Buratino goes to school.
творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Сценарій казки для англомовного театрального гуртка або для постановки під час тижня англійської мови.
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Предварительный просмотр:
( сценарій казки )
Juseppe – an old joiner
Carlo – an old organ-grinder
Buratino – a wooden doll
Harlequin – a doll from the puppet theatre
Pierro - a doll from the puppet theatre
Malvina – a doll with the blue hair
Artemon – a dog
Karabas-Barabas – a master of the theatre
Tortilla – a turtle
Cat Basilio
Fox Alice
2 Policemen
Episode 1
(Джузеппе, старий столяр, сидить у майстерні з поліном у руці )
Juseppe: A good thing! I can make something, for example, a leg for a table. ( Починає тесати поліно сокирою. Лунає тоненький голосок.)
Voice: Oh! Oh! Be careful, please!
Juseppe: ( оглядає майстерню ) Who can say that?
( Знову теше поліно )
Voice: Oh! Don’t hurt me, I say!
( Джузеппе оглядає всі закутки кімнати )
Juseppe: There is nobody here. Is the log speaking?
( Cтарий шарманщик Карло входить у майстерню )
Carlo: Good afternoon, Juseppe!
Juseppe: Good afternoon, Carlo! How are you, my dear friend?
Carlo: Not very well. Every day I think how I can earn for bread.
Juseppe: It’s very simple! Take this log. Cut out a doll from it, teach it to talk, sing and dance, and carry it with you around the town. So you will earn for bread.
Voice: Great! It’s a good idea!
Carlo: Well, thank you, Juseppe. Give me this log.
( Карло бере поліно і йде додому )
Episode 2
( Комірка старого Карло. На стіні висить полотно, на якому намальовано вогнище і казанок, що кипить на вогні. Карло вносить у комірку вирізану з поліна ляльку. )
Carlo: What name shall I give him? I’ll call him Buratino. It’s a very nice name. And my doll is very nice. I made him hair, eyes, a nose, a mouth, a neck, a body, arms, hands, legs, feet. But his nose grew so long! It’s a pity that he is a doll. He cannot walk. He cannot talk. I must teach him to walk. ( Буратіно починає рухатись і говорити. )
Carlo: Oh, what is this? He isn’t a doll! He can see, he can walk!
Buratino: Hello! I’m not a doll. I’m alive. I can talk, I can walk, I can run, this is a fun! ( Танцює. )
Carlo: Hello, Buratino! I’m your father. My name is Carlo. I hope you will be a good boy.
Buratino: Yes, Daddy. I’ll be a good boy. I want to be clever, I want to learn to read, write and count.
Carlo: So, you must go to school.
Buratino: But I have no school-book.
Carlo: Please, wait! I’ll be back in a minute.
( Карло залишає кімнату. Згодом повертається. )
Carlo: Here is your school-book.
Buratino: But where is your jacket, Daddy?
Carlo: I sold it… Never mind! I don’t need it.
Buratino: When I’m big I’ll buy you a thousand of new jackets. Good-bye, Daddy!
( Буратіно іде по вулиці у напрямку школи. З іншого боку чути музику. Буратіно зупиняється. )
Buratino: I don’t know what to do. Shall I go to school or shall I go and listen to the music? All right, I’ll listen to the music today and go to school tomorrow. ( підходить до лялькового театру. )
Buratino: I have no money for a ticket to the Puppet Theatre.
( Підходить до хлопчика. )
Buratino: Hey, boy, buy my school-book! There are a lot of pictures in it.
Boy: It’s great! ( платить за книжку )
Buratino: Thank you. Now I have money for a ticket to the Puppet Theatre!
Episode 3
( У ляльковому театрі. Грає музика. Буратіно сидить у першому ряду. Починається вистава. )
Harlequin: How do you do, my little spectators? I’m glad to see you in our theatre.
Pierro: Good afternoon, children! Today you’ll see a comedy called “The Girl with Blue Hair”. ( починає плакати )
Harlequin: Why are you crying, Pierro?
Pierro: I’m sad because I want to marry.
Harlequin: Why don’t you marry?
Pierro: Because my bride ran away from me…
Harlequin: Ha-ha-ha! What is her name?
Pierro: Her name is Malvina, she is a girl with blue hair.
Harlequin: Dear friends! Have you ever seen the girls with blue hair? ( помічає Буратіно в залі ) Look, Pierro! There’s Buratino over there! Come here, Buratino!
Buratino: Hello, dear friends!
( Усі ляльки вибігають до Буратіно )
Karabas-Barabas: What is all that noise about?
Buratino: I’m sorry, sir!
Karabas-Barabas: I’ll put you in the fire in my kitchen!
Buratino: Oh, Daddy, come and save your poor son!
Karabas-Barabas: Stop crying! What’s your father’s name?
Buratino: Carlo. He is very poor. He has nothing but an old picture of fire on the wall.
Karabas-Barabas: A picture of fire! So, your father is Carlo! And in his room there is a secret… ( закриває рот рукою ) Well, I let you go home, Buratino. Take these five gold coins and give them to your father.
Buratino: Thank you very much, sir.
Episode 4
( Кіт і Лисиця співають пісню і танцюють )
Cat and Fox:
We are liars, fibbers and deceivers.
We are robbers, but we are not killers.
We’ll open easily all locks.
We are money hunters Cat and Fox.
We steal your money, money… ( Ховаються )
( Буратіно йде по вулиці і рахує монети )
Buratino: One, two, three, four, five. I can buy a new jacket for my father.
( З’являються Кіт і Лисиця )
Cat: Hello, Buratino! Where are you going?
Buratino: I’m going home, to my father.
Fox: Oh, your poor father! He is hungry and cold!
Buratino: He will not be cold any more. Look! I have money.
Fox: What do you want to do with that money?
Buratino: I want to buy a new jacket for my father. Then I’ll buy a school-book.
Cat: For what?
Buratino: To go to school.
Fox: It’s a bad idea. Look at me. I lost my leg because I went to school.
Cat: Look at me, Buratino! I lost my eyes because I went to school.
Fox: Don’t go home. Come with us! Do you want to have much more money?
Buratino: Of course I want. But how?
Fox: O. K. I’ll tell you. We’ll go to the Country of Fools. There is a Field of Miracles in that country. There you must make a small hole and put your money in it. Then go to bed. In the night a beautiful tree with many golden coins will grow on that place.
Buratino: It’s a good thing! Come quickly to that beautiful country.
( Буратіно швидко йде. Кіт з Лисицею непомітно ховаються від нього. Буратіно йде в темряві по полю )
Buratino: Where am I?
( За ним крадуться двоє в масках і мішках, доганяють і хапають Буратіно. Він ховає гроші в рот )
Cat: Life or money!
Fox: Give us all your money!
Cat: Right now!
Fox: Or we’ll kill you!
Buratino: No, no!
Fox: Look! The money is in his mouth!
( Прив’язують Буратіно до дерева і уходять )
Fox: Wait till the morning!
Episode 5
( Будинок на галявині, в якому живе Мальвіна. Мальвіна вранці виглядає у вікно і помічає Буратіно, прив’язаного до дерева )
Malvina: Oh! Look! How terrible! He is dead! Help me, Artemon! ( розв’язує Буратіно ) Call the doctors!
Buratino: I’m not dead. I’m alive.
Malvina: Drink the medicine, my poor boy.
Buratino: ( п’є ліки ) Thank you. Now I’m well again.
Malvina: Sit down at the table. Let’s have breakfast. Help yourself! ( наливає какао ) Sit strait, please. Don’t eat so quickly. Take a fork. You are so ill-bred! ( прибирає посуд ) Now I will teach you to write. Sit strait! Put your hands on the desk. ( дає йому перо і папір ) Write: “A nice girl has a nice doll”.
( Буратіно встромляє перо у чорнило і робить на папері чорну ляпку )
Malvina: You are a bad boy! I must punish you. Artemon! Lead him into the dark pantry.
( Буратіно сидить у темній комірчині )
Buratino: A stupid girl! She wanted to teach me!
Bat: Buratino! Look here!
Buratino: Who are you? What do you want?
Bat: Wait till the night! I’ll lead you to the Country of Fools. Your friends Cat and Fox are waiting for you. It’s time. Follow me!
( Буратіно виходить з комірчини, біжить за кажаном і опиняється на Полі Чудес )
Cat: Hello, Buratino! We are glad to see you.
Fox: Come quickly. Today is the last night when you can plant your money. ( приводять Буратіно на пустир )
Fox: Make a hole. Put your money. Cover with the ground. Pore some water. Say “crex, fex, pex”.
( Буратіно виконує все, що йому говорять, потім сідає і чекає, поки виросте дерево. Лисиця і Кіт викликали поліцейських, які схопили Буратіно і кинули у ставок. Тим часом Лисиця і Кіт викопали монети і забрали їх собі, сварячись при цьому )
Episode 6
( Буратіно у ставку )
Buratino: The policemen threw me in the pond. I’m cold. I’m hungry. Help me, please!
( Підпливає черепаха Тортіла )
Tortilla: Poor boy! You believed Cat and Fox. They deceived you. Why didn’t you stay at home? Why didn’t you go to school?
Buratino: I wanted to have much money for my father… What can I do now? ( плаче )
Tortilla: Wait a minute. I’ll give you a golden key. You must find the door and unlock it with the help of this key. It will bring you happiness. ( дає ключик )
Buratino: Thank you.
( Буратіно вибрався на берег і побіг по дорозі. Раптом він зустрів П’єро )
Buratino: Pierro! What are you doing here?
Pierro: Buratino, we must hide from Karabas-Barabas. He runs here. I know his secret. Karabas-Barabas is looking for the golden key. It is in the lake.
Buratino: And what about this? ( показує ключик ) Here it is!
( Їх наздоганяє Карабас-Барабас )
Karabas-Barabas: A-ha! You are here! Give me the key! I’ll put you into the fire!
Pierro: Let’s run away!
( Бігають навколо дерева. Борода Карабаса-Барабаса обмотується навколо стовбура. З’являється тато Карло. )
Carlo: Buratino, my little boy! I found you at last! You are alive! Come to me.
Buratino: My father! Save us! I’ll be a good boy, I’ll go to school, I promice!
Karabas-Barabas: These are my dolls! Give them to me! Give me the key!
Carlo: No, you are a bad Master of the Theatre. You are cruel. Go away! And we shall have our own Puppet Theatre.
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Буратіно їде до школи
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