Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку «Путешествие по родному краю»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Урок разработан на основе УМК В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа
Английский язык, 8 класс, урок 18-19
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Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку «Путешествие по родному краю»
Урок разработан на основе УМК В.П.Кузовлев, Н.М.Лапа
Английский язык, 8 класс, урок 18-19
Тема урока:
Путешествие по родному краю.
“My native land, I love you.”
Проблема урока:
составить представление о нашем крае, уметь рассказать о своей малой родине.
“There is no place like home”, “East or West-home is best”( Proverbs).
Тип урока:
систематизация и обобщение знаний.
компьютер, презентация «Люблю тебя, мой край родной!», карта Ростовской области, тесты, учебник стр.35-36, кроссворды.
Информационное обеспечение:
Формы работы:
- фронтальная работа;
- работа в парах;
-самостоятельная работа учащихся.
Цель урока:
дальнейшее развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетенции.
Задачи урока в условиях компетентностного подхода:
-речевая компетенция:
- Развитие коммуникативных умений в основных видах речевой деятельности( диалогическая, монологическая речь, чтение текста « Ростовская область»;
-языковая компетенция:
- увеличение объема используемых лексических единиц;
-социокультурная компетенция:
- совершенствование знаний о родной стране, нашем крае;
- формирование потребности к самостоятельному труду( составление диалога, решение кроссворда);
-учебно-позновательная компетенция:
- автоматизация навыков и умений чтения с целью поиска нужной информации ( чтение текстов);
- -воспитание культуры общения;
-компенсаторная компетенция:
- -дальнейшее развитие умения выходить из положения в условиях дифицита языковых средств при получении и передаче иноязычной информации (диалоги).
1.Первый этап урока.
Приветствие. Рефлексия эмоционального настроения учащихся.
T.: Good morning, dear my friend! I am glad to see you at this lesson .Let start our work. Today we are going to talk about Rostov region. That’s why the topic of our lesson is “My native land, I love you!” The main idea of it is “ East or West- home is best” or “There is no place like home”. (Предлагаются первый и второй слайды презентации)
Do you know this man? ( учитель показывает на фото губернатора Ростовской области).
P.:I know this man. This man is Vasily Golubev .He is the head of Rostov region.
2.Второй этап урока.Warming-up. Создание коммуникативной атмосферы и проблемной ситуации урока. Вы хотите открыть свой сайт в Интернете и рассказать в нем о своей родной земле, о чем бы вы рассказали?
T.: Dear my friends! Imagine you are writing about your native land for the Internet page.
T.: This lesson is unusual because it helps you to do this hometask. We shall try to talk about our Motherland, about our native land, about the place where we were born.
-What do you think about the topic of our lesson?
- What do you think about the words: my native land, my native place?
-Can you translate these proverbs?
P.: I like place where I was born.
P.: To my mind, it is very necessary to talk about our motherland.
P.: I think, we must know all about our native land.
P.: I would like to tell you that the problem of our lesson is very interesting.
3.Третий этап урока. Отработка лексических единиц.Phonetic activities .Pupils read the words and repeat them.(Слова на третьем слайде)
New words:
-rural -сельский
-to border on –граничить с
-average -средний
-a plain -равнина
-clays -глина
-limestone -известняк
-phosphorite -фосфориты
-a sunflower -подсолнух
-a combine-harvester -комбайн
-a transport-helicopter -вертолет
-a locomotive -электровоз
-equipment -оборудование
-sandstone -песчаник
-quartz –кварц
4.Четвертый этап урока. Работа с текстом. Активизация навыков чтения с элементом исследовательской технологии. Reading for the main idea.
T.: So, dear children! Read the text and answer the questions( вопросы даны на доске).
Rostov Region
Rostov Region is situated in the south of Russia in the southern part of Russian Plain. The specific feature of our region is that it is the most windy one in Russia. We can admire steppe lands and fields with rich crops of golden wheat, green maize and patches of sunflowers.
The geographical position of the region is favourable because all the highways and main lines connecting Russia with Caucasus pass through it. Rostov Region is a hilly plain. The main part of it is covered with steppes. You can see forests only Vyoshenskaya and Oblivskaya districts.
Rostov Region consists of 42 rural districts. Our region borders on Voronezh, Donetsk, Lugansk and Volgograd Regions, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories and Kalmyk Repablic. The total length of its borders is 2280 kilometres.
On the territory of our region there are about one thousand small rivers. The longest river is Don. Our region is rich in lakes. There are about 100 lakes on its territory. The biggest lakes are the Limannoe, the Monastyrskoe, the Tsymlyanskoe.
The climate is temperate continental. So you can clearly define four seasons. The coldest month is January, with the average temperature of -9,-10, the hottest month is July with the average temperature of +22,+24.
Our region is rich in natural resources. Coal is one of the main riches, more than 30 million tons of it are mined annually. The centers
of coal mining industry are Kamensk, Shakhty, Novoshakhtinsk and others. Chalk, different kinds of clays and sands, sandstone, limestone, quartz, phosphorite are found in Tatsinskaya district.
Rostov Region is one of the biggest industrial centre of Russia. Today it produces combine-harvesters, others agricultural machines, transport-helicopters, locomotives, furniture, clothes, equipment for atomic, thermo-electric power stations and so on.
Today Rostov Region is one of the most productive agricultural region in Russia. Our region is the main wheat-growing area. Many kind of fruit and vegetables are grown in it. But still the main wealth of our region is chernozyom (black earth). Professor Dokuchaev said many years ago:” Black earth for Russia is more important than oil, gold, iron-ore. All these things are nothing in comparison with.”
Post-reading activities. Pupils answer the questions given before the text. For example:
-Look at the map .Can you show us the border of Rostov region?(Учащиеся работают у доски с картой).
-Where is Rostov region situated?
-The geographical position of Rostov region is favourable, isn’t it?
-What regions and territories does it border on?
-What kind of climate do we have in our region?
-What is specific feature of our region?
-Coal is one of the main riches of our region, isn’t it?
-What did professor Docuchaev say about the main wealth of our region?
-What is grown in our region?
-Have you ever traveled to any place in Rostov region?
-What is the capital of our region?
(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы, используя лексику и лексические фразы на странице 35-36).
5.Пятый этап урока. Совершенствование навыков чтения с целью извлечения конкретной информации и детального понимания содержания. Reading for the main idea.
T.: So, dear children! Read the text.
Rostov-on-Don is the capital of our region. Rostov is known as “ the gateway to the Caucasus”. Rostov is one of the beautiful cities in the world. It is one of the oldest cities in the world too.
Our capital has very rich and interesting history, customs and long cultural traditions.
The green city lies on the high bank of river Don. It was founded in 1761. At the beginning it was a fortress. The fortress got the name of the saint Dimitry Rostovsky.
After the construction of the Volgo-Don shipping canal Rostov-on-Don became a port of five seas- the Sea of Asov, the Black Sea, the Caspian Sea and the White Sea.
Thanks to its favourable geographical location the city grew rapidly. Now Rostov is the political, industrial, agricultural, cultural and scientific centre of our region.
Post-reading activities.( Совершенствование навыка монологической речи).
T.: Retell this text. (Учащиеся выполняют задание).
6. Шестой этап урока. Совершенствование коммуникативных умений в говорении и слушании.
T.: Why do we say that our region has rich cultural traditions?
Of course, our region is rich in cultural traditions. We know dozens of outstanding figures in literature, art, science, medicine and technology.
What great people of our country are associated with Rostov region? Can you tell us about them?
P.: I’d like to tell you about Ivan Pavlov.
The great Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov lived in Rostov in 1881 and 1887.
It was here in Rostov that he got married and got acquitted with the professor Orlov, who supervised the eye – hospital in Rostov.
There is a memorial plaque in one of the houses in Bolshaya Sadovaya in honor of Pavlov’s visits to Rostov.
P.: I’m going to say some words about Vera Panova.
Vera Panova
She is the famous Russian writer. She was born in Rostov in 1905.
Her books are well – know not only in Russian but also in the world.
She depicted the life of our countrymen. Most of her works are devoted to children and teenagers.
She loved theatre very much and gave it much of her time. She worked together with the famous producers such as Yuri Zavodsky,
S. Gerasimov, S. Bondarchuk.
In 1960 the screen version of Panova is famous book « Seryozha »
got the main prize of the international film festival the Crystal Globe.
P.: Do you know Vuchetich?
Yevgeny Vuchetich.
He is one of the most outstanding Russian architected. He was born in 1908 in Dnipropetrovs’k.
He educated at Rostov School Art and the Academy of Arts in Leningrad.
All his creative powers and talent as a sculptor he devoted to glorifying the heroic exploits of Russian people. The sculptor created his monuments directly influenced by his experiences in the war victories. He created the monument to the solder-liberator in Treptov-park in Berlin, Motherland on the top of Mamayev hill.
He made 40 busts; more than 10 cities in our country have his monuments. He died in 1974 in Moscow.
P.: I want to tell you some words about M.A.Sholokhov .
M.A.Sholokhov is one of greatest Russian writer of the 20 century. He was born in 1905 in stanitsa Vyoshenskaya. When he was young he tried different jobs and began writing short stories and published articles in newspapers and magazines. After the Civil War he returned to his native village and began to write his great novels. He wrote about the tragic life of Cossacks and their struggle for independence. In 1965 Nobel Price for literature was awarded to the Russian writer Mikhail Sholokhov. He wrote: ”The Fate of the Man”, ”The Upturned Soil”, “The Don stories”, “They Were Fighting for the Motherland”, “And Quiet Flows the Don”.M. Sholokhov worked till the last years of his life. People of the Don are proud of their countryman.
7. Седьмой этап урока. Закрепление и повторение изученного материала (дифференцированный подход, т.к. дается три задания разного уровня сложности).
A group is devided into three teams. Each team gets different tasks.
T.: Now, dear pupils! I’ll give you three tasks. You may choose one of them: do crosswords, write a letter to your foreign friends or make up short dialogues on the base of these texts. I’ll give you some minutes to do these tasks. (Учащиеся выполняют задания).
P.: Let us check our tasks. (Идет проверка выполненных заданий).
8. Восьмой этап урока. Оценки. Домашнее задание.
The conclusion of the lesson.
Homework: Prove that Rostov region is an interesting place to visit.
1. The hottest month in out region.
2. Kind of climate in out region.
3. The capital of out region.
4. District of forests.
5. The main wealth of out region.
6. … to the Caucasus.
1. The coldest month in out region.
7. The biggest lake in out region.
8. The longest river in out region.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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