Урок английского языка в 6 классе по теме: "Я - именинник!"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Данный урок английского языка - урок совершенствования лексических и грамматических навыков в цикле уроков по теме "Помощь по дому". Этот урок был представлен на муниципальном конкурсе проф. мастерства "Учитель года-2014". Сценарий урока сопровождается презентацией.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка в 6 классе
Тема урока:
«Я – именинник!»
Цель урока:
совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков по теме: «Помощь по дому».
Задачи урока:
- в обучающем аспекте – закрепление грамматического времени Present Perfect; повторение правильных и неправильных глаголов; активизация лексических единиц по темам: «Мой день», «Семья», «Помощь по дому», «Праздники. Каникулы», «Спорт. Отдых»;
- в развивающем аспекте – развитие фонетических и аудитивных навыков, памяти, внимания, логического мышления;
- в воспитательном аспекте – воспитание уважительного отношения друг к другу, дружелюбия, гостеприимства, трудолюбия; привитие здоровых привычек проведения активного отдыха;
- в познавательном аспекте – знакомство с английскими песнями и стихами, с привычками и вкусами британцев.
Оснащение урока:
компьютер, проектор, интерактивная доска,
MP3 проигрыватель.
Учитель английского языка
МБОУ ООШ с. Никольское
Усманского района
Липецкой области
Киреева Татьяна Валерьевна
2014 год
Ход урока
Организационный момент
- Good-morning, boys and girls! Today I’ll be your English teacher. My name is Tatyana Valeryevna. I hope we’ll spend a nice time together and make friends.
Речевая зарядка
- How are you today? And you? And what about you? Are you OK?
- I’m fine, thank you.
- The weather is wonderful today, isn’t it? / What a nice day!
- Do you like winter? Why?
(Ответы учащихся группируются и появляются на слайде)
- The weather is fine – it is snowy and frosty.
- We can play snowballs, make snowmen, do winter sports: ski, skate, toboggan, play hockey.
- This winter Russia hosts the XXII Olympic winter Games: we are going to support our sportsmen.
- We have winter holidays, so we don’t go to school.
- We сelebrate our favourite holidays – New Year and Christmas: we go out, we visit our friends and relatives, we have a lot of fun together.
- My birthday is in winter: I invite guests, I have a birthday party, I get a lot of presents, so I feel happy!
Введение в тему урока
- When is your birthday?
- My congratulations! Happy birthday to you!
(Исполнение песни-поздравления с днём рождения)
Основная часть урока
- Повторение лексического материала по теме «Семья» (“Family”)
- Look at the board. The theme of our lesson is “I am a Birthday Child”. We are going to talk about your birthday – the most exciting day of the year.
Let’s listen to the song “My Birthday”. You have the text on your desks. Then you can use the ideas in your answers.
(Слушание песни – выбор лексики).
- How do you celebrate your birthday?
- Do you invite your friends to your birthday party?
- Who helps you to arrange the party?
- I think all the members of your family take part in the organization of the party, don’t they? How do they help?
- Закрепление пройденного грамматического материала:
- Притяжательный падеж существительных (Possessive case);
- Степени сравнения прилагательных (Degrees of comparison).
- Have you got a big family? What is your brother’s name? What is your cousin’s hobby? How old is your sister? Is she older than you? Who is the youngest in your family? Who is taller – you or your brother?
- Совершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков
- Активизация лексики по теме «Помощь по дому» (“Helping about the house”);
- Модальные глаголы (Modal verbs): should.
- So, you are a birthday child. You are arranging your birthday party.
Let’s make up an instruction for the birthday child: you should know what to do on this day. (Слайды)
Instruction: Your Birthday
8:00 am. You should get up early, make your bed, wash your face, clean your teeth, have breakfast and prepare for your birthday party.
9:00 am. Then you should clean the rooms, water the plants, walk the dog, take out the rubbish, go shopping and buy some food.
11:30 am. You should cook a delicious birthday dinner, make a cake and other sweet things for tea.
4:00 pm. You should lay the table nicely and wait for the guests.
5:00 pm. When your guests come and give you presents you should say “Thank you!” And when you sit down at the table together you should say “Help yourself!” You should talk and smile and make jokes. After the dinner you should play games, sing and dance, and then go out together.
- If you follow this instruction your party will be OK, and everybody will enjoy it.
- Аудирование – слушание текста
- By the way, do you like to cook? Are you good at cooking? What are you going to cook for your dinner? Let’s listen to Sabby and learn what your guests would like to eat and drink at the table.
(Ученики слушают рассказ о любимых блюдах и продуктах подростков).
- So, what is Sabby’s favourite food? (Ice-cream, chocolate, cakes, fruit, juice, vegetables, etc.)
- Работа с интерактивной доской – игра «Фрукты и овощи» (“Fruit and Vegetables”).
- Sabby says that she likes fruit and vegetables. I’m sure you like them too. Let’s see if you know fruit and vegetables. We’ll play a game.
(Ученики по одному подходят к доске и выбирают соответствующие слова).
- Чтение – работа с текстом
- No doubt, children and teenagers like sweets. I think you also have a sweet tooth. Let’s open your textbooks at page 132 and read the text about the British and their eating habits: ex. 30. You are to read out what tasty sweet things the British have for the dessert. You have 5 minutes.
(Уч-ся самостоятельно читают текст и отвечают на вопросы).
- What does it mean: “eat-a-sweet time”?
- When do the British eat sweet things?
- Now read out the words that mean tasty sweet things for the dessert.
Puddings, pies, jams, biscuits, buns, cakes, rolls. (Слайд)
- Well, now you know that there should be a lot of sweet things, juice and fruit on the birthday table.
- Тренировка грамматического времени Настоящее совершенное (Present Perfect)
- Письмо – работа в тетрадях.
- Ann is a birthday child. She is telling us what has happened today. She is so excited that she has made some mistakes. You are to put down her story in your exercise-books changing the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect.
So, open your exercise-books, put down the date and the theme of our lesson and start writing.
I am a birthday child
Hi, I am a birthday child, wow! I’m 12 today. I (get) ready for my birthday party. I (invite) my friends. I (clean) my room, I (put) a nice dress on, I (help) mum to cook a birthday dinner. Mum (cook) nice food and she (make) a big cake. I (set) the table. My guests (bring) me a lot of presents. And my elder brother just (come) from Sochi, the capital of the Olympic Games. He (bring) me a wonderful toy – a polar bear, which is the mascot of the Olympics! I (enjoy) my birthday party!
Hi, I am a birthday child, wow! I’m 12 today. I have got ready for my birthday party. I have invited my friends. I’ve cleaned my room, I’ve put a nice dress on, I’ve helped Mum to cook a birthday dinner. Mum has cooked nice food and she has made a big cake. I have set the table. My guests have brought me a lot of presents. And my elder brother has just come from Sochi, the capital of the Olympic Games. He has brought me a wonderful toy – a polar bear, which is the mascot of the Olympics! I have enjoyed my birthday party!
- Работа со стихотворением – поэтический перевод
The Birthday Child
(by R. Fyleman)
Everything has been different
All day long,
Lovely things have happened,
Nothing has gone wrong.
Nobody has scolded me.
Everyone has smiled.
Isn’t it wonderful
To be a birthday child?
- This is a poem the birthday child has written about his birthday. Let’s read it and translate and pay attention to the verbs in Present Perfect.
(Ученики переводят вместе с учителем близко к тексту).
Весь день всё было необычно, чудесно, не случилось ничего плохого.
Никто меня не ругал, все улыбались мне. Как всё-таки здорово быть именинником!
Домашнее задание
- Do you agree that the poem is nice? К сожалению, при переводе на русский стихотворения не получилось. Но существует такое понятие – поэтический перевод. Я бы хотела, чтобы вы попробовали себя в роли переводчика, но не простого, а поэта-переводчика. Дома постарайтесь сделать литературный перевод этого стихотворения. You can use your own ideas, just imagine that you are a birthday child.
Итоги урока. Оценочная деятельность
- I think our birthday party has been great! You’ve been good cooks and hosts. You know how to prepare for the party and how to receive guests.
You’ve done your best today! Your marks are…
Our lesson is over. It was nice to meet you. Good-bye!
Let’s celebrate!
Tomorrow is my birthday.
So let us celebrate.
Let us decorate the flat,
Let’s phone our mates.
Let them bring me presents,
Let them sing a song,
Let us play computer games all day long.
Let’s go out for dinner,
Let us watch TV.
Let us phone my Granny
And let her come to me.
Let us have a big cake,
Let us say Hooray!
Let it be my birthday every day!
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