календарно-тематическое планирование 7 класс
календарно-тематическое планирование по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
календарно-тематическое планирование 7 класс.естественно-математическое направление.Аяпова Т.издательство Атамура
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Календарно-тематическое планирование
по английскому языку для 7 класса
по УМК
“English 7”, Т.Аяпова, З.Абильдаева, изд. «Мектеп», г.Алматы, 2012
“Health” (9 hours)
Week | Date | Lesson | Theme | Vocabulary | Grammar | Hometask |
I | 02.09 – 07.09 | 1 | Diagnostic test | |||
2 | Health | Parts of the body | Present Simple | Ex. 9.10. | ||
II | 09.09 – 14.09 | 3 | Home Remedy | Names of illnesses | Present Simple | Ex. 3. |
4 | At the doctor‘s | Dentist, symptoms, sore throat | Present Simple | Ex. 11-13. | ||
III | 16.09 – 21.09 | 5 | Treating a patient | Treatment, diagnosis, prescription | Past Simple Adverbs of frequency | Ex. 4.5 |
6 | Health problems | Cholesterol, vitamins, protein. | Past Simple, Adverbs of frequency | Ex. 11-13. | ||
IV | 23.09 – 28.09 | 7 | Health farm АКС | Overweight,diet,results. | Expressions of quantity: some, any, much, many, a little, a few | Ex. 4,5 |
8 | What should you do to keep fit? | Cereal,fruit,vegetables. | Expressions of quantity: some, any, much, many, a little, a few | Ex. 12-14. | ||
V | 30.09 – 05.10 | 9 | Food and fitness | Healthy food,exercises,fresh. | Modal verbs: have to, should, must | Ex. 15.16 |
30.09 – 05.10 | 10 | Eating. Meals | Food.Drinks.Fruit.Vegetables | Countable and uncountable nouns: much, many | Ex. 12 | |
VI | 07.10 – 12.10 | 11 | Visiting Cafes and Restaurants | Menu Food words | Adverbs of frequency | Ex.15,16. |
12 | Serving | Dishes Food words | Is/Are there any… | Ex.8. | ||
VII | 14.10 – 19.10 | 13 | Recipes of different dishes | Ingredients.Dishes.Recipes.Snacks | Reflexive Pronouns | Ex. 9-11. |
14 | My favourite recipes | Dishes Food words | There is some… There aren’t any… Are there any… Pronouns | Ex.4(b,c) | ||
VIII | 21.10 – 26.10 | 15 | Project work on the theme | Dishes Food words | Are there any… | Ex.8. |
16 | Table manners | Help yourself! | Revision of the Grammar Numbers | Ex.15,16. | ||
IX | 28.10 – 2.11 | 17 | Test | Vocabulary on topics | Present Simple,Modal Verbs | To revise material learnt to prepare for corrections |
18 | Corrections | Vocabulary on topics | Present Simple,Modal Verbs | To do corrections | ||
II-term “Education” (14 hours)
week | date | Lesson | Theme | Vocabulary | Grammar | Hometask |
I | 12.11 – 16.11 | 19 | Education | Words connected with school life | Grammar of the previous term | Ex.5,6. |
20 | Types of schools in Kazakhstan | State,private | Present Perfect statements | Ex.16,17. | ||
II | 18.11 – 23.11 | 21 | Kindergarten | Games,songs,numbers | Present Perfect with since, for | Ex. 5,6 |
22 | Primary Education | Words of school objects | Present Perfect Tense: today, this week, yet, recently, never | Ex. 16,18. | ||
III | 25.11 – 30.11 | 23 | Secondary education | Time table,subjects | Present Perfect Tense: today, this week, yet, recently, never | Ex.8,10. |
24 | High Education | Words connected with education | Present Perfect | Ex.18,20. | ||
IV | 02.12 – 07. 12 | 25 | Types of schools in Great Britain | Words of school description | TPresent Perfect | Ex.7,9. |
26 | Comparing the systems of education in GB and Kazakhstan | Types of schools | Prepositions | Ex.14,16. | ||
V | 09.12– 14.12 | 27 | Professions | Words connected with professions | Present Perfect Continuous | Ex. 7,8. |
28 | Life and Professions | Teacher, doctor, cooker, worker. | Present Perfect Continuous | Ex. 12. | ||
VI | 16.12 – 21.12 | 29 | Creative Professions | Designer, photographer, artist. | Present Perfect Continuous | Ex.6.7 |
30 | Modern Professions АКС | Spaceman, journalist. | Present Perfect Continuous | Ex. 10,11 | ||
VII | 23.12 – 28.12 | 31 | Test | Vocabulary on topics | Present Perfect ,Present Perfect Continuous. | To revise material learnt to prepare for corrections |
32 | Corrections | Vocabulary on topics | Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. | To do corrections |
Fauna and flora of Kazakhstan and Great Britain-18 hours
week | date | Lesson | Theme | Vocabulary | Grammar | Hometask |
I | 09.01 – 18.01 | 33 | The Earth. | The Universe,Planets, Solar System. | Present Simple | Ex. 10,11 |
34 | The Living World. | Plants,Animals,Trees | Present Simple | Ex.16,17. | ||
II | 20.01 – 25.01 | 35 | Water. | Sea world | Modal verbs | Ex.6-8. |
36 | Soil. | Words connected with pollution | Past Simple, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous | Ex. 14.15 | ||
III | 27.01 – 01.02 | 37 | Plants in Kazakhstan. | Names of plants,flowers,trees | Revision of the Grammar | Ex.7.8 |
38 | Animal world in Kazakhstan. | Names of animals | Can, have | Ex. 9,12 | ||
IV | 03.02 – 08.02 | 39 | Animals are in danger. | Revision of the words covered | Revision of the grammar covered | Ex.4.5 |
40 | A Hunter with a Hunting Falcon. | Names of birds | Modal verbs: must, have to, need | Ex. 6.7. | ||
V | 10.02 – 15.02 | 41 | Project work“Nature of Kazakhstan“ | Words covered on the theme | Modal verbs: must, have to, need | Ex. 12-14. |
10.02 – 15.02 | 42 | Kazakhstan, its geography. | Border, is situated. | Modal verbs | Ex. 6-8. | |
VI | 17.02 – 22.02 | 43 | Climate in Kazakhstan | Climate,weather. | Present Perfect, The Present Continuous | Ex. 15.16. |
44 | Mountains,rivers,lakes | Climbing,swimming,fishing. | Active Voice | Ex. 9,12 | ||
VII | 24.02 – 01.03 | 45 | Britain,its geography. | Island,rocks,channels. | Passive Voice | Ex.4.5 |
46 | Resources,climate and weather. | Temperature ,rainy, foggy. | Adjectives | Ex. 6.7. | ||
VIII | 03.03 – 08.03 | 47 | England. Scotland | South,central,is washed by | Structures there is/are. | Ex. 12-14. |
48 | Wales.The Nothern Ireland | North, mountains, Highlands | Modal verbs | Ex. 6-8. | ||
IX | 10.03 – 15.03 | 49 | Test | Vocabulary on topics | Active Voice Passive Voice, Present Perfect, Present Continuous | To revise material learnt to prepare for corrections |
50 | Corrections | Vocabulary on topics | To do corrections | |||
English – speaking countries-18 hours | ||||||
X | 17.03 – 19.03 | 51 | English – speaking countries | Words connected with sightseeing and travelling | Past Simple and Past Continuous | Ex. Ex.8.9 |
52 | The USA | Words connected with geography | Present Simple | Ex. 17-19. |
IV-term- “English – speaking countries” | ||||||
I | 01.04 – 05.04 | 53 | Canada | Vocabulary on the topic | Active, Passive voice, there is/are | To compile a topic on the theme (10 sentences) |
54 | Great Britain | Vocabulary on the topic | Active, Passive voice, there is/are | To compile a topic on the theme (10 sentences) | ||
II | 07.04 – 12.04 | 55 | Political system of Great Britain | Words connected with politics | Past Perfect | Ex. 7-9. |
56 | The Queen | Words connected with the topic “Royal Family” | Past Perfect | Ex. 6-8. | ||
III | 14.04 – 19.04 | 57 | Parliament. | Words connected with the topic “Parliament” | Active, Passive voice, there is/are | Ex.14-15. |
58 | Towns and Cities in GB | Words connected with towns and cities | Ex.9-10. | |||
IV | 21.04 – 26.04 | 59 | London is the capital of GB | Names of historical buildings | Active, Passive voice, there is/are | Ex. 17-19. |
60 | London is the center of culture АКС | Museums,theatres,parks | Present/Past tenses | Ex. 7-9. | ||
V | 28.04 – 03.05 | 61 | Sightseeing in London | Vocabulary on the topic “Visiting places” | Active, Passive voice, there is/are | Ex. 6-8. |
62 | Outstanding people in the UK | Vocabulary on the topic “Writers,scientists,politicians” | Present Simple | Ex.14-15. | ||
VI | 05.05 – 10.05 | 63 | William Shakespeare | Vocabulary on the topic “Biography,literary activity” | Past Tenses | Ex.9-10. |
64 | Charles Dickens | Vocabulary on the topic “Biography,literary activity” | Past Tenses | Ex.14-15. | ||
VII | 12.05 – 17.05 | 65 | Isaak Newton | scientist | Past Tenses | Ex.9-10. |
66 | Project work „Outstanding people in the UK“ | Vocabulary on the topic „ Outstanding people in the UK“ | Present/Past tenses | To make Power Point Presentations | ||
VIII | 19.05 – 24.05 | 67 | Test | Vocabulary on the topic “English speaking countries” | Present/Past tenses, Active, Passive voice, there is/are | To revise material learnt, to prepare for corrections |
68 | Corrections | Vocabulary on the topic “English speaking countries” | Present/Past tenses, Active, Passive voice, there is/are | To do corrections |
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