Дополнительные упражнения и раздаточный материал для 5 класса
опыты и эксперименты по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

ефимченко ирина ильинична

Дополнительные упражнения и раздаточный материал

для 5 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З. «Английский с удовольствием»

Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.                          Ex. # 32, P. 16


A.    letter

B.     went abroad

C.     spent x 2

D.    tried

E.     travelled

F.      made friends

G.    hope

H.    journey

Elena and Olga ……. a lot last summer.  


2.      In August they …………. .

3.      The girls …… their holidays in Scotland.

4.      Elena …. a lot of …… in Scotland.

5.      They also ….. 3 days in London.

6.      They ….. to call Barbara, but she was not in.

7.      The girls ….. to visit Great Britain again.

8.      They wrote a ….. to Barbara and told her about

their …. .          

Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.                             Ex. # 35, P. 17


A.    to take pictures of

B.     spend a lot of time

C.    will go abroad

D.    missed them

E.     takes care of

F.     spends a lot of money

G.    go to school

H.    spent my holidays

I.       misses lessons

J.      goes shopping

I (провожу много времени) doing my homework.


2.      Last summer I (провел каникулы) in the country.

3.      When my Mum (ходит за покупками) she

(тратит много денег).

4.      Students (ходят в школу) 6 days a week.

5.      Next summer my parents and I

(поедем за границу).

6.      My friend never (пропускает уроки).

7.      When my parents were abroad I (скучал по ним)

 very much.

8.      I like (фотографировать) my friends.

9.      My granny (заботится о) her cat.    


Choose the right verb.

1.      He … lucky.

a)      is         b) am       c) are

2.      They … students.

a)      am       b) are       c) is

3.      My grandmother … us yesterday.

a)      visit     b) will visit        c) visited

4.      My parents … abroad last year.

a)      go        b) will go          c) went

5.      Next week we … our grandparents.

a)      visited b) will/shall visit           c) visit

6.      Next summer they … abroad.

a)      go        b) will go          c) went

7.      We usually … good marks.

a)      will get           b)  get    c) got

8.      Usually my family … weekends in the country.

a)      will spend       b) spends          c) spent

9.      It … cold yesterday.

a)      was     b) is       c) were

10.  You … happy yesterday.

a)      was     b) are     c) were

Tag – questions

Add the tag endings.

1.      I am late, __________________ ?

2.      It’s a secret, __________?

3.      He is very friendly, _________?

4.      This music isn’t very good, ______?

5.      Bill is a good singer, ___________?

6.      My aunt can play volleyball well, _?

7.      His little sister can’t read or write, _?

8.      The lesson starts at 8 o’clock, ____?

9.      It doesn’t work, ________?

10.  These books are interesting, ______?

11.  They don’t eat meat, __________?

12.  Andy and Mike play golf at the weekend, _?

13.  You didn’t watch TV yesterday, __?

14.  We enjoyed riding bikes last summer, ____?

15.  Ann will be here tomorrow, ______?

16.  You won’t work next Sunday, ____?

17.  The film was not very interesting, _?

18.  We would like a holiday, ________?

19.  Children must help their parents, __?

20.  There is some tea in the cup, _____?


Add the tag endings.

1.      You are from Russia, __________?

2.      I am a bright student, ____________?

3.      He is not at school now, ______________?

4.      She is a lovely baby, ______?

5.      Andrew can’t swim,_______________?

6.      He can speak Greek, _________?

7.      These flowers are beautiful, ______?

8.      Your father plays a lot of tennis, _______?

9.      She doesn’t look (выглядит) happy, ___________?

10.  They don’t use much electricity, __________?

11.  We visit our grandparents every month, ________?

12.  She didn’t like the party much, __________?

13.  It snowed a lot last week, ___________?

14.  His parents went to Spain, ____________?

15.  They will go to Paris, _________?

16.  You won’t invite him, _________?

17.  The food wasn’t bad, ___________?

18.  You would like to arrange a New Year party, _____?

19.  We must do our homework every day, ______?

20.  There are new subjects in your timetable, ________?


To be going to V

Make up sentences and questions.

1.      My uncle/buy a car.

2.      I/not/get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.

3.      you/watch TV in the  morning?

4.      When/they/visit us again?

5.      Ann/not/change her school.

6.      We/play football tomorrow.

7.      Granny/cook supper.

8.      Jenny/learn Italian?

9.      It/not/rain.

10.  It/rain.

11.  What/your parents/buy for your birthday?

12.  I/take pictures during my stay in London.

13.  You are going to ride a bicycle, ……… ?

Present Continuous

Put the words in the correct order.

1.      the  President and his wife/are/ staying/ where/?

2.      those people/ French/are/speaking/?

3.      going/ everybody in your family/ to Scotland/ for Christmas/is/?

4.      what game/ these children/ playing/ are/?

5.      Ann and her friends/ studying/ are/ where/?

Use the words to make sentences.

1.      (+)  I/ look for/ the station/

2.      (-)  it/ rain/

3.      (?)  you/ wear/ jeans and a T-shirt/ now/

4.      (?)  the sun/ shine/ at the moment/

5.      (?)  Helen/ sit/ on a chair/

6.      (+)  we/ learn/ English/now/

7.      (-)  your parents/read/ a newspaper/right now/

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.

1.      “Bonjour.” “Sorry, I not speak French.”

2.      “Where is George?” “Oh, he/play golf with his brother.”

3.       “you/play golf?” “Yes, but not very well.”

4.      You can turn off (выключить) the radio. I not listen to it.

5.      “Where are you, Roy?” “I am in the bedroom. I/read.”

6.      Rob not want to see the doctor.

7.      I/hate cold weather.

8.      She is tired (устала). She/want to go home now.

9.      I think she/love him.

10.  Listen! Kate/sing.


You are going to take part in an international exchange programme. The programme organizers ask you to fill in the following form.




FIRST NAME _______________________________________________________________

SURNAME _________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH ____________________________________________________________

SEX (MALE/FEMALE) _______________________________________________________

AGE _______________________________________________________________________

SCHOOL ATTENDED ________________________________________________________

FOREIGN LANGUAGE _______________________________________________________

FAVOURITE SUBJECT(S) AT SCHOOL _________________________________________


Add un-, im-, in-, non- and translate into Russian

1.      Friendly

2.      Pleasant

3.      Lucky

4.      Tidy

5.      Happy



Add un-, im-, in-, non- and translate into Russian

1.      Real

2.      Athletic

3.      Polite

4.      Formal

5.      Usual


Add un-, im-, in-, non- and translate into Russian

1.     Usual

2.     Famous

3.     Friendly

4.     Known

5.     Pleasant


Add un-, im-, in-, non- and translate into Russian

1.     Happy

2.     Possible

3.     Polite

4.     Dependent

5.     Real



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Предварительный просмотр:

Дополнительные упражнения и раздаточный материал

для 5 класса по УМК Биболетовой М.З. «Английский с удовольствием»

Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.                          Ex. # 32, P. 16

  1. Elena and Olga ……. a lot last summer.  
  2. In August they …………. .
  3. The girls …… their holidays in Scotland.
  4. Elena …. a lot of …… in Scotland.
  5. They also ….. 3 days in London.
  6. They ….. to call Barbara, but she was not in.
  7. The girls ….. to visit Great Britain again.
  8. They wrote a ….. to Barbara and told her about

their …. .          

Fill in the gaps using the words from the box.                         Ex. # 35, P. 17

  1. I (провожу много времени) doing my homework.
  2. Last summer I (провел каникулы) in the country.
  3. When my Mum (ходит за покупками) she

(тратит много денег).

  1. Students (ходят в школу) 6 days a week.
  2. Next summer my parents and I

(поедем за границу).

  1. My friend never (пропускает уроки).
  2. When my parents were abroad I (скучал по ним)

 very much.

  1. I like (фотографировать) my friends.
  2. My granny (заботится о) her cat.        

Choose the right verb.

  1. He … lucky.
  1. is        b) am            c) are
  1. They … students.
  1. am        b) are            c) is
  1. My grandmother … us yesterday.
  1. visit        b) will visit          c) visited
  1. My parents … abroad last year.
  1. go        b) will go          c) went
  1. Next week we … our grandparents.
  1. visited        b) will/shall visit          c) visit
  1. Next summer they … abroad.
  1. go        b) will go          c) went
  1. We usually … good marks.
  1. will get        b)  get          c) got
  1. Usually my family … weekends in the country.
  1. will spend        b) spends          c) spent
  1. It … cold yesterday.
  1. was        b) is          c) were
  1. You … happy yesterday.
  1. was        b) are          c) were

Tag – questions

Add the tag endings.

  1. I am late, __________________ ?
  2. It’s a secret, __________?
  3. He is very friendly, _________?
  4. This music isn’t very good, ______?
  5. Bill is a good singer, ___________?
  6. My aunt can play volleyball well, _?
  7. His little sister can’t read or write, _?
  8. The lesson starts at 8 o’clock, ____?
  9. It doesn’t work, ________?
  10. These books are interesting, ______?
  11. They don’t eat meat, __________?
  12. Andy and Mike play golf at the weekend, _?
  13. You didn’t watch TV yesterday, __?
  14. We enjoyed riding bikes last summer, ____?
  15. Ann will be here tomorrow, ______?
  16. You won’t work next Sunday, ____?
  17. The film was not very interesting, _?
  18. We would like a holiday, ________?
  19. Children must help their parents, __?
  20. There is some tea in the cup, _____?

Add the tag endings.

  1. You are from Russia, __________?
  2. I am a bright student, ____________?
  3. He is not at school now, ______________?
  4. She is a lovely baby, ______?
  5. Andrew can’t swim,_______________?
  6. He can speak Greek, _________?
  7. These flowers are beautiful, ______?
  8. Your father plays a lot of tennis, _______?
  9. She doesn’t look (выглядит) happy, ___________?
  10. They don’t use much electricity, __________?
  11. We visit our grandparents every month, ________?
  12. She didn’t like the party much, __________?
  13. It snowed a lot last week, ___________?
  14. His parents went to Spain, ____________?
  15. They will go to Paris, _________?
  16. You won’t invite him, _________?
  17. The food wasn’t bad, ___________?
  18. You would like to arrange a New Year party, _____?
  19. We must do our homework every day, ______?
  20. There are new subjects in your timetable, ________?

To be going to V

Make up sentences and questions.

  1. My uncle/buy a car.
  2. I/not/get up at 6 o’clock in the morning.
  3. you/watch TV in the  morning?
  4. When/they/visit us again?
  5. Ann/not/change her school.
  6. We/play football tomorrow.
  7. Granny/cook supper.
  8. Jenny/learn Italian?
  9. It/not/rain.
  10. It/rain.
  11. What/your parents/buy for your birthday?
  12. I/take pictures during my stay in London.
  13. You are going to ride a bicycle, ……… ?

Present Continuous

Put the words in the correct order.

  1. the  President and his wife/are/ staying/ where/?
  2. those people/ French/are/speaking/?
  3. going/ everybody in your family/ to Scotland/ for Christmas/is/?
  4. what game/ these children/ playing/ are/?
  5. Ann and her friends/ studying/ are/ where/?

Use the words to make sentences.

  1. (+)  I/ look for/ the station/
  2. (-)  it/ rain/
  3. (?)  you/ wear/ jeans and a T-shirt/ now/
  4. (?)  the sun/ shine/ at the moment/
  5. (?)  Helen/ sit/ on a chair/
  6. (+)  we/ learn/ English/now/
  7. (-)  your parents/read/ a newspaper/right now/

Present Simple or Present Continuous

Complete the sentences with the correct verb forms.

  1. “Bonjour.” “Sorry, I not speak French.”
  2. “Where is George?” “Oh, he/play golf with his brother.”
  3.  “you/play golf?” “Yes, but not very well.”
  4. You can turn off (выключить) the radio. I not listen to it.
  5. “Where are you, Roy?” “I am in the bedroom. I/read.”
  6. Rob not want to see the doctor.
  7. I/hate cold weather.
  8. She is tired (устала). She/want to go home now.
  9. I think she/love him.
  10. Listen! Kate/sing.


You are going to take part in an international exchange programme. The programme organizers ask you to fill in the following form.




FIRST NAME _______________________________________________________________

SURNAME _________________________________________________________________

ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH ____________________________________________________________

SEX (MALE/FEMALE) _______________________________________________________

AGE _______________________________________________________________________

SCHOOL ATTENDED ________________________________________________________

FOREIGN LANGUAGE _______________________________________________________

FAVOURITE SUBJECT(S) AT SCHOOL _________________________________________


Add un-, im-, in-, non- and translate into Russian

  1. Friendly
  2. Pleasant
  3. Lucky
  4. Tidy
  5. Happy


Add un-, im-, in-, non- and translate into Russian

  1. Real
  2. Athletic
  3. Polite
  4. Formal
  5. Usual


Add un-, im-, in-, non- and translate into Russian

  1. Usual
  2. Famous
  3. Friendly
  4. Known
  5. Pleasant


Add un-, im-, in-, non- and translate into Russian

  1. Happy
  2. Possible
  3. Polite
  4. Dependent
  5. Real

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