Конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе по теме "Архитектура". УМК Верещагиной И.Н. 11 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) по теме

Салькова Наталья Вадимовна

конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе по теме Архитектура, Unite 2.


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УМК Верещагина для 11 класса.

Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Русские архитекторы»


-Развитие навыков монологической речи по теме «Русские архитекторы»

-систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по данной теме.

Учебные задачи:

– формирование лексико-грамматических навыков говорения,
– развитие навыков устной монологической и диалогической речи.

Развивающие задачи:

– развитие способности к развитию оперативной памяти,
– развитие умения говорить на английском языке,
– развитие способности к логическому изложению материала.

Воспитательные задачи: воспитание и  развитие интереса к мировым культурным ценностям, известным архитекторам и их работам.

Форма урока: урок-презентация и защита проектов учащихся.

Тип урока: совершенствование и закрепление знаний по теме

Оснащение урока: Видеопроектор, презентации учащихся в формате Power Point

Структура урока:

I. Вводная часть.

    1. Организационный момент.

    2. Актуализация знаний. Активизация навыков диалогической речи по теме.

II. Основная часть.

Совершенствование навыков монологической речи через защиту презентаций по теме;

закрепление лексики«Знаменитые русские архитекторы» упр.12 ч.2

III. Заключительная часть.

  1. Рефлексия деятельности (итог урока).
  2. Информация о домашнем задании, инструкция о его выполнении.

Ход урока:

1. Today we have an unusual lesson. It is called “Russian architects”. You will present your mini-projects about architects of our country. And then answer some questions.

As you know, architecture is the art and science of planning, designing and constructing buildings. It is also a particular style in which a building is constructed.

-What styles of architecture do you remember?(Gothic, Baroque, Classicism, Modernism, Renaissance)

- When was architecture more decorative and impressive: in the previous centuries or nowadays? Explain your answers. (in the previous centuries, because buildings were constructed in the style of Gothic, Baroque, Renaissance. In these styles decorative elements are used: columns, statues, ceiling paintings, stucco moulding)

- Why different cities look different? (due to their architecture, which gives them individuality)

- What is more important for buildings – to be beautiful or to be functional?( architecture is not all about beauty: the graceful lines of buildings, perfect proportions and elegant decoration. It also about people and their comfort, because buildings are constructed for use)

- What famous architects do you remember? (Matvey Kazakov, Vasiliy Bazhenov, Andrey Voronikhin, Alexey Shchussev, Frants Shekhtel)

- Many of the buildings of St.Petersburg were designed by Italian architects. Who are they? (Domenico Trezzini, Francesco Bartolomeo Rastrelli, Giacomo Quarenghi, Karl Rossi)

- What styles did they use?( Baroque, Classicism)

- What buildings in our country can you refer to ancient Russian architecture? (the Kremlin in Pskov, Novgorod, Moscow; The Novgorod Sophia cathedral, Sophia cathedral in Kiev, Kizhi)

  1. You have done research work and have created  projects about our great architects.

P1, P2, P3,…представляют свои презентации.

Ask questions

Примерные вопросы:

When and where was the architect born?

Where did he get his education?

What century did he live and work in?

What style did he create in?

Do you like the style he create in?

What are his major works?

Do you like his works?


5.Закрепление лексики«Знаменитые русские архитекторы» упр.12 (Дополнительно)

Match 2 parts p71 ex12 (can find in the text)

began to show

His abilities

was a turning

architectural design

was approved

in his life

were noticed

real interest in architecture

may be regarded

After the mausoleum

was cherished

a diligent student

of Old Russian Art.

by the government authorities

as a bridge


was appointed

His education in architecture

a casual observer

was incomplete

is at a loss

head of the group

4. Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin was born in Ural. His parents were serfs of Count A. S. Stroganov. At the age of 13—14 he began to show real interest in architecture. His abilities were noticed and he was sent to Moscow for further education. He joined the architectural team of V. I. Bazhenov. M. F. Kazakov predicted Voronikhin's bright future.
According to the remaining documents, we can assume that Voronikhin took part in painting of hallway of Troitse-Sergieva Lavra in 1778. The year of 1800
was a turning point in his life: architectural design of the Kazan Cathedral was approved.

5. Alexey Viktorovich Shchussev was that Russian architect whose works may be regarded as a bridge connecting the architecture of Imperial Russia with the style of Communist Russia. He studied under Leon Benois and Ilya Repin. From 1894 to 1899, he travelled in North Africa and Central Asia. He was also a diligent(прилежный, старательный) student of Old Russian Art.
After briefly experimenting with Neoclassicism, Shchussev turned to Constructivism in the 1920s. He designed the Kazan Railway Station, Lenin Mausoleum, and the Hotel Moskva in Moscow.
After the mausoleum commission, Shchussev was cherished(высоко ценить, дорожить) by the government authorities.
In 1926, he was nominated director of the Tretyakov Gallery.
He was appointed head of the group that designed major bridges and apartment complexes in Moscow. Shchussev died four years after the end of World War II.
 Frants Osipovich Shekhtel (1859—1926) was born in St. Petersburg. His education in architecture was incomplete. When he was young he was a stagepainter and a book designer. Author of numerous mansions, pavilions at international exhibitions, industrial buildings and structures, Shekhtel designed the Yaroslavsky Railway Station in Moscow.
His best works include the mansion of the industrialist Ryabushinsky built in 1900—1902. The configuration of the building is such that
a casual observer is at a loss to(обыватель затруднится ответить) say how many storeys the building has.

  1. Оценивание/рефлексия

You have seen  presentations of students.

To sum up, there are/were many outstanding architects in Russia. Their architectural works, in the material form of buildings, are cultural symbols and  works of art.

Let's remember. What architects have we heard about? …

What project do you like best? (about…)

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