проектная работа на английском языке "Positive dog training"
проект по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему
My goal is to make a rough classification of dog training methods and to define them. Especially I want to present positive dog training, or clicker training. I want to explain how it works in simple schemes and video.
Working with a dog can really change your life for better – basic training is usually followed by participating in sport activities with your dog and it certainly improves dog’s and your health.
I hope my work will be interesting for everyone, not only dog owners. Positive training is not limited by only dogs and other animals, it can find its use in people relationships. Using these concepts, you can really improve your relationships with people.
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Подписи к слайдам:
? ? ?
Goal My goal is to make a rough classification of dog training methods and to define them. Especially I want to present positive dog training, or clicker training. I want to explain how it works in simple schemes and videos.
Methods and techniques of dog training
Hunting dog – Vizsla
Guard dogs – Rottweiler and Malinois
Herding dog – Border Collie
Police dog – German Shepherd
Sled-dogs – Siberian Huskies
New dog job – companion
Methods and techniques of dog training How behavior is formed?
Предварительный просмотр:
Подписи к слайдам:
Classic conditioning
Operant conditioning
Clicker training B. F. Skinner Karen Pryor
Conditional reinforcement
Begging behavior
Dogs can’t do both things at once
Rewarding several actions
Variable rewarding
Pros of clicker training dog is actually interested in cooperating with you no physical intimidation, no injuries, no distrust very precise outcome dog is learning to think every dog regardless of his size, age and character can be taught using this method requires almost no special equipment
Cons of clicker training not every everyday life trouble can be solved with clicker. Rather, clicker is more effective with sportive training. if a dog is not motivated enough, behavior won’t be stable.
Making dog used to click sound
Signs of understanding the click
Leave it
Tricks performed by Zoe
Cat tricks
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