Открытый урок в 4 классе "Здоровье - лучшее богатство!"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме
Предварительный просмотр:
Педагогика, как и терапия, должна помогать человеку быть
Карл Рэнсом Роджерс
Учитель: Велигонова О.В.
г. Новошахтинск
2013-2014 учебный год
План-конспект урока английского языка в четвёртом классе.
Тема: Health is the best wealth!
1. Развивающий компонент: развитие у учащихся интеллектуальной, информационной, коммуникативной культуры; развитие внимания, логического мышления, памяти, сообразительности, чувств, эмоций.
2. Образовательный компонент: организация деятельности учащихся по применению знаний и умений в разнообразных ситуациях, активизация работы каждого ученика.
3. Воспитательный компонент: формирование уважительного отношения к друг другу.
4. Здоровьесберегающий компонент:
- Профилактика умственного перенапряжения путём смены видов деятельности.
- Создание атмосферы психологического комфорта учащихся на уроке, сохранение здоровья детей с разным типом психического восприятия информации.
- Профилактика здорового образа жизни.
Основные практические задачи:
- Активизация лексического материала.
- Развитие навыков аудирования (учить понимать на слух текст, построенный на знакомом языковом материале).
- Формирование и развитие грамматических навыков.
- Развитие навыков говорения (учить давать рекомендации о том, что нужно делать, чтобы быть здоровым; отвечать на вопросы)
Компьютер, компьютерная презентация, реквизит для врача, реквизит для игры, карточки для игры в парах, рисунки детей.
Ход урока
- Организационный этап урока.
T/P: Hello! How are you?
Good morning!
Good morning!
Good morning to you!
Good morning!
Good morning!
I am glad to see you.
T: Today we have an unusual lesson- Lesson about Health. We’ll speak what we must do to be healthy. Because “Health is the best wealth”!
T: Let's begin our lesson.
- Фонетическая разминка.
We'll train good sounds first.
1) Look at the blackboard and find the Russian equivalents for these English proverbs.
2) Put on your headphones! Listen, repeat and read.
Лингафонное оборудование.
Page 5, Ex. 1.
Take off your headphones!
III. Основная часть урока.
- If you want to be healthy, you must play sports and do morning exercises!
Sport is very important in our life. Many people like sports. They do morning exercises, train in clubs and sections, take part in sports competitions. Physical training is an important subject at school. Boys and girls run and jump, play volleyball, basketball, football. They take part in different competitions. Sport helps people to have good health.
Answer my questions.
- Is sport very important in our life?
- Do you like sport?
- Do your parents like sport?
- What kind of sports do you know?
- What sportsmen do you know?
- Did you watch Winter Olympic Games on TV?
- What do the pupils do at Physical training at school?
- Who trains in sections in your class?
- And who takes part in sport competitions?
- Is sport important for health?
And who knows the poem about sport?
Sports are good for all:
Swimming, skating, basketball,
Football, tennis, volleyball…
They are useful, and for all.
I go out cycling every day,
I get strong and fit that way,
And I play football at weekends,
With all my other healthy friends.
We like to run and swim and walk
Let's move around, no time to talk!
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We love to do sport every day.
If the weather is OK,
We can fishing all the day.
We can jog around the park.
It's very good for the heart.
Yes, we like to swim and run and walk.
Let's move around, no time to talk!
So we enjoy sport anyway,
We love to do sport every day.
- What sports do you play?
• I like to play football. I think, you must play football too.
• I…. I think You must play ….
If you want to be healthy, you must enjoy life and be merry and happy!
-Let´s sing “If you‘re happy!”
- If you want to be healthy, you must clean your teeth and wash your hands!
- You must get up early and go to bed early!
-Let´s sing “Wash your hands”
Wash your hands,
Wash your hands every time you eat,
Washing takes away the germs and
Keeps hands clean and neat.
Wash your hands,
Wash your hands every time you flush
Washing takes away the germs
From everything you touch.
-Let's play the game “The blind cow”. You must guess, what is it?
Ask: Is it….? (a banana, an apple, an orange, a tomato, a carrot, juice, a lemon)
- If you want to be healthy, you must eat right food!
-What must we eat and drink for health?
Отработка грамматической структуры must V, must not V
We must eat …
We must drink …
We must not eat …
We must not drink …
- And now listen to the song “HEALTHY FOOD SONG!”
- At home you must read the song and translate it from English into Russian! Take the cards № 1. Put in the vitamins!
Vitamin A helps me see at night and day.
Vitamin B keeps me full of energy.
Vitamin C keeps my gums scurvy free.
Vitamin D is for strong bones and teeth.
Vitamin E keeps my cells damage free.
Vitamin K so my cut won't bleed all day.
Potassium for my blood pressure,
Folate for my brain,
A diet high in fiber keeps my heart free from pain.
Put in the vitamins!
- keeps me full of energy.
- helps me see at night and day.
- keeps my cells damage free.
- so my cut won't bleed all day.
- keeps my gums scurvy free.
- is for strong bones and teeth.
- ОБОБЩЕНИЕ Игра в парах «Карточки». Разложите карточки в две колонки must V или must not V What must we do and what mustn’t we do for health? Choose the correct verb! Must or must not.
You … clean your teeth.
You … drink much coffee.
You … visit a doctor.
You … eat a lot of sweets.
You … eat tomatoes and carrots.
You … drink juice.
You … swim a lot.
You … skip and jump.
You … go to bed late (поздно).
You … watch TV much.
We’ve got a guest. He’s a doctor Health. (Ученик исполняет роль доктора Health).
P: Are you healthy? Let’s check it. You must answer his questions and be ready to say how many “a”, “b”, “c” you’ll have got.
Ученик -Доктор Health задаёт вопросы детям, они подсчитывают, сколько у них будет ответов “a”, а доктор определяет здоров ли ученик.
- How many meals do you eat every day?
- three or more
- two
- one
- How often do you eat fruit?
- three times a day
- once or twice a day
- three or four times a week (or less)
- How often do you eat vegetables or salad?
- three times a day
- once or twice a day
- three or four times a week (or less)
- How often do you eat fried foods?
- once or twice a week (or less)
- three or four times a week
- almost everyday
- How often do you drink cola or other “fizzy” drinks?
- once or twice a week (or less)
- three or four times a week
- almost everyday
- How often do you eat sweets?
- once or twice a week (or less)
- three or four times a week
- almost everyday
Doctor: How many “a” have you got?
P: I have got 6 “a”.
D: You are healthy.
T: Thank you doctor.
Доктор проводит физкультминутку “Head, shoulders, knees and toes”.
V. Заключительный этап урока.
And so. What do we do to keep fit? (Дети выходят к доске и вывешивают рисунки с выражениями)
- Get up early and go to bed early
- Air the room
- Wash your hands before eating
- Clean your teeth
- Play sports
- Do morning exercises
- Eat right food
- Eat fruit and vegetables
- Enjoy life, be merry and happy
- Keep fit
-Let´s sing “The healthy habits song”
1.Food keeps you healthy,
Food makes you grow,
Food gives you energy
To go, go, go!
Go the healthy song!
2.Sport keeps you healthy,
Sport makes you strong,
Sport exercises your body
To keep you young!
Go the healthy song!
- Hygiene keeps you healthy,
Hygiene stops decay,
Hygiene kills germs
And keeps illness away.
Go the healthy song!
- Now you know what you must do to be healthy. I hope you’ll follow health rules every day and you’ll be healthy.
- Take cards № 2. It is your homework. Thank you for your work. Your marks are …You worked well during the lesson and I'll present you these cards. Come here and take whichever of the cards you like.
The lesson is over. Good bye! Be healthy!
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