календарно-тематическое планирование 10класс
календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку (10 класс) по теме
календарно-тематическое планирование, 10класс, к учебнику Аяповой Т.,издательство Мектеп,естественно-математическое направление
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Календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку
для 10 класса естественно-математического направления образовательных школ
по УМК «English 10» Т.Аяпова, З.Абилдаева издательство «Мектеп», г. Алматы, 2006
Week | Date | № | Theme | Grammar | Vocabulary | Home task |
1 term | ||||||
Travelling and Tourism (9 hours) | ||||||
I | 02.09 – 07.09 | 1 | Diagnostic test | Write about Summer holidays p.8 | ||
2 | Types of holiday Adventure company | Past Simple Past Continuous | Beach, adventures, safari, delays, farmstay, queue, route, terminal, passenger, airsick, airlines, education, transportation, foreigner, museum | Make up questions for the text ex.3 p.9 | ||
II | 09.09 – 14.09 | 3 | Central Asia Trips Diagnostic test | Questions with past tenses | Countryside, valley, destination, splendid, symbol | Pick out from the text ex.5 p.10 |
4 | Places to visit in RK | Present Prefect | Contribute, adventurer, journey, land, cross, | ex. 7,8 p.11 work with the text | ||
III | 16.09 – 21.09 | 5 | Adventure Holidays in RK | Present Perfect Continuous | Tour, mass tourism, trip, expedition, canoeing, hiking | Answer the question ex.5 p.17 |
6 | Types of Transport | Future Continuous | Wheeled vehicles, taximeter, license, desolate, vast | Do ex. 3 p. 23 by the text | ||
IV | 23.09 – 28.09 | 7 | Different countries АКС | Future Perfect | Pour, local, Tent, forecast, storm, rainproof, border, pollution | ex.10 p.25 Use Future Perfect |
8 | Types of Volcanoes | Past Simple Passive | Crater, lava, active, dormant, extinct, erupt, explode | ex. 8 p. 29 Use correct tense | ||
V | 30.09 – 05.10 | 9 | Famous Travelers | Comparative Degrees | Ballooning, currents, aeronauts, certificate, stream | Ex. 16 p. 39 make a project on Famous Travelers |
Health (4 hours) | ||||||
10 | Health Freak | Countable/ Uncountable nouns | Germ, eyesight, seed, sunflower, harm, mind, hurt, avoid, oxygen, rush, raw, insist, dumb-bell, accept, pick up succeed, quarrel, solve | Do ex. 9 p. 52 by the text | ||
VI | 07.10 – 12.10 | 11 | Sleep is important | Gerund | Insomniac, minor, intention, injury, estimate, physician, indicate, strained, irritation, common, concentrate, prevent, decline, moan | Match the words with definitions ex.8 p. 60 |
12 | Health habits and Sport | Participle | Obesity, chaotic, skip, promote, cough, ban, persuade, warn, collapse, exhaustion, obsession, damage, afford, fortnight, familiar, watchman | Make a scheme on habits in ex. 7 p. 62 | ||
VII | 14.10 – 19.10 | 13 | Food for Thought | Infinitive | Precise, resist, waistline, apart, delicacy, rare, squid, urchin, snail, tribe, tarantula, seaweed, eel, octopus | ex.18 p.66 Use Infinitives |
Ecology (5 hours) | ||||||
14 | Ecological Associations. Ecological problems | Infinitive and –ing form compared | Association, award, achievement, solve, sewage, trash-combustion, saw, urgent, process, crucial, nursery-garden, endanger, safety, propose, share, desert, recourses, deposit, gas, rename, reservoir, census, annual, urban, rural, ethic, reserve, plain, grain, barley, average, mountainous, wheat, precipitate, humidity, considerable, continental | Write out the words ex. 9 p. 82 | ||
VIII | 21.10 – 26.10 | 15 | Geography and Wildlife of RK | Modal verbs May, Can | Species, reptile, mammal, amphibian, altitude, sanctuary, rescue, feed, welfare, prevention, extinction, falcon, endanger, approximately, cruelty, saxaul, shed, bush, threaten, depend | ex. 2 p. 100 work with the text |
16 | Solution of environmental problems | Modal verbs Have to, Must, Should, Might, Could | Remain, expansion, extend, emerge, subjugation, infant, complete, admit, inhabit, superstition, punch, contradictory, spill, belief, omen, trim, destiny, escape, pregnant | ex. 16 p. 116 write the advices for Ecology | ||
IX | 28.10 – 2.11 | 17 | Revision Test | Verb Tenses, Verbals | Vocabulary on Units: Travelling, Health, Ecology | To revise the material on Units 1, 2, 3 |
18 | Analysis of Mistakes Made in the Test. Their Corrections | Verb Tenses, Verbals | Vocabulary on Units 1, 2, 3 | To do corrections | ||
2 term | ||||||
International Partnership (6 hours) | ||||||
I | 12.11 – 16.11 | 19 | Partnership at the epoch of changes | Article with Geographical names | Epoch, partnership, diplomat, solid, legal, disbursement, reliable, create, steadily, rapidly, confidence, devote, identify, declare | ex. 13 p. 124 Use article or not |
20 | Cooperation and partnership | Modal verbs Should, Ought to and Had better | Promote, supervise, benefit, handle, finance, assess, client, administer, organize, headquarters, cooperate, run | ex. 14 p. 125 Use correct tense modal verbs | ||
II | 18.11 – 23.11 | 21 | International organizations | Modal verbs Should, Ought to | Cooperation, inform, information, jubilee, gratitude, respect, pride, succeed, affection, acknowledge, view | Do ex. 4 p. 130 by the text |
22 | Kazakhstan’s partners | Modal verbs Could, Have done (been), | Brand, beverage, community, joint- venture, non-alcoholic, alcoholic, strive, operate, authorize, distribution, tax, trust, heritage, contribute | Write the words by the transcription ex. 4 p. 138 | ||
III | 25.11 – 30.11 | 23 | UNDP in RK | Modal verbs Should, Ought to, Could, Have done (been), | Human rights, provide, agreement, official, export, import, donor, empower, access, entrepreneur, destruction, beneficiary, sustained | Match the words with translation ex.6 p. 143 |
24 | Foreign Trade in RK | Modal verbs Need have done (been) | Rubber,, raw, ferrous, non-ferrous, fuel, concentrate, main share, prevailing share, goods, enterprise, decrease, mutual, mineral resources industry | Remember the usage of modal verbs by ex.12 p. 147 | ||
Canada (8 hours) | ||||||
IV | 02.12 – 07. 12 | 25 | Geography of Canada | Comparison of adjectives | Occupies, border, stretch, total area, claim, second-largest, northeast, latitudes, longitudes | Retell the text “Introduction of Canada” |
26 | Landscape and Climate | Comparison of adverbs | Continental climate, average, harsh, total length, prairies, forests, Shield, tundra | Describe the weather. Report on Great Lakes | ||
V | 09.12– 14.12 | 27 | Main cities | Passive voice | Inhabited, millennia, various, Aboriginal peoples, colonial expedition, settle, colonies, | Write an Essay on Cities using Passive |
28 | Demographics | Reported Speech in Present | Immigration, rates, reunification, anticipate, residents, recent, urban areas, resettlements, religiously diverse, encompass, range of beliefs | Make a Report on Canadian Population | ||
VI | 16.12 – 21.12 | 29 | Industry | Reported Imperatives Prepositions | Manufacture, urbanized, transform, petroleum, dominated, developed, mining, resources | Prepare a Scheme on Industrial Branches |
30 | Education in Canada АКС | Practicing Phrasal verbs Reported Speech Questions | Division, Length, Authorities, Pre-university, Post-secondary education, Private schools, Religious schools, Levels in education, Grade structure, Departments | Write an Essay on Educational System | ||
VII | 23.12 – 28.12 | 31 | Revision Test | Modal Verbs Tenses, Reported Speech | Vocabulary on Units: Partnership and Canada | To revise the material on Units 4,5 |
32 | Analysis of Mistakes Made in the Test. Their Corrections | Modal Verbs Tenses, Reported Speech | Vocabulary on Units 4, 5 | To do corrections | ||
3 term | ||||||
History of Canada (12 hours) | ||||||
I | 09.01 – 18.01 | 33 | The first people in Canada | Prepositions of time Used to … | Archaeological, genetic analyses, human, presence, archeological, cave, Aboriginal societies, permanent settlements, investigations. | Retell the text “The Aboriginal people of Canada” |
34 | European settlements the early 17th century | Prepositions of place | Attempt, colonization, briefly, exploration, occurred, seafarer, mariner, establish, outpost | Make questions to the text “The 1st settlements” | ||
II | 20.01 – 25.01 | 35 | English were interested in Canada | Prepositions of directions | Claim, prerogative, arrive, establish, extensively, watershed, trade | Make 7 sentences with prepositions |
36 | The Seven Years War | Reported Speech in Past | Take place, conflict, involve, powers, affect, historiography, alternatively, combatants, respective, antagonism ally, conclude | Prepare an Essay on the War | ||
III | 27.01 – 01.02 | 37 | Confederation and expansion | Construction such … as | Officially, proclaim, assume, creation, establish, sponsor, construction, transcontinental | Make 10 sentences with the construction as …as |
38 | Early 20th century | Reported Questions in Past | Maintain, foreign affairs, substantial role, serve in a War, wounded, join, hardship, liberation | Make up questions for the text “Early 20th century” | ||
IV | 03.02 – 08.02 | 39 | Modern times | The 0 Conditional | Economic growth, successive, emergence, adoption, current, implementation, incursion, jurisdiction, negotiations | Prepare a presentation on “Modern Canada” |
40 | Government and politics | The 1st Conditional | Parliamentary, constitutional monarchy, foundation, executive, legislative, judicial branches, sovereign, Commonwealth | Write 5 sentences with If …I will | ||
V | 10.02 – 15.02 | 41 | Law | The 2nd Conditional | Constitution, supreme, conventions, Act, affirmed, precedent, amend, Charter, guarantee, basic rights and freedoms, period | Tell about the Situation If I were a President I would… |
42 | Provinces and territories | The 3d Conditional | Provinces, territories, regions, social programs, health care, education, welfare. | Present a Political Scheme of Canada | ||
VI | 17.02 – 22.02 | 43 | Olympic games in Canada | Mixed conditional | Paralympic, Ceremony, amputee, torch, host, outside, compete, schedule, race, coach, set | Prepare a Presentation on Olympic games |
44 | Famous Scientists of English Speaking Countries and RK | I wish … | Versatile quality. physicist, mathematician, astronomer, alchemist, philosopher, contribution, explanation, motion, prove, contribution, optics, introduce | Write an Essay on Kazakh Famous Scientists | ||
Cultural Heritage (8 hours) | ||||||
VII | 24.02 – 01.03 | 45 | Customs of RK | Complex Object The Infinitive Constructions | Revere, follow, national character, hospitality, unofficial, ancient, sacred duty, moderate | Write 5 Sentences with Complex Object |
46 | National Food | Complex Subject The infinitive constructions | Fermented, gain popularity, assortment, festive, ingredients, herbs, procedure, special ritual, respected, spices, community, | Write a Recipe of a Dish | ||
VIII | 03.03 – 08.03 | 47 | Holidays | The present participle Usage and meaning | Public, movable, celebrate, ignore, local, exchange, observe, deliver, commemoration, decorate, stuff. | Prepare a Report on Holidays in RK |
48 | Traditions | Complex Subject | Mention, identities, basis, representative, authentic customs, competitions, occasions. | Write a Composition “My Favourite Tradition” | ||
IX | 10.03 – 15.03 | 49 | British Dishes | Complex Subject | Dessert, starter, bake, moisten, gravy, gammon, pork, slice, delicacy | Retell the text “British Dishes” |
50 | English Holidays National Literature | Gerundial constructions | Charities, carols, succeed, dummy straw, fireworks, diverse, dialects, deals, significant, challenge | Write 5 sentences using Gerund with repositions | ||
X | 17.03 – 19.03 | 51 | Revision Test | Conditionals, Verbal Constructions | Vocabulary on Units: History of Canada, Cultural Heritage | To revise the material on Units 6,7 |
52 | Analysis of Mistakes Made in the Test. Their Corrections | Conditionals, Verbal Constructions | Vocabulary on Units 6,7 | To do corrections | ||
4 term | ||||||
Work (16 hours) | ||||||
I | 01.04 – 05.04 | 53 | Jobs | Participial Constructions after the verbs of sense perception | Jobs and professions, part time, flexible, unemployment, opportunity, colleague | Make up questions for the text ex.6 p.153 |
54 | Kinds of occupations | Participial constructions | Ability, quality, skill, preference, personality, promotion, labour | Answer the questions ex.8 p.154 | ||
II | 07.04 – 12.04 | 55 | Young people and work | Participial constructions | Service, servant, mistress, terrified, butcher, pray, afford, crash | ex. 11 p.155 correct by the text |
56 | Work and money | Participial constructions | Salary, bonus, income, fee, wage, payment, scholarship | Find the meaning of the words in ex.2 p.158 | ||
III | 14.04 – 19.04 | 57 | Types of payment | Construction with an active and passive participles | Overpaid, highly paid, reasonably well, low-paid, underpaid, worst paid | Do ex. 3(c) p. 159 using new lexis |
58 | Budget | Construction with an active and passive participles | Spending, fares, going out, saving, incomes, entertainments, useless, cheap, earn | Do ex. 4 p. 159 by the text | ||
IV | 21.04 – 26.04 | 59 | Children at work | Construction with an active and passive participles | Difficult, part-time, kids, help, indoors, outdoors, conditions, responsibility | ex.11 p.163 Use Past participle |
60 | Lost childhood АКС | Construction with an active and passive participles | Haul, toil, pier, tangle, storage, tide, desperately, brutal, abuse, intimidate, grueling, futile | Match the words with definitions ex.6 p. 165 | ||
V | 28.04 – 03.05 | 61 | Unemployment | Participial construction with two actions | Redundant, benefit, retirement, redundancy, workable | Answer the questions ex.3 p.169 by the text |
62 | Skills for professions | Participial construction with two actions | Cooperation, creativity, cultural awareness, flexibility, initiative, motivation | Do ex.6 p.170 by the text | ||
VI | 05.05 – 10.05 | 63 | The most important jobs | Comparing constructions with participle and infinitive after the verbs of sense perception | Coal mining, shipbuilding, steel, areas, skills, professional services | Answer the questions ex.9 p.171 |
64 | Job center | Participial constructions | Communication, driving, organization ability, typing, qualities | Learn the rules from ex.4 p.173 | ||
VII | 12.05 – 17.05 | 65 | Job hunting | Participial constructions | Find out, think, be prepared, be early, wear, polite, honest, sell yourself, respond, qualifications. | Answer the questions by the diagram ex.7 p.175 |
66 | Revision Test | Conditionals, Verbal Constructions , Modal Verbs Tenses, Reported Speech, Verb Tenses | Vocabulary on Units : Work | To revise the material on Unit 8 | ||
VIII | 19.05 – 24.05 | 67 | Analysis of Mistakes Made in the Test. Their Corrections | Conditionals, Verbal Constructions , Modal Verbs Tenses, Reported Speech, Verb Tenses | Vocabulary on Unit 8 | To do corrections |
68 | Job interview Application Advertisement | Idioms | Suitable, application, interview, career, interviewer, advertisement, media, research, visual, influence, data, communications | Self Grammar Revision p.187-216 |
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