конспект урока по теме " в кафе"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (10 класс)
Предварительный просмотр:
Тема урока: “ Takeaways and Cafes”
Цель: Систематизировать знания учащихся по данной теме; тренировать детей в умении вести общение на английском языке в предлагаемых ситуациях и ролевых играх.
Задачи: Тренировать учащихся в употреблении знакомых лексических единиц и грамматических структур, а также разговорных выражений в монологической и диалогической речи. Воспитывать интерес к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.
Оборудование: Опорная таблица по теме «Будущее простое время», портрет клоуна, магнитофонная запись.
Ход урока:
- Оргмомент.
T.- Good afternoon, children! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.
T.- Who is on duty today?
P.- I am on duty today.
T.- What date is it today?
P.- Today is the 29th of January.
T.- What day of a week is it today?
P.- Today is Thursday.
T.- What’s the weather like today?
P.- The weather is cold and frosty.
T.- Who is absent today?
P.- All are present.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
T.- And now, our phonetically gymnastic. Please, repeat after me: /W/. (Обращаю внимание детей на доску. На доске: /W/- What, Why, When, Where.Повторяем звук и слова).
T.- And now let’s repeat a poem with sound /w/. It’s named “Six serving men”.
All together:- I have six honest serving men.
- They taught me all I knew.
- Their names are What and Why
- And When and How and Where and Who.
- Повторение грамматического материала.
T.- Right. Today we’ll continue to work by the topic “Takeaways and Cafes”. But, first of all, let’s repeat our grammar material “Future Simple Tense”.
(На доске опорная таблица «The Future Simple Tense». Сильный ученик объясняет изученный грамматический материал по таблице).
T.- Please, Nina, go to the blackboard, and by the table tell us about Future Simple Tense.
Future Simple Tense
Действие, которое произойдет в будущем, время этого действия не определено.
Shall (1-е лицо)
+ V
Will (2-е, 3-е лицо)
I shall go to Moscow.
She will help him to do it tomorrow.
? – Will, Shall + (I, We, You, She, He, It, They) + v ?
__ (I, We, You, She, He, It, They) + will, shall + not + V.
I shall not go to the museum tomorrow.
T.- And now, let’s repeat the words by the topic “ Takeaways and Cafes”. After that, children, complete the sentences with these words in Future Simple Tense.
На доске: baked potatoes / /
bun / /
cheeseburger / /
fish burger / /
grapefruit segment / /
hamburger / /
hot dog / /
pie / /
pizza / /
roast chicken / /
salad / /
soup / /
vanilla ice-cream / /
coke / /
fizzy drink / /
mineral water / /
(Учащиеся читают за учителем хором).
T.- Please, translate these words. Right, and complete sentences with these words in Future Simple Tense.
- Проверка домашнего задания.
T.- Good. And now, let’s check up your home task. At home you’d prepared messages about English food, English cafes and takeaways. Please tell us about it.
P.1- “Meals”
The usual meals are breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner. A traditional English breakfast is a very big one- sausages, bacon, eggs, vegetables. But many people just have cereal with milk or juice.
Lunch is not small, too. At lunch they have cold mutton, fish with potatoes and salad. Lunch is a quick meal. After lunch many people take coffee or tea.
At dinner they have salad, fish, vegetables and dessert.
And supper consists of omelets, bacon, sandwich and a cup of tea, coffee or cocoa. People often get takeaways meals.
P.2- “Restaurants in London”
The British have taken good ideas from all over the world. You can eat Chinese, Indian, Italian and Greek food in England. There are many restaurants in London. Most British families go to restaurants on birthday or weddings anniversaries.
For visitors to London, eating out can be fun. You can try English favorite food- fish and chips. Take it away and eat where you like- in the park, in the bus or in the street.
T.- Thanks, pupils for your interesting messages. And one more task you had at home. Please, open your books at p. 210. Let’s read and act the dialogue “At a Hamburger Bar”
(Учитель читает диалог по учебнику. Затем вызывает к доске учащихся, которые разыгрывают диалог по ролям.)
- Основной этап урока.
T.- Thanks, children. And now, say me, please, do you know rules of tables manners?
P.- Yes, we do.
T.- An English clown Bozzo works at the English café “Forget-me-Not”. Let’s remember all rules of tables manners and tell him these rules
(На доске портрет клоуна. Рядом по-английски записаны правила поведения за столом. Учащиеся читают и переводят их на русский язык).
На доске:
1.Do not attract attention to yourself in public.
2. When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.
3. Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbor to pass it.
4. Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate by hand.
- Never read while eating.
- Do not leave spoon in your cup when drinking tea or coffee.
- Do not eat off the knife.
- Do not drink when your mouth is full.
- Vegetables, potatoes are placed on your plate with the help of your knife.
- Finally, do not forget to say “Thank you for every favor and kindness”.
T.- And now, we know all the rules of table manners. So, we are going to the English Café. Please, open your books at page 214, let’s read, translate learn and act the dialogue “At a Café”.
T.- Please, listen to me.( Учитель читает диалог )
T.- P1, P2, P3, please, read the dialogue.( Учащиеся читают диалог по ролям).
T.- P1, P2, P3, please translate the dialogue.( Учащиеся переводят диалог по ролям).
T.- And now, the first version will be reading the words of Alexander, the second version the words of Mike and the third version will be reading the words of waiter. Please, repeat after me.
(Учащиеся читают за учителем по ролям).
T.- And now, I’ll read sentences from the dialogue and you will translate them into English.
- Can I help you?
- Could you show us the menu, please?
- Are you ready to order?
- An apple-pie and a vanilla ice-cream.
- What will you have to drink?
- It’s really delicious.
- Here’s you bill.
T.- Please, translate these sentences into Russian.
- Давай сядем возле окна.
- Могу я вам помочь?
- Вы готовы сделать заказ?
- Да, конечно.
- Я буду грейпфрутовый сок.
- Тебе нравится рыба и чипсы?
- С вас 5 фунтов 50 пенсов.
T.- And now, you will be working in groups. Try to act this dialogue by the roles. In three minutes, I’ll control your work.
(Учитель ходит, и контролирует работу учащихся в группах).
T.- Your time is over. Please, P1, P2, P3, go to the blackboard and act the dialogue. Children, listen to them, attentively.
- Закрепление.
T.- Right. And now, we’ll listen to the text. The name of the text is “English Food”. We’ll be listening the text two times. You must understand about what this text is. But first of all, look at the blackboard and repeat after me the new word from the text.
(На доске):
different / / - различные;
part / / - часть;
meal / / - еда, блюдо;
difficult / / - трудный;
main / / - главный;
midday / / - полдень;
lunch / / - ланч (второй завтрак);
another / / - другой;
between / / - между;
bowl / / - чашка, миска;
cereal / / - каша, корнфлекс;
light snack / / - легкая закуска;
course / / - блюдо.
T.- Please, listen the text.(Включает магнитофонную запись).
« In different parts of Britain people call their meals by different names. It’s very difficult! For most people the main meal of the day is called dinner. But some families eat this at midday. People who have dinner in the evening have a smaller meal called lunch at midday, and people who have dinner at midday usually have another meal between five and six o’clock, or they have supper a little later.
For most of people, breakfast is a bowl of cereal, toast and marmalade with a cup of coffee or tea. Lunch is usually a very quick meal; most of people have a sandwich or a light snack. Dinner may have two or three courses. First, soup, than a main course with meat or fish, and, finally a dessert.
-(Учащиеся слушают текст первый раз, учитель обращает внимание учеников на доску на новые слова).
-(Учащиеся повторно слушают текст самостоятельно).
T.- And now, pupils, the control task. I’ll give you cards with questions, and must answer these questions.
(Учитель раздает учащимся карточки с вопросами по тексту. К каждому вопросу имеется по 3 варианта ответа. Задача учеников- выбрать правильный вариант ответа, соответствующий тексту).
T.- So, pupils, your time is over. Please, give me your cards.
So, today, we’ve prepared for visiting London and cafes of this city. I think you can ask and answer the questions at cafes and takeaways, tell about English food and rules of table manners. I’m pleased with your work. Thank you. Good-bye.
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