Открытый урок"Визит в Лондон"
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему
Обобщаюющий урок по теме "Достопримечательности Лондона". Основной задачей урока является обучение говорению т.е. монологической и диалогической речи с использованием лексики по данной теме и грамматики (Present Perfect)
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Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
«Средняя общеобразовательная школа №6»
Открытый урок английского языка
в 6 «А» классе по теме
«Визит в Лондон»
(по учебнику М.З.Биболетовой, О.А.Денисенко, Н.Н.Трубанёва)
«Английский с удовольствием»
Учитель английского языка:
Тимонова Лариса Анатольевна.
Тип урока: комбинированный, урок - обобщения и систематизации знаний с применением ИКТ.
Межпредметная связь: страноведение
Регулятивные УУД:
развивать умение устанавливать целевые приоритеты;
развивать умение оценивать учащимися того, что уже усвоено и что еще не подлежит усвоению;
развивать умение самостоятельно контролировать своё время и управлять им.
Общеучебные УУД:
развивать умение извлекать необходимую информацию из предложенных материалов.
Логические УУД:
развивать умение строить логическую цепь рассуждения.
Коммуникативные УУД:
развивать умение учитывать разные мнения и стремиться к координации различных позиций в сотрудничестве;
развивать умение аргументировать свою точку зрения;
развивать умение работать в группе; устанавливать рабочие отношения, эффективно сотрудничать и способствовать продуктивной кооперации.
Образовательные задачи:
1. совершенствовать лексические навыки в устной речи;
2. развивать навыки аудирования;
3. развивать навыки чтения текста с извлечением необходимой информации.
Развивающие задачи:
1. развивать коммуникативные и интеллектуальные способности;
2. развивать способность к сравнению, сопоставлению, догадке, распределению внимания;
3. развивать память, логическое мышление;
4. расширять кругозор учащихся;
5. формировать глубокий и устойчивый интерес к предмету;
Воспитательные задачи:
воспитывать культуру общения: умение выслушивать; собеседника;
формировать потребность в коллективной работе, готовность участвовать в межкультурной коммуникации.
Оборудование к уроку:
ПК, проектор, мультимедийная презентация, магнитофон и др.
1.Организационный момент.
Hello boys and girls! Glad to meet you! I wonder, what is the weather like today? I want you to sing a very lovely song about weather. First listen to this song!
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times)
What’s the weather like today?
Is it sunny?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it rainy?
What’s the weather like today?
It’s quite funny how it’s changing.
What’s the weather like today?
Is it snowing?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it clearing?
What’s the weather like today?
Is it going to be really very nice indeed?
Shining sun, and sparkling sea,
Warm and dry, with just a breeze.
Among the trees…
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times)
Yesterday the wind was blowing.
Is today going to be fine?
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. (4 times)
Sing the song to music!
2.It is very important for us that the weather is nice today. You will understand why: I have received a letter from my pen friend from England for the first time and I am very happy!
Listen to this letter:
Hello my friend from Russia!
My name is Ann Broun. I am 35.I have got a family. My husband is a businessman. He works a lot. His office is in London in the City. I have got a son. He is five but he is already a pupil. He goes to primary school. Its name is Green Hill School.
We live in a country house not far from London. We like holidays very much. We like to visit London as it is a beautiful city with a lot of interesting places to see.
I invite you and you pupils to visit our country and see London any time you like.
Best wishes,
Ann Brown
3.Основная часть урока
-What have you learned about Ann Brown from the letter?
(We have learned that….)
-At the end of her letter she invites us to visit London. Would you like to go there?
(We would love to…Great….etc.)
-How can we get there?
(We are going to use a train, a plain or a bus)
You are right. But I am going to use my miracle stick. Look, I am taking it, touching you and you are in London on the excursion around it!
(слова экскурсоводов) Pupil 1. Hello, ladies and gentlemen. million people live here. London is more than two thousand years old. London’s most famous sights are Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul’s Cathedral. You will see all these places and much more of London from our red double-decker.
Pupil 2. We start from Trafalgar Square. On the column in the centre there is a statue of Admiral Nelson who defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805. To the left of us you can see the National Gallery. It has a fine collection of European paintings. Now we are coming to Piccadilly Circus. It is meeting point of six streets.
Pupil 3. We’ve just passed Piccadilly Circus and now we are making our way to Buckingham Palace. Look right. We are passing Hyde Park. In the park anyone can stand up and say what they want. It is a very democratic park. Now we are at Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top she is at home. Look, they are changing the Guard. It happens every day at 11:30 a.m.
Pupil 4. We have just turned left and you can see St. James’s Park. It is one of the royal parks. Here you can see pelicans and ducks. There are a lot of parks and gardens in London. In Regent’s Park there is the London Zoo. It is one of the biggest zoos in the world.
Pupil 5. In front of you there are the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British government. Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world.
Pupil 6. In a moment you will see Westminster Abbey. It is royal church. Here you can see the tombs of the many British kings and queens and other famous people and the beautiful Henry VII Chapel.
Pupil 7. Now we are crossing Tower Bridge over the river Thames. From here you can see the Tower of London. The ravens are another famous sight. The legend says that without them the Tower will fall. The Raven Master is the person who gives them food. Earlier in our tour we saw a famous royal church, Westminster Abbey. We are now making our way to the second famous church, St. Paul’s Cathedral. It is the greatest work of the architect Sir Christopher Wren.
Pupil 8: We are now going along Fleet Street to the Strand. On the right you’ll see Covent Garden. It was a big fruit and vegetable market. It is now a tourist shopping centre with cafes and restaurants. We’ll stop here so that you can go shopping. Our tour has finished. I hope very much that you have enjoyed this tour of London. Thank you and goodbye.
4. I am taking my stick, touching you and you are in the classroom again.
-Where have you been, I wonder?
-What have you seen?
-What else have you learned about London?
5.Take pictures of interesting places of London and say what you have heard about it.
6.Listen to my statement and say if they are true, false or you do not know.
-London is the capital of Scotland.
-The heart of London is the City.
-The famous English architect Sir Christopher Wren build the Cathedral in the 17th century.
-Trafalgar Square is not in the centre of London.
7. Answer the questions.
-What is the political centre of London?
-What is Big Ben?
-What bridge is near the Houses of Parliament?
-Where is Westminster Abby? How old is it? What is it famous for?
-Where does the Queen of England live? What monument is in front of Buckingham Palace.
8. And the last task is to make up dialogues.(One of you have been to London and the other one wants to know what you have seen there. What you feel about London .Use the frases:
-I haven’t seen you for ages!
-Really so?
-Where have you been? Etc.
Sample dialogue:
-Hi! I havent seen you for ages. How are you?
-Hi! Im fine. And you?
-Just fine. Where have you been?
-I have been to London.
-Really so?
-I have seen a lot of interesting places there.
-Did you make pictures?
-Yes, I did. Come and see me tomorrow and Ill show you pictures and will tell more about London.
- Did you like the city?
-Of course, I did.
-Good by!
9. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия. What are your emotions today? Choose one statement and write it.
- Our lesson was good.
- I was a very good pupil!
- I am a happy person!
- I could help my friends.
- I worked very well.
- I was interested in the lesson.
I worked hard.
- My knowledge (знания) is bad.
- The theme was not interesting for me.
- I have negative emotions.
Домашнее задание: Подготовить презентацию о понравившихся достопримечательностях.
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