Урок 9 класс транспорт лондона
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме
Урок 9 класс транспорт лондона
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Предварительный просмотр:
Form: 9 Date:
Theme of the lesson: Transport in London
Aim of the lesson: активизация лексики по теме: «Виды транспорта».
Задачи урока:
ввести и первично закрепить лексику урока;
совершенствовать навыки чтения, аудирования и диалогической речи;
тренировать навыки письменной речи.
развивать способности самостоятельно применять полученные знания для решения коммуникативных проблем и работы в парах;
развивать поддержание контакта на иностранном языке;
развивать языковые догадки и аудитивное внимание.
воспитать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;
показать практическую значимость языка.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Методы обучения: словесный, наглядный, практический, самостоятельная работа
Формы работы: фронтальная, индивидуальная, коллективная, парная
Продолжительность: 45 минут
I. Организационный момент. Беседа с дежурным класса
A teacher: And start our lesson!
A teacher:
– Who is on duty today?
– Who is absent?
– What date is it today?
– What day is today?
– What season is it now?
– What is the weather like today?
– What is the sky?
- Фонетическая зарядка.
Let's practice our tongue and try to learn the poem.
In the street you can see
Buses, cars and a taxi.
In the sky there is a plane,
On the rails there is a train.
( Учащиеся прослушивают стихотворение, повторяют за учителем, читают про себя и вслух. Те, кто запомнил стихотворение, рассказывают наизусть)
[l] –travel, capital, gallery
[ei] – play, place, stadium
[ju:] – museum, new, beautiful
[i] – big, different, pig
[a:] – park, car, partner
[q] – square, quiet, quick
[i:] – see, street, week
- Check your home task.
Do the test in the worksheets. Choose the correct answer; change your works with the other team, check each other and give marks. (What team will get more good marks?)
Test “London. Sightseeing”.
1. Another famous sight outside the Tower of London is the …
- Pelicans
- Ravens
- Ducks
2. The London home of the Queen is …
- Buckingham Palace
- Westminster Abbey
- Covent Garden
3. London stands on the river
- Nile
- Mississippi
- Thames
4. The population of London is
- Million people
- 10 million people
- 8 million people
5. Big Ben is
- A palace
- A square
- A bell
6. The famous museum of waxworks is called
- Pushkin Museum
- Madame Tussaud’s
- The National Gallery
7. What is the capital of Great Britain?
- Edinburgh;
- Boston;
- London.
8. The British flag is often called…
- the Union Jack;
- the Stars and Stripes;
- the Maple Leaf.
9. What colour are the buses in London?
- red;
- blue;
- black.
10. Britain's national drink is…
- Tea;
- Coca-Cola;
- Coffee.
11. The kilt is…
- a pair of trousers;
- a shirt.
- a skirt;
12. What is the official name of this country?
- Britain
- The United Kingdom of Great Britain
- England
13. Money in the UK is
- Dollars
- Pounds
- Euro
14. What is the most popular free time activity?
- Watching TV
- Gardening
- Reading
15. Which is the oldest university ?
- Cambridge
- Oxford
- London
16. The Prime minister lives at…
- 12 Whitehall
- 10 Downing Street
- 7 Russel Street
- 15 Oxford Street
17. The Great Fire of London broke out in…
- 1066
- 1766
- 1106
- 1666
18. Sir Christopher Wren built…
- Buckingham Palace
- The Tower of London
- Trafalgar Square
- St. Paul’s Cathedral
19. Speaker’s Corner is in…
- Hyde Park
- Green Park
- Regent’s Park
20. You can see the column with a statue of Nelson in…
- Piccadilly Circus.
- Hyde Park.
- Trafalgar Square.
21. … is a very democratic park.
- Hyde Park.
- Regent’s Park.
- St. Jame’s Park.
22. London Zoo is in…
- Regent’s Park.
- St. Jame’s Park.
- Hyde Park.
23. They change the Guard every day at…
- 9:30 a.m.
- 11: 30 a.m.
- 12:00 a.m.
24. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting-point of …
- 5 streets.
- 7 streets.
- 6 streets.
25.The seat of the British government is…
- the Houses of Parliament.
- Buckingham Palace.
- Piccadilly Circus.
IV. Введение в тему урока. Изучение нового материала:
Фонетическая отработка новой лексики по теме
A teacher: Today we have a new topic “Means of transport”. Different people have different hobbies, but many people like travelling. I would like you to look at the blackboard. Will you read the following words? Let’s read these words all together! (Дети произносят слова хором за учителем, заранее развешанные на доске)
- A double-decker bus
- A motorbike
- A van
- A plane
- A bicycle
- A car
- A horse
- Underground
- A helicopter
- A train
- A boat
- A coach
- A ship
- A fire engine
- An ambulance
- A tram
- Ride поездка
- Railway железная дорога
- Voyage морское путешествие
- Airplane самолёт
- To fly летать
- Travel путешествие, путешествовать
V. Let’s refresh in our memory all the words combinations with the words “to travel by”
To travel by:
- Plane
- Car
- Ship
- Tax
- Boat
- Double-decker; - Train
VI. Развитие познавательного интереса, расширение кругозора знакомство с видами транспорта изучаемого языка
A teacher: I advise you to watch a video clip about London transport. See carefully, after ending we will discuss about means of transport in London. Ok!
а/ просмотр видеоклипа «Транспорт Лондона»;
б/ обсуждение по просмотренному фильму.
– How do the people usually travel from place to place? Name, please.
– By bus, by taxi, by horse, by bike, by train, by plane, by ship.
– What transport is the most safe, comfortable and not expensive in London?
– A double-decker bus.
– Is London really a great city?
– Yes, it is.
– Do you pay your attention what colour is English taxi?
– Black taxi.
– What colour are English buses?
– Red buses.
– Is travelling by double-decker bus fantastic?
– Yes, of course. I think that travelling by double-decker bus is fantastic.
– Are Londoners like travelling by bike?
– Yes, they are. I believe Londoners are like travelling by bike.
VII. Read the text and translate it. And in London it is a lot of transport. Let's read about it.
Работа с новыми словами.
If you are on holiday in London, travel by bus. London buses are called double-deckers. They have a driver and a conductor. On the side or on the back of the bus to know where the bus is going.
You can get to most places in London very quickly by the under ground. There are many lines on the London Underground. Buy the ticket from the ticket-office at the Underground station, or from the automatic machine.
If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by-taxi. Their special shape and black color are famous all over the world. The black cabs as they are called have become the symbol of London. . London drivers have green badges on their jackets.
Let`s guess quiz.
1.London buses are called…
- double-deckers
- cars
- taxi
2. Where buy tickets for a trip by the underground?
- from the ticket-office at the Underground station
- from the automatic machine
- from the railway-station
3. What type of transport is a symbol of London?
- plane
- ship
- taxi
VIII. Подведение итогов урока
So, our lesson is going to the end.
Домашнее задание
Выполнить задание к тексту, выучить слова
I prefer travelling by car because it is more comfortable and more entertaining.
I prefer…..
I prefer…..
OK. Good bye!
7. Тренировка навыков письменной речи. Ex.83, p.54
III. Закрепление лексического материала
IV. Home work: p.54-55 (работа в словаре), ex.86, p.55 читать и перевести
V. Итоги урока
A teacher: That’s all for today. Thank you for lesson. You are good! Next lesson we shall listen to the text about popular forms of transport in various countries. You will read and translate it. Have you got any questions? Good-bye, pupils! Дети получают оценки за работу на уроке.
Предварительный просмотр:
1. About London.
2. Trafalgar Square.
Trafalgar Square is in the centre of London. It was built in 1828. In the middle of Trafalgar Square is Nelson’s Column. This Column is fifty meters high. A lot of demonstrations and public meetings take place here. It’s a famous square where on New Year’s Eve people gather to celebrate.
3. National Gallery.
On the north side of Trafalgar Square there is the National Gallery. It houses one of the finest art collections in the world. It includes paintings of the British, Italian, Spanish, French and other famous schools.
4. St. Paul’s Cathedral.
St. Paul’s Cathedral is the city’s greatest monument. It was built by Sir Christopher Wren in 1675–1710. Wren is buried there, also Wellington and Nelson.
5. Buckingham Palace.
Buckingham Palace is an official residence of the Queen and her family. It isn’t open to the public.
When the Queen is in residence the Royal Standard flies over the east front of Buckingham Palace. It has 600 rooms, a swimming pool, a cinema, a ballroom, and a garden, which is like a private park. In summer the Queen gives three garden parties for about 9,000 guests. The ceremony of the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace is a great tourist attraction. It takes place daily at 11.30 a.m. and lasts half an hour. To the sound of music, the guardsmen arrive and pass the palace keys to another group.
6. The Houses of Parliament.
The Houses of Parliament was a royal palace. Now it’s the seat of the British Government. In 1834 it was destroyed by the fire. The new building was built in 1852. It contains 500 apartments.
Among them are the Central Hall, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. When the House is in session a Union Jack flies over the Tower by day, and light burns in the clock Tower, or Big Ben by night. The people of London can hear the sound of the bell every hour.
7. Westminster Abbey.
Westminster Abbey is a symbol of English tradition. The coronation of nearly all English kings and queens since William the Conqueror has taken place here. Many of them are buried within the Abbey. There are also the graves of famous poets, writers, and statesmen. Here you can see memorials to Newton, Darwin, Dickens, Chaucer and others.
8. The Tower of London.
The Tower of London is a very old building. It is nine hundred years old. In the early days of England the English kings lived in the Tower. Then it was a prison where many people died. Black ravens had much food near the walls оf the Tower in those days. Black ravens live outside the Tower now. The English people like them very much.Now it’s a museum housing the National Collection of Armour and Royal Regalia. Many tourists from other countries come to see it. They see the dark stone halls with small windows and thick doors. The Tower is still guarded by the famous Beefeaters who wear a traditional Sixteenth century uniform.
9. Tower Bridge.
Tower Bridge is the only Thames bridge which can be raised. The road over the bridge is built on two central sections, they open 3 times a week to let ships through.
10. The British Museum.
The British Museum has one of the largest libraries in the world. There are more than 6 million books in the library. At present the library has modern electronic equipment.
11. Piccadilly Circus.
Piccadilly Circus is a square in the central part of London. In the square you can see people of many nationalities. Piccadilly Circus is the meeting-point of 6 streets. London’s famous restaurants and best- known theatres and cinemas are on Piccadilly Circus
12. Hyde Park.
Hyde Park is the largest park in the West End of London. In the 19th century it became a popular place for public meetings. The park has Speaker’s Corner where anyone can make a speech about anything they want. It is a very democratic park.
13. Big Ben.
Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world. Big Ben is really a bell. You hear it every hour. It is a big bell. It weighs 13,720 kilograms.
Предварительный просмотр:
- а/ просмотр видеоклипа «Транспорт Лондона»;
б/ обсуждение по просмотренному фильму.
– How do the people usually travel from place to place? Name, please.
– By bus, by taxi, by horse, by bike, by train, by plane, by ship.
– What transport is the most safe, comfortable and not expensive in London?
– A double-decker bus.
– Is London really a great city?
– Yes, it is.
– Do you pay your attention what colour is English taxi?
– Black taxi.
– What colour are English buses?
– Red buses.
– Is travelling by double-decker bus fantastic?
– Yes, of course. I think that travelling by double-decker bus is fantastic.
– Are Londoners like travelling by bike?
– Yes, they are. I believe Londoners are like travelling by bike.
II. And in London it is a lot of transport. Let's read about it.
If you are on holiday in London, travel by bus. London buses are called double-deckers. They have a driver and a conductor. On the side or on the back of the bus to know where the bus is going.
You can get to most places in London very quickly by the under ground. There are many lines on the London Underground. Buy the ticket from the ticket-office at the Underground station, or from the automatic machine.
If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by-taxi. Their special shape and black color are famous all over the world. The black cabs as they are called have become the symbol of London. . London drivers have green badges on their jackets.
Let`s guess quiz.
1.London buses are called…
- double-deckers
- cars
- taxi
2. Where buy tickets for a trip by the underground?
- from the ticket-office at the Underground station
- from the automatic machine
- from the railway-station
3. What type of transport is a symbol of London?
- plane
- ship
- taxi
- а/ просмотр видеоклипа «Транспорт Лондона»;
б/ обсуждение по просмотренному фильму.
– How do the people usually travel from place to place? Name, please.
– By bus, by taxi, by horse, by bike, by train, by plane, by ship.
– What transport is the most safe, comfortable and not expensive in London?
– A double-decker bus.
– Is London really a great city?
– Yes, it is.
– Do you pay your attention what colour is English taxi?
– Black taxi.
– What colour are English buses?
– Red buses.
– Is travelling by double-decker bus fantastic?
– Yes, of course. I think that travelling by double-decker bus is fantastic.
– Are Londoners like travelling by bike?
– Yes, they are. I believe Londoners are like travelling by bike
II. And in London it is a lot of transport. Let's read about it.
If you are on holiday in London, travel by bus. London buses are called double-deckers. They have a driver and a conductor. On the side or on the back of the bus to know where the bus is going.
You can get to most places in London very quickly by the under ground. There are many lines on the London Underground. Buy the ticket from the ticket-office at the Underground station, or from the automatic machine.
If you are in a hurry, the fastest way of travelling is by-taxi. Their special shape and black color are famous all over the world. The black cabs as they are called have become the symbol of London. . London drivers have green badges on their jackets.
Let`s guess quiz.
1.London buses are called…
- double-deckers
- cars
- taxi
2. Where buy tickets for a trip by the underground?
- from the ticket-office at the Underground station
- from the automatic machine
- from the railway-station
3. What type of transport is a symbol of London?
- plane
- ship
- taxi
Предварительный просмотр:
Choose the right answer 1 variant
1. What is … longest river in the world?
а) a b) the c) -
2. Nick’s brother is … writer.
a) a b) the c) -
3. It is 5 o’clock in … morning.
a) the b) a c) -
4. Moscow is … capital of Russia.
a) a b) the c) -
5. Marilyn Monroe was … actress.
a) an b) the c) -
6. Jane is … tallest girl in our class.
a) a b) the c) -
7. Where is … Everest situated?
a) a b) the c) -
8. Would you like … cup of coffee?
a) a b) the c) –
9. … moon goes round … sun.
a) a b) the c) –
10. … tigers are wild animals
a) A b) The c) -
11. ... Volga is ... longest river in ... Russia.
a) -, the, the, b) the, the, - c) the, - , -
12. I'd like to go to excursion to ... Crimea.
a) - b) a c) the
13. … Willams is a hospitable family
a) a b) the c) –
14. The highest mountains are ….. Alps.
a) the b) – c) a
15. Many ships come to ... London along ... river Thames.
a) - , the b) - , - c) the, the
16. You can see beautiful pictures in … Tretyakof Gallery.
a) a b) the c) –
17. ... UK is an island state.
a) a b) the c)
18. ... Australia is ... world's largest island and its smallest continent.
a) the, the b) - , the c) -, -
19. ... California is one of ... most attractive places in ... USA.
a) the, the, the b) - , - , the c) - , the, the
20. ... Canada is situated in ... North America.
a) - , - b) - , the c) the, the
21. The capital of ... United States of America is ... Washington D.C.
a) the, - b) the, the c) - , -
22. The three main parts of ... GB are ... Scotland, ... England and ... Wales.
a) the, the, the, the b) the, - , - , - c) - , - , - , -
23. __Asia and ____ Africa are continents.
a) the, the b) a, a c) --. –
24. Can you show me the way to …. Kunstkammer?
a) a b) the c) –
25. The Civil War was fought between ____ North and ___ South.
a) a, a b) --. -- c) the, the
26. _ Alps are covered with snow.
a) a b) the c) --
Choose the right answer 2 variant
1. What …. funny advice!
a) -- b) a c) the
2. …. Tverskay Street is the central street of Moscow.
a) --- b) the c) a
3. Can you show me the way to …. Kunstkammer?
a) a b) the c) –
4. We live in ____St. Petersburg
a) a b) -- c) the
5. Is ___Australia an island or a continent?
a) the b) a c) --
6. My mother is ...... doctor.
a) a b) an c) the d) -
7. I have ...... apple.
a) a b) an c) the d) -
8. I was to ...... British Museum.
a) a b) an c) the d) -
9. There is a red pen on the table. Give me … pen.
a) a b) the c) –
10. We live in … France.
a) a b) the c) –
11. The USA stretches from ... Atlantic Ocean in ... east to ... Pacific Ocean in ... west.
a) - , the, - , the b) the, - , the, - c) the, the, the, the
12. Where is …. nearest bookshop?
a) the b) a c) –
13. . …. Russia is the biggest country.
a) – b) the c) a
14. An African cheetah is believed to be … fastest animal on … earth.
a) the, the c) --, --
b) the, -- d) --, the
15. ___north of Scotland is known for its wild beauty.
a) -- b) a c) the
16. Are___Urals higher or lower than___Alps?
a) --, -- b) the, the c) a, a
17. People coming to London often do shopping in ___Oxford Street.
a) -- b) a c) the
18. Julius Caesar founded___Tower of London.
a) a b) the c) --
19. My favourite subject at school was___biology.
a) a b) -- c) the
20. … UK is washed in … north by … Atlantic Ocean.
a) the, the, the b) the, --,-- c) --, --, -- d) --, the,the
21. Where is ... Mr Brown now?
a) -- b) a c) the
22. Are the elephants … largest land animals?
a) -- b) the c) a
23. … sun is bright.
a) -- b) a c) the
24. __Red Sea separates Egypt from Israel.
a) a b) -- c) the
25. The chief cities are ... New York, ... Chicago, ... Boston, ... San Francisco.
a) the, the, the, the b) - , the, the, the c) - , - , - , -
26. _ Thames is a short river.
a) the b) -- c) a
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