Дополнительные упражнения по 6 модулю, Спотлайт 5 класс
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5, 6 класс)
Дополнительные упражнения для отработки лексических, грамматических навыков по 6 разделу учебника Spotlight 5. Данный материал подойдет для 5 класса, некоторые упражнения можно дать 6му класса для закрепления ранне пройденных знаний, умений, навыков
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Предварительный просмотр:
Module 6
6a. Wake up!
1. Write the time in numbers:
- It’s half past four p.m. – __________________
- It’s twenty to three. – _________________
- It’s eight to eleven. – _________________
- It’s a quarter to ten. – _________________
- It’s twelve o’clock. – _________________
- It’s two quarters past nine. – _________________
2. Match the words to make word expressions.
the shopping
on computer
to school
3. Game.
Each student takes a card and puts it as a badge on breast. The leader stands in the center of a circle and uses his right hand to point the pupil. The circle of pupils goes right and asks the question – when does the shop work? As soon as the question is asked the circle stops and the leader says the time of a pupil to whom his hand points using prepositions from…till…
Cards (as an example):
4. Look at the list of activities and put them into two columns: activities for good and bad weather. Add your own activities.
read a book watch TV/a DVD play hide-and-seek ride a bike play computer games talk on the phone do the shopping walk in the park look through the window and dream about the sea go jogging go skateboarding
Good weather activities | Bad weather activities |
5. Look at the words in ex. 4 again and complete the chart:
Always | Usually | Often | Sometimes | Never |
Compare your list with your partner. What is the most/the least popular activity in your group?
6. Use the words and word expressions from ex. 4 to make up a story about yourself. Speak about:
- What you usually do a) during the working day; b) at the weekend;
- What you prefer to do when the weather is a) good; b) bad;
- What your family members like to do when the weather is a) good; b) bad;
- Give advice on what to do to make yourself feel better when the weather is bad;
7. Insert the correct preposition of time (in/on/at).
- ____ summer I play football ____ Sundays.
- The train leaves Moscow ____ 4 p.m.
- He likes playing tennis ____ weekends.
- My sister’s birthday is ____ March.
- We often eat in a restaurant ____ Fridays.
- Noviy Urengoy is very cold ____ winter.
6 b. At work
1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents.
painter | летчик, пилот |
hairdresser | няня, медсестра |
nurse | художник |
baker | парикмахер |
shop assistant | ветеринар |
waiter | водитель такси |
vet | продавец |
postman | почтальон |
pilot | булочник, пекарь |
taxi driver | гид |
librarian | официант |
tourist guide | библиотекарь |
2. Solve the crossword.
1 | ||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
2 |
| ||||||||||
3 |
| ||||||||||||
4 |
| |||||||
5 |
| ||||||||||||
6 |
| 11 | |||||||||||||
7 |
| ||||
8 |
| |||||||||
9 |
| ||||||||||
10 |
- They cut your hair and make it look beautiful.
- Sometimes they make an exhibition of their pictures.
- They look after children/work in hospitals but they are not doctors.
- They drive taxis.
- They bake delicious things like cakes…
- If your pet is ill, you visit this person.
- They work in shops and sell things to you.
- They deliver letters, newspapers and magazines to your flat.
- This person takes your order in a café or a restaurant and brings it to your table.
- They work in libraries.
- They fly a plane.
3. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from the list.
build write teach wave goodbye play read listen
- Be quiet! They _______________________ a dictation!
- What is your dad doing right now? – I think, he ___________________ children at school.
- Where is Sue? – She ____________________ a book.
- What are they doing? – They ___________________ a new school.
- Look, your mum ______________________________ to her schoolchildren.
- We ________________ computer games. Join in!
- Don’t switch the radio off! I __________________ to it.
4. Write true sentences. What is happening now?
- it/snow _____________________________________________________________
- I/swim/in the pool. ____________________________________________________
- My mum/learn English _________________________________________________
- My dad/listen to music __________________________________________________
- I/wear shoes __________________________________________________________
- I/brush my teeth _______________________________________________________
- My parents/drive a car __________________________________________________
- My friend/read a book __________________________________________________
- I/make breakfast _______________________________________________________
- My grandmother/write a letter ____________________________________________
5. Write the questions to the answers.
E.g. Tom is reading a book in the library. – Where is Tom reading a book?/What is Tom doing?
- Paul is working today. – __________________________________________________
- Your friends are going to the cinema. – ______________________________________
- The trolley bus is coming to the stop. – _______________________________________________
- Mr. Williams is painting the hospital. – _______________________________________
- James is doing his homework. – ____________________________________________
- Ann and Lyn are sitting in the café now. – ____________________________________
6. Write short answers.
- Is it raining? – ______________
- Are you watching TV? – ______________
- Are you wearing a white sweater? – _____________
- Is your mum talking on the phone? – ______________
- Is your friend eating now? – ______________
- Are your classmates swimming in the pool? – _______________
7. Listen to the sentences and repeat. Practice reading alone. (Записать)
- Saying and doing are two things. – Важны дела, а не слова.
- Nothing’s wrong. – Всё в порядке.
- Thanks for calling. – Спасибо, что позвонили.
- Everything’s going wrong. – Всё идёт вкривь и вкось.
6 c. Weekend and Culture corner
1. Match the word expressions.
Write an email | Играть с другом |
Wash the dog | Позвонить |
Play with a friend | Написать электронное письмо |
Make a phone call | Помыть собаку |
Work in the garden | Выпить кофе |
Plant flowers | Сажать цветы |
Drink coffee | Работать в саду |
2. Fill in the gaps to complete the email from Rosie to Linda.
Hi, Linda!
Thanks ___ your email. How ___ you? I’m ___________ my homework. How boring!
All the family ___ here and are ______ too. Mum’s in the living room. She’s __________ some phone calls. Dad ____ working in the garden. It’s hard work. My little brother, Tom, ___ _________ him. He’s _____________ some flowers. My __________, Zoe, is ___________ a good time though. She’s playing _________ with her friend.
What ___ you _________? Any plans for Sunday? Write ________ soon.
3. Read the text and correct the mistakes.
Top tourist attractions
Every day, millions of tourists come to London to see and dance to Big Ben. But, what exactly is Big Ben? Most people think that Big Ben is the short clock tower that stands above the Houses of Parliament. Well yes! Big Ben is not the clock. It is one the four huge columns inside the tower. Its name comes to the bell’s commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall, or Ben. The bell is 98 meters high. The bell inside the tower is 14 kilos. The clock on the tower is also short. Each of the four clockfaces is 7 meters wide. The minute hands are about 3 meters long and the hour hands are about 4 meters long. Perhaps one day you can go to London and see this amazing tourist guide. |
English in use and Extensive reading
1. Write the phrases for making and responding to a suggestion. Use ex. 1a, p. 82 SB. Add your own suggestions and responses.
Make a suggestion | Respond to a suggestion |
2. Make up and role-play the dialogue. Use dialogue A in ex.2, p.82 as a model.
Student A: You meet student B and suggest going to the cinema.
Student B: You meet student A and he/ she suggests you going to the cinema. You are busy today and have a lot of homework. But you really want to see the comedy and suggest going to the cinema tomorrow.
3. Read the sentences. Think of situations when you can use them.
- He laughs best who laughs last. – Хорошо смеётся тот, кто смеётся последний.
- Call me at a quarter to four. – Позвони мне без четверти 4.
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