Урок на тему "Time. How do you spend your time?" 7 класс
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (7 класс)
Урок на тему "Time. How do you spend your time?" - филосовский и расчитан на сильных детей, которые могут выражать свои мысли на английском языке. Тем не менее в плане урока есть Glossary, который можно использовать для более слабых учеников. Имеется интерактивное приложение и видео, которое было использованно в качестве помощника при подготовке к представлению стихотворения.
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Предварительный просмотр:
lesson plan
T: Hello, children! Welcome to the lesson. Listen to the poem, written by William Henry Davies, a Welsh poet, who was born in 1871. This is the most famous poem and it is called:
What is this life if, full of care
We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass,
No time to see, in broad day light,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at beauty’s glance
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
T: What is the key word? (Time) Could you read the lines which contain the word “time”?
Read the translation of the poem in Russian, pl….
T: When I was a girl, I wanted to learn the English language to go abroad.
What is your dream? (My dream is to become a professional. / My dream is to be rich. / My dream is to become famous. / My dream is to do nothing and surf the net all the time.)
T: Well what do we need to do to make your dream come true? (WE NEED TO SAVE OUR TIME)
I need ….. – Мне нужно….
to work hard
to save our time
to spend time wisely( разумно)
to pass the exams successfully (удачно)
to get a good job
to learn about smth (animals)
to make good friends
to get good marks (on Mathematics)
to hang out with ….
to visit theatres/ cinemas/ museums
to study History, Geography…
to go to parks/ squares/
to find some time for surfing the net (найти немного времени чтобы посидеть в интернете )
to find the time for chatting with ….
to find some time for reading literature/ poetry - …поэзию
to go abroad- уезжать за границу
measure - измерять
hour - час
admire [ed’maie] the beauty of the nature – восхищаться красотой природы
achieve smth – достичь чего-либо
Let’s see if you can beat the timer! - Посмотрим сможете ли вы уложиться во время!
The rules are the following : everybody has a card on the table. You need be careful not to miss your turn. ( не пропустить свою очередь) I select (выбираю)the number card and you need to ask question starting with Who has….?” And ask about time.) -
associates with- ассоциировать с чем-либо
equal mark- знак равно
to make a list of all activities- сделать список дел
the average life of an ant is- среднестатистическая жизнь муравья…
look through the activity list- просмотрите список дел
You are quite right!- Ты совершенно прав!
priceless [praisles] – бесценный
loose our time –потерять время
read the quotation-прочитай высказывание
waste your time- тратить время зря
Take self-evaluation cards – Возьмите карточки самооценки
WE NEED to save our time! There are a lot of things we need to do during our life so time is everything.
What is the topic of our discussion today? (Time)
Let’s make a kind of spiderweb and say what TIME associates with? (And repeat everything you’ve just said.)
Could you answer the question: How do we measure time? (minutes and hours)
But They say : “You spend your time – you spend your life”
What does the TIME means for you, you and me? ( Life)
Can we put the equal mark between these words?
(How do you spend your life? Or how do you spend your time?) The meanings are almost the same, aren’t they?
What questions can you ask about time? Watch a video and be ready to answer this question. +VIDEO
Now let’s play a game which is called “Tic –Tac” (The rules are the following : everybody has a card on the table. You need be careful not to miss your turn. I select the number card and you need to ask question starting with Who has….?” And ask about time.) Let’s see if you can beat the timer! (you have 5 minutes to finish the game)
Three days ago I asked you to make a list of all activities you were doing during Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Please put them in front of you. Do you know that the average life of an ant is about 50 days?
Look through the activity list and answer the question :
Would you spend these days the same if you were an ant? And What would you change?
Start with: If I were an ant, I would… (read more about animals)
Look at the board and read the quotation:
“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.”
What is the quotation about? What did the author want to say to you? (about time, time is priceless, we can loose our time)
You are quite right! Remember that the way you spend your time is the way you spend your life. Enjoy the beauty of our nature, read more books! Don’t waste your time on silly actions and activities which will not help you to make your dream come true.
Take self-evaluation cards please. And tick the right answer about you.)
Thank you for the lesson!. Have a good day!
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