Мультимедийная презентация на тему " Выдающийся английский художник Томас Гейнсборо"
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Папка содержит мультимедийную презентацию и текстовый материал на тему " Выдающиййся английский художник Томас Гейнсборо" (1727-1788). Данный материал можно использовак как на уроках на тему "Человек-творец" по УМК "English-X" (под редакцией О.В.Афанасьевой, И.В.Михеевой), так и во внеурочное время.
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Thomas Gainsborough (1727 – 1788)
Thomas Gainsborough was born in Sudbury, Suffolk, the youngest son of John Gainsborough, a weaver and maker of woolen goods, and his wife, the sister of the Reverend Humphry Burroughs. When he was 13 he impressed his father with his drawing skills and he was allowed to go to London to study art in 1740. In London he trained under engraver Hubert Gravelot but became associated with William Hogarth and his school.
In 1746, Gainsborough married Margaret Burr, an illegitimate daughter of the Duke of Beaufort, who settled a £200 annuity on them. The artist's work, then mainly composed of landscape paintings, was not selling well. He returned to Sudbury in 1748–1749 and concentrated on painting portraits.
In 1752, he and his family, now including two daughters, moved to Ipswich. Commissions for personal portraits increased, but his clientele included mainly local merchants and squires. He had to borrow against his wife's annuity.
In 1759, Gainsborough and his family moved to Bath. There, he studied portraits by van Dyck and was eventually able to attract a fashionable clientele. In 1761, he began to send work to the Society of Arts exhibition in London (now the Royal Society of Arts, of which he was one of the earliest members); and from 1769 he submitted works to the Royal Academy's annual exhibitions. He selected portraits of well-known or notorious clients in order to attract attention. The exhibitions helped him acquire a national reputation, and he was invited to become a founding member of the Royal Academy in 1769. His relationship with the academy was not an easy one and he stopped exhibiting his paintings in 1773.
In 1774, Gainsborough and his family moved to London. He again began to exhibit his paintings at the Royal Academy, including portraits of contemporary celebrities, such as the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland. Exhibitions of his work continued for the next six years.
In 1780, he painted the portraits of King George III and his queen and afterwards received many royal commissions. This gave him some influence with the Academy and allowed him to dictate the manner in which he wished his work to be exhibited.
In 1784, royal painter Allan Ramsay died and the King was obliged to give the job to Gainsborough's rival and Academy president, Joshua Reynolds. Gainsborough remained the Royal Family's favourite painter, however.
In his later years, Gainsborough often painted relatively simple, ordinary landscapes. With Richard Wilson, he was one of the originators of the eighteenth-century British landscape school; though simultaneously, in conjunction with Sir Joshua Reynolds, he was the dominant British portraitist of the second half of the 18th century.
He died of cancer in 1788 at the age of 61 and is interred at St. Anne's Church, Kew, Surrey (located on Kew Green).
Gainsborough was noted for the speed with which he applied paint, and he worked more from observations of nature (and of human nature) than from application of formal academic rules. The poetic sensibility of his paintings caused Constable to say, "On looking at them, we find tears in our eyes and know not what brings them." Gainsbrough said, "I'm sick of portraits, and wish very much to take my viol-da-gam and walk off to some sweet village, where I can paint landskips (sic) and enjoy the fag end of life in quietness and ease." His liking for landscapes is shown in the way he merged figures of the portraits with the scenes behind them. His later work was characterised by a light palette and easy, economical strokes.
His most famous works, Portrait of Mrs. Graham; Mary and Margaret: The Painter's Daughters; William Hallett and His Wife Elizabeth, nee Stephen, known as The Morning Walk; and Cottage Girl with Dog and Pitcher, display the unique individuality of his subjects.
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Подписи к слайдам:
Henrietta Vernon (Lady Grosvenor, wife of Richard, first Earl Grosvenor) (1721-1722)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Andrews (1748)
The Painter’s Daughters Chasing a Butterfly (1759)
The Painter’s Daughters with a Cat (1760-1761)
Lady in Blue (c.1770)
David Garrick (1770)
The Honorable Mrs Graham ( 1775- 17 77 )
Mrs. Sarah Siddons (1785)
The Morning Walk (1785)
Lady Georgiana Cavendish (1787)
Internet Resources http://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/artists/thomas-gainsboroug http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Gainsborough http://www.google.ru/search?q=thomas+gainsborough http://www.google.ru/imgres?imgurl=http://uploads8.wikipaintings.org/images/thomas
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