Сценарий сказки на английском языке для учащихся 4 - 5 классов по мотивам книги Эн Томперт "Little Fox Goes to the End of the World".
материал по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему
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Сценарий сказки
(по мотивам книги Эн Томперт «Little Fox Goes to the end of the World»)
Для учащихся 4 – 5 классов
Обработала и подготовила к драматизации Долматова Ирина Валентиновна
МАОУ СОШ № 26 г. Сыктывкара Республика Коми
Little Fox Goes to the End of the World
(after Ann Tompert)
Little Fox
Little Fox’s Mother
Animals: bears, tigers, elephants, monkeys, One- eyed Cats
Place: Outside the Foxes’ den. Little Fox’s Mother is sitting on the chair and sewing a jacket for her son. Little Fox’s toys are scattered all over the place. Little Fox is chasing a butterfly near the den, straying farther and farther.
Mother (sitting and sewing): Come back, Little Fox, or you may get lost.
Little Fox (walking back to his mother slowly, tired after playing in the soft green grass near the mouth of his den): Someday I’m going to travel to the end of the world.
Mother: Oh, is the end of the world very far?
Little Fox: Yes, it is very far. I will have to go through a deep forest to get to it.
Mother: Won’t you get lost?
Little Fox (coming up to the pile of toys and looking for something): Oh, no. I will carry a lantern (he picks up the lantern and shows it to his mother).
Mother: What will you see?
Little Fox: Bears!
Mother (crying, dropping the jacket and covering her eyes): Oh, dear! Won’t you be scared?
Little Fox (laughing): No, I like bears. I’ll take a lot of honey along and give some to each bear I meet (he demonstrates how he’ll be feeding the bears).
(Children playing the parts of the bears appear on the scene and pretend as if they are eating honey).
Mother: That’s a good idea. I would not have thought of that. What else will you see?
Little Fox (shouting): Tigers! They will roar and growl and try to scare me!
(Tigers appear on the scene with angry faces)
Mother: I’d hide!
Little Fox: Not me. I’ll take my drum and I’ll beat it as loud as I can. I’ll scare THEM away! (Takes his drum and beats it loudly) ( The bears run away)
Mother: I’m glad.
Little Fox: But the noise will scare the elephants. They will come after me.
(The elephants appear on the stage with angry faces).
Mother: I’d be scared.
Little Fox: Not me. I’ll take a ladder so I can climb up a tree.
(He pretends as if he is climbing a tree).
Mother: You will be safe there.
Little Fox: No, I won’t. There will be monkeys in the tree and they won’t like my being there.
Mother: Oh, my goodness!
Little Fox: Don’t worry, I’ll take some bananas. They will like that.
(He pretends as if he is feeding monkeys).
Mother: Is the end of the world in the forest?
Little Fox: Oh, no. I will have to leave the forest and cross the mountains. They will be covered with snow.
(He pretends as if he is cold).
Mother: Will it be hard?
Little Fox: Yes. And the snow will be deep. The icy winds will try to freeze me.
(Little Fox’s Mother is shivering and wrapping her shawl around her).
Little Fox: But I’ll run like a wind.
Mother: And you will have your jacket to keep you warm.
(She comes up to Little Fox and puts a jacket on him to see how it would fit).
Then will you be at the end of the world?
Little Fox: Oh, no. I will have to cross a river filled with crocodiles. They’ll be waiting to gobble me up. If you lend me your broom, I’ll sweep the crocodiles out of my way. (He takes the broom and acts as if he were struggling with crocodiles).
Mother (shivering): Oh, goodness!
Little Fox: Don’t worry, Mum! I’ll take my boat and sail down the river to the open sea.
Mother: You will be safe there then.
Little Fox: Oh, Mum, may I borrow your clothesline?
Mother: What for?
Little Fox: To make a lasso and capture the Four Winds.
(He takes a clothesline and shows how he will be catching the wind)
Mother: But how will you sail with no wind?
Little Fox: I’ll let the East wind out. It will send me toward the end of the world.
Mother: That will be nice.
Little Fox: Oh, no, it won’t. The East Wind will blow up a storm. It will rock and roll my boat and try to smash it against the rock.
Mother (throwing her apron over her head): Oh, dear!
Little Fox: But I’ll let the West wind out. It will blow my boat away from the rocks.
Mother: Good, you will be safe then.
Little Fox: No, I won’t. It will blow me into the island of the One- eyed Cats.
(One – eyed Cats appear on the stage with angry faces)
Mother (crying): That sounds awful! What will you do?
Little Fox: I’ll let the South Wind out. Its gentle breeze will blow me to the end of the world.
Mother: At last. (She puts Little Fox’s jacket on him and buttons it up) But I shall miss you.
Little Fox: And I shall miss you. So I’ll let the North wind out and head straight for home.
Mother: And I shall be waiting for you with your favorite dinner.
One, two, three, four, five,
Once I caught a fish alive.
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Then I let it go again;
Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finger so!
Which finger did it bite?
This little finger on the right.
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