Тест по чтению в формате ЕГЭ
тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Докторова Марина Ивановна

Тест по чтению в формате ЕГЭ УМК Сhoices


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Предварительный просмотр:

Module 10 B


1          Listen to an interview. Are the sentences true (T), false (F) or not stated (NS)?

1        The interviewer doesn’t know how to spell the girl’s first name. ___________

2        Ann’s favourite sport is swimming. ___________

3        Ann doesn’t do any sports now. ___________

4        Ann helps younger students at school because she wants to become a teacher. ___________

5        The youngest students are eleven years old. ___________

6        The sports trainers in the camp can have an evening off if the other trainers agree. ___________

7        The job the interviewer offers Ann starts next month. ___________

Module 11 B

2          Listen to someone talking about the film director Billy Wilder and complete the information with either a number or one or two words in each gap.

1        Billy Wilder died in _________.

2        Double Indemnity was made in _________.

3        The film that beat Double Indemnity for the Oscar for best picture was a _________.

4        A lot of people think that the funniest film ever made is Some Like It _________.

5        Marilyn Monroe’s character, Sugar Kane, was the of an all-girl band_________.

6        The hero of The Apartment worked in a large _________.

7        In The Apartment, Jack Lemmon looks after the girl he loves over _________.

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