Подготовка к ГИА и ЕГЭ (раздел чтение)
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему
Задания в формате ЕГЭ для 7- классов, соответствуют заданию B2 раздела Чтение
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Предварительный просмотр:
Variant -1
- Match the texts with the headlines. One headline is unnecessary
- Boy’s favourite sport
- China has large population
- Real wish
- Pen-pals from all over the world
- She likes to take pictures
- China is beautiful
English learners around the world. This year we hope to have fun and learn lots of interesting facts. Now meet Ta-Ming, a new Friends’ Club member from China. We love his photos. Send us your photos and information about your country. | |
The Chinese love rice. We need a lot of rice because there are so many people in China. It’s about 1.3 billion people in China. | |
I live in a village in the south of China. China is very big country with many rivers, dry deserts and fields. There are high mountains covered with snow near my village. | |
Sam plays for the school football team. He’s crazy about football. He practices every day. He often watches football on TV and goes to football matches. He’s a great footballer too. Now he’s taking the cup from the headmaster. | |
Ali lives in Turkey. He wants to have a camera. Every day after school he goes to the market near his house. People buy food there and Ali carries their bags for them. Then the people pay Ali. Ali needs money to buy camera. He always keeps the money in his pocket. |
A | B | C | D | E |
Variant -2
- Match the texts with the headlines. One headline is unnecessary
- They like to travel
- He told about robbery
- Biology project
- Forest full of animals
- Parents can tell about the city
- 3Kids were hiding
The Londoners are doing a project on London, for their History teacher, Mrs. Linton. Mark was born in London. His parents and relatives were born there too. He knows a lot about the history of London. Today he has got an old photo of Piccadilly Circus, a famous place in the center of London. | |
Yesterday I had an urgent phone call from Lord Rich. There was a thief in his house and he wanted to see me. He was very scared and I advised him to call police. | |
Annie and her brother Alex are fond of camping. Every summer their parents take them to the seaside or forest. They stay there in tents for a week or two. Even in winter children make tents, ang read books with a torch. | |
The children went to the end of the school grounds. The workmen weren’t there. Then the children went into the wood. They heard the workmen’s voices and hid behind some trees. | |
Today Kim and Vicki are having a picnic in the New Forest with Vicki’s parents. The New Forest is the biggest forest in theу south of England. It’s famous because it’s got about 1.500 deer and lots of wild ponies. Some of the ponies are friendly and people can touch them. |
A | B | C | D | E |
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