Разработка к уроку по английскому языку "Правила дорожного движения"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме
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Предварительный просмотр:
Разработка открытого урока по английскому языку по теме " Правила дорожного движения (Traffic regulations)" в рамках муниципальной конференции по гражданско-правовому образованию, проходившей совместно с ГИБДД Красногвардейского района
Клекоцюк Ольга Александровна, учитель английского языка ГБОУ СОШ №180
Тип урока: Комбинированный урок
Цель урока: формирование коммуникативной компетенции, которая включает в себя речевую, языковую, социокультурную, компенсаторную, учебно-познавательную компетенции
Задачи урока:
Практическая: систематизировать знания и умения по теме ‘Traffic regulations/Town’; познакомить с правилами дорожного движения, развивать диалогические навыки по теме.
Образовательная: приобретение знаний по гражданско-правовому образованию, обогащение словарного запаса учащихся.
Развивающая: Развитие творческих способностей, требующих от обучающихся системного, исследовательского, нетрадиционного подхода к их решению, развитие воображения, крестивного мышления, развитие речевых способностей, способности логически излагать.
Воспитательная: формировать познавательную активность, учить учащихся бережно относиться к своему здоровью, применять на практике ПДД.
Методы: метод самостоятельной работы студентов, словесный, наглядный, практический.
Межпредметные связи: В ходе подготовки к уроку учащиеся использовали информацию, полученную ими из разных источников: уроки английского языка, ОБЖ, уроки физкультуры.
Ожидаемый результат: Учащиеся должны поделиться накопленными знаниями по теме; получить новые сведения; проверить уровень своих знаний в ходе выполнения различных заданий; развить навыки диалогического общения.
Оборудование: светофор, наглядный материал, схема квартала, раздаточный материал, настольная игра “Правила дорожного движения”, выставка творческих работ учащихся: знаки дорожного движения.
Ход урока
- Организационный момент (приветствие, сообщение темы урока и задач).
-Good afternoon, boys and girls!
-Welcome to our traffic conference! I remember you that our conference is devoted to the topics “Traffic regulations” and “Town life”. So, today we are going to revise our vocabulary on the topic “Traffic regulations”, as well as to repeat “road signs” and “road safety”.
And our today’s motto is following: “Everyone should know traffic regulations” / “Правила дорожные - знать каждому положено”.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
-Чтение и перевод стихотворения “Traffic Lights”.
-So, let’s begin our conference from reading a very interesting and useful poem “Traffic Lights”. At first listen to the whole poem very attentively and then pronounce it after me, line by line. Is it clear? (The poem is written on the blackboard).
“Traffic Lights”.
Look to the left,
Look to the right,
The green says, “Go!”
Now go slow.
The yellow says, “Wait!”
And you must wait.
The red says, “Stop!”
And you must stop.
-Now repeat after me, please.
- Let’s translate the poem.
Are there any volunteers to do it?
-Well done. Thank you.
- Повторение лексики по теме: «Правила безопасности» и «дорожные знаки».
1. Повторение «правил безопасности».
-It’s time to remember road safety and answer the questions. (They are written on the blackboard too.). And the first question is following:
- How should we cross the street? (Answer: We should cross the street at the crossing.) Yes, you are right. And next question is……..
- How should you cross the street? (Answer: When the light is green). Yes, that’s right.
- How should you do first when you cross the street in Russia? (You should look to the left and then to the right.) That’s true.
- But what about Great Britain? Do you know road safety in Great Britain? (You should first look to the right when you cross the street in Great Britain because they have right-side traffic. The cars overtake on the right side.)
-Now let’s speak about transport.
5. How should we go round a tram or a trolleybus? In front of it or behind? (We should go round in front of the tram or trolleybus.) But what about a bus? (We should go round behind the bus). What can you say about these people? Are they crossing the street correctly?
6. Can we play on the highway or on the motorway? (No, we can’t. Because cars can run in- to us and hurt us.) That’s very good, thank you.
-Now look at the blackboard and revise road safety, please.
Road safety (Правила безопасности записаны на доске)
You should cross the street at the crossing.
You should cross the street when the light is green.
You should first look to the right when you cross the street in Great Britain.
You should look to the left then to the right if you cross the street in Russia.
Remember! Always use this code when you cross the road.
2. Повторение дорожных знаков, проведение игры «Переводчики».
Now let’s remember the road signs and play the game “Interpreters”. If you take a trip in your car and you don’t use a map you can still get where you’re going by just reading the road signs.
So, I would like to show you the signs and name them in English. If you know the sign, raise your hand please. And don’t cry from your seat, please. Are you ready? Let’s start.
1. Pedestrian crossing. Пешеходный переход.
2. School children. На дороге дети.
3. Road works. Дорожные работы.
4. Lying policeman. Лежачий полицейский.
5. Closed to Traffic. Закрыто для движения.
6. Level crossing. Железнодорожный переезд.
7. Level crossing with barrier.Железнодорожный переезд co шлагбаумом.
8. No overtaking.Обгон запрещен.
9. Slippery Road.Скользкая дорога.
10. Preference to the opposite traffic.Преимущество встречного движения.
11. Give way.Уступи дорогу.
12. Parking.Парковка.
13. The speed limit is 120 kilometers per hour on the motorway.Ограничение по скорости не более 120 км/ч.
14. The speed limit is 40 kilometres per hour near the populated area.Ограничение по скорости не более 40 км/ч вблизи населенного пункта.
15. The speed limit is 60 kilometres per hour through the city.Ограничение по скорости 60 км/ч по городу.
16. No Entry.Въезд запрещен.
17. Stop.Стоп.
18. The Light is green. Иди на зеленый.
19. The light is yellow.Жди.
20. The light is red.Стой.
-Now let’s choose the best interpreter.
…, will you, please, explain your opinion? (I think that … and … were the best interpreters.)
Yes, I agree with you.
3.Разминка-проведение игры «Крестики – нолики».
-Now let’s have a rest and play the game “Crosses and Noughts”. I remember you the rules. Look at the blackboard, please.
-In turn, teams choose a word from the grid and have 30 seconds to make up a complete sentence using the word correctly. You should give your own traffic instructions.
You can use any tense you wish. The first team to make a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row is the winner.
Who wants to be Crosses?
-Ok, you will be crosses.
-And you will be Noughts.
*-Let’s toss a coin to determine which team starts.
Crosses will be heads and tails will be Noughts.
Let’s know heads or tails? So …
-Begin, please!
But raise your hand if you want to answer. (Correct your mistake otherwise I’ll give a point to the other team).
-You are winners,…………!
4. Повторение лексики по теме ‘Town” /“Город”
Now it’s time to practice our vocabulary on the topic “Town” and do some exercises on these sheets of paper. You should write down the number of every thing (or building) in the right place.
For example: The statue is number 25.
It is in the middle of the picture.
But before doing this exercise let’s pronounce all the words all together.
House, town hall, police station…
-Now turn the page and do the next exercise. Fill in the gaps near the pictures and put the numbers into the right order at the foot of the page and you’ll get the name of the building.
I’ll give some minutes, take a pencil and do it right now.
What word have you got?
Can you name it and translate?
Yes, that’s true.
*-Can you act out the dialogues using some of these expressions as well as ex.6, at page 141.
Thank you very much.
4. Работа с текстом по теме «Правила дорожного движения».
Now it’s time to read the text about Alec.
Take these sheets of paper.
Let’s read this text and translate it.
…will you, please, read the text?
Now let’s translate the text and answer the questions.
Thank you very much.
So, let’s discuss the text (and try to retell it).
Answer my questions, please.
- How old is Alec? (He is four).
- Alec and his father are walking along the street, aren’t they? (Yes, they are.)
- Where are they going? (There are going to the cinema.)
- What do they see in the street? (They see a lot of cars, trams and buses.)
- Do they see a little funny puppy or a kitten? (A puppy.)
- What does the puppy do? (The puppy crosses the street.)
- What does the father say?
- Does the dog know the traffic lights? (No, it doesn’t.)
-Now try to retell the text by chain.
-Let’s begin from you….
-Well done, thank you.
- Проведение игры «Собери пазл», с использованием настольной игры «Правила дорожного движения».
-And at the ending of the conference let’s play the game “Traffic regulations” to promote learning of Russian road signs.
We are going to solve the puzzle.
I’ll give the pictures and you should match the pictures with these cards.
I’ll show you the cards and you should rise your hand if have got the picture if have got the picture which is connected with this card. (I have 16 cards in all.)Is it clear?
So, let’s begin.
6.Заключительный этап конференции. Подведение итогов.
-So, our today’s conference is over.
You were very active today.
And I would like to thank everyone of you for taking an active part in the traffic conference. Good-bye!
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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