Урок английского языка в 10-м классе по теме: "Иностранные языки в жизни людей"
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Урок английского языка в 10-м классе по теме: "Иностранные языки в жизни людей"
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Урок английского языка в 10-м классе по теме: "Иностранные языки в жизни людей"
Забайлович Елена Владимировна, учитель английского языка
Статья отнесена к разделу: Преподавание иностранных языков
Цели урока:
- Практиковать учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности по теме “Foreign Languages in the Life of an Educated Person”.
- Расширение кругозора учащихся.
- Развитие личностной активности учащихся.
- Воспитание положительного и толерантного отношения к британской культуре, более глубокое осознание своей родной культуры.
- Профессиональная ориентация учащихся (профессии, связанные с иностранным языком).
Оборудование: “Счастливый английский. Книга 3” для 10-11 классов, Т. Клементьева и Дж. Шеннон, “Титул”, 2002 г.; магнитофон; постеры “Do you know that…?” и “In your culture”; раздаточный материал (карточки с дополнительными заданиями по теме); материалы из Интернета: карта мира – плакат ЦМО (центра международного обмена); адреса для переписки со сверстниками из англоговорящих стран (на стенде “For the Lesson”).
I. Оргмомент:
1. Приветствие. Т: Good morning boys and girls! I see that all are present today. I am fine. How are you? And you? That’s OK! Let’s begin our lesson.
2. Сообщение цели урока. Т: Today we are going to speak about the role of foreign languages in the life of the people and in your life. We are going to act dialogues, have some tasks in reading and listening comprehension, speak about professions dealing with English, get some new information, then we’ll review some grammar material while using new words and expressions.
Т: Let’s read the epigraph of our lesson. На доске: “Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own”. (J. Goethe)
II. Фонзарядка:
The English language, foreign languages, learning a language, die out (dead) language, official language, knowledge, fluently, memorize, necessary, practice, communicate, all over the world, advice, exchange programme, correspondence, international exchange center.
T: Try to use these words and expressions at the lesson.
III. Речевая зарядка:
T: Agree or disagree with the following statements, please.
I agree that English is an international language. – P1, P2, etc.
(I agree that…, I disagree that…, I think that…)
- Latin is a dead language.
- Chinese is a very difficult language.
- It is never too late to learn.
- I can speak English easily about many things.
- Learning English can be fun.
- A person who knows two languages is called a polyglot.
- Russian is one of the most expressive and rich languages in the world.
IV. Практика учащихся во всех видах речевой деятельности:
1. Развитие навыков устной речи.
T: You like to speak English, don’t you?
Why are learning English?
Use the chart <Приложение1> and phrases of spoken etiquette and answer my questions, please.
a) Why is English important in Russia?
P1: I think that English is important in Russia because we can … (Работа по цепочке). And you? <Приложение1> <Рамка1>
b) What is the best way to learn English? P1: As for me, the best way to learn English is … etc. <Приложение1> <Рамка2>
с) What are the useful learning strategies? <Приложение1> <Рамка3>
d) What is a good English learner? <Приложение1> <Рамка4>
2. Прослушивание учащимися аудиозаписи диалога и контроль понимания прослушанного.
Script: p. 199-200 “Английский – 9 кл” В. П. Кузовлёв
T: These students are talking about their language learning experience. Listen to their conversation and be ready to do the test. Контроль понимания: “True or False” statements. Учащиеся записывают в тетради номер утверждения и указывают “True or False”. (Key: True – 1, 3, 4; False – 2, 5)
1. The new programme is called “Accelerate Your Learning”.
2. It combines only video and tape.
3. The only problem is that there is too much work.
4. A new teacher advises them to read English newspapers and magazines.
5. So the students can buy them in their new town.
3. Чтение учащимися текста с извлечением информации.
T: As you know the English language has become the lingua franca of the century. Read the short text “It is an Ordinary Language but …” Read the passage and be ready to answer what the author’s purpose in this passage is. Учащиеся получают тексты с тестовым заданием из сборника “Дополнительные упражнения по английскому языку к учебнику В. П. Кузовлева “English 9” для общеобразовательных учреждений “Экзамен”, М, 2003 г., стр. 55. Время выполнения – 2 минуты.
It is an Ordinary Language but …
Britain`s influence on the world has been great. Take for example the influence of the English language around the world. The English language has become the lingua franca of the century. At present English is supposed to be better suited to play the role of a world language than other languages on earth. Unlike, for example, German, Russian, or Chinese, the simple structure and grammar of English, along with its tendency to use shorter, less abstract words and more-concise sentences, are all advantageous for the composers of song lyrics, ad slogans, cartoon captions, newspaper headlines, and movie and TV dialogue. English has become the standard language of international communication and mass culture.
Choose the best answer according to the text.
The author’s purpose in this passage is to explain …
a) why Britain’s influence on the world has been great;
b) why English is well-suited to become the standard language of international communication and mass culture;
c) that mass culture has a tendency to use shorter, less abstract words and more-concise sentences.
T: Are you ready? Choose the best answer according to the text. (Key: b)
4. Беседа с учащимися о профессиях, связанных с английским языком. Цель: Профессиональная ориентация учащихся.
a) T: Some people think that English is important in Russia because we can communicate with people in the world, do business and get a better job. It is also useful when you travel. Some of my pupils live and work abroad. They say that thanks to English and their brains they have good jobs, good money and their life is always sunny. Their names are M. Sverchkova (Wales), V. Zhirnov (the USA), N. Sokolovskaya (Canada), E. Yakovleva (the USA). Their jobs are: an engineer, a programmist, a shop assistant, a doctor. Some of my pupils are English teachers in Mari El and Tatarstan, and two girls are the students of Kazan Pedagogical University, the Faculty of Foreign languages. M. Savinova was the best at the Olympiad and now she is an interpreter.
b) T: Answer my question, please. What professions dealing with English do you know?
c) Контроль домашнего задания:
Сообщения учащихся о профессиях, связанных с английским языком.
T: Well, boys and girls! Listen to the projects of your classmates and be ready to answer my questions.
Прослушать сообщения троих учащихся, остальные учащиеся сдают на проверку свои проектные работы.
P1 – an English teacher; P2 – an interpreter/a technical translator; P3 – a correspondent/a guide.
Вопросы учителя: - Do you like these professions? Why?; - Do you want to choose this profession in your future life? Why?; - Do you think that every modern specialist must know English well?
5. Работа в парах.
Чтение учащимися диалогов и составление своих диалогов по образцу (Доп. упр., стр.58 №1 и №2).
а) чтение диалогов: №1: P1 – P2; №2: P3 – P4.
- How long have you been learning English?
- I’ve been learning it for seven years.
- What do you like most of all while learning English?
- I like reading books, magazines and watching videos.
- What about educational TV programmes?
- They are interesting and helpful.
- How do you cope with phrasal verbs?
- I try to memorize them. But it isn’t easy.
- What do you think about learning grammar?
- It is necessary foundations. You must learn and practise grammar in any language.
- What is the most difficult thing for you in learning English?
- I think listening. I sometimes can’t get the idea of what I hear. And I have to listen to tape again and again.
- Learning a language is long hard and sometimes dull work. But … There are a lot of rewards for that work. I mean your ability to read, to communicate, to understand songs, to write, to travel abroad…
b) T: Some teenagers think that learning a language is long, hard and sometimes dull work. But there are some rules of memory which can help you to make this work easier. Open your books “Happy English 3” p.19 and read these rules. What kind of rules do you follow?
P1: As for me, I follow rule №3, etc.
c) Драматизация учащимися диалогов, составленных по образцу.
T: Think of your own dialogues for 2 minutes. Give your friend some advice on how to learn English easier.
P1 – P2, … , P11 – P12.
T: Thank you for your dialogues; let’s go on.
6. Активизация лексики в ходе выполнения лексико-грамматических упражнений.
Ответившие диалог учащиеся сразу приступают к выполнению заданий. T: So let’s review tag questions!
Ex. I:
Choose questions tags:
1) Let’s speak English, …
a) shall we?
b) don’t we?
c) do we?
2) Your friend can’t speak English, …
a) does he?
b) can he?
c) doesn’t he?
3) The best way to speak English fluently is to practice a lot, …
a) don’t it?
b) isn’t it?
c) isn’t he?
4) People all over the world speak 3.000 languages, …
a) don’t they?
b) do they?
c) doesn’t they?
5) Learning English can be fun, …
a) can he?
b) can’t it?
c) is it?
Ex. II: Групповая работа. Учащиеся в группах (P1, P2, P3, P4), (P5, P6) разгадывают кроссворд. <Приложение2> T: If you put the verbs in the puzzle into the correct form, you’ll be able to read a proverb. Whose group is the first? (Key: Knowledge is power).
T: Do you know any proverbs dealing with knowledge?
Примерные ответы учащихся: P1: It is never too late to learn; P2: Live and learn; P3: Money spent on the brain is never spent in vain.
7. Работа с постерами “Do you know that…?”, “In your culture”.
Цель: Расширение кругозора учащихся.
a) T: Read the information and try to use it in your home compositions and topics.
На доске - постеры <Приложение3>.
Чтение учащимися по цепочке: №1 (P1 – P8); №2 (P1 – P5).
b) Сообщение учителя о программах обмена с использованием карты мира-плаката ЦМО (Центра Международного Обмена).
T: If you have decided to speak English better, the optional course is for you. You also can take part in exchange programmes. Every year a lot of children from different countries take part in exchange programmes. They want to improve their foreign language and learn more about other countries. They live in their friends` families. Here are some programmes in which you might find yourself in one of the English-Speaking Countries as an exchange student. They are: Study and Work in the UK, in Ireland, in Australia; Camp Programmes in the USA; Work and Travel in the USA; and others.
One of my pupils L. Yakovleva is taking part in Work and Travel programme in the USA now. A. Kiselyova is going to take part in Au Pair and Nanny Programme because she likes English very much, she loves children. These girls can improve their English, travel and earn money for their future education.
Беседа с учащимися по прослушанному.
T: Answer my questions, please. Try to use: Oh, no!; Yes, of course!; Yes, indeed.
- Is it interesting to take part in an exchange programme?
- Would you like to take part in an exchange programme? Why?
- L. Yakovleva is Alyosha`s sister. Alyosha, would you like to tell us about your sister’s work in the USA? (Краткое сообщение, 5-6 предложений: Who? What? Where? Why?)
V. Домашнее задание.
Написать сочинение о роли иностранных языков в жизни людей, используя информацию с постеров “Do you know that …?”, “In your culture”, использовать материалы стенда “For the lesson”.
VI. Итоги урока.
a) T: Do you agree with the epigraph of the lesson?
(Учащиеся читают эпиграф к уроку ещё раз). Let’s read the epigraph of the lesson once again.
P1: Yes, of course. I agree with Goethe that …, etc.
b) Вывод:
T: Now you see that English has become the standard language of international communication and mass culture. Let’s hope that you will continue studying English. One of the best ways to improve English is by correspondence with a pen-friend. You may choose an address of a pen-pal. Use the information “For the lesson”. (На стенде “К уроку” - информация из Интернета: адреса сверстников из англо-говорящих стран).
с) Выставление оценок:
T: Boys and girls! You spoke English fluently and nice. Thank you for your good answers. Your marks today are: …
The lesson is over. Good-bye! See you!
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