too. There are many factories and industrial plants in it.
Moscow is a cultural center. There are a lot of theatres, museums, institutes, libraries and cinemas in Moscow. There are different means of public transport in Moscow. They are trams, buses, trolley-buses, taxis, the underground. There are many places of interest in Moscow.
Moscow, the heart of our country, is dear not only to Moscovites, but to all Russians.
I would recommend to see the following sights of our capital: The Kremlin, Red Square, State Moscow University, the Moscow Metro, the Central Stadium in Luzhniki, Gorky Central Park, the Children’s Musical Theatre, the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum, the Museum of History, the Bolshoi Theatre, the Tretyakov Art Gallery, the Pushkin Fine Art Meseum, the Central Military Museum.
Teacher: St. Petersburg is often called the northern capital of our country. It’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. And the history of this city is very interesting too. .Let’s travel to St. Petersburg.
7.Project “St. Petersburg” done by Oleg Matveychev
St.Petersburg is the second largest city in Russia. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
It was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great as the “Window on the West.”
St. Petersburg is a city of great beauty, with places, cathedrals, churches, government buildings.
When the First World war began in 1914, the German-sounding name, St. Petersburg, was changed to Petrograd.
After the October Revolution the city was renamed after Lenin.
During the Great Patriotic War Leningrad was cut off from the rest of the country for a year and a half. No food could be brought in, and people died of starvation.
Rebuilding took years. Now St. Petersburg is an important industrial, cultural and educational center. The population of the city is over 5 million . There are many sights in St. Petersburg. The Winter Palace, the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, the Peter-and-Paul Fortress and the Admiralty building attract thousands of tourists from every corner of the world.
Teacher: I think we can invite foreign friends to our land and show them the beauty of our nature, the riches of our land and hospitality of our people.
8.”The Stavropol Region. The Caucasus Mineral Waters.”
done by Nastya Morgunova
Stavropolye. The territory is situated in the center of a vast Caucasus.The beauty of landscapes is beyond description.Stavropolye has mild climate, rich soil, various minerals and good-natured people.
The story of the territory will be incomplete without its history. In the past North Caucasus was the arena of many tragic events. People had to work hard to bring Stavropolye back to life after the Great Patriotic War.
Stavropol is the principle town of the Territory, its major administrative, cultural and military center.
South of Stavropol territory, in the south-western part of Russia, you can visit a unique region- The Caucasus Mineral Waters.Famous balneological resorts are situated here: Pyatigorsk, Essentuky, Zheleznovodsk and the climatic resort Kislovodsk.These resorts have become widely known due to the availability of various types of mineral waters.Each of the towns in this district has its own unique look. But they also have something in common: they are warm towns. Every visitor becomes sensitive of the special atmosphere of warmth and hospitality.
The North Caucasus is Russia in miniature. People with their traditions, religions, languages live here.
Hospitality is one of the striking, distinguishing features of the people of the Caucasus. The guest will have the best place which has the house and will be surrounded with attention and care.
9.Чтение текста с целью детального понимания.(используется текст краеведческого характера)
Thank you. Well done. Our next work is Reading Comprehention. On the screen and on your monitors you can see the text. The title of the text is “The History of Pyatigorsk”. Let us read it very attentively. Try to get as much information as possible. After the text there are some questions for you. Find the answers to them in your texts. You have3 minutes.
The History of Pyatigorsk.
The mineral springs in this area were first mentioned in the 14-th century. As for the town, its history is dated back to 1780. This date is considered to be the foundation town date.
The soldiers who served in the fortress noticed that after baths in the mineral springs they felt healthy. The fame of the unusual mineral water was spread over Russia very quickly.
In 1803 the North Caucasian Mineral Water Area was acknowledged as a state spa area. But only in 1812 the first houses were built at the foot of the mountain Mashuk.Goryatevodsk settlement came to its rise. In 1830 it was renamed as town Pyatigorsk.
It’s interesting to know that Pyatigorsk got its name from the Turkish “ Beshtau”, which means in translation “five mountains”. Beshtau is the highest mountain near which Pyatigorsk is situated.
In 1893 the towns of the area were connected by the railway line. It was the impulse for the further development of spa promotion. The new hotels, restaurants, cottages were being built.
The government gave money for the construction of mud establishments, tramline, bath-taking building as well as water piping.
So, Pyatigorsk got to be known as a modern spa. Presently the spa has about 20 sanatoriums, 3 boarding houses, 5 rest- homes at its disposal. We’ve got 6 bath complexes, mud establishment, inhalation service, 3 mineral drinking galleries.
Pyatigorsk has become a well known health resort.
Answer the questions:
1.When were the mineral springs mentioned first in our area ?
2.What date is considered to be the foundation town date?
3.When did our town get its name ?
4.How can we translate the Turkish name “Beshtau”?
5.What is Pyatigorsk famous for ?
6.Prove that Pyatigorsk is a modern spa.
10.Просмотр фрагмента видеофильма на английском языке
Аудирование с целью извлечения информации.
T: Pyatigorsk is a beautiful town. It has many sights. Let’s watch a part of the video-film “Our Town”.Which views of Pyatigorsk does this film suggest you to see?
Our Town.
Pyatigorsk is a famous town in Russia. It is situated in the south of the country between mountains “Mashuk” and “Beshtau”. More than 180 thousand people live in Pyatigorsk.
There are a lot of trees in the streets, parks and squares. They make the town look very green a It is not an industrial center. There are some plants in the town but they are in the suburbs. Our town is not very old. It was founded more than 200 years ago.
It was in Pyatigorsk that Lermontov was shot in a duel. The legend says that when he fell to the ground lightning struck and a downpour of unseen vehemence gushed down.
Everyone who goes to Pyatigorsk will certainly visit the small house in which the great Pussian poet Mikhail Lermontov spent his last days .At this table during his rare moments of peace and spiritual calm, the twenty-seven-year- old Russian literary genius wrote poems .
It is the “Place of Lermontov’s Duel”.
Here you can see The Flower Garden. All people like to rest here listening to the wonderful music of an “Aeolian Harp”, producing the melody of centuries past…
What can you see else here in the park? Of course The Lermontov’s Gallery, The Musical Comedy Theatre, The Lermontov’s Grotto, The Diana’s Grotto and what not.
Doctors and scientists of the Institute of Spa Treatment keep the future in mind and all they can do to preserve the wonderful countryside in this remarkable corner of the Northern Caucasus.
Which views of Pyatigorsk does this film suggest you too see?
Образцы ответов:
1.This video-film suggests seeing…
2.This video-film recommends us to see…
3.This video-film advises us to see…
11.Заполнение таблицы.
T:Now you know many interesting facts about Russia and our foreign friends have got some useful information about our country as well. What do you know about the travel habits of people in Russia? Use your mice and click on the next icon and complete the list.
I. Reasons for traveling
II. The most popular places for visiting
12.Заключительный этап урока.
Подводятся итоги урока.
T: Do you like our today’s visit to Russia? What was interesting for you to know ?
Possible answers:
-To my mind today’s trip was very interesting. We’ve learnt many interesting facts about our Motherland and it’s capital Moscow.
-I liked the project about St. Petersburg best of all.
-As foe me I liked the material about our native region, and now I’m proud of our beautiful town Pyatigorsk.
-It’s seems to me it is the most beautiful town in the whole world.
It’s a pity but time flies and our today’s trip is over. Let’s finish nour visit to Russia with a popular Russian song “Moscow Suburb Nights”.
13.Home Assignment
Teacher: Nowadays more and more people use computers at work and at home. They can not tear themselves away from their computers. Especially children and teenagers are hooked on them. They like to play computer games and spend hours with educational programs. More and more kids can improve their reading, writing and arithmetic when they operate the computers. Many students study school subjects on it. They say computers make learning fun. At home please use your friend’s e- mail in Britain and write a letter to him or her about the most interesting places of Russia.
Use the following:
-If only I had more time…
- to visit
- to see
- to admire beautiful scenery of …
Your work today was good, your marks are…
It’s a pity but time flies and our today’s trip is over. Let’s finish our visit to Russia with
a popular Russian song “Moscow Suburb Nights”.
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