A Fairytale BURATINO
материал по английскому языку (5 класс)
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A fairytale Buratino
Autnor: Once upon a time long-long time ago in a small town there lived a carpenter.
José per: Knock, Knock, Knock!
Father Carlo: Who are you?
José per: I’m José per, your friend!
Father Carlo: Come in!
José per: What’s happening?
Father Carlo: I am so sad because I’m lonely!
José per: You aren’t lonely! I’m your friend!
Father Carlo: But I want a son!
José per: Then make a puppet from the wood!
1: 10 little fingers, 10 little toes
2: 2 little arms and 1 little nose
1: 1 little mouth and 2 little ears
2: 2 little eyes and 2 little feet!
1+2: That’s you, you are complete!
Buratino: My mouth! I can speak! My eyes! I can see! My ears! I can hear! My legs! I can jump! My hands! I can clap!
Who are you?
Father Carlo: I’m your father
Buratino: What’s my name?
Father Carlo: You will be… Buratino!
Buratino: What’s this?
Father Carlo: This is a house, our house.
Buratino: What’s that?
Father Carlo: This is a fireplace.
Buratino: Is it real?
Father Carlo: No, it is just a picture.
Buratino: What’s behind the picture?
Father Carlo: I don’t know, there is a door but I don’t have a key.
Next morning (after the author's words).
Father Carlo: It’s 7 o’clock, it’s time to go to school. Wake up! I give you money for breakfast, this is your book. Good -bye, my son!
Buratino: Good -bye, Father!
АUTHOR: On the way to school Buratino saw a theatre. He stopped to look at it.
In the theatre:
Karabas Barabas: Welcome to our theatre! Come and buy tickets for the greatest show!
The dolls are singing. Buratino goes forward.
Buratino: What’s this?
Dog: It is a theatre!
Buratino: What are you doing here?
All: We are dancing and singing!
They are leaving…
Piero: We don’t like this theatre and Karabas! He is cruel and hits us. We want to run away!
Karabas: What a hell! Why you are not working, come to the performance, a lazy stupid puppet!
Buratino hides behind a curtain and overhears a conversation between Karabas and a friend.
Karabas: I am so miserable. My theatre is in ruin because of these lazy puppets!
Friend: I know what can help you. I hear that an old tortoise Tortila has a golden key from the secret door. If you open it, you will be very rich and famous.
AUTHOR: Not far from the theatre.
Basilio the cat and Alice the Fox come out.
Cat: I’m tired and hungry.
Fox: Don’t cry!
Cat: But we don’t have any money!
Fox: Let’s find it.
Cat: How?
Fox: With the help of my mind and charm.
Buratino passes by.
Fox: Oh, look! It’s a child!
Cat: Come here, baby!
Fox: What’s your name?
Buratino: Buratino.
Cat: Where are you going?
Buratino: To the school!
Fox: What is in your bag? (points on the money)
Buratino: My father gave me a book and some money!
Cat: Money?! Oh, you may get in the trouble. But we will defend you!
Fox: Come with us. We will show where you can keep and increase your money in safe.
Basilio the cat and Alice the Fox sing a song and help Buratino to bury coins in the field of fools.
Then they take Buratino away and Malvina, Piero, and the dog Artemon arrive. Buratino is lying on the floor.
Dog: Look! There is a boy!
Мalvina: He is sleeping! Wake up! What`s your name?
Buratino: Buratino. (Faintly)
Мalvina: Hello, Buratino! Why you are not at school? It’s time for the beginning of the lesson!
Buratino: Oh, I hate lessons! I need to find the golden key. Go with me to the tortoise.
Sing a song.
AUTHOR: At this time Karabas and his friend came to the lake where the tortoise lives.
Karabas: Good morning, Tortila!
Tortoise: Good morning! Who are you?
K.B.: I’m Karabas Barabas. I have a puppet theatre in the town.
Tortoise: What do you want?
K.B.: The golden key!
Tortoise: Why do you want it?
K.B.: I want to be rich and famous!
Tortoise: Are you kind and honest?
K.B.: Yes, I am!
Buratino, Malvina, Dog, Pierro: No, you are not!
Pierro: Malvina cries all the day because of him!
Malvina: He beats us!
Dog: We don’t have any free time! We must work all the time!
Pierro: We don’t want to work for him!
Tortoise: Poor puppets! I see that you are good and friendly. I will give you my golden key which opens the door to a wonderful new puppet theatre!
Malvina: And where is the door?
Buratino: I know! It’s in my father’s house! He loves me, I miss him very much!
Tortoise: Yes, It’s Father Carlo!
Buratino: Let’s go to my house!
All together: Let’s go!
There is a song in the end.
Who is a good fairy tale enters the house,
Who since childhood everyone is familiar,
Who is not a scientist, not a poet,
And conquered the whole world.
People everywhere know,
Tell me, what's his name?
On his head was a cap,
But fooled be the enemy,
The villains he will show his nose,
And friends laugh to tears.
He will soon be here,
Tell me, what's his name?
It is surrounded by gossip,
It is not a toy, it's alive,
In his hands the happiness key
And because he's so lucky.
All the songs sing about it,
Tell me, what's his name?
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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