Элективный курс "Формирование здорового образа жизни"
элективный курс по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему
Актуальность темы данной программы обусловлена современным ритмом развития общества и является злободневной не только в нашей стране, но и в странах изучаемого языка.
Особый интерес и практическую значимость представляет материал, направленный на формирование осознанного отношения подростка к психологическому и физическому здоровью как ценности жизни, личной точки зрения на проблему существования вредных привычек.
В курсе широко используются проектные формы работы, дискуссии, доклады, сообщения и мини-практикумы. Данный курс содержит знания, вызывающие познавательный интерес учащихся, развивает их учебную мотивацию и способствует расширению общего кругозора.
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Учебно-тематический план элективного курса по английскому языку для 9-го класса «Формирование здорового образа жизни».
№ урока | Тема | Содержание | Образовательный продукт | Кол-во часов |
1 | Спорт — для здоровья. «за» и «против» занятий спортом. | Ознакомление с целями курса. Введение новой лексики. Отработка ее в аудировании и устной речи. | Ответы на вопросы. Дискуссия. | 1 |
2 | Виды спорта. Мой любимый вид спорта. Любимый спортсмен. | Чтение текста по теме в формате ГИА. Выполнение лексико-грамматического упражнения в формате ГИА. Говорение в формате ГИА | Монологическое высказывание о любимом спортсмене. Написание личного письма в формате ГИА. Мультимедийная презентация | 1 |
3 | Курение вредит нашему здоровью. | Введение лексики. Активизация лексического материала в лексических упражнениях, аудировании и устной речи. | Дискуссия. Монологическое высказывание. | 1 |
4 | Как бросить курить. | Активизация лексики в лексических упражнениях и аудировании. | Дискуссия. Письменное монологическое высказывание. | 1 |
5 | Алкоголь и подростки. | Чтение в формате ГИА. Дискуссия по прочитанному тексту. | Постер, агитирующий против курения и алкоголизма. | 1 |
6 | Моё отношение к проблеме алкоголя. | Работа с текстом. Обсуждение прочитанного. | Анкетирование. Статья «Моё отношение к проблеме алкоголизма» | 1 |
7 | Проблемы ранней беременности. | Чтение в формате ГИА. Обсуждение проблемы на основе прочитанного текста. | Монологическое высказывание. | 1 |
8 | Проблемы с родителями. | Чтение в формате ГИА. Дискуссия | Анкетирование. Личное письмо в формате ГИА. | 1 |
9 | Проблема воспитания с семье. | Введение и активизация лексики по теме. Лексико-грамматическое упражнение в формате ГИА. | Монологическое высказывание. | 1 |
10 | Быть подростком нелегко. | Лексико-грамматическое упражнение в формате ГИА. Работа с текстом | Дискуссия. Монологическое высказывание. | 1 |
Дидактические материалы курса.
Занятие 1.
Спорт для здоровья. «За» и «против» занятий спортом.
1. Организационный этап.
(На доске – пословица ”Health is above wealth” и афоризм “There are a lot of people in this world who spend so much time watching their health that they haven't time to enjoy it.” Billings, an American writer, 1818-1885) Звучит песня ”Try Something Different”.
Учащиеся отвечают на вопрос “What is the role of Health in our life?”
2. Вступительное слово учителя о целях курса и данного занятия.
The subject of our course is Forming a Healthy Way of Living . We must try to understand what should we do to keep fit, what influences on your health and psychological condition.
A human body is a perfectly organized creation with millions of blood vessels. It has an extremely powerful engine that pumps gallons of blood every day. A human brain is a fantastic mind machine. It contains around 100 billion cells, equal to the number of stars in the Milky Way.
Nowadays people are getting more and more concerned about the food they eat, about the air they breathe and the way they look and feel. They begin to comprehend that staying active as you get older gives you more energy and helps to stave off illness. Nowadays we are offered a wide range of sport facilities to achieve general fitness. A lot of people are simply hooked on yoga, shaping, stretching and bodybuilding. We must admit that a professional sportsman is always a pleasure to look at: he doesn't smoke or drink alcohol, he keeps to a healthy diet avoiding junk food and always takes regular hours.
The subject of our lesson is sport. Today we are going to speak about the role of sport in our life .
3. Введение лексики :
-to stay in good shape
-to keep fit
-to be healthy, strong, fast, agile
-to build sb’s character
-to teach sb to win and to lose
-to overcome difficulties
-more organized
-better disciplined
-to have broken legs and arms and other injuries
-rather exhausting
-for pleasure
-to work off extra energy
-to require some complicated equipment
-to increase fitness
-to get real pleasure
-to give the increased sense of individuality
-to acquire self-confidence
-to expand outlook
4. Просмотреть мультимедийную презентацию и внести аргументы «за» и «против» занятий спортом в таблицу.( See a computer presentation and put different reasons for and against sport in the table.)
Positive sides | Negative sides |
5. Обсуждение вопросов, используя данные фразы (Discuss the following issues, using the phrases below):
- In my opinion,
- First of all,
- What is more,
- It goes without saying,
- Besides,
- I agree with...
- However
-As for me,
- That's why
-On the other hand
1. Why do people go in for sport?
2. Are all sports good for us? Why?
3. Which sports do you enjoy and why?
4. What do you prefer doing: watching sport or playing sports? Why?
5. Should professional sport be prohibited? Why?
6. What attracts people to extreme sports?
8. Is sport important to you? Why?
9. Do you go in for non-competitive kind of sport like fishing? Why?
10. Which do you prefer: team sports or individual sports? Why?
6. Прокомментируйте следующие утверждения .(Do you agree or not? Comment on the following statements)
1. A human body is a perfectly organized creation.
2. Nowadays unfortunately we are offered nothing to achieve general fitness.
3. A professional sportsman presents a dull picture.
4. Absolute beginners should start with risky sports.
5. Yoga is a dangerous sport.
6. Swimming is undoubtedly an excellent exercise.
7. You should walk every day to keep fit.
7. Работа в парах. Представьте, что вы решили заняться спортом, но ваш друг против этого. Попытайтесь его убедить. (Try to persuade your partner that sport is necessary for his/her health).
8. Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание.
Thus, sport is very important in our life. It helps us to stay in good shape, to keep fit and to be healthy. It makes people strong, fast and agile. Sport builds our character, it teaches us to overcome difficulties.
You needn't be a professional sportsman to be healthy. Some people jog every morning, some follow fitness classes shown on TV. Young people usually put on their roller-blades and skate in the streets and parks. Such sports are really good for our health.
Your home task will be:
to find information about famous sportsmen and say why you admire them.
Занятие 2.
Виды спорта. Мой любимый вид спорта. Любимый спортсмен.
1. Организационный этап. Определение целей занятия.
На доске – высказывание : “The only thing about sports is that they prove men do have emotions and are not afraid to show them.” Jane O`Reilly.
So the aim of this lesson is …
2. Введение лексики - названий видов спорта, используя мультимедийную презентацию.
3. Чтение. (Задание приближено к формату ГИА )
Прочитайте текст о новом виде спорта — о паркуре. Определите, какие из приведённых утверждений 1-4 соответствуют содержанию текста ( A-True ), какие не соответствуют ( 2- False) и о чём в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3- Not stated).
“Parkour” - or free running – is the fast-growing extreme sport that turns everyday urban landscapes into obstacle courses. Loosely translated, “le parkour” means “using every object in your path as an obstacle”. It began in 1987 in the Paris suburbs, where bored teenagers Se ”Interesting” involved climbing up buildings, swinging around lamp posts and vaulting anything that stayed still. With six friends, they set up “Yamakasi”- a group which later split when five of them opted to take work as theatre acrobats, but not before it had lead to a 2001 film off the same name.
Nowadays it’s a global phenomenon. The UK-based parkour website gets 10,000 visitors a day. Foucan is surprised to say the least. “For me, it’s amazing but it’s my goal to meet people from all over the world and to spread the philosophy,” he says. This philosophy is all about challenging and improving yourself. That’s why there are no competitions in parkour, and definitely no world records.
There have been serious setbacks. One person died after trying some of the moves in the Yamakasi film. And since the rise of parkour’s popularity amongst the general public there have been more than a few broken bones. The key thing is that you must learn how to roll. If you can roll – across your shoulders, never on your spine – it transfers the energy so you don’t get hurt. You land, you roll, you stand up and you keep running. And if you are going to leap from a tall building, or even just off the back of your sofa, you should know how to land properly.
But as the saying goes, it s practice that makes perfect. And you have to be able to suppress any doubts or fears. When you get scared, your muscles become tense and you’re more likely to lose coordination. If the fear gets to you, it’s all over, so you really have to have confidence in your training.
1. “Free running” was invented in France.
- True b) False c) Not stated
2. Foucan knew it would become this popular.
- True b) False c) Not stated
3. People who like parkour meet every year to practice it.
- True b) False c) Not stated
4. Fear has a bad effect on your coordination.
- True b) False c) Not stated
4. Задание по грамматике и лексике. (Приближено к формату ГИА)
Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами 1-12, так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.
Many kinds of sport (1)______________from England. ORIGIN
The English have a proverb, “All work and no joy (2) _________ MAKE
Jack a dull boy”. They do not think that play is (3) _________ MUCH
important than work; they think that Jack will do his (4) _____if he GOOD
plays as well, so he is (5)__________ to do both. Association football, COURAGE
or soccer is one of the games which attracts great (6) _________. ATTEND
There are plenty of amateur and (7)________ soccer clubs in every PROFESS
town. Professional soccer is big (8) ________. The Cup Final played BUSY
in London is the (9) _____________ event of the football season. CULMINATE
It takes place every May at the (10) ___________ Wembley stadium. FAME
Some of the (11) _________ known clubs in England are Manchester GOOD
United, Liverpool and Arsenal. In Scotland either Rangers, Celtic or
Aberdeen usually win the cup or the (12) _________________. CHAMPION
5. Говорение. (Приближено к формату ГИА)
Give a talk on the topic “A sportsman I admire”. Remember to speak about:
- who he/she is
- what sport he/she is famous for
- reason for choosing this person
- where he/she was born
- how long he/she has been at the top
- which competition he/she has won
- what the qualities that make a champion are
6. Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание:
- Написать личное письмо (в формате ГИА)To write a personal letter to your English friend John. He would like to know:
- what sport you go in for;
- how good you are at it;
- how often you go in for sport;
- what sports you would like to try.
- Сделать компьютерную презентацию о вашем любимом спортсмене.
(To make a computer presentation about your favourite sportsman)
Занятие 3
Курение вредит нашему здоровью.
- Организационный этап. Знакомство с темой занятия.
Listen to introduction and guess what we are going to speak about.
- Vocabulary work (Введение лексики, используя компьютерную презентацию.)
- Study the parts of the human body.
Mouth - рот
Lungs - легкие
Pancreas - поджелудочная железа
Kidney - почка
Esophagus - пищевод
Bladder - мочевой пузырь
b) Match the words with their Russian equivalents.
heart disease прекращать
pregnancy паралич
stroke вступать в силу
“second-hand smoke” сердечное заболевание
to be at risk рисковать, быть под угрозой
to suffer объявлять
to cause damage страдать
to announce беременность
treaty подчиняться, выполнять условия
to come into force договор
to obey наносить ущерб
с) Fill in blanks with suitable word from the pool given below.
1) “Mum, something hurts in the lower part of my back”. “I think you have a problem with your _____”.
2) I have some problems with my_______ . It’s hard for me to breathe
3) Officers expect their soldiers. _____ them without questions.
4) Take away the cigarette! I’m not going to endure _____
5) He had no difficulty in persuading parliament to approve the peace _____
6) I don’t want to talk to you. Please, close your _____
7) Our plan will _____ in two days.
8) Ann’s grandpa had a _____ He can’t move.
9) I’m pleased to _____ that one of our students has won the regional competition.
10) During a war, many people _____ from hunger.
11) He died because of _____. His heart just stopped.
12) According to the Russian translation, the _____ should be somewhere under the stomach.
13) During _____, women must eat special food and try not to worry.
14) Too much chocolate may _____ to your teeth.
15) Policemen and firemen __ always _____
lungs mouth ”second-hand smoke” kidneys announce pancreas heart disease repugnancy stroke are at risk suffer cause damage treaty come into force to obey
3) Listen to the text and get ready to answer the following questions.
- What diseases are mainly caused by tobacco smoking?
- Which diseases are not usually caused by smoking?
- What are the consequences of smoking of smoking during pregnancy?
- Why do almost 300 000 American children have lung infections every year?
- How many cigarettes a day will not affect man’s health?
- What contribution did Peru make into the anti-smoking campaign?
- What was supposed to happen on February 28th, 2005?
4) And now answer the questions. Check the most suitable answer.
1. What diseases are mainly caused by tobacco smoking?
a) stomach diseases
b) headaches
c) lung diseases
d) depression
2. Which diseases are not usually caused by smoking?
a) lung cancer
b) mouth cancer
c) skin can
d) cancer of the pancreas
e) cancer of the kidneys
f) bladder cancer
g) cancer of the esophagus
3. What are the consequences of smoking of smoking during pregnancy?
a) having a baby with health problems
b) having a baby who weighs less than normal
c) risk of early death of baby
d) all mentioned above
4. Why do almost 300 000 American children have lung infections every year?
a) smoking cigarettes
b)”second-hand smoke”
c) pregnancy of their mothers
d) takings drugs
5. How many cigarettes a day will not affect man’s health?
a) only one
b) ten but together with some alcohol
c) even one cigarette is destroying
d) from one to three
6. What contribution did Peru make into the anti-smoking campaign?
a) Cigarettes are not sold in shops in Peru.
b) Peru became the 40th country to agree to the treaty against smoking.
c) The price of cigarettes in Peru is very high.
d) The local religion forbids smoking.
7. What happened on February 28th, 2005?
a) The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control came into force.
b) The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control was accepted by Russia.
c) A great anti-smoking concert as held all over the world.
d) A new holiday – a Cigarette Day was established.
5) Listen to the text and choose the best summary of the passage.
(If necessary you may listen to it again.)
1. The first part of the program is about diseases that can be caused by smoking. It tells about cancer, heart diseases, stroke and many kinds of cancer: of lungs, mouth, esophagus, kidney, bladder and pancreas. It also describes second-hand smoking and shows the advantages of smoking during pregnancy. And the final passage is connected with a treaty against smoking which was accepted by many nations.
2. This passage is about the consequences of smoking. It enumerates main diseases caused by tobacco and gives some facts from statistics. Moreover, special attention is paid to smoking during the pregnancy and “second-hand smoking”. And the end of the text is devoted to an anti-smoking treaty, accepted by 40 nations.
3. The text begins with the description of fatal diseases, caused by smoking. Moreover, women smoking during pregnancy can have babies with health problems. Furthermore, smoking also affects the health of people who do not smoke. It is called “second-hand smoking”. So far there is no safe way to smoke. Many countries of the world tend to accept a smoking treaty which will unite the smokers and drug dealers of the world.
6) Read the script and choose the most suitable options.
Smoking tobacco is the leading cause of lung disease. Smoking also has been linked to heart disease, stroke and many kinds of cancer. The American Cancer Society 1 smoking is responsible for about 87% of all lung cancers in the United States. The group 2 that smoking is a major cause of cancers of the mouth, esophagus, kidney, bladder and pancreas. Scientists 3 more than 60 chemicals in tobacco smoke that cause cancer in humans and animals. Smokeless tobacco and cigars also have been linked to cancer.
American experts 4 smoking affects not only the smoker. Women who smoke cigarettes during pregnancy are more likely to have babies with health problems. Pregnant women who 5 are at risk of having a baby who weighs less than normal. Low birth weight babies 6 an increased risk of early death and may suffer from a number of health disorders. Experts say tobacco smoke also 7 the health of people who do not smoke. Smokers 8 the health of family members and people at work when they breath out smoke from cigarettes. This is called “second-hand smoke”. Tobacco smoke causes an estimated 3,000 non-smoking Americans 9 of lung cancer each year. Tobacco smoke also causes lung infections in up to 300,000 American children each year. The American Cancer Society says there is no safe way to smoke. It says smoking 10 to cause damage immediately. All cigarettes can damage the body. Smoking even a small number of cigarettes is dangerous. Last week, United Nations officials announced that a treaty against smoking 11 part of international law early next year. The announcement came after Peru became the 40th country to agree to the treaty. The World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control will come into force on February 28th, 2005. After that date, any country 12 the treaty will be required to obey its rules. They govern issues such as tobacco price and tax increases, the illegal trade of tobacco products and second-hand smoke.
- says explains asks tells
- add added would add adds
- have researched have understood have identified have seen
- show say explain are interested in
- smoke take smoke are smoking do not smoke
- have to possess take have
- effects affects affects on infects
- must should need to may
- to die to kill to suffer to have
- stops breaks out begins commences
- will begin will become will be accepted will be signed
- agreeing approving getting taking
7)Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание:
Составить монологическое высказывание по данной теме. (Persuade your friend that smoking is very harmful for his health.)
Занятие 4
Как бросить курить.
(How to stop smoking.)
1. Организационный момент. Знакомство с темой занятия.
2. Введение лексики. Match the word for phrase with its definition.
-follow directions -Happening or existing for a long time now or
-dependency in future
-temporarily -Keeping your health safe from harm, injury,
-protect your health etc
-replacement -the fact that someone is addicted to
-chew something
-have the urge -used instead of smth
-permanently -to obey an order or to do what the
-win the struggle instructions tell you to do
-against smith -existing, done or used for only a limited
period of time
-to have a strong feeling of wanting or
needing to do smithy
-to bite something continuously but not
swallow it
-to achieve victory in the fight against smth
-very often, as a rule
3. Listen to the text. Read the recommendations on how to stop smoking.
Choose those which were mentioned in the text.
1. Try not to worry about people and situations.
2. Carefully plan your actions for at least one week.
3. Don`t start smoking at all.
4. Attend special self-help programs.
5. Choose cigarettes with nicotine replacements.
6. Give all your money to your Mom not to buy cigarette
7. Avoid public places where people are smoking.
8. Read special books and follow the directions mentioned there.
9. If you drink alcohol, try to give up drinking for some time.
10. Take medicine.
4. Read the script and choose the correct word.
We have some other ideas to help you stop smoking. The American Cancer Society says there is not just one right way to stop. It says one method or a combination of methods may be successful. They include attending self-help programs or (following, showing, looking for, finding) directions in a book. The group says any way to stop smoking that is legal, moral and effective (are worthy of, are worth of, is worth, is worth of) trying. To stop smoking, you (may, can, should, need) carefully plan your actions for at least one week. Try to stay (far, away, above, out) from people and situations that might trouble you. Do not go to public places where people are smoking. If you drink alcohol, you probably will need to stop drinking temporarily. Many people (lose, loose, lost, forget) their inner strength when they drink alcohol. They experts say it is best to stop smoking completely. Even one cigarette can make you a smoker (soon, again, once more, one more time). In the first week or to two without cigarettes, you probably will feel terrible. You may be angry all the time or you may feel sad. You may have a headache or your stomach may feel sick. Do not lose hope. If you stay away from tobacco, those feelings will go away in a few weeks. Tell yourself that you will be happier as a (unsmoker, not-smoker, smoker-off, non smoker). Tell yourself that nicotine should not control your life.
It is not easy to stop smoking permanently. However, doctors say you probably will live (much more long, further, farther, longer) if you do stop smoking. You will live better and look better. You also will (protect, prospect, respect, protect to) the health of other people who breathe your smoke. The American Cancer Society says (much, more, the, -) sooner smokers stop smoking, the more they can reduce their chances of getting cancer and other diseases. It says blood pressure returns to normal 20 minutes after smoking the last cigarette. Carbon monoxide gas levels in the blood return to (medium, normal, standard, lower) after eight hours. After one day, the chance of heart attack decreases. After one year, the risk of heart disease for a non-smoker is half that of a smoker.
Experts say there are (no, any, some, not any) products designed to help end a smoker’s dependency on cigarettes. There are several kinds of nicotine replacement products that provide small amounts of the substance. These can help people stop smoking. A drug to fight depression has proved effective for (much, lot, any, many) smokers. Depression is the (metal, mind, brain, mental) condition that causes extreme sadness and hopelessness. The anti-depressant is called Zyban. It does not contain nicotine. The drug works by increasing levels of the chemical dopamine in the brain. Dopamine produces feelings of pleasure.
Move around as much as possible. Go for a quick walk or a run (for, on, -, away) at least two times a day. Walking or running will make your breath deeply. This will help clear (a, the, an, -) nicotine from your body. Also, when you have the urge to smoke, you could chew gum or eat a piece of fruit or vegetable instead. (In a time, Later on, For a long time, Every now and then), you will continue to have periods when you really want a cigarette. Yet these times will come less often. One day, you will recognize that you have won the struggle against smoking.
5. Дискуссия. Questions for discussion
1) If you were smoking and wanted to give it up, what methods would you prefer?
2) Think of your own pieces of advice how to stop smoking.
3) Many doctors say that giving up smoking leads to fatness. Is it a serious reason for young women (those who smoke) to continue doing it?
4) Imagine that you or your friend try to stop smoking. Is it O.K. to ask for parents’ support?
Say what you think about the following statements:
1) You start smoking to prove that you are a man. And then you try to give up smoking to prove that you are a man.
2) The best way to stop smoking is to carry wet matches.
3) To cease smoking is the easiest thing I ever did: I ought to know because I’ve done it a thousand times. (M. Twain)
6. Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание .
Home task: give advice to your friend how to stop smoking. (Письменное монологическое высказывание)
Занятие 5
Алкоголь и подростки.
1. Организационный момент. Знакомство с темой занятия.
"People these days are thinking less and drinking more"
Eartha Kiti, singer
Answer the questions. Use these words as prompts: to be bored, not differ from, look older, forget problems, to relax, rebel against (fight against the authority of parents, school, etc.)
- Do you agree with this idea?
- Do you think that nowadays people drink more than a century ago?
- Did children drink alcohol those days?
- Why do teenagers drink now?
2. Read the teenagers' opinions about drinking alcohol. Who thinks:
1) It's OK.
2) To drink often is bad, but to drink at a party or with friends is fine.
3) Teens drink for individual reasons.
4) Teens should do what they want.
Rashida - 17 - San Francisco
Teenagers are going to do what they want to do. I don't drink, but I know many people who do. Most people I know do it when they're with a group of friends and they can't find anything better to do. There should be safe, fun places where young people can hang out with their friends at night.
I've been so drunk that I've been sick everywhere! But 1 keep on doing it because I think it's fun!
Sally - 14-Chicago
Young people know the risks but they drink for individual reasons; some are bored, for others it's peer pressure, others want to rebel to get attention.
Sean - 16 - New York
Getting drunk every week is stupid, but having a drink when you're out with friends or at a party is fine. The legal limit for alcohol should be 16, by that age you should be mature enough to drink responsibly and not be stupid.
What do they suggest? Choose the opinion that you most agree with.
3. Read the articles. Match them with their headlines.
1) The average American teenager has their first alcoholic drink at the age of thirteen but most teenagers don't know how to drink sensibly. One third of US teenagers believe that an average can of beer contains less alcohol than an average glass of whisk y and 4.4 million teenagers have monthly drinking binges (binge drinking is at least five drinks one after the other for men and four for women). 16 % of teenagers have lost consciousness after drinking alcohol.
2) Lots of US schools are using special large glasses that kids put over their eyes to make them feel like they are drunk. The good think is that you're not really drunk so you can remember how bad it felt and how stupid it would be to drive.
3) Drinking too much can be very dangerous. Many kids don't know that you can actually die from too much alcohol. Drinking and driving is a big problem in America. Every day in the US six teenagers get into a car and they don't get out alive because of drinking and driving. Drinking alcohol from a young age can cause problems when you are older too. Young people who start drinking before 15 are more likely to have a drink problem when they are adults.
- At 21 years, the US has one of the highest legal minimum drinking ages in the world. This high limit has saved thousands of lives through averted" drink-driving accidents, and research has shown that delaying the onset of drinking reduces alcohol consumption for the rest of your life - and reduces your likelihood of becoming an alcoholic. But American teenagers feel that the limit is unreasonably high. After all, they can vote, marry, buy a house, and join the armed forces before the age of 21. And so - by obtaining alcohol from adults, using fake identification or buying from vendors who do not ask for ID- American teenagers drink illegally, and without adult supervision. Even President Bush's twin teenage daughters have been repeatedly caught under-age drinking.
- Another worrying trend is the dramatic increase in heavy drinking amongst women. Women's bodies cannot cope with as much alcohol as men can. Research shows that women experience alcohol - related liver damage at lower consumption levels than men, and women face other health risks - for instance drinking while pregnant can harm your body.
a. Why is drinking alcohol a problem for teenagers?
b. How can you teach teenagers about the dangers of alcohol?
c. Women's bodies cannot cope with as much alcohol as men's
d. How big is the problem?
e. Old enough to know better?
4. True or False? Which of the following statements are true, according to the articles. Give your opinion.
1) Experts haven't been able to prove a direct link between alcohol and violence.
2) Alcohol was until recently the 4th leading cause of death in the USA.
3) There is no link between alcohol and liver damage.
4) US teens can't buy a house or join the army until they are 21years old.
5) The legal age for drinking in the USA is 21.
6) You are less likely to become an alcoholic if you don't drink in your teens.
7) Peer pressure stops a lot of people drinking.
8) Levels of drinking amongst women have not risen so much as amongst men.
9) Women's bodies are better at coping with alcohol than men's.
Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание: изготовить постер против курения и алкоголизма (to make a poster against smoking and drinking).
Занятие 6
Моё отношение к проблеме алкоголизма.
Put the verbs in brackets into the past tense to make correct second conditional questions. Then, do the quiz.
1) You are at a friend's house. Your friend's dad has drunk some beer but
you're not sure how much. What would you do if he ________________ (offer) to
drive you home.
a. Ask him if he knows about the dangers of drunk driving.
b. Say no because I feel like walking home.
c. Take the lift even though I would be worried.
2) You arrange to have a party at your house. What would you do if your friends
____________ (start) planning to bring bottles of whisky and vodka to your party?
a. Cancel the party. If they get really drunk, something bad may happen.
b. Ask them not to bring strong alcohol. If they refused, I'd watch them carefully at the party.
c. I'd join in with them. I don't want to ruin the party.
3) You have had an argument with your family and you are telling your friend how upset you are. What would you drink if your friend ___________ (offer) you a secret drink from his/her parents' drinks cupboard?
a. Nothing. Alcohol isn't going to help with my problems.
b. A beer with lemonade (shandy). I don't like the taste of alcohol.
c. A double whisky. I would need something strong to help me forget my problems.
4) You go to a friend's party on your bike. You drink a glass of wine. If you
____________ (feel) drunk, how would you go home?
a. I `d get a taxi home and collect my bike in the morning.
b. I'd ride my bike home slowly and carefully. I don't want to waste money on a taxi.
c. I'd ride my bike home as quickly as possible. I have to be home by eleven.
5) You are at a party when some older kids arrive with some plastic cups filled
with liquid. They won't say what is in the cups. If they_________ (encourage) you to drink from the cups, what would you do?
a. I'd tell them I never drink something when I don't know what it is.
b. I 'd take a little bit and then I'd throw the rest away when they weren't looking.
c. I'd have a drink. I don't want them to think that I'm not cool.
Mostly As: You are very sensible about alcohol. You are a strong person who doesn't give in to peer pressure. Well done!
Mostly Bs: You are quite sensible about alcohol. You know that a little alcohol won't really harm you but remember never give in to pressure to do something you're not comfortable with.
Mostly Cs: You are not sensible with alcohol and you probably think that drinking alcohol is cool or you are giving in to peer pressure. Remember that alcohol can be dangerous. You need to read the articles.
2. Match the first and the last paragraphs. What heading will you write for the articles? Which articles are about positive/negative things that young people can be involved into? Discuss them. Add something for each topic.
1. Increased drug use among people today is a problem that must be dealt with by society to prevent from causing more damage than it already has. | a. In conclusion solutions to the problem lie in education and in strict law enforcement. More importantly, teen-agers should be provided with adequate recreational facilities to put an end to the boredom that drives them to drinking. |
2. The problem of teenage alcoholism is one that worries officials and parents. To drink a bottle of beer is the easiest way to feel cool and to prove to other teens that you are cool. | b. In my opinion, sport should be used as much as possible to encourage young people to lead a more healthy and peaceful life instead of being involved in drug misuse. |
3. Physical education has long been part of the school timetable for children; imagine an educational program which does not include some forms of physical education. | c. If something isn't done soon, an alarming increase in the number of young drug users is inevitable, which will undoubtedly have a harmful effect upon society as a whole. |
4. As far as education is concerned, sport is an important part of every child's schooling, as it plays a big role in both their physical and mental development. It teachers children how to work as part of a team and cooperate with others. | d. At present, it seems that many students do not take part in any kind of physical activity at all. Will we see PE slowly disappear from our schools and only to be replaced by more "useful" lessons in future? |
- Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание
Home task: To write an article “My attitude to the problem of drinking’’.
Занятие 7
Проблемы подростковой беременности.
1. Организационный момент. Знакомство с темой занятия.
2. Read the statistics.
- Last year in the UK 36,540 unmarried teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 19 had a baby.
- In the USA nearly one million teenage American girls become pregnant each year.
- Britain has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in Europe.
- The teenage pregnancy rate in Britain is twice that of Germany and four times that of France.
- The Netherlands has the lowest teen pregnancy rate in Europe.
- 4 out 10 teenage girls in the world become pregnant before they are 20.
a. Answer the questions:
Are you surprised by the facts?
Is teenage pregnancy typical only of poor countries?
What country has the lowest/highest rate of teen-pregnancy in Europe?
b. Underline the key word(s) in each statement of the statistics.
3 (a). Read jumbled paragraphs. To form an article organize them in logical order and find the proper heading (a-f) for each paragraph. (Задание приближено к формату ГИА).
1. Most teen girls are delighted when they first realize they are pregnant? they are given gifts and look forwards to having a body. However the reality is often a terrible shock even when the girl's parents help. Most can't cope with looking after a body and school work and drop out of school. In most cases the teen mother needs a job to pay for the baby, she has to find somebody to look after the baby while she is working or studying. Due to these problems, most teen mothers do not find good job.
2. In most cases the father does not help financially or emotionally. If he is young too he can't help very much because he has the same problems as the mother. In the past, the couple would get married but evidence showed because the couple were so young, it didn't work.
3. Life can be very hard. Many grow up in poverty or are neglected" because the mother is too young to care for them properly. In the majority of cases the children do not do well at school because their mother has no time to encourage them or because she did not have a chance to do well in school, she cannot help them with schoolwork.
4. Teen mothers are given some welfare money to help them survive. Around the USA and parts of Britain, there are some schools that have a special childcare center for the teen mothers. The center looks after the babies while their mothers are in class. They also teach the mother how to make sure the baby stays healthy. Although these centers are helpful, they have been criticized for how much they cost the state.
5. Teens in the USA in particular are constantly warned of the risks of getting pregnant. Sex education starts as early as 3rd grade, messages to say no to sex appear on TV, stories of young girls getting pregnant are constantly in teen magazines. However, the truth is most teens believe it won't happen to them.
6. Some say teens should be taught to abstain from sex until they are married, others say we should give them more information. Some schools use 'Think-it-Over-Dolls'. These are dolls that cry during the night and must be picked up. They also need to be 'fed'. The dolls record it if you hit them or drop them. Teens are given the dolls to look after for a weekend.
a. What is life like for teen mothers?
b. What help is available for teen parents and their kids?
c. Why do so many teens end up in this situation? They must know the risks.
d. What is life like for their children?
e. How can the number of teen pregnancies be reduced?
f. What about the children's dads?
3 (b). True or False or Not Stated.
1. If the mother is too young, children are often neglected, they don't study well, because she can't help them with homework.
2. In the USA sex education begins in the 7th grade.
3. The most teens don't believe that pregnancy will happen to them.
4. The government doesn't take care of teen-mothers.
5. The special childcare centers aren't helpful, so they are often criticized.
6."Think-it-Over-Dolls" are used to give the girls the chance to practise how to look after a baby, how difficult it is.
2 (c). Complete the sentences:
- Most teen mothers don't find good job, because...
- The young mother can't help her child with the homework, because. ..
3. The father can't assist very much, because...
4. The childcare centers look after the babies, while...
5. "Think-it-Over-Dolls" are dolls that cry and...
6. Teenagers in the US are constantly warned of...
3. Read the extract below about teen pregnancy. It is a warning from an anti-pregnancy advertisement. Words in bold are in the wrong place. Can you put them in the right place?
- If you aren't careful, you will be very tired a teen parent.
- If you have to look after a child, you will become socialize.
- If you won't be able to a baby, it will wake you up in the night.
- If you won't get in the night, you have.
- If you don't finish school, you wake up a good job.
5. Read the story happened to a Russian girl. Did it end well?
Ann had a birthday party, and nobody interested her as much as one of the guests - a good-looking boy of 18 who seemed to be an ideal friend who she needed at that time. They were just introduced to each other, but Ann felt she was being lost in his velvety blue eyes full of tenderness. She noticed his look at her and smiled with her heart sinking. It was clear to everybody: they would be together, and perhaps for their whole lives.
nn and Serge spent an enjoyable time talking about everything, but the words were not important or necessary for they felt they had been looking for each other for a long time, each lived in the heart of the other and was as close as possible. All the guests thought it was a wonderful loving couple. Ann found that Serge was rather sociable and free in communicating, without any complexes, even sometimes saucy, but that didn't matter to her. She was so glad to be near such an attractive boy, who easily made girls fall in love with him; Ann was proud when she saw some curious and jealous glances at them. And Serge... he was so confident of his good looks that accepted Ann's adoration as something obvious.
A month passed, and it brought a lot of remarkable moments of delight to Ann, as she met Serge almost every day. She believed she had found a great and bright love... but one fine morning she opened her eyes and understood that she had made a big mistake...
At first Ann felt fear, for she was only 15, and wasn't ready for such a turn of her fate. Then she tried to quiet herself, thinking that she had become a grown-up and had to make important decisions. Ann's parents were always too busy and tired to give a piece of advice; they provided independence in the full sense of this word to their daughter. But could she share this problem with them?!
Nevertheless it happened, and Ann heard her heard beating pleasantly; she closed her eyes, dreaming about a little laughing baby and imagined herself with a pram proudly telling her surprised friends of her age about her loving husband. But suddenly a thought came to her: "What will Serge say? Oh, I hope he will be as happy as I am." She called Serge, but was shocked by the cold tone of his voice when he heard the staggering news: "Are you sure?" Ann threw the phone down and burst into tears.
Can you imagine the end of this tragic story? Ann wasn't able to get rid of the child, she left school, her life turned out to be broken. She didn't meet Serge anymore. Ann had to stay at home with the baby, and it was so difficult to start her adult life, full of problems and troubles.
It's a typical, real story which has a wonderful beginning but an awful end. I don't want to tell you that all pretty boys are dangerous (I fall in love with them too), and that we should avoid them. But I'd like to draw your attention to these figures: about 20 per cent of abortions are of young girls of 14-16, and about 3 per cent of them can't solve this problem and decide to leave this world forever.
I wouldn't raise this question, but not long ago I heard such a strange opinion from one of my good and dear friends: "Sometimes girls are too thoughtless, they are as much responsible for their deeds as boys are." And this point of view is rather popular. However, I know several girls who got married, or were left with a baby on their hands at 15-17, and I can't believe that teenagers of this age are eager to care for children and husbands; to relinquish further education, rooting themselves to the house. We need freedom, joy, communication, new friends... and it can disappear in a moment?! Don't be in a hurry, we all will turn into grown-ups at one time and change our life utterly. But now - enjoy every minute of your young age (of course, reasonably), the more so as it is spring, the time of entertainment, happiness and love!
1. Is the author a boy or a girl?
2. What advice does the author give the teenagers of 15-17 years old?
3. Do you agree that your age is time for happiness, love, education, but not for looking after babies?
Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание:
Write an article with your ideas for or against teenage pregnancy. Use the plan: 1. Introduction.
2. Main body.
3. Conclusion (or Recommendations).
Занятие 8
Проблемы с родителями.
1. Организационный момент. Знакомство с темой занятия.
Do you have any problems at home? Do you get on well with your parents? Do you think they don't understand you or they are too strict?
2) So here is “Parents’ test”. Just how bad are your parents? Are they normal? Answer the questions, and see how your parents score. Then compare their scores with other people.
1) What happens when there’s something on your plate at mealtimes that you don’t want to eat?
a) Your parents call an ambulance.
b) They say you have to eat it – for your own good.
c) They say ‘OK, don’t worry – have a rally big bowl of ice-cream’.
2) What do your parents say about coming home in the evenings?
a) It doesn’t matter – you can come home when you like.
b) You can only go out if at least three adults come with you.
c) You must usually be home by a certain time, unless there is a very good explanation.
3) What do your parents say about the way you dress?
a) You can wear anything you like, anywhere you like. In fact, they buy chains, leather jackets, dirty jeans and old T-shirts for you.
b) You must wear exactly what everyone in your family has worn since the fourteen century.
c) You can wear fashionable clothes, but they like you to be neat and tidy, especially for school or formal occasions.
4) What do they say about your music?
a) You cannot play any music except Beethoven.
b) They like to know what music you’re buying. They usually don’t mind, but there are some groups they don’t want you to listen to.
c) It doesn’t matter what you play – you can’t hear it because of your parents’ New Kids on the Block records anyway.
5) What are their feelings about television, videos and films?
a) There are certain things they don’t want you to watch.
b) Their own favorite film is Blood and Car Accidents and they keep asking you to take them to see it.
c) You must not watch any films, videos or TV until you are thirty-five, and then a doctor must be with you.
6) How do they feel about school work?
a) You cannot eat if you don’t get top marks in every test.
b) They like you to try your best. If you don’t get good marks all the time, it’s not so bad.
c) What school work?
Score your parents as follows:
1 | (a)3 | (b)2 | ©1 |
2. | (a)l | (b)3 | ©2 |
3. | (a)l | (b)3 | ©2 |
4. | (a)3 | (b)2 | ©l |
5. | (a)2 | (b)l | ©3 |
6. | (a)3 | (b)2 | ©l |
Add your parents’ score up. The higher their score, the stricter they are.
Score 6-10: Oh dear. Are your parents doing their job property? They’re a bit soft, aren’t they? You might think this is wonderful, but actually you need a few rules in life. Without rules, you’ll grow up into a big sortie too, and life will be a shock. Ask your parents to give you some rules, and start telling you off more often.
Score 11-14: This is good, believe it or not. Your parents are thinking about you and your future and would like you to grow up happy and normal – and you probably will. It’s a strange world, isn’t it?
Score 15-18: Wow! Your parents are incredibly strict. If they really are this strict, then you’re a member of a royal family or something, and all these rules are necessary for your safety. If not, try telling them that you don’t need that much protection. But you have to show them that you can be responsible and that you’re beginning to think and act like an adult. Then they won’t worry so much.
3) Чтение. Read these passages and choose the best answer for the questions below.
... And one of the most important factors is that the children of today differ from previous generation, and differ a lot. They grow up quicker - physically and mentally. They sometimes lack knowledge, but they know what they want in this life. They are personalities even at the age 14-15. Unfortunately some grown-ups don't understand this, and try to show teens "the right way of life". It's stupid, for children don't want to listen to them; very often grown-ups lose contact with teens.
1) Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. the children of today differ a lot from previous generations
B. very often grow-ups lose contact with teens because the young are personalities even at the age 14-15.
C. very often grow-ups lose contact with teens because they try to show teens "the right way of life".
D. the teens of today know what they want in this life.
... Yes, I completely agree that they grow up more quickly and are not so dependent on their parents. They think more for themselves and do not blindly accept the ideas of their elders. The old always assume that they know best for the simple reason that they have been around a bit longer. They don't like to feel that their values are being questioned or threatened. And this is precisely what the young are doing. They doubt that the older generation has created the best of all possible worlds.
2) Which of the following best expresses the main idea of the passage?
A. the young don't like the ideas and values of their elders
B. they think only about themselves
C. they think more for themselves and doubt that the older generation has created the best of all possible worlds
D. they don't want to be dependent on their parents
... What the young reject more than anything is conformity. Office hours, for instance, are nothing more than enforced slavery. Wouldn't people work best if they were given complete freedom and responsibility?
Traditionally, the young have turned to the older for guidance. Today, the situation might be reversed. The old - if they are prepared to admit it - could learn a thing or two from their children. One of the biggest lessons they could learn is that enjoyment is not sinful. Enjoyment is a principle one could apply to all aspects of life. It is surely not wrong to enjoy your work and your leisure.
3) The main idea of this passage is that:
A. The young reject conformity, apply enjoyment to all aspects of life, including work, and could teach a thing or two the older generation if they were prepared to admit it.
B. The young want complete freedom and responsibility, and don't want to turn to the older for guidance because the older generation can't apply enjoyment to all aspects of life.
4. Чтение. (Задание приближено к формату ГИА).
This letter was sent to the newspaper. Read it. Match the paragraphs to the heading
a) conclusion
b) misunderstanding
c) introduction of the topic
d) suggestions
e) Things change
Parents and Children - Who is Right and who is Guilty?
1) The problem which I am going to discuss is as old as the world but it is still being discussed nowadays. For some the answer to this question is quite clear. But I suspect that most children are still going to face this problem very often. They try to find a way out, but sometimes it is not enough for effective results. Because of this it is necessary to search again for harmony between parents and children, old and new generations.
2) The most obvious aspect of the topic is that children think they are the victims of their parents' power. This is normal because life is not static. Sometimes parents do not understand us. It is hard to image that you never have conflicts with your parents about your dressing style, music, interests, friends and so on. How often have you heard phrases in family arguments such as "That is absurd!", "I have made my decision and it is final", "I am not going to argue about it!"
The parents' advantage in this case is quite clear. In the transition period we, as a rule, depend on our tutors". It is not a problem for parents to find arguments against children's actions. The reasons can be different: danger, anxiety, trouble and so on. For many years children do not understand their parents. But eventually a new period of life comes. It is necessary to persuade parents that the child has become independent. Otherwise children remain with a "child status" for a long time.
3) No, I do not think that you should run to your parents and demand independence. It is not simple because many arguments will not work. I just present all sides of the conflict in order to find a way to achieve harmony and to make a compromise.
4) The second aspect is not so popular. Children see in parents first of all people who gave us life. Later they notice other sides of them with negative and positive aspects. Parents become competitors and idols, enemies and friends, and sometimes even "children". One day you see that your parents are like kids with strange habits. The idea comes that you have changed positions; you do not understand your parents, and you have life yourself. When this moment comes, it is better to support them and to give them understanding, as you wanted the same thing from them many years ago. 5). Maybe someone is very far from this topic; still I believe that it is true and, independently of time, this problem will be eternal.
5. Discussion.
1) Do you agree with the author?
2) Can you answer the question of the title?
3) In your opinion, what is the most important problem confronting youth in Russia today? Why do you think so?
Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание: написать личное письмо в формате ГИА.
You have received a letter from your English speaking pen-friend Mary who writes:
...Do you often have arguments with your parents? I do. My mother thinks that I spend too much time hanging around with my friends. Do you often meet your friends?
What do you usually do together? And what do you do when you disagree with your parents about how you spend your free time?
Write back soon.
Write back to Mary.
In your letter
- answer her questions
- ask 3 questions about her relations with her younger sister
Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.
Занятие 9
Проблема воспитания в семье.
1. Организационный момент. Знакомство с темой занятия.
2. Введение лексики:
Aspiration - желание, стремление
Friction - трение
Perceive - понимать, воспринимать
Ambivalent - неоднозначный
Constraint - принуждение, давление
Aspire - стремиться
3. Read the text and find the sentence which:
a) explains what "generation gap" is
b) shows the result of research of the problem
c) says about children's attitude to the parents' authority
In recent decades much has been made of the term 'generation gap', referring particularly to the gap in age, aspiration and understanding between young teenagers and their parents that often appears to be the cause of friction. However, research indicates that many young people still perceive their parents, rather than their teachers or other adults, as models from whom they draw their main beliefs and attitudes. Parents are also regarded as the main providers of advice about general problems as well as about employment. Survey findings show that many young people have an ambivalent attitude to the constraints of parental authority. They aspire to the independence to go out where and when they want but they understand the fact that parents are concerned about where they are going and set times for them to return home.
- Read what D. Holt says about bringing children up. For English sentences on the left choose their translation into Russian from the list on the right.
1. If children live with hostility, they learn to fight. | Если детей стыдить, они учатся чувствовать себя виноватыми. |
2. If children live with ridicule they learn to be shy. | Если дети живут в атмосфере терпимости, они учатся быть терпеливыми. |
3. If children live with tolerance, they learn to be patient. | Если детей одобрять, они учатся нравиться себе. |
4. If children live with encouragement, they learn confidence. | Если детей принимать такими, как они есть, они учатся видеть в мире любовь. |
5. If children live with praise, they learn to appreciate. | Если дети получают признание, они учатся быть благородными и щедрыми. |
6. If children live with fairness, they learn justice. | Если дети видят честность и справедливость, они знают, что такое, правда и справедливость. |
7. If children live with security, hey learn faith. | Если дети растут в безопасности, они учатся верить в себя и в тех, кто их окружает. |
8. If children live with approval, they learn to like themselves. | Если дети живут в атмосфере дружелюбия, они учатся тому, что мир прекрасен. |
9. If children live with acceptance, and friendship, they learn to find love in the world. | Если дети живут в атмосфере душевной чистоты, они учатся душевному спокойствию. |
Если детей хвалить, они учатся ценить. | |
Если детей подбадривать, они вырастут уверенными в себе. | |
Если детей критиковать, они учатся обвинять. | |
Если дети видят враждебность, они учатся драться. | |
Если дети живут в страхе, они учатся бояться. | |
Если детей жалеть, они учатся жалеть себя. | |
Если детей высмеивать, они учатся быть застенчивыми. | |
Если дети видят ревность, они узнают, что такое зависть. |
What is the English for:
насмешка, уверенность, враждебность, терпимость, похвала, подбадривать, безопасность, дружелюбие, честность, одобрение, вера
hostile – hostility confident – secure – tolerant –
accept – just – encourage – patient –
- There are some sentences in Russian, which are not translated. Can you do it yourself?
Use the prompts:
Criticize, to be afraid (to be scared), to accuse, feel sympathy for smb., put smb. to shame, fear, jealousy, gentle, generous, recognize
- Put each of the following words or phrases in its correct place in the passage below.
It is often said that we live in a (1) _________ age, one in which people are allowed to do almost anything they like. Is this good for children? They are going through their (2) __________, which is a very (3) ____________ stage of their development since their final adult characters are beginning to take shape. Some parents think it is good for children to be allowed to (4) _____________, without control or supervision. They say that this enables children's personalities to develop naturally and that they will learn to be responsible by the mistakes they make. However, this might lead to (5) ____________, with the children ending up in the courts, or it might simply make children self-centred, without any consideration for others. Other parents believe in being strict, but taken to extremes this can produce a too (6) ____________ atmosphere in the home, with the children being dominated and ruled by their parents. Parents can also be very (7) __________ and try to keep their children dependent on them. These last two attitudes can encourage (8) __________ (against parents, school, authority) in a child, or conversely, (9) a child's natural sense of adventure and curiosity. A strict(10) by over-caring parents can make a child so timid and inhibited that he or she is unable to express freely his or her emotions and form mature relationships. To bring up children to be normal, well-adjusted human beings requires great wisdom, and perhaps a bit of luck.
• Words to use
possessive - собственнический
adolescence - юность
permissive - разрешающий, позволяющий
juvenile delinquency - детская преступность
suppress - подавлять
rebelliousness - непослушание, неповиновение
formative - образующий
supervision - контроль
responsible - ответственный
court - суд
strict - строгий
extreme - крайность
curiosity - любопытство
timid - робкий
inhibited - замкнутый
mature - зрелый, взрослый
adjust - приспосабливаться
wisdom - мудрость
6. Answer the questions:
- How is the age, in which people are allowed to do everything they like, called?
- Why is adolescence considered to be formative?
- Why do some parents think that children should be allowed to do what they want?
- What are disadvantages of a very strict upbringing?
- If parents do not control their child...
- In case parents are too strict and dominate too much...
- Лексико-грамматическое упражнение (Задание приближено к формату ГИА) Read the text. Use the words given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.
The (1) of children starts as soon as they are born. Boys are allowed to make more
(2) , to play with guns and cause more
Such education prepares boys for
(3) in the world but for little else. But all boys are(4) .
Some boys are good at (5) and poetry
whereas others are good at football or maths. Boys
aren't (6) and rebels, "machos" and
If we can (7) them that all these
types are okey, it may help to reduce the (8) of those boys who are the least macho by those who are.
1. "Wimp" means «слабак», can you explain what "macho" means?
2. How do all types of boys differ? What each type is good at?
Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание:
Home task: What kind of upbringing do you have? (Составить монологическое высказывание.)
Занятие 10.
Быть подростком нелегко.
- Организационный момент. Знакомство с темой занятия.
2. Read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.(Задание приближено к формату ГИА)
Ignorant – невежественный Literate - грамотный, образованный
Every day we have to make important
(1) ___________.
It is very hard to make them in (2) ___________, because we are not children, for
(3) ___________, the world is so simple and not yet adults, who have life experience.
In this (4) ___________ period teenagers are very (5) ___________; full of self-criticism, frequent changes of mood, (6)_________with their appearance. Teenagers are also easily (7) ___________by others. And just in this period a great number of people begin to smoke, communicate with (8) ___________ groups. But I think, you should love (9) ___________, in order to find the right way in life and place in (10)_________. I guess, you should not only follow your wishes, but also fulfill all your duties in time, control (11) ___________. I would like to say that we shouldn't be (12) ___________. Ignorance makes (13) ___________ a sore point. So, we are
(14) ___________ persons and we should respect (15) ___________ and other people, too. And to
respect yourself means to wish yourself
(16) ___________ and try to make your dreams come true.
Write the list of things which explain why youth is a difficult time. Add your own ideas.
3. Read the text, then put the sentences (a-1) in the logical order.
One day I walked down N. street. It was raining. I felt lonely. No sun, no green trees, no smiling faces. November was in my soul. I saw a monument. I didn't know who the figure was. Frankly speaking, it mattered nothing to me. But I came across a crazy idea: to talk to him. 'Hi! I am as alone as you are.' To my surprise he said: 'Hi! I was shocked! I have never heard the voice of a monument. 'I see you are shocked. Don't you know that monuments can talk like people?' 'But why haven't people ever heard your voice?' 'Alas! People have never tried to talk to us. You think we are a mere mass of marble or bronze. I observe people and think a lot about them. They are passing by so fast, and nobody looks around! Have you ever looked at the sky? Have you ever seen the stars?' 'I'm sorry for the mankind. But in our practical world we suffer from a lack of time. We can't spend it on such stuff I tried to explain. '. But then how cruel and selfish you are! In my first life (when I was a man) I was like you. I wanted to be at the top. All people wanted to be at the top! But I was the best!'
'Oh, I know who you are. You are Napoleon, aren't you?' I guessed.
'Foolish girl! You are so naive!'
'Stop! Don't forget that you are only a monument,'
'Sorry. You - people - are all quite the same.'
'Forgive me, please.'
The monument kept silent for several minutes and for those minutes I waited. Frankly speaking, I felt admiration talking to him. Them I said, "Hi, Mr. Napoleon! What are you thinking about?" mom has already cooked a tasty dinner, your dad is sitting and watching TV as usual; your brother is listening to his crazy music. They love you. Go home and don't disturb me!'
After his words I thought: 'Really, what am I doing here? Alone, in the rain? It's simply my dangerous age - teen age, as my mom says'.
a. Your parents are worrying about you.
b. To my surprise the monument began speaking.
c. What am I doing here?
d. November was in my soul.
e. How cruel and selfish you are!
f. A crazy idea came to my mind.
g. I observe people passing by.
h. I felt lonely.
i. It's simply my teen age.
j. They love you.
k. I’m thinking about eternal things.
l. It was raining.
- Give a short summary.
- Подведение итогов занятия. Домашнее задание:
Home task: write the list of things which explain why youth is a difficult time and why a healthy way of living is very important for you.
Ключи к упражнениям
Занятие 2
Task 3
1-a; 2-b; 3-c; 4-a
Task 4
1 originated
2 makes
3. more
4. better
5. encouraged
6. attention
7. professional
8. business
9. culminating
10. famous
11. best
12. championship
Занятие 3
Task 2 c
1. kidneys
2. lungs
3. to obey
4.”second-hand smoke”
5. treaty
6. mouth
7. come into force
8. stroke
9. announce
10. suffer
11. heart disease
12. pancreas
13. pregnancy
14. cause damage
15. are at risk
Занятие 4
Task 4
1. following
2. is worth
3. should
4. away
5. lose
6. again
7. nonsmoker
8. longer
9. protect
10. the
11. normal
12. some
13. many
14. mental
15. ---
16. the
17. for a long time
Занятие 5
Task 3
1-a 2-b 3-d 4-e 5-c
Занятие 6
Task 3
1 a 2 b 3 d 4 e 5 c
Занятие 7
Task 2
1-c 2-a 3-d 4-b
Task 3a
1-a 2-f 3-d 4-b 5e 6-c
Task 3b
1. Not stated 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T
Занятие 8
Task 3
1-b 2- c 3- c
Занятие 9
Task 3
1. education
2. noise
3. power
4. different
5. cooking
6. conformists
7. assure
8. bullying
Task 5
1 permissive
2 adolescence
3 formative
4 run wild
5 juvenile delinquency
6 authoritarian
7 possessive
8 rebelliousness
9 suppress
10 upbringing
Занятие 10
Task 2
16- happiness
Список использованной литературы
Боярская Ю. А. Английский язык: руководство для подготовки к экзаменам–М.: АСТ: Астрель: Профиздат,2005.
2. Богородицкая В. Н., Хрусталёва Л.В. учебник английского языка: для VIII кл. шк с углубл. изуч. англ. яз. лицеев гимназий, колледжей. – М.: «ДеКонт», 1996.
3. Павлоцкий В.М., Храмова Н.А. 20 тем для свободного общения. - Санкт-Петербург: Каро, 2000.
4. Английский язык. «Дети и молодёжь в англоязычных странах: жизнь, проблемы, права и обязанности»/сост. Л. В. Абакумова. – Волгоград: Учитель, 2007.
5. DVD ROM American Potpourri An American Studies ELT Series English-Language Office, US Embassy, Moscow 2009, the 2nd edition.
7. http://www.englishteachers.ru
8. http://www.it-n.ru/communities
Список литературы для учащихся
- Голицынский Ю. Б. Spoken English.- Санкт-Петербург: Каро, 2005.
Голицинский Ю.Б. Великобритания издательство Санкт-петрбург: Каро, 2006
- Музланова Е.С. Английский язык: экспресс - репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ: «Письмо». – М.:АСТ: Астрель; Владимир: ВКТ, 2011
- Британия вкратце: кн. для чтения на англ. языке в ст. классах сред. шк./Сост: В.В. Ощепкова, И.И. Шустилова.-М: Просвящение, 1993
- Павлоцкий В.М., Храмова Н.А. 20 тем для свободного общения. - Санкт-Петербург: Каро, 2000.
- Ягодинский В.Н. «Школьнику о вреде никотина и алкоголя». М., Просвещение, 1986.
- Музланова Е.С., Кисунько Е.И. Английский язык: Экспресс-репетитор для подготовки к ЕГЭ: «Говорение». –М.: АСТ: Астрель; Владимир: ВКТ, 2011.
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты
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