презентация по теме"Выдающиеся деятели медицины 19 века"
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Факты биографии и вклад выдающихся ученых в развитие медицины 19 века.
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Edward Jenner (1749-1823)
Edward Jenner In may 1749 in England, in the town of Berkeley, a priest named Jenner was born 3 child, he was given the name Edward. The young man had no desire to follow in his father's footsteps and be a priest. So from the age of 12 he began to study medicine, trained as a surgeon. In 1770, the young man moved to London, where he was able to complete his medical education. He worked under the direction of the famous surgeon and anatomist, who helped him master all the intricacies of surgery brilliantly. The young boy was interested not only in medicine, but also in natural science and naturalism . On may 14, 1796, Edward Jenner began to test his theory. When a farmer Nelmes was infected by cow pox, then it on the skin blisters. Jenner took a chance and planted the contents of one vial in eight-year-old James Phipps. He was at great risk because the boy was ill with cowpox was not enough. To confirm the theory, it was necessary to infect him with black smallpox. Edward knew that if the boy dies, his life also will not be. After the child recovered from the cow, the scientist introduced him human smallpox. Although incisions were made on both hands of the patient and the matter was thoroughly rubbed with poison, there was no reaction. This meant that the experiment was successful: thanks to Jenner Phipps became immune to smallpox, which is one of the worst diseases. Although he did not fully realize the gravity and responsibility of the situation. The scientist was very attached to James, he loved him as his own son. On the day of the 20th anniversary from the date of publication of information about the experiment, the scientist gave Phipps a house with a garden, which planted a lot of flowers.
Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich (1845-1916)
Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich Born may 15, 1845 in the estate Panasivka Kupyansk district of Kharkiv province. There father Mechnikov , a guards officer, he moved from St. Petersburg. Ilya Ilyich completed a 4-year University course in Kharkov for 2 years. Already familiar with the structure of lower animals (sponges, worms and other invertebrates), Ilya Mechnikov realized that more highly developed organisms, in accordance with Darwin's theory, the structure should show similarities with low-organized, those who are their ancestors . Seeking to prove on the basis of the theory of evolution the kinship of animals of all kinds, he together with Kovalevsky developed the principles of a new science — comparative embryology. The discoveries of Mechnikov and Kovalevsky were noted by the scientific community. In 1867, they were awarded the first-degree Carl Baer prize for outstanding work on embryology.
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
Louis Pasteur Born on December 27, 1822 in Dole, Jura Department. The only son of a Tanner. First studied in the College of the city of Arbouet , then in the Lyceum of Saint-Louis in Paris. In parallel, Pasteur attended lectures at the Sorbonne, in particular listened to the famous chemist Jean- Baptiste Dumas. In 1857, he found that fermentation has a biological nature, as a result of the vital activity of special microorganisms — yeast fungi. Paster suggested that the wine turns into vinegar under the influence of bacteria, and offered to process the wine by heating to 60 °C (pasteurization).
Robert Koch (1843-1910)
Robert Koch Koch Heinrich Hermann Robert was born in the town of Clausthal-Zellerfeld , December 11, 1843. His parents were well – off-his father was a mining engineer, and his mother was the daughter of the chief inspector of the Hanover Kingdom. After graduating from University in 1866, he worked in German hospitals. About 5 years tried to open a private clinic. Then there were attempts to reclassify a military doctor, the decision to become a doctor on the ship to make a trip around the world. But in the end, the future founder of bacteriology got a job as an assistant in a psychiatric hospital of the city of Rackwitz . Since 1872 Robert has been working as a district doctor in Wolstein . Here he saw the animals sick with anthrax. Robert Koch studying the causes of sheep anthrax, found the causative agent of the disease-the bacterium Bacillus anthracis . After evaluating it, Koh began to write scientific papers on the subject and become known.
Ivanovsky Dmitry Iosifovich (1864-1920)
Ivanovsky Dmitry Iosifovich Dmitry Iosifovich Ivanovsky was born on October 28, 1864 in a large family of a simple official. Contribution to the science of Dmitry Iosifovich Ivanovsky began with the publication of the results of his observations of sick plants in the Crimea and Bessarabia. Imperial free economic society published the work of the scientist " Ryabukha -tobacco disease, its causes and the fight against it" (1889). The result of observations was the separation of fungal disease ( Ryabukha ) from the well-known disease of mosaic leaves in those days. The main achievement of the Russian microbiologist Dmitry Iosifovich Ivanovsky (1864-1920) is the discovery of viruses, that is, a completely new form of life. Without seeing them in the microscope, the scientist proved their existence, gave the basis for the development of Virology
Lesgaft Peter Frantsevich (1837-1909)
Lesgaft Peter Frantsevich P. F. Lesgaft was born in St. Petersburg in 1837. He received primary education at home. With the end of the third course, Peter suddenly became fascinated with anatomy, and gave her all to them. Anatomy became his life's work, his constant and faithful companion. After graduating from the Academy, Peter Lesgaft remained at the Department, which was headed by Gruber. He continued to study the structure of the muscles. Lesgaft for the first time managed to show that the muscles in humans are arranged in the same way as in animals. Practically his works laid the foundations of a new science — theoretical anatomy.
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