Travelling to London
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме
Разработка урока на тему "Travelling to London» в 6 классе
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Предварительный просмотр:
Travelling to London
Практическая цель урока: развитие умений монологической речи по теме: Great Britain.
1) Активизировать лексику по теме “Great Britain”.
2) Тренировать учащихся в аудировании текста.
3) Научить учащихся короткому монологическому высказыванию по теме “ Great Britain”.
Образовательная цель:
- расширение кругозора учащихся,
- формирование лингвострановедческой компетенции.
Развивающая цель:
- развитие памяти, мышления, внимания;
- развить навыки самостоятельной работы.
Воспитательная цель:
- воспитать познавательный интерес к стране изучаемого языка.
- картинки с достопримечательностями Лондона;
- карточки с планом в виде вопросов.
Ход урока
- Организационный этап.
Teacher (T.): Good morning boys and girls, I’m glad to see you, sit down, please.
Today we continue discussing the topic: “Great Britain”. By the way, what language do we study?
Class: We study English.
T.: Do you want to visit an English-speaking country?
Class: Yes!
T.: Today we’ll visit Great Britain. You will listen to the text about different interesting places to visit in London.
- Речевая зарядка.
T.: But first, let’s revise the material we’ve learned before. What do you remember about Great Britain?
T.: 1) Do you remember where is Great Britain situated?
Pupil 1: It is situated on the British Isles, lying to the north-west of the continent of Europe.
T.: 2) What languages do people speak?
Pupil 2: English, Welsh and Gaelic.
T.: 3) What is the deepest river?
Pupil 3: The Thames.
T.: 4) What part is mountainous?
Pupil 4: Scotland.
T.: 5) What is the population?
Pupil 5: The population is over 57,1 million people.
T.: 6) What parts does Great Britain consist of?
Pupil 6: It consists of Scotland, Wales, England and Northern Ireland.
T.: 7) What is the capital of the country?
Pupil 7: The capital of the country is London.
T.: Yes, you are quite right. There are a lot of sights in London, isn’t it?
Class: Yes!
T.: Today we’ll visit some of them. I hope you’ll like our trip.
- Фонетическая зарядка.
T.: Look at the blackboard. Listen to me, I’ll read the words.
The City
[ Q] – St. Paul’s Cathedral
[^] – The Tower of London
- Westminster Abbey
- The Houses of Parliament
The West End
[sk] - Trafalgar Square
T.: Now, listen to me and repeat after me.
T.: Let’s read the words one by one. Pupil 1 start, please.
- Введение нового материала.
- Тренировка нового материала (осуществлено на предыдущих уроках).
- Активизация материала в различных видах речевой деятельности (в аудировании и говорении).
Предтекстовой этап:
Вводное слово: T.: So, you know already that there are a lot of sights in London. Now I’m going to tell you about some of them.
Снятие трудностей:
Sir Christopher Wren
William the Conqueror
Crown Jewels
To be crowned
To be buried
Bas- relief
T.: First, look at the blackboard and read the words after me altogether.
Установка: T.: Listen to the text and be ready to answer my questions and try to finish my sentences. Pay attention to the facts, the plan can help you. (на парту раздаются карточки с планом из вопросов)
Card 1: Plan
1.Where is it situated?
2.Who built (founded) it?
3.What is it famous for? What is it known for?
4.Who is buried there? (for St. Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster abbey)
5.What ceremony is interesting to watch there? (for the Tower of London)
Текстовой этап: Чтение текста.
Text - “Sights of London”
There are a lot of places of interest in London which are worth visiting.
St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Tower of London are situated in the City. Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament are situated in Westminster. Trafalgar Square is situated in the West end.
St. Paul’s Cathedral is situated in the City. It is one of the greatest English churches. It was built by a famous English architect, Sir Christopher Wren (1632 – 1723). A lot of great men of England are buried in the Cathedral. Among them is Wellington. He was a Prime Minister from 1828 to 1830, he is known for his military achievements, he defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815. Nelson and Sir Winston Churchill are also buried there.
Besides, coronations and weddings are held in the Cathedral. Today the Cathedral is known for the marriage of Charles, Prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer in 1981.
The Tower of London is situated in the City. It was one of the first and most impressive castles after the Norman invasion in 1066. William the Conqueror built a strong fortress to protect London.
Since then The Tower was used for many purposes: as a royal palace, a state prison. Now it is a museum. You can find the collection of armour and Crown Jewels there.
The Tower of London is defended by about 40 men in Tudor costume. The Yeomen of the guard are also known as Beefeaters. At 9.40 p.m. you can watch a very old tradition - Ceremony of the Keys. The Chief Warder closes The Tower for the night. You can find there ravens, fed by a Master of Ravens because of the belief, if the birds die out The UK will disappear.
Westminster Abbey is situated in Westminster. In Westminster Abbey queens and kings are crowned and famous people are buried. It was founded by Edward the Confessor in 1050. It contains the tombs and memorials of many Britain’s most prominent citizens. One of the greatest treasure of the Abbey is the Coronation Chair made in 1300. The Abbey is also known for its Poet’s Corner. There are lots of tombs and memorials to many English poets and writers.
The Houses of Parliament are situated in Westminster. The Clock Tower with the hour-bell called “ Big Ben” is known all over the world. The Houses of Parliament are officially called The Palace of Westminster and since the 16th century The Houses of Parliament have been called “ the home of the Parliament”.
Trafalgar Square is situated in the West End. The Square was so named in honour of Nelson’s victory at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.In the centre of it stands Nelson’s column. The column is over 170 feet high and the statue of Nelson itself is 17 feet high. Trafalgar Square is a place for all kinds of demonstrations, marches and political meetings. And every day it is full of visitors feeding the pigeons.
Послетекстовой этап. Речевые способы контроля.
- T.: Finish my sentences.
1.St. Paul’s Cathedral is situated…
2.It was built…
3.A lot of great men of England, such as Wellington, Nelson, Sir Winston Churchill…
4.The Tower of London is situated…
5.At first it was built as a fortress to protect London, and it was built by…
6.There is the belief that if the ravens die out…
7.The well-known people of England are buried…
8.The Houses of Parliament are situated…
9. The Houses of Parliament are known all over the world for The Clock Tower with the hour bell called…
10.Trafalgar Square is situated…
11.In the middle of Trafalgar Square stands…
- T.: Answer my questions.
1.Where is St. Paul’s Cathedral situated?
2.Who built St. Paul’s Cathedral?
3.Who is buried in the Cathedral?
4.Is Welligton known for the defeat of Hitler?
5. Where is The Tower of London situated?
6. Who built The Tower of London?
7. What ceremony is interesting to watch there? Is it an old tradition?
8.Is there any belief connected with ravens?
9.Where is Westminster Abbey situated?
10. Edward the Confessor built Westminster Abbey, didn’t he?
11. Who is buried in Westminster Abbey?
12.The Coronation Chair is one of the greatest treasure of Westminster Abbey, isn’t it?
13. What is called “ the home of Parliament” ?
14.Where are The Houses of Parliament situated?
15.What are they known for?
16. Where is Trafalgar Square situated?
17. What is it famous for?
- Say, is it True or False (an exercise on a card).
Card 2:
1.Wellington is buried in St. Paul’s Cathedral and he is known for his military achievements, he defeated Hitler in 1945.
2.The Tower of London is not closed for the night by the Chief Warder.
3.One of the greatest treasure of Westminster Abbey is The Coronation Chair.
4. The Clock Tower “Big Ben” is situated in St. Paul’s Cathedral.
5.Trafalgar Square is full of visitors feeding the dogs.
6.St. Paul’s Cathedral is known for the marriage of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck.
7.Ravens live in the Tower of London because of the belief that their meat is very tasty and The Queen likes to eat them at her supper.
- T.: Choose one sight and describe it to other pupils of your group and they should guess what it is (you may use cards with the plan).
Card 1: Plan
1.Where is it situated?
2.Who built (founded) it?
3.What is it famous for? What is it known for?
4.Who is buried there? (for St. Paul’s Cathedral and Westminster abbey)
5.What ceremony is interesting to watch there? (for the Tower of London)
- T.: What sight would you like to visit and why?
7.Домашнее задание.
T.: Your home task is to answer the question: What place would you like to visit and why? So, you should be ready to say what place you consider the most interesting. Prove your point of view (you may use a plan).
8. Итоги урока.
T.: Today we’ve been to London and we’ve learned a lot of interesting information about its sights.
T.: I’ve put the marks…
T.: Our lesson is over. Thank you for your work. Good bye!
МБОУ Брбашская СОШ
Travelling to London
(Открытый урок 6 классе)
Учительница английского языка:
Мухутдинова Г.С.
2010-2011 учебный год
По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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