A statistical survey of the habits of mean people
занимательные факты по английскому языку по теме
Короткие забавные статьи рассказывают о реальных фактах из жизни скупых людей, после их прочтения учащимся предлагается подобрать к статьям верные заголовки
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Read and choose the right title to each newspaper article.
- A statistical survey of the habits of mean people
- Scrooge is alive and well
- Home economics – how to save around the house
- The vices of nation
- We all know about Paul, Getty I, the richest man in the world. He’s the one who, in his 72-bedroomed country mansion, used to have a pay-phone for his guests. He’s also the one who refused to pay the ransom for the release Paul Getty III, his grandson, until the boy’s ear was cut off – and even then, the money paid was a loan to Paul Getty II at a rate of 4 per cent.
- One man bought his wife a dustpan for a Christmas present. When his workmates asked him about the brush to go with it, he said, “Oh, she’s getting that for her birthday.
- There’s the woman who for birthdays gives lovely home-made cards, with the message written on a piece of paper. With the card she’ll enclose a short note asking for the card back in a few days’ time.
- His wife wrote, “He’s always charging the family for the things he does around the house. He grows vegetables in the back garden, but I have to pay for them out of my house-keeping money. When he gives our daughter a lift to work, he’ll ask her for the bus fare and a little bit more because it’s a door-to-door service.
- She has decreed that family and friends must limit themselves to 3 sheets of paper per visit to the toilet.
- There were tales of people who scrape salt from dirty plates back into salt-cellar, retrieve cloves from eaten apple pies, save lemon slices from dirty glasses and preserve them into water to be reused later, or put used tissues to dry on the radiator. Life with Scrooge is not a lot of fun.
Survey - обзор
Mean - жадный
Save- экономить
Vices- пороки
Mansion- особняк
Ransom- выкуп
Loan- займ
Dustpan - совок
Enclose - прилагать
Charge - обвинять
give a lift – подвозить
fare- плата за проезд
scrape- соскребать
retrieve- возвращать, взять обратно
cloves - гвоздика
tissues- бумажные салфетки
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