Материалы к открытому уроку по теме: “Health is the best wealth" ("Здоровье – лучшее богатство")
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
22 марта 2013 г. я провела открытый урок по теме “Health is the ‘best wealth’’ ("Здоровье – лучшее богатство").
Цель урока: применение изученной лексики по темам: «Еда», «Здоровье», «Спорт» в новой учебной ситуации.
Учащиеся рассказывают, что они делают, чтобы оставаться здоровыми и сильными. Урок нацелен на развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи.
Проводится интерактивный опрос учащихся. Воспитываются здоровые привычки и учащимся обсуждается важность здорового образа жизни.
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Предварительный просмотр:
МОДУЛЬ «ФГОС : реализация программ формирования культуры здорового и безопасного образа жизни в урочное и внеурочное время»
Материалы к открытому уроку по теме:
«Health is the best wealth» («Здоровье – лучшее богатство»).
Слайд (С)№1
Цель урока: Применение изученной лексики по темам: «Еда», «Здоровье», «Спорт» в новой учебной ситуации.
Развивающий аспект:
развивать коммуникативные навыки учащихся;
проводить интерактивный опрос;
обрабатывать полученные данные.
Воспитательный аспект:
воспитывать здоровые привычки;
показать учащимся важность здорового образа жизни.
Учебный аспект:
активировать изученную лексику по теме “Здоровье”;
развивать у учащихся умение творчески использовать усвоенный материал в новых
ситуациях общения;
Сопутствующие задачи:
скрытый контроль развития речевых умений и
повторение степеней сравнения прилагательных.
Учитель:Good afternoon, children. Glad to see you again. I think you are fine today.
Teacher: Today we are going to discuss the most important problem of our life - our health. Why is this problem the most important nowadays? What’s your opinion?
- There are a lot of different diseases;
- Unfortunately, about 80% of pupils living school have health problems.
People of different nations have proverbs about health which underline the importance of health. Let’s remember some of them:
Early to bed early to rise
Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
You are what you eat.
Eat to live, not live to eat.
Teacher: Our health depends on different things. What are they?
С№ 3 С№4 С№5
- They are: our habits, the food we eat, physical activity.
Teacher :Let’s begin with our habits. First name bad habits.
- eating lots of sweets С№6
- eating between meals С№7
- snacking С№8
- skipping breakfast С№9
- smoking С№10
- taking drugs С№11
- physical inactivity С№12
- sleeping too much or too little С№13
Teacher: How do bad habits influence our health?
Pupils: - they could lead to diseases
- lead to obesity
- such habits as taking drugs, drinking alcohol or smoking are really deadly and could be cause of death
- eating between meals, snaking, skipping breakfast, sleeping too little or too much are indicative of chaotic lifestyle
Good habits. С№14
Teacher: On the contrary good habits promote our health. What are they?
С№15 С№16 С№17 С№18
Pupils: Eating healthy food, regular meals, sleeping 7-8 hours, doing morning exercising,
playing sport.
Teacher: Now let’s discuss another thing which influences our fit – the food we eat. “We are what we eat” the proverb says. Pupils, what food do you prefer to eat?
Презентация: Our school canteen.
P.: I d like to tell you about our school canteen. In order to stay healthy it is important to have a balanced diet. The balanced diet is food that contains something from each of the three main groups of food. These groups are protein, fat and carbohydrates. You find protein in lots of food, f.x. meat, fish, nuts, cheese and milk. It helps your body grow and be healthy and it gives you energy. Fat gives you energy too, but don t eat a lot – it is bad for you. There are a lot of fatty foods that come from animals , for example milk, cheese, butter and meat.Carbohydrates gave you more than 70% of your energy. Bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables contain lots of carbohydrates. A school cook takes care about our balanced diet. Many children of our school have dinner in our canteen. We like such dishes as borsch, salads, pancakes and tea with vitamins.
С№21 Гимнастика для глаз
Look left? look right
Look up? look down
Look around.
Look at your nose,
Look at that rose.
Close your eyes,
Open, wink and smile.
Your eyes are happy again!
Physical activity.
Teacher: Now let’s discuss our physical activity. What does it mean?
- doing morning exercises
- playing sport
- spending a lot of time in the open air.
Do you do morning exercises? Do you go in for sport?
There are different kinds of sport, name them.
Pupils: boxing, tennis, running, potholing, mountaineering, windsurfing, parachuting, trampolining, figure skating, skiing, horse riding and so on.
There are some kinds of sport on the blackboard: jogging, mountaineering, windsurfing, parachuting, trampolining, figure skating, skiing, tennis, horse riding, potholing, running.
Teacher: Sport may be competitive and uncompetitive, dangerous, tiring, exiting and very expensive. People choose one or another sport according to their preferences and tastes. It also depends on how much money they have. Compare different kinds of sport in order to choose the most suitable for yourself. Make up a dialogue.
Примерный диалог, который составляют учащиеся:
P1: What’s your favorite sport, Andrew?
P2: Well, I like most sports, but I suppose I like football most of all. Like most people.
P1: Yes, I suppose football most popular sport. Personally, I don’t like football. I don’t enjoy competitive sports. I like cycling and horse riding.
P2: Isn’t horse riding very expensive?
P1: Yes, it’s more expensive than cycling.
P2: I think horse riding is the most expensive sport. What do you think is the most tiring sport?
P1: Well, horse riding is very tiring.
P2: Do you think it’s more tiring than, say, tennis?
P1: Oh, yes, I’m exhausted after I’ve been horse riding. What do you think is the most dangerous sport?
P2: I think hanggliding is very dangerous.
P1: Well, that’s what many people think. But you know, there are more accidents to do with windsurfing than there are with hanggliding.
P2: I didn’t know that. Which is the most difficult sport, in your opinion?
P1: How about climbing? I think climbing is very hard.
P2: Well, I think skiing is more difficult than climbing.
P1: No, I don’t agree. Climbing looks incredibly difficult.
P2: And what do you think is the most exciting sport?
P1: Well, tennis, I think. What about you?
P2: It has to be motor racing. Motor racing is the most exciting sport for me.
Упражнения для мобилизации внимания
Put your right hand on your waist,
Put your left hand on your waist,
Put your right hand on your shoulder;
Put your left hand on your shoulder;
Raise your right hand;
Raise your left hand;
Clap your hands over your head;
Put the left hand on your shoulder;
Put your right hand on your shoulder;
Put your left hand on your waist;
Put your right hand on your waist;
Slap your hips.Repeat 4-5 times.
Teacher: Now, pupils, you know what to do to keep fit and to be healthy. Tell me , please, what do you do to promote your health.
Презентация: Sports in our school.
P.: As for me, I want to tell you about sports in our school. We pay great attention to sports in the school. We have PE three times a week and we enjoy our lessons very much. The lessons are held in a small gym and in the sports ground. At the lessons we run, jump and play sport games. We are crazy about volleyball and basketball. Menshikov Stepan and Kilkov Ilja are crazy about wrestling. Each student in the school knows Bukatina Anna and ZARICHANSKAJA Olga. . The girls are excellent runners. In my opinion every person should go in for sports because it helps people to be strong and healthy.
I suppose it will be interesting to ask our students about their health habits.
1. Is it easy or difficult for you to get up early?
2. Do you skip breakfast?
3. Is your lifestyle regular or chaotic?
4. Do you do morning exercising?
P.: According to a survey the pupils of our form do not take care about their health. The majorities of us skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast is bad for young people; is it easy for one pupil to get up early; Majority of us has chaotic lifestyle; but there is a good thing. All pupils of our form do morning exercising in the school.
Our lesson is over.I wish you to be healthy,wealthy and wise.
При проведении урока использованы следующие медиаматериалы:
Презентация в PowerPoint – «Health is the best wealth» («Здоровье – лучшее богатство»).
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Early to bed early to rise Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. An apple a day keeps a doctor away. You are what you eat. Eat to live, not live to eat.
Our habits
Physical activity
Eating lots of sweets
Eating between meals
Taking drugs
Physical inactivity
Sleeping too much or too little
Good habits
Eating healthy food
Regular meals
Sleeping 7-8 hours
Doing morning exercising
Playing sport
Look left, right Look up, look down Look around. Look at your nose Look at that toe Close your eyes Open, wink and smile.
Health is the best wealth
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