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introduction All tourists and expatriates in the United States priezhavshie fee the sense of cultural vakuyuma and isolation, especially in the first months or even years. This applies in particular to American holidays, some of which may seem new and unusual. We offer the following list of major American holidays and traditions with descriptions written by an American author. Here you will learn from these festivalshave emerged as a celebrated, and it will help you join or to better understand American culture. Strictly speaking, the U.S. has no federal (national) holidays. Each of the 50 stateshe proclaims his holidays. However, in practice in most states the federal ("official" or "public") holidays, even though by law the president and Congress introducedthe holidays for state employees the federal government. The federal governmentdeclared the following ten holidays per year: New Year's Day, Martin Luther KingDay, Presidents (George Washington's Birthday), Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day.
U.S. Independence Day July 4 Independenc e Day (Independence Day) - is one of the most popular non-religious holidays in the United States. The official version of the history of this holiday says that July 4, 1776 meeting in Philadelphia, delegates to the Continental Congress, \ Continental Congress (forerunner of the introduction modern Congress) signed a declaration (Declaration of Independence), which formally announced that the North American colonies of Great Britain consider themselves independent. In the Declaration of Independence was followed by another important event - the U.S. has officially emerged a national Stars and Stripes (aka - "Old Glory" \ Old Glory), that Betsy Ross sewed \ Betsy Ross at the request of a secret committee of the Continental Congress, which includes the future first president, George Washington \ George Washington. The secrecy is explained by the fact that the first flag was made secretly in May - two months before the signing of the Declaration. In 1776, the stars on the flag was not 50, as now, but only 13. It is believed that Washington was first proposed to use in the design of the flag six-pointed Star of Bethlehem, but Ross suggested five-pointed, because they are easier to embroider. The modern tradition of the holiday began to take shape in the early 19th century.Today, Independence Day means the holding of parades, fireworks and family picnics.
Halloween Hallowe'en (Hallows Evening) - Halloween - the night before All Saints Day. They say that Halloween is not less than two thousand years. The origins of this controversial celebration of Celtic culture takes. The Celts have existed "since the beginning of the year." There were four. Samhain marked the coming of winter and celebrated on October 31. The holiday marked by processions through the city in carnival costumes. Millions of people around the world annually celebrate Halloween - "Eve of All Saints." Children dress up in scary costumes and unusual wear ugly masks. With bags in hand, they go from house to house, scaring his appearance, and children, and adults. According to custom, they need to give gifts, or they may cause harm or the home owner. Young children usually do not lead to the fulfillment of his threats, and getting hotels, are removed. The colors of the day - fiery-red, brown, black - the color of fire, the color of flames.In the Halloween night fire on the altar - not just a tribute to the gods - it protects your fireplace, protect him with his bright steady light. Many candles are lit. You can make the traditional lighting of the pumpkins. You can create additional lights from the vascular orange glass and put a candle inside.
Thanksgiving in the U.S. 4th Thursday in November Thanksgiving / Thanksgiving Day in the United States celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. This is one of the most beloved American holidays, because, firstly, it is true the U.S., and secondly, it carries the tradition that is passed down from generation to generation. And yet this family holiday, and the vast majority of Americans celebrate it in the family. On this day, Americans exalt God thanks for the freedom and other benefits granted to them. Joint Thanksgiving has become an American tradition since the first settlers in the early XVII century. The fourth in December 1619 a group of settlers, shortly before arrived from England to Virginia, the first time celebrated the Thanksgiving at Berkeley Plantation near the settlement of Jamestown. Two years later, English colonists in Massachusetts celebrated the fact that they managed to survive in the new continent, the first year, in spite of hunger, cold, misery and disease. Thus began the tradition of Thanksgiving Day. A bit of history. In accordance with the resolution of Congress, President George Washington declared a day of 26 November 1789 the first official Thanksgiving Day and urged all Americans to offer up thanks to God for the watchful care and protection of the people of our country. In subsequent decades, Americans celebrated Thanksgiving in the days of peace and days of the war. In November 1863 America was plunged into civil war.During the conflict, which ended in April 1865, the country lost in killed and wounded nearly a million people. In the midst of a terrible crisis, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed the last Thursday of November, "Thanksgiving and praise to the Almighty."
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The United States of America (USA) - one of the major world powers, both in size and in population
United States is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and one federal district (as well as areas with special status). The capital of the United States - the city of Washington in the District of Columbia. Beginning with the first thirteen states formed in 1776 by a new state - United States, and to the most likely candidate for the status of the fifty-first state in the U.S. (which is now Puerto Rico) - they are all very different and each of them very interesting. Surely you are happy to read about the geographical features, history, population and economy of each U.S. state.
USA States
New York The largest city in the United States. The population of more than 8 million residents.
New York - a center of culture and information. Here are the headquarters of major U.S. television networks - CBS, NBC and BBC, there are over 100 registered radio stations in the medium and ultra-bands, the most popular magazines are published ("Newsweek", "Time," "Fortune") and international newspapers with reputation: The New York Times, Daily News, New York Post and the voice of American business, The Wall Street Journal, which has the largest circulation in the United States. The city newspapers are published in more than 40 languages . Lincoln Center
The height from the ground to the tip of the torch - 93 meters, including base and pedestal. The height of the statue from the top of the pedestal to the torch - 46 meters. The statue is located on Liberty Island and is a symbol of "freedom and democracy." This statue is a gift of French citizens to the centenary of the American Revolution.
Points of Interest
Niagara Falls Separates New York from Canada
Grand Canyon State of Arizona
Falls Havasu Falls in Grand Canyon
Empire State Building New York One of the tallest buildings of the USA
The United States of America gave the world many writers, musicians, actors, athletes and other prominent personali - ties. Today, the U.S. - one of the leading economic, political and cultural forces in the world.
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