Конспект урока - 5 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
урок с использованием ЭОР в разминке и физкультминутке
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок в 5 классе с использованием ЭОР
Цели урока:
актуализация навыков чтения и произношения;
развитие навыков аудирования;
ознакомление с новой лексикой по теме «Мы собираемся путешествовать».
Оборудование: карточки с транскрипционными знаками.
Ход урока
I. Организационный момент
- Good morning, children!
- I am glad to see you.
II. Фонетическая зарядка
- But first lei's practice the English sounds.
Tongue Twister - She Sells Sea Shells
And now I'll show you the symbols of the English sounds and sound combinations and the task for you is to pronounce this sounds and say three words with it. Look around and recall the English words.
[i]-big, sit, pig;
[i:] -bee, see, greet;
[e] - let, met, get;
[ai] —my, why, invite;
[ei] - cake, make, take;
[u:] — blue, soon, school. |
III. Речевая разминка
- I've received a letter. You may ask me the questions about it. For example, you can ask «From whom did you get this letter? » . And I'll tell you. Let's start our talk.
- From whom did you get this letter? (I got it from my pen friend.)
- What is his name? (His name is Ralph.)
- Where does he live? (He lives in the USA.)
- What does he do there? (He is an engineer in a hotel.) Etc.
IV. Актуализация навыков чтения
- And now, children it's time to read the invitation letter from our friends. Open the exercise 1, page 24, please. Let's read the task. Now read the text to yourself and find out the information we need.
- Now it's time to check up how you have understood this text. I want you to answer the question. Masha, can you do it? (Yes, I can. The Russian students will stay with the families of children from Local State School) Do you like this idea? (Yes, I like it.)
I'm A Little Teapot with Lyrics
I'm a little teapot Short and stout
Here is my handle Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up Hear me shout
"Tip me over and pour me out!"
I'm a clever teapot, Yes it's true
Here let me show you What I can do
I can change my handle And my spout
Just tip me over and pour me out!
V. Актуализация навыков аудирования и чтения
- Now it's time to listen to this letter. Let's repeat the sentences all together. Read the letter in pairs now. Listen to your partner and correct his mistakes. Who wants to read the text aloud?
VI. Введение новой лексики и ее фонетическая обработка
- Now it is time to learn some new words. Look at the blackboard, please. Can you translate these words? Let's listen and repeat the new words after the speaker.
Слова на доске:
response - ответ, реакция
to be responsible for,
educate - воспитывать, обучать; давать образование
to arrange,
invite - приглашать, звать
to stay,
- Now I shall read the word in Russian and you will read it in English.
VIII. Первичное закрепление введенной лексики
- The next task for you is to complete the sentences on the blackboard using the new words.
Ученики no очереди зачитывают следующие предложения, дополняя их новыми словами.
1. Let's discuss his ... !
2. Who will be ... for the party?
3. What do you know about this ... programme?
4. How long will she ... with us?
5. When did the ... arrive?
6. Would you like to join our ... football team?
1. invitation; 2. responsible; 3. educational / social; 4. stay; 5. group; 6. local.
IX. Домашнее задание
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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