план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему
Тема «British Parliament. In the Palace of Westminster».
Цели урока:
Обучающая цель:
Познакомить учащихся со структурой Британского парламента. его работой. Формировать умение объяснить те или иные факты.
Развивающая цель: развивать умение найти требуемую информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте. Расширить знания учащихся о Британском парламенте. Познакомить с культурными и историческими реалиями Великобритании.
Воспитательная цель: создать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка. Расширить кругозор учащихся.
Технологии используемые на уроке:
- Метод коммуникативных знаний
-Технология интенсификации обучения на основе схемных моделей учебного материала
- Технология коллективного способа обучения
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Предварительный просмотр:
Муниципальное общеобразовательное автономное учреждение
средняя общеобразовательная школа №10
город Белогорск Амурской области
Урок английского языка в 8 классе
Учитель 1 квалификационной категории Фертюк И.В.
Тема «British Parliament. In the Palace of Westminster».
Цели урока:
Обучающая цель:
Познакомить учащихся со структурой Британского парламента. его работой. Формировать умение объяснить те или иные факты.
Развивающая цель: развивать умение найти требуемую информацию в воспринимаемом на слух тексте. Расширить знания учащихся о Британском парламенте. Познакомить с культурными и историческими реалиями Великобритании.
Воспитательная цель: создать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка. Расширить кругозор учащихся.
Технологии используемые на уроке:
- Метод коммуникативных знаний
-Технология интенсификации обучения на основе схемных моделей учебного материала
- Технология коллективного способа обучения
Оснащение урока: Таблица, презентация. Аудиоприложение. Видеоролик «Отрытие сессии Парламента»
Технологическая карта урока
Ход урока
1.Организационный момент. Знакомство с темой урока.
Good morning! My dear boys and girls! I am glad to see you! How are you today? The topic of our lesson is British Parliament. The aim of the lesson is to tell us about the structure of British Parliament and its work.
Today we’ll learn, listen and speak about it. At the end of the lesson you should answer 3 questions : Where? Who? What?
2 Listen and read.
to tease – дразнить to elect – выбирать
to vote – голосовать to approve – одобрять
to inherit - наследовать to represent – представлять
Lord Chancellor – Лорд -канцлер state – государство
Labour Party – партия лейбористов chamber – палата
Conservative Party – партия консерваторов peer – пэр
Speaker – спикер
personal achievement – личное достижение arch – арка
common – простой, обыкновенный to consist of – состоять из …
at least – по меньшей мере to be called – называться
to preside – председательствовать to debate – обсуждать rch –
3. To make the project you’ll be given 3 cards for each team
Your task is to translate the words and expressions as quick as possible
1. To elect, to vote for, to approve, to represent, to sit, to be called, to consist of
House, the House of Lords, the House of Commons, Members of the Parliament, Queen, peer, bill, law, elections, British Parliament, Westminster Hall ( the Palace of Westminster), Prime Minister, 5 years, personal achievements, the head of state. Building, clever, competent, Government, monarchy, the Speaker, Woolsack, Lord Chancellor, throne, red lines, “The Queen wishes it”
2. To make decisions, to become a law, to represent, to remember, to agree, to disagree
“Aye” lobby, Mace, guard, sword, meeting, distance, Queen’s speech, Parliament, chamber, cushion, bench, power, symbol, the leader, the Conservative Party, the Labour party, the heir, depute, red clothes, page, mantle
3. To symbolize, to preside over, to remind, to debate, to open, to hand, to organize
Diamond, wig, the Cabinet of Ministers, promise, Crown, Jewells, royal regalia, Royal assent, audience,
Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor, Buckingham Palace, State Coach, Throne
4. Quiz time
1. How many parts does the Palace of Westminster consist of?
a) one b) two c) three
2. What are the main colors of the Houses of Parliament?
a) gold, read and blue b) gold, green and red c) red and green
3. Who writes the Queen’s Speech?
a) The queen b) the Government c) the Lord Chancellor
4. Which are Britain’s two main political parties?
a) Democratic, Republican and Conservative
b) Conservative and Democratic
c) Labor and Conservative
5. Whose shoe should a Conservative touch?
a) David Lloyd George’s b)Winston Churchill’s c) The Queen’s
6. Why do MPs sometimes sit on the steps?
- There are more MPs then seats in the House of Commons.
b) It’s a part of an old tradition.
c) It’s a punishment for those who are late.
7. When can you see the Mace in the House of Commons?
a) It’s always there.
b) Only when the Queen come
c) When the House is debating.
8.How old is Westminster Hall?
- more than a thousand years old .
- more than a hundred years old.
- More than four hundred years old.
5. Let’s play! Fill in the crossword puzzle and read the name of the river where the Palace of Westminster stands.
1.What do MPs do with their feet?
2.What is the surname of one of the most famous British Prime Ministers
(“the Iron Lady)?
3.What does the Lord Chancellor sit on ?
4.What are the members of the House of Commons called?
5.Who opens the Parliament?
6.Who presides over the House of Commons?
6. Try to guess
1. They sit in the House of Commons. (MPs)
2. The seats are red there. (The House of Lords)
3. The seats are green there. (The House of Commons)
4. They are elected. (MPs)
5. They are not elected. (Lords / Peers)
6. It consists of two Houses. (The British Parliament)
7. It consists of 3 parts. (The Palace of Westminster)
8. There is wool inside it. (Woolsack)
9. MPs come to vote there. (Lobby)
10.He presides over the House of Lords. (The Lord Chancellor)
11. He is the person who presides over the House of Commons. (The Speaker)
12. Who is the head of the government? (The Prime Minister)
14. When the Queen gives a speech, she sits on it. (The throne)
15. Who is the head of the state? (The King / Queen)
16. Sir Winston Churchill represents this party. (The Conservative Party)
17. David Lloyd George represents this party. (The Labour Party)
18. They represent all the people in the country. (MPs)
19. They inherit their places from fathers and grandfathers. (Hereditary peers)
20. It is put on the table when the House of Commons is sitting. (The Mace)
21. MPs who agree with a bill go there to vote. (The ‘eye’ lobby)
22. MPs who want to vote against the bill go there to vote. (The ‘no’ lobby)
23. He sits in the House of Commons too. (The Prime Minister)
24. There people approve bills and sometimes suggest changes to the House of Commons. (The House of Lords)
25. There are only places for 437 people on the benches there, but there are 650 MPs, so sometimes they have to sit on the steps when the House is full. (The House of Commons)
26. It even has its own guard, who has a very big sword. (The Mace)
7. Project 1
The House of Lords
- The seats in the HL are …
- Members of the … are not elected.
- … presides over the House of Lords.
- … inherit their places from father and grandfathers.
- In … people approve bills and sometimes suggest changes to the HC.
- While listening to the … Lords are sitting.
- … is to examine and revise bills from the Commons.
- … cannot reject a bill. They can only delay it for a maximum of one year.
- … consists of Lords Temporal and Lords Spiritual and includes more than 1,000 members.
- … sits on the throne upon the Woolsack.
- … delivered from the House of Lords during the State Opening of Parliament.
- …(title) is The Right Honourable the Lords Spiritual and Temporal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled.
- Each session of Parliament is usually opened in the House of Lords by …
- Before the throne in the House of Lords is …
- … is one of two parts of UK parliament, referred to as the ‘Upper House’ or ‘Second Chamber’.
- …works with the House of Commons and has three main functions:
to make laws; to scrutinize the actions of Government and hold it to account; and
to provide a forum of independent expertise.
17. …(Life peers) are appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Government for various services to the nation.
8. Project 2
The Queen
- … is the head of the …
- Summons and dissolves …
- She opens ….
- The Queen doesn’t write …
- Elizabeth the Second reigns but …
- Her Majesty in her Crown Jewels travels from Buckingham … to …
- … is the symbol of national unity.
- Elizabeth the second is … years old.
- She has a weekly audience with the PM.
- Lord Chancellor hands her …
- The Queen has red mantle and sits on …
- Next to the Queen is Prince Ch …
- Her Majesty’s speech lasts …
- She told the Parliament about …
15.The Cabinet of Ministers organizes …..( обещания)
9. Project 3
The House of Commons
- The seats in … are green.
- … have to sit on the steps when the House is full.
- … sit in the HC.
- The HC is presided over by the …
- The main function of the HC is to adopt …
- Prime minister is ….
- … meets in the Palace of Westminster.
- … is the real governing body of the UK.
- … is to make laws by passing Acts of Parliament, as well as to discuss current political issues.
- … is made up of 630 Members of Parliament who are called MP’s for short. Each member of Parliament represents a county or a borough ['bʌrə] of the UK.
- MP’s are elected by voters for a period of … years.
- … is wearing a wig and a gown and is accompanied by his Chaplain, Secretary and Serjeant-at-Arms carrying the Mace.
- Every bill has three readings in …
- If the majority of MP’s vote for the bill, it is sent to …
- … represents an area in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
- … The political parties choose candidates in elections. The party which wins the majority of seats forms.
- In the centre of the floor stands the Table of the House, on which … is placed at the start of each parliamentary sitting; this is the Speaker’s scepter.
- MPs sit on two sides of the hall, one side for the governing party and the other for the opposition.
- … paid for their parliamentary work and have to attend the sittings.
9. Homework: your task will be to make presentations on the topic.
10. Подведение итогов урока.
Выставление оценок.
Урок основан на материалах учебника К.И. Кауфман, М.Ю. Кауфман, "Happy English.ru”, Издательство "Титул”, 2008.
Используемые сайты
Сайт Парламента Великобритании. http://www.parliament.uk/
- Палата общин http://hompi.sogang.ac.kr/anthony/UK_House_of_Commons_Chamber.jpg
- Здание Парламента http://kartinamir.ru/img/palatyi-parlamenta-velikobritanii.jpg
- Палата лордов http://www.civitas.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/house-2.jpg
- Вестминстерский зал приемов http://photo.kontrakty.ua/photos/cache/500/680_7440_1332329996.jpg
- Королева http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/20/article-2117487-124031A5000005DC-280_964x532.jpg
- Хранитель жезла http://ljplus.ru/img4/l/a/labridginn/_______11.jpg
- Королева http://www.epochtimes.ru/images/stories/06/world2011/200_090512Koroleva-10.jpg
- Помещение для голосования http://www.parliament.nz/VirtualTour/QTVR/Stills/Ayes.jpg
- Мешок с шерстью http://www.ahmadtea.ua/userfiles/images/Lifestyle/Houseoflords/0663_01_1.jpg
- Спикер http://lenta.ru/news/2007/02/08/houseoflords/picture.jpg
- Лорд канцлер http://images-mediawiki-sites.thefullwiki.org/00/3/2/7/5331723574269960.jpg
- Спикер http://bm.img.com.ua/img/prikol/images/large/6/9/88096_102158.jpg
- Арка Черчилля http://services.parliament.uk/education/online-resources/Tour_of_Parliament/images/places/members_lobby.jpg
- Ботинок Черчилля http://www.parliament.uk/visiting/online-tours/virtualtours/commons-tour/
- Место спикера http://www.parliament.uk/education/online-resources/games/get-the-houses-in-order/
- Королева http://www.parliament.uk/education/online-resources/games/get-the-houses-in-order/
- Трон http://www.parliament.uk/education/online-resources/games/get-the-houses-in-order/
- Российский флаг http://im7-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=304959899-70-72
- Британский флаг http://im2-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=154152464-29-72
- Жезл http://www.urban75.org/london/westminster-hall-parliament-photos.html
- Солдат http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/03/20/article-2117487-1240189A000005DC-150_964x541.jpg
- Солдат http://images.clipartof.com/small/1094367-Clipart-Guards-Royalty-Free-Vector-Illustration.jpg
- Маргарет Тэтчер http://shoyher.narod.ru/Portret/Tetchermar.jpg
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Conference Room of the House of Commons, Palace of Westminster, London
The history Parliament has evolved from the council with the king in the Middle Ages. This royal council, which met for a short period, including the clergy, nobles, and representatives of the county. The primary concern of this meeting was to approve taxes proposed by the Crown. Gradually evolved into a council legislative power.
Elections Elected for five years by universal, equal suffrage by secret ballot . Elections to the House of Commons may be general (extending for the entire territory of the country) or intermediate (conductive additionally in some constituencies).The order is given by the Lord Chancellor and contains an order to the time of the election .
Members of the House of Commons can not be: Foreigners Some officials, in particular - the members of the House of Lords State civil and military employees P ersons imprisoned for treason P ersons suffering from mental illness B ankrupts A person found guilty of illegal and dishonest practices in the election.
Structure The number of elected members of the House of Commons corresponds to the number of electoral districts. Its members in the word "members of parliament “. Members of Parliament may not simultaneously be elected to the House of Lords. In accordance with the constitutional practice the Prime Minister is the leader of the party which won the majority of seats in the House of Commons.
Officials The Speaker Deputy Speaker Leader Clerk
P olitical parties Party Number of seats The Conservative Party 303 labor party 252 The Liberal Democratic Party 57 The Democratic Unionist Party 8 The Scottish National Party 6 Sinn Fein 5 Green Party of England and Wales 1
Relationship with the Government The Chamber does not choose the prime minister, it indirectly controls the premiership. Sovereign choose someone who can get the support of the House - usually the head of the largest party in the lower palate . Now by agreement of the prime member of the House of Commons.
Thank you for your attention!
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