План – конспект урока проведенного 26/11/14 в 7 «Б» классе На тему «Travelling»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Цель и задачи:
1. Активизация уже изученных лексических единиц, создание прочных речевых связей в однотипных речевых ситуациях.
2. Автоматизация грамматического материала.
3. Обучение чтению с полным пониманием прочитанного.
4. Обучение говорению: диалогическая речь с опорой.
1. Развитие чувства языка на основе контекста и наглядности.
2. Развитие языковой догадки.
3. Развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения.
4. Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
1. Воспитание интереса и культуре стран изучаемого языка
2. Воспитание самостоятельности и личной ответственности.
3. Воспитание умения работать в группах и в парах, вместе решать поставленные задачи и добиваться положительных результатов.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Этапы | Время | Содержание | Примечания | Режим |
Организационный момент Речевая разминка Фонетическая зарядка | 1 мин 1 мин 5 мин | T: Hello dear pupils, teachers and guests. I am glad to see you here. Today we will fix everything what we know about travelling. I will give you these stars for the right answers. You should collect them and at the end of the lesson you will able to buy voucher to other countries. Please, look at the board and answer the question. “How can we travel?” F. Ex on foot and you should continue. P: by bus, by train… T: Thank you for answer, and how do you think, what is the fastest way of travelling? P: by plane. T: You are quite right. And where do planes land? P: At the airport. T: You are right, thanks. Before you there are the words which you meet in our poem. Let’s find the rhythms to these words. You have 2 minutes. Plane-Spain, rain Ground-sound, around Away- may, say Lights- might, flights Wide- ride, hide Small- tall, ball, hall Wings- things, rings Truck- luck, duck Mark- spark, park Begin- Berlin, within And pleas you are welcome. Start to read. P:… T: Now let’s try to read this poem. Firstly listen to me. And now let’s read line by line. P:... T: Thank you for your work. Thanks. Well done. | Подготовка доски к уроку Слайд №1 Слайд №2 Слайд №3 Слайд №4 Слайд №5 Слайд №6 Слайд №7-8 (раздаточный материал) Слайд №9 | T to P T to P P to T T to P P to T T to P P to T T to P P to T T to P P to T T to P |
Основная часть Развитие навыков аудирования Активизация лексических навыков по теме «Страны» Совершенствование навыков письменной речи по теме «Путешествия» Проверка домашнего задания Контроль навыков домашнего чтения Совершенствование навыков говорения по теме «Страны» Развитие лексико-переводных навыков | 5 мин 2 мин 4 мин 3 мин 5 мин 7 мин 6 мин | T: Who can answer my question? How does travelling help us? P:… T: Thank you for your answer. It is your opinion, and let’s listen another opinion. Look through this question. And will be ready to answer them after second time. What is his name? Where is his name? Does he like to travel? Why? And let’s listen the second time. Who wants to answer the question? P:… T: Good. Well done. And what about you? Do you like to travel? What countries would you like to visit? And why? P: … T: Very well. A good job. Well, now I check how do you know country where you want to go. Look at the board and let’s play in “Association”. Your task is look through the picture and guess what country I mean. Ok, let’s start. P: It is France. T: Well done. P: It is Great Britain. T: Fine. P: It is Italy. T: Good job. P: It is Russia. T: Excellent. P: It is Germany. T: Very well. P: It is Greece. T: Thank you. P: It is Spain. T: Well done. P: It is Canada. T: Thanks. P: It is USA. T: Good work. Here are your stars. Now we have remembered some countries. And let’s remember the main rules for travels. You should split up into two groups. The first group writes about what we should do and the second-what we shouldn’t do. The captain of the first group- Sasha, the second group-Ann. I’ll give you 3 minutes. You can use exercise books at page 196. T: Your time is over. The captains are welcome. Start to read your rules. P:… T: And the next group. P:… T: Well done. Here are your stars. To continue our talk about travelling we should check your home task. It was to read, translate, and get out an episode. Firstly let’s watch the episodes. Please you are welcome. Who wants to be the first? P1, P2:… T: Ok. Great. You may sit down. And the next pare? You are welcome. You can start. P3, P4… T: It was nice. Sit down please. And the next task is to fill in the gaps. P: Italy. T: Ok. P: forks. T: Well done. P: friends. T: Very well. P: to use. T: You are quite right. P: meet. T: Fine. P: fifty years. T: Good job, children. Thank you. And the next task is to choose the right variant. You have to read the sentence and say the right variant. Let’s start. P: 1-b T: Fine. P: 2-d T: Well done. P: 3-b T: Thank you. The next. P: 4-c T: Very well. P: 5-a T: Well children you are quite right. And now open your books at p. 208 Ex. 40. Let’s try to make sentences. You can use the table at p. 205. F. Ex. Who can lives in Italy? The Italians live in Italy. They speak Italian. Let’s start. P: The Chinese live in China. They speak Chinese. P: The British live in Britain. They speak English. P: The Norwegians live in Norway. They speak Norwegian. P: The Russians live in Russia. They speak Russian. P: The Swedish live in Sweden. They speak Swedish. P: The Japanese live in Japan. They speak Japanese. P: The Czech live in the Czech Republic. They speak Czech. P: The Irish live in Ireland. They speak Irish Gaelic and English. P: The Americans live in the USA. They speak English. P: The Portuguese live in Portugal. They speak Portuguese. P: The Turks live in Turkey. They speak Turkish. P: The Canadians live in Canada. They speak English and French. P: The Greeks live in Greece. They speak Greek. P: The French live in France. They speak French. P: The English live in England. They speak English. P: The Welsh live in Wales. They speak Welsh and English. P: The Mexicans live in Mexico. They speak Spanish. P: The Dutch live in Holland (the Netherlands). They speak Dutch. P: The Scottish live in Scotland. They speak English and Scottish Gaelic T: Well done. Today I like your work. The next task is to translate. Ex. 43. Let’s try to do this exercise one by one. P:… (ответы к упражнению) T: Well done. | Слайд №10 Включаю видеозапись Слайд №11 Включаю видеозапись 2 раз Слайд №11 Слайд №12 Слайд №13 Слайд №14 Слайд №15 Слайд №16 Слайд №17 Слайд №18 Слайд №19 Слайд №20 Слайд №21 Слайд №22 (раздаточный материал) Слайд №23 Слайд №24 Слайд №25-27 Слайд №28 Слайд №29 Слайд №30 Слайд №31 Дети пользуются книгой | T to P P to T T to P P to T T to P P to T T to P P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T T to P P to T P to T T to P P to T T to P P to T T to P P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T T to P P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T T to P P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T P to T T to P P to T |
Заключительная часть Рефлексия Подведение итогов урока и выставление отметок. | 4 мин 2 мин | T: Children the last task for today as usually will be to compose cinquain. Look at the board and listen, please, to my variant and then I listen to yours. Travelling Adj.: wonderful, funny, sunny, lovely, nice, long, short, extremely, pleasant. Verb: to play, to buy, to fly, to swim, to skate, to dive, to ski, to walk, to have a rest. I like, hate, adore, love, dislike, enjoy, want to travel. Nouns: sea, mountains, ship, hotel, train, luggage, fruits, sights, towns, countries, islands, sky. Synonyms: trip, voyage, journey, walk, hiking, tour, cruise etc. And now your variants. P:… T: Well done. Your home tasks are Write a composition «My interesting travelling». Make some conclusions on the topic «Trip». And now let’s count your stars. How many stars have you got? If you have 8 stars you can buy a ticket for a trip. And you marks are 5. If you have 5, 6 or 7 stars your marks are 4. Unfortunately the others were less active, you should work more hard. Stand up. Thank you for the lesson. You may be free. Good bye. | Слайд №32 Слайд №33 Слайд №34 | T to P P to T T to P |
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