Разработка урока по английскому языку в 7 классе "Кругосветное путешествие"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме
Уроку предшествовала работа с текстами про англо-говорящие страны, обобщение информации, подбор ребятами картинок и иллюстраций по изученным странам, работа в группах над проектами. Представлен конспект урока с самоанализом, презентация к уроку, сводная таблица по англо-говорящим странам, образцы высказываний по проектам и примерные вопросы в пассивном залоге от ребят по прослушенным проектам (обратная связь), фотографии с урока.
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Предварительный просмотр:
Урок английского языка в 7 классе
по теме: «Travelling (Round-the-World Tour)»
(Кругосветное путешествие)
Урок составлен на основе рабочей программы по УМК “Enjoy English”(автор Биболетова М.З.)
- Образовательная:
- сформировать у учащихся представление об основных англо-говорящих странах;
- научить использовать предлоги с видами транспорта;
-обобщить и систематизировать имеющиеся знания по предмету.
- Развивающая:
-развивать навыки чтения, устной монологической и диалогической речи;
-развивать умения работать в парах.
3) Воспитательная:
- повышать мотивацию к изучению языка;
-воспитывать интерес к странам изучаемого языка.
-ввести учащихся в активную учебную деятельность;
-активизировать в учебном процессе навыки устной речи, умения работать в группах, парах.
-доступно объяснить новый материал, учить использовать полученные знания на практике;
-учить делать выводы, подводить итоги.
Тип урока: комбинированный.
Используемые технологии: ИКТ, игровая, проектная технологии, технология коммуникативного обучения (по Пассову), здоровьесберегающая технология.
Оборудование: интерактивная доска, презентация к уроку (слайды урока) и презентации ребят по англо-говорящим странам PowerPoint, доска, учебник и рабочая тетрадь “Enjoy English -7” Биболетова М.З., Трубанева Н.Н.
Дополнительные материалы: яркие фишки за правильные ответы учащимся для подсчёта очков и выставления оценок, маркеры для доски (синий, зелёный, красный), контурная карта мира (2 шт.), магниты, игра «Парочки», заготовки учащихся к презентации англо-говорящих стран.
Ход урока:
- Организационный момент (1 мин.)
Учитель: Good morning, boys and girls! I’m glad to see you. How are you? (class: We are fine, thank you) Are you ready for our lesson? (class: Yes, we are.) Today you will get points for right answers. The more cards you’ll have the better mark you will get. At the end of the lesson we’ll count them and see how you’ve worked and what marks you will get for the lesson. What is the date today? (Student1: December, 24th ) What day of the week is it?( Student2: It is Tuesday)
- Целепологание (3 мин.)
Учитель: Let’s start then, look at the screen.(slide 1) What can you see? (class: a map). Yes, this is a geographical map. How many continents are there? (class: 6) Label them, please (one student comes to the smart board and writes the names of the continents if there is difficulty, another student can help him. Two more students can be asked to do the same task on the printed geographical map).Which English-speaking countries are situated in Europe? (North America, Asia). Look at our map and guess what we’ll speak about today? (class: visiting English-speaking countries? travelling round the world?) Yes, you’re right. The topic of our lesson is “Round-the-World Tour”(slide 2).
- Объяснение нового материала(1,5 мин.)
Учитель: When we speak about travelling we always mention the transport. (slide 3) People can’t travel without transport. What types of transport do you know? (students name some transport) (slide 4) Look at the screen and chant with me (the class is chanting) What expression is missing in the slide? (class: by bike) Well, class, what preposition do we use when we say how we move with its help? (Class: we use preposition “by”). You’re right! But is food a transport? (class: Not, of course.) So, remember: we say “on foot” (class repeats: on foot)
- Первичная проверка понимания нового материала. (2,5 мин.)
Учитель: Look at your textbooks. Let’s do ex.81 p.53. Read the task, please. (a student reads aloud) Ok, look at the screen (slide 5), come to the board and match the words on the board, please. (Students come out to the smart board and match the words and definitions with the stylus) Now let me see if you remember the word combinations with transport. Do you remember the words well? (class: Yes, we do).
- Игра «Парочки»(4 мин.)
Учитель: It is time for a game “Match the cards”(slide 6). You have to find pairs of cards with the same pictures and say the phrases. You choose a card and say “go by car/drive”, then find the card with the same picture, turn it over and say “go by plane/fly”. If you take the wrong cards, take your seat and another player comes out to the board and we continue our play. If you find 2 cards with the same pictures, you can play again and choose more cards: choose cards and find the pairs. Don’t forget to say the words aloud (students compete).
- Чтение с извлечением необходимой информации (3,5 мин.)
Учитель: We have an e-mail from our friend Timothy Gumbrell. Open your textbooks at p.52 and read the letter in ex.74 (slide 7). After reading say which countries they are going to visit. (2 students read the letter one after another) Follow their route. Name the countries they are going to visit. (class: They are going to visit Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India and then back to Great Britain)
- Aктуализация знаний и умений (письменная работа) (4 мин.)
Учитель: How will they get from one place to another? (slide 8). Open your notebooks, write down the date, classwork, ex.80, p.53. Use the map, the model from ex.80, p.53. and write down the sentences about the types of transport they will use for travelling. You have 2 minutes for this task. (While the class is making up sentences in their notebooks, the teacher collects workbooks with homework for checking. After 2 minutes the students read the sentences aloud)
- Физкультминута (1 мин.)
Учитель: Well done! Let’s relax. Stand up, please. Do the exercise with me.
Up, down, up, down (Поднимаем и опускаем руки).
Which is the way to London Town? (Шагаем на месте.)
Where? Where? (Повороты в стороны.)
Up in the air, (Смотрим вверх).
Close your eyes (Закрываем глаза).
And you are there! (Разводим руки в стороны)
Учитель: Thanks a lot! Sit down!
- Проверка домашнего задания(мини-презентаций) (21 мин.)
Учитель: Well done! With Timothy and his friends we’re going to visit new countries, too. As your hometask was to present these English-speaking countries according to the plan (slide 9), so let’s start our virtual journey! Listen to the projects and ask questions to groups. Use Passive Voice in your questions, please.(Students come to the board, present their projects. Classmates ask questions) (slides with students’ presentations №10-18)
- Объяснение домашнего задания(2 мин.)
Учитель: Now it’s time to write down your homework. (slide 19). It will be Ex.83, p.54. You need to match the adjectives and types of travelling. You can use the adjectives that you know and given in the exercise. Ex.84 p.54: compare types of travelling. If you have any questions you can ask me any time.
- Подведение итогов занятий и выставление оценок (3 мин.)
Учитель: You’ve worked hard today. I want to say that you were great! Thank you for your presentations. I think you are stars. Count the bright cards you have, please. How many have you got? (students say the numbers) You have the following marks… Now I can say that the lesson is over. Good bye.
Самоанализ урока.
Место урока в ряду других: В разделе 2 “Meet the winners of the international teenagers’ competition” запланирован 21 урок. Данный урок – 16.
Тип урока и его структура: комбинированный.
Исходя из триединой цели урока, мной было запланировано 11 учебно-воспитательных моментов.
- Организационный момент (1 мин.)
Фронтальный режим работы: учитель→ класс. Приветствие, установка на активную работу и зарабатывание баллов за правильные ответы ( т.н. прием «Корзина успеха» мотивирует и помогает при подведении итогов оценивания успешности работы учащихся на уроке).
- Целепологание: постановка цели и определение темы урока (3 мин.) Работая с географической картой устанавливается связь между учебными предметами (география и иностранный язык). Т.н. «Running dictation» задает дух соревнования. Приём “elicitation (выуживание идей)” помог ребятам самим определить тему урока. Фронтальная работа: учитель →ученик1, учитель→ученик2 ....
- Объяснение нового материала(1,5 мин.)
Chanting (или хоровое проговаривание слов) защищает ученика от страха несовершенства и критики (ведь это говорит хор, а не каждый в отдельности). Учащиеся составляют словосочетание по образцу и делают вывод об использовании предлога «by» с транспортом, применив метод дедукции. Режим работы фронтальный: учитель→класс, ученик →класс.
- Первичная проверка понимания нового материала. (2,5 мин.)
Перифраз при определении значений слов помогает обогатить лексический запах обучающихся. Режим работы фронтальный: ученик1 →класс, ученик2 →класс...
- Игра «Парочки»(4 мин.)
Закрепление сочетаемости слов в игре. Режим работы: ученик1 →класс, ученик2 →класс...
- Чтение с извлечением необходимой информации (3,5 мин.)
Перед классом ставиться задача – извлечь специальную информацию из текста. Режим работы: ученики→ учитель.
- Aктуализация знаний и умений (письменная работа) (4 мин.)
Осуществляется индивидуальная работа: учащиеся строят предложения по модели: при помощи каких транспортных средств можно добраться до мест назначения. (Во время выполнения задания учитель собирает рабочие тетради для проверки домашнего задания). Выборочная проверка учителем. На базе условно-коммуникативных речевых упражнений развиваются коммуникативные умения.
- Физкультминута (1 мин.)
Здоровьесберегающая технология. Двигательная гимнастика помогает снять напряжение от работы.
- Проверка домашнего задания (мини-презентаций) (21 мин.)
Коллективно-творческое решение проблемы (сделать мини-презентацию англо-говорящей страны по плану) заставляет учащихся объединяться в пары, группы и учит работать совместно, что воспитывает требовательность и уважение друг к другу. Развитие навыков монологической речи. Фронтальная работа: ученики в парах→класс. Обратная связь осуществляется при помощи вопросов от класса к рассказывающим о стране, т.е. follow-up questions. Развитие навыков диалогической речи (вопросы в пассиве – закрепление грамматических навыков)
- Объяснение домашнего задания (2 мин.)
Инструктаж выполнения домашнего задания. Домашнее задание связанно с закреплением лексики по теме транспорт, сравнение разных видов транспорта.
- Подведение итогов занятий и выставление оценок (3 мин.)
Оценки выставляются за работу в классе (подсчёт жетонов) и за домашнее задание (презентации).
Данные этапы урока способствуют реализации всех аспектов цели.
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Предварительный просмотр:
country (full name) | The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | The United States of America | Canada | Australia | New Zealand | India |
country (short name) | the UK, Great Britain | the USA | - | Lucky country OZ | - | |
continent | Europe | North America | North America | Australia | island state | Asia |
capital | London | Washington | Ottawa | Canberra | Wellington | New Deli |
population | 63 million | 316 million | 34 million 2nd largest country in the world | 18 million | 4 million | 64 million |
official language | English | English | English, French | English | English, Maori | Hindi, English |
emblem/symbol | John Bull, flowers(rose, daffodil, thistle, shamrock) | a white-headed eagle | a maple leaf | kangaroo, dingo | kiwi | peacock |
sights | Big Ben, The Tower of London, the river Thames, Trafalgar square, the Houses of Parliament, the Westminster Abbey | Hollywood (a film making industry centre), Disney World (a funfair), Statue of Liberty, the White House (official place of American president) | the Niagara Falls, National Parks, lakes and fiords, famous bridges in Vancouver | the Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrie reef, Uluru (Red Rock), Blue Mountains, the Sydney Tower, beautiful beaches and national parks | the Sky Tower , nature reserves and geysers (hot springs), lake Pukaki and Tasman Glacier. | Taj Mahal, buddist pilgrimage and temples, Lake palace, Bollywood (a film making industry centre) |
famous people | William Shakespeare, J.Tolkien, Agatha Christie (writes); Isaac Newton (a scientist), John Lennon (a singer)and the Beatles, Elizabeth II (the queen) | Barak Obama (the president), Michael Jordan (a basketball player), David Beckham (a footballer), George Michael (a singer) | Keanu Reefs (an actor), Celine Dion(a singer), Leonard Cohen (a writer), Lennox Lewis (a box player) | Nicole Kidman (an actress), James Cook (an explorer), Russel Crow (an actor),Shane Gould (a swimmer) | Katherine Mansfield (a writer), Kiri Te Kanawa (a soprano voice), Ernest Rutherford (a scientist) | Indira Gandi (a prime minister), Mahatma Gandi (a leader), Budda , Rishi Kapur (an actor) |
Предварительный просмотр:
Образцы высказываний по проектам:
Project 1.
The UK is an island state in Europe. The capital is London. London is the world’s seventh biggest city. The UK consists of four parts: Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland(each part has a symbol –a flower). The official language is English. English is made up Anglo-Saxon, French and Latin. It is includes a lot of words from Greek and other languages, even Russian.
London has got 8 million people. London stands on the river Thames. There are 27 bridges over the Thames. Tower Bridge is the most famous bridge. It is just a few minutes away from the Tower of London. London is rich in sights: Big Ben, Trafalgar square, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey. The names of William Shakespeare, J.Tolkien, Agatha Christie (writes); Isaac Newton (a scientist), John Lennon and the Beatles, the queen Elizabeth II are well-known all over the world.
Project 2.
The USA is one of the most powerful countries in the world. It is in North America. There are 50 states. The capital is Washington (D.C.). It was founded in 1790. English is the official language. The second important language is Spanish.
The USA has the third largest population in the world. It is a “melting pot”. The country’s motto is “In God we Trust”.
The symbol of the USA is the statue of Freedom. This statue is in New York. The emblem is a white-headed eagle. Other famous sights are Hollywood (a film making industry centre), Disney World (a funfair), the White House (official place of American president). Famous people from the USA are the 1st black president Barak Obama, a basketball player Michael Jordan, a football player David Beckham, a singer George Michael and lots of others.
Project 3.
Canada is the second largest country in the world. It is situated in Northern North America. Canada is washed by three oceans: the Atlantic Ocean on the east, the Pacific Ocean on the west, and the Arctic Ocean on the North. Canada consists of three territories and eight provinces. The capital of Canada is Ottawa. There are two official languages in this country – English and French.
The red and white Canadian flag shows a leaf of the maple tree, which grows in North America. The maple leaf is the official emblem of Canada.
Canada is famous for its lakes and the Niagara Falls, national parks and fiords, bridges in Vancouver. Keanu Reefs (an actor), Celine Dion(a singer), Leonard Cohen (a writer), Lennox Lewis (a box player) are from Canada.
Project 4.
Australia is the smallest continent in the world. It is often called “Lucky country” or “OZ”. Australia occupies a whole continent and some islands around it. It lies between the Indian and the Pacific Oceans. It is a large country, but its population is only 18million people. English is the official language in Australia.
The koala, kangaroo, dingo are the best loved and known Australian animals.
The capital of Australia is Canberra, but Sydney is more famous. Sydney is a tourist center. The symbol of Sydney is the Opera House. The Great Barrie reef, Uluru (or Red Rock), Blue Mountains, the Sydney Tower, beautiful beaches and national parks magnet tourists from all over the world. Nicole Kidman (an actress), James Cook (an explorer), Russell Crow (an actor), Shane Gould (a swimmer) are in the list of famous people from Australia.
Project 5.
New Zealand is a small country in the Pacific Ocean. It is consist of two main islands and some smaller ones. It looks like Italy upside down. When it is summer in New Zealand, it is winter in Europe. But the school year starts in autumn – in February. The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. The population of New Zealand is 4 million and it is mixed. Some people came from Britain. Some Maori people lived here before the British came.
So the official languages are English and Maori. English is called Kiwi English. New Zealand is proud of the Sky Tower , nature reserves and geysers (hot springs), lake Pukaki and Tasman Glacier. Katherine Mansfield (a writer), Kiri Te Kanawa (a soprano voice), Ernest Rutherford (a scientist) are famous people from New Zealand.
Project 6. India is one of the biggest countries in Asia. It is washed by the Indian Ocean. More than 15 official languages are spoken in India. There are thousands of dialects. English is the main language and the only solution to their communication problems.
India consists of states and Union Territories. They are 30. The flag is green, white, and red.
The capital of India is Delhi. There are 2 parts: Old Delhi and New Delhi. New Delhi is the official capital of India. 12 million people live in Delhi. Here you can find a lot of beautiful palaces, unique museums, and galleries.
Delhi is famous for its palaces. One of them is Kutb-Minar (the Tower of Victory). It was built in the12th century. It has five floors; its high is 72 m. It is red-yellow.
Tadzh Mohall is in Agra, on the bank of the river. It is a mausoleum. It was built in 17th century. It is called the monument of love.
India is the country of National parks. There are 83 National Parks. They are organized to keep the wild nature. Of course, India is famous for its elephants and white tigers.
Also India is famous for its dances and songs. There are many types of dance in India, from deeply religious, folk, classical and modern ones. The classical dances are Kathakali and Mohini Attam from Kerala.
Indian people are famous for having sweet tooth. Their taste is different from ours. For example, gulab jamun (это пористые шарики в сиропе).
Burphy (шарики с кокосом).
Culphy (мороженное с кардамоном, фисташками и шафраном).
Pakoras - жаренные на растительном масле оладьи.
Samosas - жареные в панировке аналоги наших блинов с начинкой.
Dum aloo - чудесно пряное картофельное блюдо
Kheer - рисовый пудинг.
For drink they use only water in bottles also do not use ice, which is not made of the cleared water.
If you want to stay and to rest you can find beautiful beaches everywhere. At night you can stay in the hotel.
Возможные вопросы после защиты проектов:
Project 1. The UK
-What is the UK washed by?
- It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the North and the Irish Seas, by the English Chanel
Project 2.The USA
-Why is the USA called “a melting pot”?
-The USA is a cosmopolitan country. People from different countries came to live there, they mixed traditions, so it is like “a melting pot”.
Project 3. Canada
- When were the Olympic games held in Canada?
- They were held in 2010 in Vancouver.
Project 4. Australia
-I love watching cartoons. Do you know where the Great Barrie Reef with its unique underwater world is shown best of all?
- Yes, it is a carton called “Nemo”. It is about a small exotic fish which made a long journey to Australia.
Project 5. New Zealand
- Which famous film was shot in New Zealand?
- - It is “Lord of the rings” as New Zealand has unique nature world.
Project 6. India
- My granny is crazy about Indian films. Are they made in Hollywood?
- No, they aren’t. They are made in Bollywood – a famous film making industry centre which is larger than Hollywood.

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