Открытый урок по английскому для языку учащихся 9 класса
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Открытый урок по английскому для языку учащихся 9 класса
Teaching integrated skills
By the end of the lesson students will be able to…
1. To practice in developing their skimming and scanning listening skills.
2. To revise vocabulary essential for understanding the article as well as to provide practice in use and pronunciation.
To integrate listening into writing and speaking skills and provide practice in summarizing.
Предварительный просмотр:
Lesson plan cover page | |
Country | Russian Federation |
Name | Natalia Kravchuk |
CiSELT unit and title | Teaching integrated skills |
Brief description of context, location and time (size of classroom, facilities/resources available, time of day, lesson length, etc) – 50 words maximum |
Brief description of learners (how many, age, level, special needs/behavioural issues, etc) – |
Brief description of the new idea and why chosen – 50 words maximum | I have decided to use the activities presented in the unit Teaching integrated skills as it is the most beneficial approach, more like real-life communication. It’s quite challenging for both, students and teacher. Improving in one area has a positive impact on other areas. It appeals to different learning styles. |
Lesson plan cover page | |
How does the lesson fit with syllabus/timetable? | Students have experience with listening skimming and scanning techniques. |
Learning outcome | By the end of the lesson students will be able to…
Materials and references (attach worksheets) | facilities available: blackboard, pieces of chalk. Authentic material (audio recording of newspaper article on http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/0511/051126-dolphins.mp3): ‘Swim with dolphins to reduce stress’; pictures of nature and animals; handouts with the vocabulary exercises ; handouts with the listening comprehension activities. |
Anticipated problems – 50 words maximum |
Proposed solutions – 50 words maximum |
Lesson procedure | ||||
Time | Teacher activity | Student activity | Interaction | Stage aim |
5-7min 10 8 min 17-20 min 5-6 min 10-15 5 min | Greeting Warming up The teacher asks: ” Do you find that your lifestyle in the city makes you stressed? How often do you interact with the natural environment? Do you think that animals can help us to feel good? How do the following animals make you feel: dolphin, dog, horse, rabbit, kitten? Imagine swimming with a dolphin in a tropical paradise. Would you like to do this and how do you think this would make you feel?
Sets the task: to match up the new words with the scrambled definitions alongside on the handout. ( handout vocabulary) Checks the students writes a list of the new vocabulary words on the blackboard. Gets students to complete the following vocabulary exercise by inserting the correct word. Checks answers and models each new vocabulary word, drilling pronunciation.( handout the exercise) Audio tape of the newspaper article(http://www.breakingnewsenglish.com/0511/051126-dolphins.mp3): ‘Swim with dolphins to reduce stress’); provides students with the handout with the listening tasks. Tells them:” You are listening to the tape to find the answers to the questions in the first and second activity”( handout listening tasks) Playing the tape again. Monitors Checks the answers statements are true or false. Play the tape again ( handout true or false) Instructs them to listen to the article, underlining any words which are inconsistent with the article and writing the correct word in its place. Students checking answers in pairs.( handout listening for mistakes) The teacher monitors the students’ work and makes any corrections in their speaking. Then the teacher with the class checks the words. Summarizing the article Checking The teacher divides the students into groups of 3 and get them to discuss their opinions of the contents of the article.
Setting HW The teacher asks the students to write their articles and present it using Power Point Program. The best article will get a prize. Asks for the conclusion and aims at the end of the lesson Saying Goodbye | Students greet the teacher Students answer the questions Students match the new words with the definitions on the handouts Students complete the exercise Students listen to the recording Students listen to the recording Students present their answers to the whole class and correct the Students listen to the recording and make changes Students present a summary of the article Students discuss the questions in groups Students write down the HW Students say Goodbye | T-Ss T-Ss Pair work Individual Individual Individual
Pair work Group work Group work
Ss Ss | for students to prepare for the lesson, greet the teacher involving into the work Create interest in the topic using discussion and the personalization technique. Pre-teaching and practicing vocabulary through matching and comprehension exercise, to facilitate short discussion. recognize, revise and produce vocabulary, plunging into the topic. Checking the vocabulary Listening comprehension: Listening for the gist and listening for specific information (scanning). Listening for specific information (scanning) Listening for specific information – Listening for mistakes Writing skills: summarizing the article. Speaking skills: discussion Practice speaking Organization of the learning process and ending the lesson
Reflection | |
What went well? Why? (refer to the learners, learning outcomes and stage aims, lesson procedures, tasks / activities and materials) | SS were engaged and argued well. They generally demonstrated imagination. They worked individually in pairs and as a class. I found creating my lesson for class was pretty challenging. It was very important for me to learn how and practice how to integrate the main skills. I find such integrating lessons quite beneficial and useful for students as they give them a lot of opportunities to develop skills at the same time. I think they were quite motivated because the topic was interesting and up-to date. I expected they would have some problems in expressing opinions about diseases ( I thought they didn’t know all the diseases ). They turned out to be very broad-minded, intellectual and creative. They spoke a lot. All the learners anticipated in the discussions and were quite active during the lesson. Fortunately, the students and I were in rapport. The main aims were clear enough for students’ understanding. The aims were realistic, not too easy and not too difficult. All the stage aims were in accordance with the main aims and all the stages of the lesson were logically connected with each other. At the end of the lesson not the teacher, but students themselves reckoned up what they’ve learned. The homework was also a kind of development their creative and language abilities.( to write an article)Planning this lesson was a good experience and got me thinking in advance of great activities that I really want my students to experience, as well as, has brought some issues to my attention that I must take into consideration when doing this lesson in the future once again. |
What didn’t go well? Why? (refer to the learners, learning outcomes and stage aims, lesson procedures, tasks / activities and materials) | I didn’t use choral drilling ( didn’t have enough time to do it ) at the lesson. In the last activity, while discussing the issues, not all the students spoke, one of the student was always interrupting and I couldn’t take this situation. And while listening to the article, not all the necessary information was understood by the learners. |
What changes will I make next time? Why? | I would like to make a few changes next time. Of course, I would drill all the difficult sounds with my students, using various techniques: like fingers, tones, rhymes. I will take into account the active and less active students and will give a word oftener to shy students. To keep a sort of balance in learners; speaking and discussion. At the end of the lesson to show their mood in colors (diagram). I also haven’t enough time to do this. I would make some changes in the last activity: making a role play with the characters, with role plays, learners are given information about a ‘role’ they must play. They practice small dialogues using the roles they’ve been given. ( a doctor, a dolphin, a disease, a patient etc) , they are given ‘role cards’, which could be just the name of the role, or maybe they are given instructions as to what to do. This would lead to interesting discussions on topics that learners don’t often get a chance to talk about They can be set in specific contexts, and created to practise specific target language or vocabulary.Learners often feel that role plays free them up - they feel less restricted, because they are playing the role of somebody else. Or I would make a survey on the topic o”Their opinions on the use of conventional therapy, such as drugs, versus animal/natural/alternative therapies”. Surveys are another useful way to practice target language in a fun way. Putting learners in groups to prepare five or six questions each, with choices. For example: “How often do you usually go to the doctor?”
Then you can form new groups with one student from each of the first groups. They survey their new group members, then go back to their original groups, share their findings, come to a conclusion and prepare a short presentation for the rest of the class. |
Предварительный просмотр:
Swim With Dolphins To Reduce Stress
A newly published study conducted in Honduras reports that swimming with dolphins helps alleviate stress and lifts depression. Researchers from Leicester University in England found that patients suffering from depression became happier after they swam with dolphins. Time spent in the water with the aquatic creatures led to falling levels of depressive symptoms in 15 patients diagnosed with mild or moderate depression. None of the participants took antidepressants or had psychotherapy for four weeks before taking part in the study. Researchers reported a noticeable lifting of depression after just two weeks of the dolphin therapy. They say this supports the theory of biophilia – or how human well-being is dependent on interacting with the natural environment.
The study entailed observing two groups of patients – one played with dolphins, the other simply swam alone in a pool. The dolphin therapy lifted depression considerably quicker than is the norm for counseling sessions: Researchers said: “Depressive symptoms improved after two weeks….In conventional therapy – psychotherapy or drug therapy – symptoms usually improve substantially after four weeks.” Researcher Michael Reveley attributed this to positive therapeutic feelings created by playing with dolphins. He said the creatures are “highly intelligent animals who are capable of complex interactions, and regard humans positively.” He also said animals could be used to treat other psychiatric illnesses. He added: “We need to remember that we are part of the natural world, and interacting with it can have a beneficial effect on us.”
Предварительный просмотр:
1. A newly published study conducted in Havana reports that swimming with dolphins helps alleviate stress andlowers depression.
2. Time spent in the water with the aquatic animals led to falling levels of depressive symptoms.
3. They say this refutes the theory of biophilia.
4. The study entailed observing three groups of patients.
5. In normal therapy-psychotherapy or drug therapy-symptoms always improve substantially after four weeks.
6. Michael Revely attributed this to positive therapeutic emotions created by playing with dolphins.
7. Interacting with it can have a positive effect on us.
Предварительный просмотр:
a.After examining her ………., the doctor ……….Mary with influenza
b. She suffered a lot from…………after the death of her husband.
c. As he could not make it in person, the interview was……………by phone.
d. You can cook meat either in a microwave or in a ……………..oven.
e. Since completing her degree, landing her dream job and finding true love, Sally’s…………..has improved…………
f. Success ………….hard work and determination.
g. During our trip to the seaside, we saw many……………birds.
h. A question-and-answer………..will be held after the class.
i. His teacher…………his learning difficulties to emotional problems he was having.
j. After trying every other type of……………..for her mental illness, she was admitted to a……………..hospital.
k. The doctor prescribed some medication to……………Tom’s pain. He stopped taking the medication after a week as his pain was now only…………. .
The answer:
- (symptoms; diagnosed)
- (depression)
- (conducted)
- (conventional)
- (wellbeing; substantially)
- (entails)
- (aquatic)
- (session)
- (attributed)
- (therapy; psychiatric)
(alleviate; moderate)
1. The depressive symptoms in 12 of the patients diagnosed with depression decreased.
2. No antidepressants were taken by the patients in the lead up to the dolphin therapy.
3. The study suggests human wellbeing is intertwined with nature.
4. Depressive symptoms disappeared overnight after dolphin therapy.
5. Dolphins generally regard humans with suspicion.
6. A researcher recommends using animals to treat psychiatric illnesses.
1. F (15 patients)
2. T
3. T
4. F (improved after 2 weeks)
5. F
6. T
Handout vacabulary:
Answer key:
conduct- relating to mental illness
alleviate- to believe that something is the result of a particular situation, event or
depression- a feeling of extreme unhappiness and gloom
symptom- a sign or indication of something
diagnose- cause and nature of a problem from examining the symptoms
moderate- neither very great or very small in size, amount, strength or degree
well-being- a good or satisfactory state of existence, characterized by such things as health and happiness of, in or related to water
entailed- involved
therapy- a form of treatment for an illness or medical condition
session- a period of time used for a particular activity
conventional- of the usual, traditional accepted type instead of being new and different
substantially- by a large amount or degree
action to make something less painful, severe or serious
psychiatric- carry out,
Answer key:
conduct- carry out
alleviate- to make something less painful, severe or serious
depression- a feeling of extreme unhappiness and gloom
aquatic- of, in or related to water
symptom- a sign or indication of something
diagnose- to determine the cause and nature of a problem from examining the symptoms
moderate- neither very great or very small in size, amount, strength or degree
well-being- a good or satisfactory state of existence, characterized by such things as
health and happiness
entailed- involved
therapy- a form of treatment for an illness or medical condition
session- a period of time used for a particular activity
conventional- of the usual, traditional, accepted type instead of being new and different
substantially- by a large amount or degree
attributed- to believe that something is the result of a particular situation, event or
psychiatric- relating to mental illness
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