Тест по чтению в формате ЕГЭ
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
1 Read the text and put sentences (A–H) in the correct gaps (1–6). There are two extra sentences.
A For any other work, things are different.
B First, though, you’ll need to have an interview.
C However, you can still only work for a maximum of twelve hours in a week.
D It is up to you and your parents to decide if they are safe.
E Alternatively, you can continue your education in Year Twelve and work part-time.
F You cannot earn more than this.
G Do you want to get part-time work?
H This means delivering newspapers to people’s houses before school.
Children, work and the law Are you still at school? 1 _________Before you do, read this leaflet to find out what you can and can’t do. First of all, there are some jobs that you are free to do at any age. 2 _________These include working for friends and neighbours, babysitting and any work experience organised by your school. If this is the kind of job you want to do, you don’t have to read any further. 3 _________If you are under thirteen, you are not legally allowed to work at all, not even part-time. If you are between thirteen and sixteen years old, or if you are still at school in Year Eleven or below, a person needs a special licence to employ you. The most popular job for children is the paper round. 4 _________Unfortunately, recent changes to the law have made this more difficult: school children can’t start working until 7 a.m. In fact, on school days and Sundays you can only work two hours a day and you must finish work by 7 p.m. If you are thirteen or fourteen, you may work for a total of five hours on a Saturday, and if you are fifteen or sixteen, you can work for eight hours. 5_________ There are also some jobs that you can’t do at all. These include the following: • working in many factories • working in construction • working with transport • working in restaurants where alcohol is served Apart from paper rounds, most school children work in shops or fast food restaurants that don’t serve alcohol. Special note for sixteen-year-olds: If you are sixteen and have finished Year Eleven at school, you may leave school and find a full-time job. 6_________ In both cases, you are now free to work more hours and in more places than thirteen–sixteen-year-olds in Year Eleven or below. However, if you are sixteen and still in Year Eleven, you and your employer must follow the rules above. |
1 Read the text. Match each person (a–f) with the best DVD (1–7) for them. There is one extra DVD.
a Alice and David have just started going out. They want to see a romantic comedy, but David doesn’t like American films. ____
b Samantha and Natalie love wildlife and nature. They are looking for an interesting film with a happy ending. ____
c Tom and Simon love comedies, but they hate romantic comedies. They are also great rock music fans. ____
d Ben and Amanda are bored with romantic comedies. They want to see an action film, but nothing too complicated. ____
e Christine and Jackie are sixteen. They love comedies about people of their own age, but they don’t like romantic comedies. ____
f Louise and Gary don’t like comedies. They prefer films about crime and detective films. They love films with a clever story that you can watch more than once. ____
DVDs to rent 1 When Spinal Tap first came out, critics thought they were watching a documentary about a British heavy metal band. Then they recognised one of the actors and realized it was just a comedy. It’s very funny. 2 Born Free is a true story about a couple who look after three baby lions when their mother is killed. Two of the lions are sent to European zoos but the third, Elsa, stays with them until she is old enough to return to the wild and find a family of her own. 3 The Sting tells the story of some criminals whose friend is killed by a powerful gangster. To punish the gangster, they decide to steal his money. The plot is complicated, but the ending is one of the best ever. 4 Ten Things I Hate About You is a great American teen movie. It is set in a high school and is more romance than comedy. The idea is based on a story by Shakespeare and the acting is excellent. 5 The Fugitive is a good, simple thriller. Harrison Ford is sent to jail for killing his wife. The train taking him to prison crashes and he escapes. The rest of the _ lm is a race to find the real killer. A great story. 6 Fever Pitch is a comedy with romance for the girls and football for the boys. Colin Firth plays a north London school teacher who has two loves in his life: his girlfriend and Arsenal Football Club. 7 Heathers is set in an American high school and stars Winona Ryder and Christian Slater. The two become friends and start murdering some of their classmates, a group of girls all called Heather. This black comedy is very funny in parts. |
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