Проектная работа по английскому языку По теме «The Natural Park Bittsevsky Forest: the Pages of History, Geography, Wildlife and Ecological Problems» («Природный парк Битцевский лес: страницы истории, география, природа и экологические проблемы»)
проект по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме
Проектная работа по английскому языку
По теме «The Natural Park Bittsevsky Forest: the Pages of History, Geography, Wildlife and Ecological Problems» («Природный парк Битцевский лес: страницы истории, география, природа и экологические проблемы»)
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Проектная работа по английскому языку
По теме «The Natural Park Bittsevsky Forest: the Pages of History, Geography, Wildlife and Ecological Problems» («Природный парк Битцевский лес: страницы истории, география, природа и экологические проблемы»)
Ученицы 8 «В» класса ГБОУ СОШ №629 г. Москвы
Лопаевой Анастасии Дмитриевны
Идентификатор 275-423-753
Учитель ГБОУ СОШ №629 г. Москвы
Акмаева Елена Олеговна
Идентификатор: 206-488-852
Тип проекта: информационный проект, интегрирующий следующие науки: история, география, биология, литература, социология, английский язык.
Цель: привлечение внимания общественности к уникальному объекту - Битцевскому лесопарку, его проблемам, осознание его значимости, знакомство с его историей.
1. Обучающие:
- Совершенствование навыков проектной деятельности;
- Актуализация языкового материала по темам «Природа», «Охрана окружающей сред», «Город»;
- Развитие коммуникативной компетенции.
2. Развивающие:
- Развитие познавательной и речевой компетенций;
- Развитие творческого и интеллектуального потенциала учащихся.
3. Воспитательные:
- Воспитание бережного отношения к природе;
- Воспитание у уч-ся чувства гордости за свою Родину, сопричастности к ее настоящему и будущему и ответственности за ее будущее;
- Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка;
- Развитие навыков сотрудничества;
Стадии проектной деятельности:
1.Вовлечение в работу над проектом.
Территория нашей школы находится в непосредственной близости к Битцевскому лесопарку. Парк является зоной отдых для жителей нашего микрорайона. Зимой на уроках физкультуры учащиеся нашей школы занимаются там лыжным спортом. В осеннее время парк – место проведения ежегодного туристического слета школьников нашего микрорайона. Уч-ся школы принимают активное участие в экологических акциях по уборке территории парка.
2. Анализ и проблематизация.
Захотелось узнать историю созданию парка и усадеб, находящихся на его территории, изучить его природу и обитателей, привлечь внимание к его проблемам и найти пути их решения.
Для работы над проектом потребовалось повторить лексику по темам «Природа», «Охрана окружающей среды», «Город», систематизировать знания по грамматике, совершенствовать монологическую и диалогическую речь.
3. Замысел и целеполагание.
В ходе обсуждения было решено:
- узнать историю образования парка и усадеб, находящихся на его территории;
- изучить растительность парка и понаблюдать за животными и птицами, обитающими в парке;
- выявить проблемы парка и определить пути их решения.
4. Организация и реализация:
Работа над проектом осуществлялась по плану:
Определение темы, целей, задач, типа проекта и конечного результата.
Планирование работы, выбор формы презентации результатов, поиск источников информации, уточнение информации, фотосессия.
Анализ полученных данных, выполнение проекта, обсуждение промежуточных результатов, фотосессия.
Подготовка доклада, презентации.
Регистрация на участие в конференции «Наш дом – земля», выступление на конференции, анализ результатов.
6. Результат.
Выступление прошло успешно. Проект привлек интерес участников конференции, которые высоко оценили качество работы, собранный материал.
7. Продукт.
Результатом проектной работы стало создание презентации и выступление на окружной конференции «Наш дом – Земля».
Образовательный результат.
В классе высокая мотивация к изучению английского языка и высокие результаты по английскому языку за год. Уч-ся изъявили желание участвовать в проектной работе по английскому языку. Английский язык – любимый учебный предмет.
9. Рефлексия.
Рефлексия проводилась на каждом этапе проектной работы, определялись возможные стратегии дальнейшего развития проекта.
Проектная работа была высоко оценена администрацией, родителями и учащимися на научно-исследовательской конференции в школе.
The Plan
- The Natural Park the Bittsevsky Forest.
- The Geography of the Park.
- The former estates situated in the Park:
-the estate Chernyovo
-the estate Uzkoe
-the estate Yasenevo
-the estate Znamenskoe-Sadki
- The natural world of the Park.
- The ecology of the Park.
The Natural Park “Bittsevsky forest”
In our early childhood forests came to our life as a mysterious magician, kind and reliable friend. Forest is a constant companion of Russian fairy-tales and a participant of our great and rich history. Forest is always connected with our Motherland.
There is very interesting and wise Russian proverb about forest: “There is much forest - keep it, there is no much forest - don’t cut it, there is no forest – plant it’’. We think that such a quotation should be a motto of an ecological politics in our country.
This natural park is a favorite place of the inhabitants of our district. A lot of people spend their free time in the park: mothers with their small children, old women with their needle-work and men with their newspapers.
The park is a place where the pupils of our school have their P.E. lessons in winter. It is great pleasure to ski in the forest.
It is also a place where Olga Zaisteva the Olympic champion began her career as she is our school-leaver.
The park is very important because it has many different functions: it is the lungs of our district; it is a favourite place of recreation for the inhabitants. It plays an important ecological role. The Natural Park is a very important special guarding territory. It is an object of historic and cultural legacy of our city – Moscow. On the territory of the park any activity that can cause any damage to its nature is forbidden.
The Geography of the Park
The Natural Park the Bittsevsky Forest is a guarded natural territory. It was founded in 1961. It is situated in the south-west of Moscow. It stretches for 10 kilometers from the north to the south and for 3-6 kilometers from the west to the east. Its territory is 2300 hectares.
The territory of the Bittsevsky Forest includes natural complexes and objects which have a considerable value.
The Estate “Chernyovo”
The estate of Chernyovo is a pattern of the garden-yard skill. It is situated near the station of Butovo. This territory has been referred to the South administration region since 1986.
The grand part of the estate included a park, a church, a fruit garden and a house-hold zone. The main house and the church are in the center of the estate.
The church was built in 1709-1722 by the Tarakanovs.
This estate is a typical example of the Russian architecture.
The Estate Uzkoe
Not far from Yasenevo there is a small settlement Uzkoe. It has a well preserved estate in the middle. In the past it was a typical estate used as a “summer amusement country cottage”.
In the 17th century the settlement was bought by Streshnev, one of the associates of Peter the Great. The Streshnevs built a church in the style of baroque.
In the 18th century Peter Tolstoy became the owner of the estate. His hobby was gardening. He paid a lot of attention to his estate and built a greenhouse, planted a lot of new trees.
Trubetskoy bought the estate in the middle of the 19th century. A lot of buildings were rebuilt. The beauty of the estate was gradually lost.
The last owner of the estate was S.Trubetskoy, the Professor of Moscow University.
V.S.Solovjev, the famous poet and philosopher, lived there for a long time.
In 1922 the estate was turned into a sanatorium. A lot of great Russian scientists, writers and actors rested there. K.S. Stanislavsky, H.D. Teleshov were among them.
The Estate Znamenskoe-Sadki
The estate Znamenskoe-Sadki was founded in the second part of the eighteenth century. The founder of it – Prince Trubetskoy. The estate belonged to him until 1852. The next owners were: the Orlovs, the Shablykins and Katkov, the famous writer.
The estate is situated near the river Obitsa. The house was built in the second part of the eighteenth century. In the second part of the nineteenth century Katkov reconstructed the building. It was built in a classical style.
The building has 2 floors. The ground floor is made from stone and the upper part is wooden. There was a big cattle court. It was constructed in the middle of the nineteenth century. It was one-storied stone building decorated by white stone. The architector was M. D. Bykovsky.
The Estate Yasenevo
The main house was constructed in the middle of the nineteenth century, but in 1924 it was destroyed by fire. There was nothing left after the fire. But the story of the estate is very interesting.
Until the times of Ivan Kalita the estate belonged to Moscow princes. But then this territory belonged to Ivan the Third, who called this estate Yasenevo.
In the seventeenth century the estate’s flourishing reached its peak. But the real miracle was the apple garden. The whole garden was governed by only two gardeners.
Aleksey Mihailovich used to visit this wonderful estate with his wife and his small son Peter. Then Peter the First was a common guest there. The estate changed its owners and in the eighteenth century it became the Lopuchins’ property.
In the nineteenth century the estate changed its owners again: the Gagarins and the Pushkins.
The Natural World of the Park.
The wildlife of the park is typical for the Central Russia. The oak, the lime, the birch, the alder, the aspen, the pine and the fir are the common trees in the park.
The underwood consists of the rowan, the buckthorn, the honeysuckle.
The fern and sedge are the widespread kinds of grass. Here you can find rare ones: the lily of the valley and the lungwurt are in the Red Book.
119 kinds of animals inhabit the forest: the squirrel, the weasel, the bear, the fox, the ermine etc.
The world of birds is very rich: the blackbird, the woodpecker, the nightingale, the chiff-chaff etc.
The forest looks beautiful and different in different seasons and different times of the day.
The Ecological Problems of the Park
- air pollution (the park is situated in the industrial part of our city and there are many factories there);
- water pollution (a lot of different dangerous substances are poured out from the factories into the rivers of the “Bittsevsky Forest”);
- piles of rubbish ( people often leave the litter after parties in the forest);
- destruction of soil (a lot of different substances destroy the soil).
The pupils of our school do a lot to clean the forest and to preserve it. They build special houses for birds.
Of course there are a lot people who want to help our park. But their help will be not enough. We think that all population of our district should take care about the park.
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