Конспект к урокам на свободные темы
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Лисина Лилия Александровна

Полные конспекты к уроку на свободные темы


Предварительный просмотр:

Проект урока №




Тема: Профессии.

Цель урока: совершенствование умений практического владения английским языком по теме «Профессии»  в процессе  деятельности учащихся на уроке.

Задачи урока:

  • Практические:
  1. введение новой лексики и первичное закрепление её на практике;
  2. развитие навыков диалогической речи;
  3. совершенствование навыков аудирования;
  4. развитие навыков письменной  речи;
  • Образовательная:

получение учащимися знаний по теме «Профессии в современном мире».

  • Развивающие:

развитие внимания, мышления, памяти, смысловой догадки, речевых, творческих способностей учащихся, а также интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

  • Воспитательные:

воспитание любви к окружающему миру, эстетического вкуса и взаимопомощи.

Языковой материал: (см. тетрадь по языковому материалу).

Оснащения урока:

  • фразы и предложения; 3 диалога (4,5,6); 3 текста – пособие по аудированию и развитию речи для изучающих английский язык: Н.Б. Караванова «Уникальный курс Английской звучащей речи»+ CD для аудирования;
  • распечатки с заданиями - А. Шереметьева Английский язык Аудирование для аудирования;
  • карточки с письменным заданием для письменной речи.

Оформление классной доски:

The professions

October, 13th


Ход урока

Номер, время


Методическое сопровождение

Тип взаимодействия


Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности.



Организационный момент.

  • Stand up, please.
  • Good morning, class. (стихотворение-приветствие: “Good morning to you!”).
  • Sit down, please!
  • How are you?

(- Fine. And how are you?)

I’m fine and glad to see you. Who is absent today?

 (- All are present.)

  • Today we shall have a talk about Love. OK. Let’s begin our lesson.

T Cl



Речевая разминка.

Answer my questions:

  • Where do you study?
  • What important problem must school-leaves solve when leaving school?
  • What does the end of school mean?
  • Why does our country need good specialists?
  • What college or university are you going to enter? Why?

T  Cl


Презентация нового материала.





  • Today you learn the new words about the professions. You write in your dictionaries.
  • (см. тетрадь с языковым материалом).
  • Start then.
  • Repeat after me! All together!
  • Well.

- Сейчас я вам прочитаю определения из:

- толкового словаря русского языка Ожегова С.И. и Шведова Н.Ю.

Профессия –

основной род занятий, трудовой деятельности.


1. род занятий, деятельности;

2.путь к успехам, видному положению в обществе, на служебном поприще, а также само достижение такого положения.

- LONGMAN(Dictionary of English Language and Culture)

Profession –

a form of employment, especially one that is possible only for an educated person and after training and that is respected in society.

Career –

a job or profession for which you are trained and which you intend to follow for part or the whole of life.

T  Cl

T →Cl


Активизация материала в разных видах деятельности.



диалогическая речь

  • Now it’s time to consist and act out to your dialogues. The new words will help you.
  • Divide in the pairs.
  • Begin, please. You have 2 minutes.
  • Star then.
  • Good!
  • Who is the next to speak?






  • I can see you are tired. Will you stand up, please?




- Listen to the sentences below, pay attention to the intonation. Repeat.

- Listen to the following dialogues.

- Listen to the texts below.

- Давайте выполним несколько заданий.

фразы и предложения

3 диалога (4,5,6)

3 текста – пособие по аудированию и развитию речи для изучающих английский язык: Н.Б. Караванова «Уникальный курс Английской звучащей речи»

распечатки с заданиями -          А. Шереметьева Английский язык Аудирование

T  Cl



письменная речь

  • The next task for you is to complete the sentences with the words on the cards. You will have 10 sentences and 5 minutes to complete them the following words.
  • Complete the sentences with the following words: successful, occupation, career, creative, architect, vet, responsible, noble, prestigious, librarian, and fireman.
  1. A profession of photographer is very… .
  2. My sister says that teaching is a … profession.
  3. We have always thought that any job in the hospital is… .
  4. Careers of computer programmer are very … nowadays.
  5. My cousin wants to be an … .
  6. Will you write your … on this form?
  7. A … is a person who works in the library and helps people to choose books and magazines to read.
  8. I am sure that the profession of a … is rather dangerous.
  9. His … as a driver came to an end after a bad road accident.
  10. I am going to be a … because I like animals and birds.

Keys; 1) creative: 2) noble: 3 responsible: 4) successful: 5) architect: 6) occupation: 7) librarian: 8) fireman: 9) career: 10) vet.

карточки с письменным




Подведение итогов урока.



Систематизация изученного материала

  • We have spoken about the Professions today. I hope you know much about the Professions.




Сообщение домашнего задания

  • Your homework is to learn the new words.





  • Thank you for your job. You have got a 5 and 4(3) today.




Организованное окончание урока

  • The lesson is over. Good-bye, boys! Good-bye, girls!

T  Cl



Предварительный просмотр:


Love. Любовь. Носители языка - о любви.

LOVE. ЛЮБОВЬ. Скорее всего, это одно из первых слов, которое вы выучили на английском языке. Поскольку тема любви - очень животрепещущая тема, Знаток начал собирать для вас лучшие высказывания про ЛЮБОВЬ (трогательные, злые, теплые, кричащие о помощи - разные), сделанные носителями английского языка, нашими современниками. Все нижеследующие тексты о любви отличаются хорошим разговорным стилем и являются живым образчиком современной английской речи.

Мы надеемся, что эти рассказы помогут вам в освоении английского языка.

Раздел будет постоянно пополняться новыми историями о любви, рассказанными носителями языка.

Мы желаем вам ЛЮБВИ и успеха в освоении английского!

Текст о любви раздела LOVE. ЛЮБОВЬ. №6

Today was one of the best days I can remember as far as my love life goes. I have been married for over 15 years to a wonderful man. We live in Dartmouth, Massachusetts near the water, and enjoy a fulfilling life. My husband, Frank, is your typical husband, works hard, sacrifices for his children and much more. He is the breadwinner in the family and is the rock that our family gravitates towards. He is a man’s man, likes to hunt, loves sports, plays cards with his buddies, and can fix anything that is broken around the house.

His only downfall, although I don’t consider it a downfall, is his romanticism. Yes, he does buy me flowers for my birthday and always remembers our anniversary, but when it comes to satisfying my emotional needs(yes women you know what I mean) he falls just a little short. Don’t get me wrong, I love this man with all my being and will do anything needed to spread love in my family, but some needs to go unmet.

I am not really complaining, because it is like winning the lottery 9 out of 10 times, you can’t win them all. I am thankful that I have such a great family and an incredible husband. I just took the romantic/emotional issue as just a fact of life. Like I said we cannot win them all, no one is perfect.

Well, I guess I was wrong. Frank proved to me yesterday that he is the ultimate husband. When he came home from a long day at work driving his truck I was so happy to see him. I had dinner all ready and both of our children were home and we enjoyed a great dinner. It was fantastic having the whole family together. Everyone was in a great mood and you could feel the love around the table. Frank seemed to be in a real jovial mood, monkeying around with the kids and being the great dad that he always is. We finished up dinner, cleaned up and started to get ready for bed. I truly felt content and could not imagine being happier. Frank was acting a little strange and goofy so I asked him what was going on. He said he had a surprise for me, I was so excited. Frank isn’t usually the surprising type so I was extremely intrigued.

Then, Frank started to get serious. He started to tell me things, emotional things, he really began to open up to me. I couldn’t believe it. I thought my husband was great, but now he was talking to me about feelings, it was amazing. I was ecstatic. So, we just chatted for a while, then when I didn’t think it could get any better Frank made the most amazing gesture that a man could make to a woman. He said this to me, “Honey, I have loved you for so long, I have always been faithful and I consider you to be the best wife a man could have. I feel honored that you decided to spend your days on this earth with me.” I was speechless. This was coming from a man who struggled to ask me out on our first date 17 years ago. To hear him express his feelings so beautifully and that his feelings were so loving towards me was actually bliss. I couldn’t remember being happier or more content.

Then, if this was not enough my husband gave me an envelope with a heart on it and he said, “Meredith, I love you more than words can say. I hope this act gives you as much joy as I am getting from giving it to you.” I was stunned. I opened the envelope and inside there was a certificate, on the top was printed, “ Heart Deed”. My husband was giving me a deed to his heart, I started to cry. The final line on the deed was, “To you I deed my heart”, and there was Frank’s signature. I never really felt anything like it. I feel we have grown so much together and have made a bit of happiness in this chaotic world. I feel blessed. I asked him where he got it and he said he got it at the local florist. What a great idea.
Well, it took weeks to get a smile off of my face. My friends and family told me I was acting like a teenager in love. I didn’t care. I knew I was loved and it felt great.


Текст о любви раздела

Love has many different meanings in English, from something that gives a little pleasure (“I loved that meal”) to something one would die for (patriotism, pairbonding). Love can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state. In ordinary use, it usually refers to interpersonal love. Probably due to its psychological relevance, love is one of the most common themes in art.

Just as there are many types of lovers, there are many kinds of love. Love is inherent in all human cultures. It is precisely these cultural differences that make any universal definition of love difficult to establish. See the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

Expressions of love may include the love for a “soul” or mind, the love of laws and organizations, love for a body, love for nature, love of food, love of money, love for learning, love of power, love of fame, love for the respect of others, etcetera. Different people place varying degrees of importance on the kinds of love they receive. Love is essentially an abstract concept, easier to experience than to explain.


Текст о любви раздела LOVE. ЛЮБОВЬ. №4

Another Love Story

yesterday i was scared. i was scared because i thought that i had no love for him. i felt numb, like i didn’t care at all, even though he had opened up to me and communicated in a way that he hasn’t much before. i really appreciated that.

today i realized that maybe i had lost sight of loving myself (again) and that is what paralyzed me.

i also think that both him and i find it a bit difficult to truly accept that the other person cares; whatever ‘type’ of love this is is not really important. i am not sure if it is ‘romantic’ love; it could change, but i have to be careful not to force it.

i find that when i open up in certain ways, when i am happy with myself, he is more open and happy. its so true.

sometimes i feel that he doesn’t ‘give’ enough in this way. but more and more i realize that maybe we just need to accept the way things are more. we fit together right now. sometimes its not perfect, but we just do. and we both tend to resist this, like we believe we (as individuals) dont really deserve it.

mostly i believe i do, but deep down there is a part that truly believes otherwise.

i suppose that most people feel like this at one time or another.


Текст о любви раздела LOVE. ЛЮБОВЬ. №3

I met Will around 2 years ago.. I say met him, he worked in MVC (a music shop) and me and practically all my friends had a crush on him I was around 15 at the time and he must have been 22 so I thought no chance, I didnt speak to him untill about 6 months ago when he started working at a comic book shop I go to, we started talking and go on loads. Although we where close friends I never thought it would ever go further then that mostly because the age gap and also because he had a girlfriend at the time, oh and the fact he was so amazingly hot and I was well..me. He ended up splitting up with his girlfriend (nothing to do with me but she thinks it was which is annoying because ive got nothing against her and she seems to hate me) and about 4 months later we where together, its only been 3 months since we have been going out but already I know I love him. I know people say you have to be together for ages before you know what “true” love is but I know how I feel about him and its love. It feels amazing.


Текст о любви раздела LOVE. ЛЮБОВЬ. №2

Love. Tears of joy 

last night something happened to me that has never happened to me before,i was alone with my girlfriend at home,when i got very emotional.i hugged her and suddenly tears fell down my face,i couldnt help it,and it started pouring until she noticed it.she looked at me and smiled,and then she also started to cry. i never felt this way before towards a woman.i love her so much that it hurts me.im not really in to drama but love can really melt a guy's heart.


Текст о любви раздела LOVE. ЛЮБОВЬ. №1

Horrible Love story. 

I've always been surrounded by girls a lot prettier than me. I think my girlfriends were with me just because I was smart and they wern't. They were but not enough to pass a maths exam.
Me on the other hand, I was the a bit chubby shy intelligent girl.
I fell in love for the first time and they were supposed to help me with the whole thing. But well obviously he didn't even see me. He was in love with my hot blonde tall busty thin glamorous best friend Natalie. ( Isn't that one of charlies angels? ARGH! anyways...)
After ... hmmm... a whole year of me bein in love, droolin during class, blushin whenever he looked my way, Natalie comes up to me and says " Kris, I don't think he likes you. But you see, he said he likes me and, well, he doesnt look that bad at all, well, I was... wondering... Would you mind If I went out with him? Oh don't worry It's nothign serious just a f*ck. Is that ok with you?"
She was my best friend and my heart was broken and I was sad and shocked so I just went like: "Oh it's no problem. I' m over him anyway"
I learned to accept the fact that he didnt want me so I kindda got used to the pain. BUT she DID NOT mention they would go at it right infront of me that same weekend at MY party!
I felt like sh*t. Horrible, ugly, dumb and just lame.
Yeh THAT was my story. Its something I never got over and I just felt like sharing. The image as I walked in to the bathroom will hunt me FOREVER. And EVER. And EVER. And for all Eternity.
I never told anyone about this. DAMN! It feels good.

Предварительный просмотр:


Класс: 9

Учебник: -

Тема: Нелепые ситуации в нашей жизни

Цель урока: совершенствование умений практического владения английским языком по теме «Нелепые ситуации»  в процессе  деятельности учащихся на уроке.

Задачи урока:

  • Практические:
  1. введение новой лексики и первичное закрепление её на практике;
  2. развитие навыков диалогической речи;
  3. совершенствование навыков аудирования;
  4. развитие навыков письменной  речи;
  • Образовательная:

получение учащимися знаний по теме «Нелепые ситуации».

  • Развивающие:

развитие внимания, мышления, памяти, смысловой догадки, речевых, творческих способностей учащихся, а также интереса к изучению иностранного языка.

  • Воспитательные:

воспитание любви к окружающему миру, эстетического вкуса и взаимопомощи.

Языковой материал: (см. тетрадь по языковому материалу).

Оснащения урока:

  • ксерокопии из книги Димент А.Л. «Шутки и смешные рассказы: Кн. для чтения на англ. яз.» в 5-11 кл. для чтения;
  • распечатки с заданиями - А. Шереметьева Английский язык Аудирование для аудирования;

Оформление классной доски:

The absurd situations

November, 17th


Ход урока

Номер, время


Методическое сопровождение

Тип взаимодействия


Подготовка учащихся к иноязычной речевой деятельности.



Организационный момент.

  • Stand up, please.
  • Good morning, class. (стихотворение-приветствие: “Good morning to you!”).
  • Sit down, please!
  • How are you?

(- Fine. And how are you?)

I’m fine and glad to see you. Who is absent today?

 (- All are present.)

  • Today we shall have a talk about the absurd situations. OK. Let’s begin our lesson.

T Cl



Фонетическая зарядка

  • Today you learn the new words about the absurd situations. You write in your dictionaries.
  • (см. тетрадь с языковым материалом).
  • Start then.
  • Repeat after me! All together!
  • Well.

T  Cl


Презентация нового материала.



  • Today we speak about the absurd situations.
  • Let’s I speak about my absurd situation.
  • Is it interesting and funny?

T  Cl


Активизация материала в разных видах деятельности.



диалогическая речь

  • Now it’s time to consist and act out to your dialogues. The new words will help you.
  • Divide in the pairs.
  • Begin, please. You have 2 minutes.
  • Star then.
  • Good!
  • Who is the next to speak?
  • Excellent!





  • Now read the texts about funny stories.

ксерокопии из книги Димент А.Л. «Шутки и смешные рассказы».





  • I can see you are tired. Will you stand up, please?

T →Cl




-Let’s do some exercises.

распечатки с заданиями -          А. Шереметьева Английский язык Аудирование

T  Cl


Подведение итогов урока.



Систематизация изученного материала

  • We have spoken about the absurd situations today. I hope you know much about the absurd situations.




Сообщение домашнего задания

  • Your homework is to learn the new words.





  • Thank you for your job. You have got a 5 and 4(3) today.




Организованное окончание урока

  • The lesson is over. Good-bye, boys! Good-bye, girls!

T  Cl

Key words:

absurd [əb’sə:d] - нелепый, абсурдный, смешной, глупой;

absurdity [əb’sə:diti] – нелепость, глупость;

a grin [grin] – усмешка;

to mess [mes] with smb – разг. «пудрить мозг» кому-либо;

sense of humour [‘hju:mə] – чувство юмора;

smile [smail] – улыбаться;

laughter [‘la:ftə] – смех;

contagious [kən’teidзəs] – заразительный (смех);



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Тема любви была главной темой творчества Куприна. Свой знаменитый рассказ «Гранатовый браслет» Куприн написал в 1910 году. В основе произведения лежит реальный факт – история любви скромного человека ...