материал по английскому языку по теме
Once when my little sister was four, our mother took us to the theatre.
The theatre was very beautiful. My sister and 1 liked it very much.
When we were in the theatre, my little sister did not talk. She looked at the curtain and at the beautiful walls and the big lamps over our heads. She looked at the boys and girls and at their mothers and fathers. But when the curtain went up 1and a little funny man came out, she looked only at this funny man. His name was Humpty-Durnpty.2 He said:
"How do you do, little boys and girls?"
"How do you do?" we all said.
But my little sister cried:
"Hullo, Humpty-Dumpty!"
Everybody laughed, and Humpty-Dumpty said:
"Hullo, little girl!"
Then beautiful dolls came out and danced. They had very beautiful dresses on, all white and blue.
Hurnpty-Dumpty began to dance, too, but he fell on the floor.
And then Humpty-Dumpty said:
"Who wants to dance with me?"
You know that my little sister was very naughty, don't you? 3
Do you know what she did?
She ran to Humpty-Dumpty and said:
"I want to dance with you."
Everybody laughed. Humpty-Dumpty laughed, too. The other children ran to him, too, and they all began to dance.
"Now, children," he said, "go to your seats."
All the children went to their seats, but my little sister did not go to her seat.
Do you know why she did not go to her seat?
She ran away. Yes, she ran away. She wanted to see the dolls behind the curtain. She found the dolls. The beautiful dolls talked to my sister, and they gave her an ice.
Humpty-Dumpty found my little sister and took her to our mother. Everybody laughed, but my mother was very angry.
Do you know what my naughty littlesister did then?
She jumped up on her seat and cried:
"I saw them. I saw the dolls. They are not dolls. They eat ices. They are little girls!"
My little sister was a very naughty girl, wasn't she?
1the curtain went up — занавес поднялся
2Humpty-Dumpty— Шалтай-Болтай (персонаж английских сказок; он очень неуклюж и постоянно падает)
3don't you? — не так ли?
1. When did Nancy's mother take her daughters to the theatre?
2. Why did the girls like the theatre?
3. Did Nancy talk when they were at the theatre?
4. What did she look at when she was at the theatre?
5. Who did she look at when she was at the theatre?
6. Who came out when the curtain went up?
7. What was his name?
8. Was Humpty - Dumpty polite? Did he say, "How do you do" to every body?
9. Were the children at the theatre polite? Did they say, "How do you do" to Humpty - Dumpty?
10. Why did every body laugh at Nancy when she said, "Hullo" to Humpty - Dumpty? Was she polite?
11. What did beautiful dolls do when they came out?
12. Did they have beautiful dresses on? What colour were they?
13. What happened to Humpty - Dumpty when he began to dance?
14. Did Humpty - Dumpty ask the children who wanted to dance with him?
15. Did Nancy run to to Humpty - Damply when he invited the children to dance with him?
16. Did they all dance with Humpty - Dumpty?
17.Did Humpty - Dumpty ask all the children to go to their seats after the dance?
18. Did Nancy go to her seal? What did she do?
19. Whom did she see behind the curtain? 20. What did the beautiful dolls give Nancy?
21. Who found Nancy behind the curtain and look her to her mother?
22. Was Nancy's mother very angry with her?
23. Did Nancy tell the children many Funny things about the beautiful dolls?
Were they dolls? Why not?
Were they little girls? Did they cat ices?
24. Was Nancy very naughty at the theatre?
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