Тест по чтению в формате ЕГЭ
тест по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
Предварительный просмотр:
Reading B.
Module 7
1 Read the text and put sentences A–H in the correct gaps (1–6). There are two extra sentences.
A These are seen all over the world.
B Oh, and a plane ticket to Nicaragua.
C It sounds easy, doesn’t it?
D That’s the same place bungee jumping comes from.
E This is not actually very new.
F That’s why these special rules for the sport have been introduced.
G They don’t always do what we expect.
H It is very hard, though, if you fall off.
People have always looked for adventure. Now, however, a new extreme sport seems to appear every week. What are the latest ways people have found to give themselves the ultimate thrill? One way is horse boarding. All you need is a skateboard, a horse and two people. The rider of the horse makes the horse run and the person on the skateboard is pulled along. 1 ________ Well, it isn’t. First of all, a horse can go from standing still to fifty kilometres an hour very quickly, so the increase in speed in very sudden. Secondly, horses are animals. Boats, motorbikes and other machines can be controlled, but horses are much more difficult. 2 ________ They may stop suddenly, change direction or even decide to jump over something. If you’re not keen on working with animals, there are other new ideas. How about zorbing? 3 ________ The sport began back in 2000, but it has recently become more popular. A zorb is a giant plastic ball. You get in and roll down a hill. Zorbing was invented in New Zealand. 4 ________ Life must be dull in that country to make people come up with all these strange ways of getting excitement in their lives. If zorbing sounds too safe, here’s another idea. Volcano boarding. All you need is a specially made board and protective clothes. 5 ________ That’s where you can find the Cerro Negro mountain, a live volcano which is perfect for this sport. It’s only 700 metres high, but the surface is covered in loose pieces of lava and rock. This is perfect for reaching speeds of up to eighty kilometres an hour. 6 ________ That’s why you should make sure you’re wearing a helmet and thick clothes. |
1 Read about environmental problems in six places. Match problems (A–H) to places (1–6). There are two extra problems.
A farmland turning to desert
B too much rubbish
C too much traffic
D pollution in the air
E loud noise
F deadly floods
G not enough recycling
H too many people
1 _____ The land in Bangladesh is perfect for growing food and that’s one reason the country can feed its huge population. However, the land is flat, and water from the sea and the River Ganges often covers large areas of the country. As a result, people often lose their homes. In 1987–1988, over 4,000 people drowned after heavy rain. 2 _____ Chichester is a small town in the south of England and although it is near the sea, there is no real danger from a rise in sea level. There is one problem, though. Every morning as people go work and every evening as they return home, the roads are full of cars, and journeys which should take a few minutes can take over an hour. 3 _____ Chile is an amazing country, with the driest desert in the world in the north and 7,000-metre-high mountains in the east. Its capital, Santiago, is a huge city which lies in a valley with mountains around it. In the winter the air gets stuck in the valley and, like Los Angeles, the city suffers from very bad smog. 4 _____ Nigeria is one of the biggest countries in Africa. In the south there are rainforests, but in the north it is much drier. In fact, it is now so dry that the land is slowly dying. Every year, the Sahara desert gets bigger and farmers and their animals have to move further south. This means less land to live on and less food for the people. 5 _____ The north-east of India is one of the most overcrowded parts of the country. As the population grows, people have to move further from the cities to find a place to live and to grow food. They cut down forests and destroy the habitat of the animals that live there. Some, like the tiger, are protected. Others are not so lucky. 6 _____ The Pacific is the biggest ocean in the world. However, a huge area of the ocean suffers from a terrible problem. It is full of plastic and other waste. This waste floats just under the surface, like a huge island. It pollutes the water and forces the fish and other wildlife to move to other parts of the ocean. |
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